Dates to Remember From the Principal Deputy Principal Curriculum Corner Community Announcements Uniform and Tuckshop News Chaplain's Chat School Notices IGNITE From the Library Class Reports 10 June 2015 **Chapel Hill State School does not endorse or recommend any of the following advertisements, notices or flyers; this serves as a community noticeboard.** If you do not wish to receive the Newsletter please send an email to from the email you wish to unsubscribe.If you do wish to subscribe please sent an email to Next Newsletter Article/Submissions Deadline – Friday 19 June 5:00pm !!! IMPORTANT: DIRECT DEPOSITS !!! Please make sure the CUSTOMER ID (10 digit number with letter) is recorded before any other details and the correct amount is applied. Part-payments are also accepted. Please refer to ‘Information for the Payment of Invoices’ under School Notices. DATES TO REMEMBER 16.06.15 Senior Sports Day Yrs 4 - 6 18.06.15 Music Evening 7.00pm School Hall 18.06.15 Yr 1 Raw Art 21 - 25.06.15 Yr 6 Canberra/Sydney Camp 25.06.15 - Yrs Prep - 4 Fun Run 9.30 11.00 26.06.15 Last Day Term 2 13.07.15 Term 3 Commences FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents Student Resource Scheme and Voluntary Financial Contribution 2015 Many thanks to all parents who have already forwarded payments for the SRS and VFC for 2015. Each family has received a copy of information about the SRS and VFC. If you did not receive a copy, please visit the Office. If you wish, a payment plan for either scheme can be organised by filling out the details on either the SRS or VFC forms. When payment is made, both forms need to be returned to the box in the office. An invoice and receipt for the SRS will be issued and sent home with your child. Only a receipt will be issued for the VFC and sent home with your child. 2016 Enrolment News at Chapel Hill State School The demand for 2016 enrolments is already significant and both in-catchment and out of catchment families are required to submit an “Application for Enrolment Form” (copies on our website). We need to manage our student numbers very carefully and it is only through clear data on in-catchment enrolments that we are able to determine the size of our out-of-catchment numbers. Forms can be delivered to the office or sent to the school via by Friday 26 June. Prep 2016 Open Day Success at CHSS We were very pleased to see a strong number of families attending the School’s Prep Information Day. We know that the better prepared the students, the smoother the transition into their new School program and that is why we are building on our great preparation/transition program by extending our end of year transition program to a fourth day. Parents were very impressed to know that we are also introducing a pre-Prep interview for each family so that they can connect with the assigned 2016 Prep Teacher. Parents are reminded that both in-catchment and out-of-catchment 2016 enrolments can only be activated if the enrolment form has been submitted. Our out-of-catchment offers are determined based on the number of incatchment numbers. The enrolment form and our pre-set catchment area are both on the school’s website as is the Open Day PowerPoint. Senior Sports/Athletics Day next week (Tuesday 16 June). Senior students are preparing for their big sports carnival on Tuesday 16 June and it will be a great day of competition where we hope to see some long-term records broken. Students not competing will be able to cheer for their house team members as we determine if it is Breddin, Russell or Patterson that are able to claim the overall trophy. Students will be given specific details as we get closer to the event day and this will include information such as; bring a hat, sunscreen, a drink bottle as well as a positive and competitive attitude. The Yr 6 Canberra Trip The Yr 6 Teachers will be very busy in the last week of the School term. Students are off to Canberra and will be busy engaging in the many activities while trying hard to stay warm. I will also be part of the staff team and we are lucky to have the additional support of four travelling parents. Janet Hoek will be taking on the role of Acting Principal for the week while Sam Baguley will be taking on Janet’s normal duties. Student End of Semester Report The School has flagged the trial of a new report format with a key emphasis on an optional parent teacher interview to foster a deeper understanding of each student’s performance. The end of semester report will be sent out via email. This new delivery method will include a letter home to each family to ensure that we have the most up-to-date email address. Families will be able to receive a hard copy by contacting the office. Nationally Consistent Collection of Data The Australian Government is conducting a ”Nationally Consistent Collection of Data” for School students with a disability. This is an annual event which all Schools are mandated to participate in. To find out more about this please go to then click on ”support resources”, ”forms and documents”, “documents”, ”Nationally Consistent Collection of Data”. Please note that parents have the right to “opt out” their children’s information from the data collection if they so choose. If they wish to “opt out” their child’s information, please contact the staff at our school office who will ensure that happens. Click here for a direct link to the info: attachment_3_-_nationally_consistent_collection_of_data_-_parents_and_carers_version_no_2_0.pdf Stewart Jones Principal FROM THE DEPUTY Routines of the Week PLAY FAIRLY This means: Knowing and following the rules of the game. It means taking turns and being polite, helping someone having trouble with the game or giving others a fair shot at winning. PICK UP RUBBISH This means: Put all your lunch rubbish into the bin and leave your Eating Area clean and tidy. PLAY SAFELY This means: Use playground equipment carefully; walk (don’t run) around buildings or on concrete; leave sticks and stones on the ground; If you follow the rules of the playground, you’re less likely to get hurt. Reporting to Parents Reporting is one way we communicate with parents and build school-parent partnerships to improve learning. Our School issues a written report card twice a year that reflects the professionalism of each contributing teacher and the quality of teaching and learning within Chapel Hill State School. The purpose of the report card is to provide information to parents about the learning and achievement of their children. Reporting also gives students a sense of how they are going and areas for further development. Following feedback from staff and parents, and consultation with the P & C, the School has decided to trial a new approach to written report cards. It is intended that the new format be concise and provide a common-sense report of student progress and achievement that all parents can easily understand. What will be the same? In keeping with departmental policy, student’s overall achievement will be reported using a rating for each learning area or subject studied, using a five-point scale. Prep Applying Years 1-2 Years 3-6 Very High A Making Connections High B Working With Sound C Exploring Developing D Becoming Aware Support Required E What will be different? Learning Area Comments: Comments for each Learning Area will be reported on using a five-point scale, ensuring student achievement and effort is clearly communicated to parents and students. For example: Learning Area Achievement Comments English B Effort: Excellent Mathematics B Effort: Very good Science C Effort: Very good General and Behaviour Comments: Behaviour comments cover the Personal and Social Capabilities within the Australian Curriculum. Comments for this section of the report will reflect the assigned rating and the school beliefs about behaviour, ie: students are to be respectful, resilient and responsible citizens. The general comment will be individualised to provide feedback to parents on their child’s learning and specific information and areas in which to improve. General comments may also reflect learning goals and work habits and give parents and students guidance on where and how to make improvements in specific academic or social areas. For more information, please refer to the Department’s policy - Reporting to Parents. Below is a summary of the key information and format to be provided to parents in 2015: From Semester one 2015 Report Cards will be emailed to parents. As this is a new process for Chapel Hill State School, there are some considerations to be taken into account. Of primary importance, we need to ensure that we have your correct email address. A letter was issued to your child on 5 June showing the email address currently held on our records. Please ensure that this letter is completed and returned to the School Office no later than Friday 12 June. You will also need to add to your list of safe senders to ensure report card emails aren't sent to the Junk Folder. Report Cards are due to be emailed 4pm Wednesday 24 June. If you need to provide us with any additional information, please email me at Janet Hoek and Rhonda Martin Deputy Principals CURRICULUM CORNER Mathletics Congratulations to the following students who have achieved a Silver Certificate. Certificates will be handed out in the classroom on Monday 15 June. Alexander PD Thomas PC Piper PB Eytan 4C Brody 4A Abbey 4A Ruby 3E Hayden 3C Lachlan 3C Cameron 3B Willem 3B John 3B Sol 2D Benjamin 2D Harriet 2A William 2A Leila 2A Amelia 2A Namrata 1E Joshua 1D Lachlan 1B Gold Certificates Please be aware that if your child has achieved a Gold Medallion, you will be emailed when it is to be presented on Assembly. Shelley Fanning Head of Curriculum IGNITE Results of the Computational and Algorithmic Thinking Competition (C.A.T.) Last week we presented our Distinction and Credit winners with their certificates during Monday's Assembly. 2015 is the first year that primary students were able to enter the C.A.T., so those in Years 5 and 6 who sat for the test earlier in the year were the first ever entrants from our school. This Competition is in the area of Informatics, which involves the logic behind computer programming. The results were very pleasing. Tyler, Year 5, was awarded a Distinction, and the following students were all awarded Credits:Joseph, Jake and Sophie, Year 5, and Josiah, Ben, Lucinda, Chloe and Zoe, Year 6. To indicate the standard of this test, it is worth noting that there were no High Distinctions given in the Upper Primary Division in Queensland, and only 12 in this Division in all of Australia. We congratulate all students who took part and commend them on their efforts. Janet Freyne IGNITE Coordinator From the Library Premier’s Reading Challenge 2015 The Premier's Reading Challenge is an annual state wide initiative for state and nonstate schools. The challenge is not a competition but aims to improve literacy and encourage children to read widely for pleasure and learning. Children can participate in the challenge by downloading the attached School Reader Record Form. Once the form is completed it can be returned to our school library. Reading starts 19 May. For Prep – Year 6 students to successfully complete the challenge they must read or experience an allocated number of books based upon their year level during the reading period. Children who complete the challenge have their efforts recognised through the receipt of a Certificate of Achievement signed by the Premier of Queensland. For further information visit the Premier’s Reading Challenge website. Key dates 28 August 2015 11 September 2015 Reading period finishes for Prep to Year 6 students Reading achievements to be finalised in the database October 2015 Certificates of Achievement issued and Certificates of Participation available for download 9 – 20 November 2015 Celebration weeks School Reader Record Form For ideas of what to read – have a look at these lists: Chaplain's Chat Hi Everyone, Keeping kids healthy and happy involves looking after their mental health as well as their physical health. Mental health is about the way we feel in ourselves as well as what we do, how we think and how we relate to others. (Kids Matter Primary) As parents and role models, we can sometimes pass ineffective coping mechanisms onto our children, without meaning to. In this week’s article, Michael Grose, talks about 15 healthy ways to manage emotions. Self- talk is a very important aspect and certainly keeping self- talk positive and realistic, goes a long way toward effective emotional regulation. Please click here to read his article. 15_healthy_ways_to_manage_emotions.pdf I have included some general information, around a number of mental health organisations that are available to the local community. Kids Helpline - a free private and confidential helpline for children aged 5- 25. The number is 1800 551 800 Parentline – supports and nurtures positive relationships between parents and children – ph 1300 301 300 Beyond Blue – is a national not for profit organisation working to address issues of anxiety and depression. Their phone number is 1300 22 4636 Butterfly Foundation - A national support line and web counselling service that provides help to anyone with a question around eating disorders –ph 1800 33 4673 Best wishes for a great week. Please see the flyer at the end of the newsletter for the Kenmore Baptist Holiday Camp. Fiona Foley Chaplain From the Music Room MUSIC NIGHT: THURSDAY 18 JUNE at 7pm in the Hall PROGRAM: Junior Band 1. Senior Band 2. Junior Choir 3. Senior Choir 4. Beginner Strings 5. Intermediate Strings 6. Senior Strings WARMING-UP: ALL BAND MEMBERS: outside the MUSIC ROOM in the RESOURCE CENTRE at 6:15pm. ALL STRINGS MEMBERS: outside the COMPUTER LAB at the RESOURCE CENTRE at 6:30pm. CHOIR MEMBERS: not in BAND or STRINGS - 6:45pm outside the MUSIC ROOM in the RESOURCE CENTRE. UNIFORM: All children will need to be wearing SCHOOL UNIFORM for this performance. This means that they will need to be wearing the CHECKED UNIFORM. If your child does not have a checked uniform, then they are able to wear the school polo shirt. CHOIR Just a reminder that both Junior and Senior Choir start at 8am on Wednesday and Thursday respectively. For us to get the most out of each weekly rehearsal it is important that children arrive on time, especially in the lead-up to Music night. I am aware that some children have commitments prior to Choir in the morning, and I appreciate that parents have made me aware that their child may be late each week. WAKAKIRRI Last week 2 green forms were sent home for parents to read, sign and return to the Office. One was about ordering tickets for our performance on Thursday 27 August, and the other was permission for bus travel on the day and a Wakakirri-mandated consent form. Thank you to those parents who have already returned these forms. Please note that all forms must be returned by Friday 26 June – the last day of this term. We have asked all Cast and Crew members to regularly check the glass window outside the Office for rehearsal days and times, as we are now starting to rehearse in our character groups. If you have any questions about Wakakirri, please don’t hesitate to email me at Bridget Cook Music Teacher SCHOOL NOTICES Senior Sports Day 2015 – Yrs 4-6 Tuesday 16 July – Weather permitting 9 – 11 am Girls 200m: 2003 – 2006 Girls 100m: 2003 – 2006 Boys Shot Put: 2004 + 2005 Boys Long Jump: 2003 + 2005 LUNCH 11.30 – 1 pm Boys 200m: 2003 – 2006 Boys 100m: 2003 – 2006 Girls Shot Put: 2004 + 2006 Girls Long Jump: 2003 + 2005 AFTERNOON TEA (15 Minutes) 1.15 – 2 pm 2 – 2.30 pm Relays 400m + 800m 2.30 pm Presentation and Clean Up Parents are most welcome to attend. Andrew Parry PE Teacher P&C Patch Senior Sports Day Packed Lunch The P & C is once again providing optional packed lunches for students for Sports Day (Yrs 4-6 only). For $5 your child will receive: 1 sausage in a bread roll (freshly cooked on the oval) Popper Cookie Choice of fresh fruit The lunch pack can be ordered on the form which was sent home last week. Your order must be completed and paid for by this Friday 12June. There will not be coffee van available at the Senior Sports Day this year. Information For The Payment Of Invoices During the year, invoices and permission slips will be sent home for various activities. Permission Slips All permission slips need to be returned to the box in the Office by the due date. Invoices All invoices need to be attended to by the due date using one of the following options listed below: 1. In person by placing your cash payment in an envelope in the box at the Office. 2. Cheque payable to CHSS and placed in the box at th Office. 3. Credit Card. Details of your Credit Card need to be written on the form provided at the bottom of the invoice and placed in the box at the Office. 4. Direct Deposit to CHSS account. It is most important that as many details as possible are given - Customer ID Number, Invoice Number and Student Name. *Please ensure that the amount deposited is the amount that you have been invoiced. Please note that if you are paying by cash, cheque or credit card the invoice needs to accompany the payment and placed in the box in the Office. Please do NOT cut the invoice/payment slip. If you wish to combine more than one invoice this is quite acceptable. When the payment is processed a receipt attached to the invoice will be sent home with your child. Payment Due Prep - Pullenvale Environmental Education Centre $20 overdue Chess Program $72.00 overdue Yr 7 Camp - $769.00 overdue Student Resource Scheme (SRS) overdue Voluntary Financial Contribution (VFC) A reminder to parents/carers to notify the School about your child's health Please Note: Students who bring any medication (antibiotics etc) to School MUST hand it to their teacher or School Office in the morning for safekeeping. Students may collect this medication at the end of the School Day. Many thanks for your cooperation in this matter. Chapel Hill State School is committed to supporting students' health and wellbeing. We would appreciate parents/carers providing the School with any relevant health information that is required to support the student at school. This information is also collected at enrolment but needs to be updated regularly, or if a new health condition develops. Information about medically diagnosed conditions such as allergies, asthma, diabetes and epilepsy and other health conditions that may require School staff to provide support to students, including administering medication and performing health procedures, should be provided to the School. Additionally, any health need that may impact on School activities such as sports, outings (including camps) should also be discussed with the School. Information should be provided in writing through the Medication Request Form (below) and any specific health plans (only to be completed and signed by the medical practitioner) should be included. Please contact the School to discuss any specific requirements. Please inform the School Office of any changes to contact details or the contact details of the people nominated as emergency contacts. Thank you for your assistance in this regard. All information is kept confidential and only disclosed to the relevant staff required to supporting your child. Please click here for CHSS Medication Request Form **Please take this form to your GP so that they can sign it, otherwise the School will be unable to administer any medication. For any enquiries, please contact the School Office via telephone (3871 4888). Child Absent From School Parents are reminded that if their child is away from School, could they please phone the School early in the morning. Parents can ring our ABSENTEE LINE ON 3871 4860 and leave an appropriate message. Please note that if there is no message explaining your child's absence it will be an "unexplained" absence. Late Arrival to School Students who are late to School need to go to the School Office to confirm their arrival and collect a 'Late Arrival Card' to give to their teacher. Picking up during School Hours If possible, please send a note to your child's teacher explaining a pick-up time or if not planned before your child departs, please ring the Office. Your child is then to be collected from the Office (NOT the Turning Circle) and MUST BE SIGNED OUT. IMPORTANT PARKING INFORMATION Parking in Tinbeerwah If you use the Tinbeerwah entrance PLEASE BE AWARE OF THE NO STANDING ZONE! Please drive carefully and slowly AND BE AWARE OF OTHER CHILDREN. DO NOT STOP in the NO STANDING zones - Cars found to be stopped WILL BE FINED (police could be in attendance). Many thanks for your cooperation. Picking Up and Dropping Off Students It is asked that all parents please pay special attention when driving into and out of the School. With the new students at School there may be some students who are unfamiliar with these normal routines. Please adhere to the parking signs that are displayed in the grounds and on the neighbouring roads (Tinbeerwah, Hakea Crescent, Ironbark Road). Please note the turning circle at the top of the driveway is a pick-up and drop-off zone only. Please note that there have been instances where cars have parked across the driveways of homes surrounding the Chapel Hill School area (Goolman Street). Please refrain from doing so and be aware that if this continues to occur, the owners of these homes will be notifying the police. Thank you for your cooperation. Turning Circle A reminder to all parents that the School STOP DROP and GO section in the Turning Circle can be used up until 8:15 a.m. to access the Out of School Care facility. After this time there are two, 2 minute parks at the end of the Turning Circle that may be used. It is important not to park and leave your car in the STOP DROP and GO section after 8:15 a.m. as it restricts traffic flow. School Banking School Banking is on each Thursday morning from 8.20am in the Tuckshop area. You could win a family trip to Disneyland! How close are you to receiving an automatic entry into the Disneyland competition? Students who make 25 or more School Banking deposits during 2015 will automatically receive one entry into the competition to win a family trip to California’s Disneyland. The prize includes return airfares, five nights accommodation, transfers and three days park entry for up to two adults and two kids, plus AUD$2,000 spending money. For more information, visit There are 23 School Banking days left for 2015, if you would like to know how many deposits you have made so far this year ask us on Thursday. If you have any queries in relation to the School Banking program please do not hesitate to email me at Jane Hallam School Banking Co-ordinator UNIFORM AND TUCKSHOP NEWS Tuckshop News Home Baked Goodies! What a privilege it is to have a number of our community bringing in some delicious goodies this week. Big thanks to Jess who provided us with some delicious Apple Crumble Slice - it was so good and the kids loved it. We look forward to sampling some other goodies due to come in next week. If you would like to be part of the baking fun feel free to send me an email or send in your volunteers form, it's not too late! Pasta Pots, Pizza's and Sushi: Big thanks to those who were brave and tried something new last Friday, the Pizza orders were much more manageable and it was great to see people taking advantage of our Pasta Pots. Remember the Pasta Pots are available every day now, Wednesday Thursday and Friday, there are lots of different toppings available and we also offer Gluten Free selections. Be sure to check out the changes to our Pizza toppings. We are streamlining the Pizza process so that we are still able to provide these yummy hot treats so be sure to check out the available topping selection Have you tried the Sushi on Thursday's? I have enjoyed sampling some of the Sushi that we are getting in from our local supplier - Sushi Pro. It is fresh, tasty and healthy! If your kids haven't tried it yet why not encourage them to give it a go. They will love it! Brown Paper Bag Orders: As you can imagine things are hectic in the canteen first thing in the morning, there is lots to do to make sure that lunches go out on time. One way you can assist in this it to make sure brown paper bag orders have your child's name and their class year with the letter. You can also make sure you're only ordering what is available on the current menu (there have been a number of recent changes so please take the time to have a look at our current menu at Lastly please work out how much your order will cost, write this on the bag and put the correct change in the bag. We aim to get lunch out on time but if these things are left undone it could mean the order's may go out late and the kids miss out on their play time Volunteers: Thanks so much to this week’s volunteers. With some new procedures in place and some willing and able helpers things ran very smoothly in the canteen and I am very proud of the level of service we provided this week! Such a great effort, it was a pleasure working with you all Next Week's Roster: 10th 11th 12th Asako Hay Gail Field Jody Stephens Fiona Haywood Danae Fletcher Tony Leece Barbara Reid (9.30am – 12noon) Holly Carson (10am12noon) Cassie Twemlow Amy Compton HELP NEEDED (8:3010am) HELP NEEDED HELP NEEDED Committed to providing your children with a yummy, fun and friendly Tuckshop. Sheena Abraham Tuckshop Convenor Click here to view the menu: - Tuckshop_Menu_Yrs_P-6 Uniform Shop New Uniform Shop Opening Hours for Term 2: Monday 8.30am - 9.15am Order online at and items will be delivered to your child's Teacher on Mondays/Tuesdays. Please note that orders placed during the week will only be delivered on the following week. Volunteers If you have time to spare on Monday mornings we'd love your help. Please let us know. Contact us at Thanks! Robyn Neill Uniform Shop Convenor Please click her for Uniform Price List COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS **Chapel Hill State School does not endorse or recommend any of the following advertisements or notices; this section serves as a community noticeboard. Newsletter Notices If you would like to place a notice or advertisement in the Newsletter please email Val at by Monday 11am. The Newsletter will be emailed on Tuesday. For further information regarding pricing please email Val or call the Office on 3871 4888. Babysitter required three afternoons a week Babysitter needed for 6 year old on Wednesday,Thursday and Friday afternoons from 3pm to 5.30pm for June 24-26 and July 15-August 6th. Please call Megan Rowe 0423246983 Lost Scooter from top bike rack - Contact the Office Found Ladies size 10 Jacket Sue Dengate Roadshow Are you interested in hearing about how food can affect children’s behaviour, learning ability and health? If so, get your tickets to the Sue Dengate Roadshow 2015: Fed Up with Children’s Behaviour. Sue’s Brisbane presentation is to be held in The Gap at Payne Road School. Date: Wednesday, 24 June 2015 Time: 7pm-9pm Venue: Payne Road State School Hall, 171 Payne Rd, The Gap Q 4061 Cost: $15 per person. Event enquiries: email Sue will also have her book/s and DVDs on hand to sell on the evening. Buy tickets now: Taringa Rovers School Holiday Football Camps Taringa Rovers will be running the following Football Camps during the school holidays – Girls Only Football camp – 1.30 to 4.30 for 3 days Tue, Wed & Thur 7,8,9 July Junior’s Football camp – 9.30 to 12.30 for 3 days Tue, Wed & Thur 7,8,9 July These camps are open to all junior players (Taringa & non Taringa players). Cost: $70 per player Contact: Kelvin Wheeler Ph: 0412 085 388 Email: or To register your interest for the clinics please send an email to Kelvin at the above email address. For more information visit or call 3103 8672 Please click here for more information regarding TERM 1 2015
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