Dates to Remember From the Principal Deputy Principal Curriculum Corner Community Announcements Uniform and Tuckshop News Chaplain's Chat School Notices IGNITE From the Library Class Reports 26 May 2015 **Chapel Hill State School does not endorse or recommend any of the following advertisements, notices or flyers; this serves as a community noticeboard.** If you do not wish to receive the Newsletter please send an email to from the email you wish to unsubscribe. Next Newsletter Article/Submissions Deadline – Friday 5 June 5:00pm !!! IMPORTANT: DIRECT DEPOSITS !!! Please make sure the CUSTOMER ID (10 digit number with letter) is recorded before any other details and the correct amount is applied. Part-payments are also accepted. Please refer to ‘Information for the Payment of Invoices’ under School Notices. DATES TO REMEMBER 27.05.15 Yr 3 Raw Art 29.05.15 ICAS Science 7.55am Computer Lab 29.05.15 Yr 5 Raw Art 01 - 05.06.15 WestCent Music Camp 01.06.15 PA Pullenvale Environmental Education Centre 02.06.15 PC Pullenvale Environmental Education Centre 03.06.15 PB Pullenvale Environmental Education Centre 03.06.15 Prep Writing Session PA Classroom 6 - 7 pm 04.06.15 PD Pullenvale Environmental Education Centre 04.06.15 Prep Information Morning 9.30 - 11.00 School Hall 08.06.15 Queen's Birthday Holiday 04.06.15 Prep Information Morning 9:30 - 11:00 09.06.15 P & C Meeting 7.30pm Arts Building 16.06.15 Senior Sports Day Yrs 4 - 6 18.06.15 Music Evening 7.00pm School Hall 21 - 25.05.15 Yr 6 Canberra/Sydney Camp 26.06.15 Last Day Term 2 13.07.15 Term 3 Commences FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents Fortnightly newsletter from this Term: Starting from Week 2 there will be a more substantial newsletter with a Key Message email going out on the non-newsletter week. This will mean that families will still receive an email each week but the more substantial newsletter report will be each fortnight. This fortnightly release will allow more time to prepare and share all of our news so that we can provide quality information and reports within a reasonable timeline. Student Resource Scheme and Voluntary Financial Contribution 2015 Many thanks to all parents who have already forwarded payments for the SRS and VFC for 2015. Each family has received a copy of information about the SRS and VFC. If you did not receive a copy, please visit the Office. If you wish, a payment plan for either scheme can be organised by filling out the details on either the SRS or VFC forms. When payment is made, both forms need to be returned to the box in the office. An invoice and receipt for the SRS will be issued and sent home with your child. Only a receipt will be issued for the VFC and sent home with your child. New Member to the Chapel Hill SS Office Staff Last week Lynne Wathen commenced a new part-time role as an additional office staff member and will be working with the Administrative team to deliver broad support in and around the office. Lynne has long term experience working in school administration as a Business Services Manager and has already made a smooth and positive transition into our team. End of Semester Reporting Format The new trial for the student End of Semester Reports is under construction and the final version will be presented in next week’s Fortnightly Update. I urge families to read the “Deputy Principal” section of this week’s newsletter as it will be explaining how the reports will be able to be delivered as either a hardcopy or by email. Assistant Regional Director Visits CHSS Our Regional Supervisor (Assistant Regional Director, Ms Jane Sedgman) came to our School last week wanting to see our CHSS Reading Fly-in Squad in action. Fly-in Squad is made up of very skilled teacher aides and teachers and has been in place since 2011. We have seen significant impact from this targeted intervention particularly in the early year levels. The ARD believes strongly in the program and believes that the Fly-in Squad strategy should be submitted as a Showcase Award (Showcase Awards are part of Department of Education’s initiative for recognising excellence in schools). 2016 Enrolment News at Chapel Hill State School The demand for 2016 enrolments is already significant and both in-catchment and out of catchment families are required to submit an “Application for Enrolment Form” (copies on our website). We need to manage our student numbers very carefully and it is only through clear data on in-catchment enrolments that we are able to determine the size of our out-of-catchment numbers. Forms can be delivered to the office or sent to the school via Q and U Wedding The Prep classes staged a mock-up wedding that saw Mr Q and Miss U take their own vowels (sorry “vows”!) and be joined together forever. Students learnt that there is a strong union between Q and U as is seen with each word containing a Q. Wedding Presents included “Quilt” and “Question” Stewart Jones Principal FROM THE DEPUTY Routines of the Week Respect the Property of Others This means: Look after belongings of classmates, teachers, classroom property, School property. Stick and Stones Stay on the Ground This means: Do not pick up sticks and stones. Leave them on the ground. Wear a Hat This means: Be sun-safe. Our School policy is “No hat = No play”. Remember to ALWAYS wear your hat as you move to the Eating Area at break times, and keep your hat on your head at all times during breaks. We are Changing To Electronic Report Cards Commencing this semester, Report Cards will be emailed in PDF format to parents/guardians of all students. This facility has been available to EQ Schools since late 2013, with an increasing number of Schools taking advantage of this option. As part of our preparation for this change-over it is important that we confirm the accuracy of all email addresses. Parents are asked to advise the Office as soon as possible of any recent changes to their email address. Regular information regarding e-Reports will be forthcoming as the count-down to end of semester approaches. Note: Paper copies of Reports will still be made available on requests made directly to the School Office. Growing up Writing - The Power of Writing in Prep Wednesday 3 June 6pm-7pm – Prep A Classroom Presented by Jane Speed-Smith & Janet Hoek Young children want to be writers. Witness their enthusiasm as they make marks on paper, frosty car windows, and any other surface available to them. Rejoice in their excitement and deep satisfaction as they experience the power of making their first written signs and symbols. Keeping that excitement and confidence alive while at the same time introducing young children to the way written language works is a primary focus for Prep Teachers. The importance of writing in Prep - Top tips for parents The intricacies of becoming a writer What should parents do and say when children need help? Handwriting and more… Janet Hoek and Rhonda Martin Deputy Principals CURRICULUM CORNER Mathletics Congratulations to the following students who have achieved a Silver Certificate. Certificates will be handed out in the classroom on Monday 1 June. Toby 1A Michael 1A William 1C Jeremy 1C Samuel 1E Arianna 2A Jordan 2A Mohammed 2A Nathan 2C Gisele 2C Caelan 3E Edward 4C Bridget 5C Thomas PB Loic 1B Charles PB Liam PB Gold Certificates Please be aware that if your child has achieved a Gold Medallion, you will be emailed when it is to be presented on Assembly. Shelley Fanning Head of Curriculum IGNITE Australian Mathematics Challenge Our students in Years 3 to 6 who are participating in the Challenge should be well advanced by now. Please remember that solutions must be totally the student's own work. If they require assistance, please suggest that they come and see me as I have access to the 'hints' allowed by the organisers. Family members can assistant Challenge participants by: * Reminding them that they are aiming to do their 'personal best' with this project. They may not be able to solve all parts of a problem, but they should submit solutions to the parts they can solve. * Making sure they are referring to the Mark Allocation page at the back of the booklet to ensure that they have included all necessary detail. * Instructing them to show all their working, even if it is not specifically asked for. * Asking them if they are remembering to start each problem on a different sheet of paper. Final solutions are due in on Thursday 4th June. Please note that if an entrant is absent from school that day, we request that a sibling or parent brings the solutions to school as competitors may be penalised for having had the advantage of extra time. Janet Freyne IGNITE Coordinator From the Library Premier’s Reading Challenge 2015 The Premier's Reading Challenge is an annual state wide initiative for state and nonstate schools. The challenge is not a competition but aims to improve literacy and encourage children to read widely for pleasure and learning. Children can participate in the challenge by downloading the attached School Reader Record Form. Once the form is completed it can be returned to our school library. Reading starts 19 May. For Prep – Year 6 students to successfully complete the challenge they must read or experience an allocated number of books based upon their year level during the reading period. Children who complete the challenge have their efforts recognised through the receipt of a Certificate of Achievement signed by the Premier of Queensland. For further information visit the Premier’s Reading Challenge website. Key dates 28 August 2015 11 September 2015 October 2015 9 – 20 November 2015 Reading period finishes for Prep to Year 6 students Reading achievements to be finalised in the database Certificates of Achievement issued and Certificates of Participation available for download Celebration weeks School Reader Record Form For ideas of what to read – have a look at these lists: Chaplain's Chat Hi Everyone, I wanted to say thank you so much to the School community for your great support over Chaplaincy week. We had lots of enthusiastic children buying ice-cream last Tuesday, and it was lovely to see all their smiling faces. Many thanks also to my wonderful band of parent helpers. You were fabulous! “Free Dress Day” was also very colourful and it was great to see so many children participating. Part of the money raised will go towards supporting the Chaplaincy Service, and part towards supporting the victims of the devastating earthquakes in Nepal. With the three hundred and fifty dollars donated to Nepal, we could buy over 3000 packets of specially formulated salts that are used for rehydration when people are sick. These could literally save the lives of 600 - 650 children - roughly the entire population of our School! Thanks to the whole School community for a great effort. Best wishes for a good week. Fiona Foley Chaplain From the Music Room Music Night SAVE THE DATE!! THURSDAY 18 JUNE, 7pm Please note that all Band, Strings and Choir members have been working hard preparing for their performance, and as such, it is expected that all members are present on the night. Music Night will give the children a chance to perform in front of an audience and demonstrate what they have been doing so far this year. If your child is unable to perform at Music Night please contact the relevant teacher to let them know. Notes will be sent home next week with more detailed information. We look forward to seeing you all there. Choir Just a reminder that both Junior and Senior Choir start at 8am on Wednesday and Thursday respectively. For us to get the most out of each weekly rehearsal it is important that children arrive on time, especially in the lead-up to Music night. I am aware that some children have commitments prior to Choir in the morning, and I appreciate that parents have made me aware that their child may be late each week. Wakarirri Rehearsals are now full steam ahead! We have our performance date – Thursday 27 August. Please keep an eye out for further information that will be sent home over the next couple of weeks. We have asked all Cast and Crew members to regularly check the glass window outside the Office for rehearsal days and times, as we are now starting to rehearse in our character groups. If you have any questions about Wakakirri, please don’t hesitate to email me at Bridget Cook Music Teacher Instrumental Music / String Lessons There will be no Instrumental Music or String Lessons next week (1 - 6 June) due to students and teachers attending the Westcent Music Camp. Ed Kennedy and Alice O'Donnell Music Teachers SCHOOL NOTICES Student Achievements Student of the Week Congratulations to the following students:- Lucas 3A, Rebecca 6C, Isla PC, Sam 5A, Celine 2B, Izzy 2C, Amealia 3D, Ethan 3B, Sydnee 2A, Chelsey 1D, Jayden 1A, Max 1E, Lachlan 6B, Kiara 4C, Lucy PB, Verity 6A, Rosie 4B, Harry 2D, Bridget 5C, Hayden 5B, Jackson 3C, Jemma 4B Nationals Congratulations Amelie 6D for being selected into the Queensland Rythmic Gymnastics team. She competes at the end of the month at the Nationals in Melbourne. Good Luck! West Akuna Regionals Congratulations to Lucy 6B and Bridget 5C who have been selected to represent West Akuna at the Regional U12 Girl's Touch Trials. Information For The Payment Of Invoices During the year, invoices and permission slips will be sent home for various activities. Permission Slips All permission slips need to be returned to the box in the Office by the due date. Invoices All invoices need to be attended to by the due date using one of the following options listed below: 1. In person by placing your cash payment in an envelope in the box at the Office. 2. Cheque payable to CHSS and placed in the box at th Office. 3. Credit Card. Details of your Credit Card need to be written on the form provided at the bottom of the invoice and placed in the box at the Office. 4. Direct Deposit to CHSS account. It is most important that as many details as possible are given - Customer ID Number, Invoice Number and Student Name. *Please ensure that the amount deposited is the amount that you have been invoiced. Please note that if you are paying by cash, cheque or credit card the invoice needs to accompany the payment and placed in the box in the Office. Please do NOT cut the invoice/payment slip. If you wish to combine more than one invoice this is quite acceptable. When the payment is processed a receipt attached to the invoice will be sent home with your child. Payment Due Prep - Pullenvale Environmental Education Centre $20 due Tuesday 26 May Chess Program $72.00 due Friday 5 June Yr 7 Camp - $769.00 due Wednesday 17 June Prep - Reverse Garbage $7.00 overdue Yr 6 - T-Shirt overdue Yr 2 - Bridges and Powerhouse $19.50 overdue Student Resource Scheme (SRS) overdue Voluntary Financial Contribution (VFC) A reminder to parents/carers to notify the School about your child's health Please Note: Students who bring any medication (antibiotics etc) to School MUST hand it to their teacher or School Office in the morning for safekeeping. Students may collect this medication at the end of the School Day. Many thanks for your cooperation in this matter. Chapel Hill State School is committed to supporting students' health and wellbeing. We would appreciate parents/carers providing the School with any relevant health information that is required to support the student at school. This information is also collected at enrolment but needs to be updated regularly, or if a new health condition develops. Information about medically diagnosed conditions such as allergies, asthma, diabetes and epilepsy and other health conditions that may require School staff to provide support to students, including administering medication and performing health procedures, should be provided to the School. Additionally, any health need that may impact on School activities such as sports, outings (including camps) should also be discussed with the School. Information should be provided in writing through the Medication Request Form (below) and any specific health plans (only to be completed and signed by the medical practitioner) should be included. Please contact the School to discuss any specific requirements. Please inform the School Office of any changes to contact details or the contact details of the people nominated as emergency contacts. Thank you for your assistance in this regard. All information is kept confidential and only disclosed to the relevant staff required to supporting your child. Please click here for CHSS Medication Request Form **Please take this form to your GP so that they can sign it, otherwise the School will be unable to administer any medication. For any enquiries, please contact the School Office via telephone (3871 4888). Child Absent From School Parents are reminded that if their child is away from School, could they please phone the School early in the morning. Parents can ring our ABSENTEE LINE ON 3871 4860 and leave an appropriate message. Please note that if there is no message explaining your child's absence it will be an "unexplained" absence. Late Arrival to School Students who are late to School need to go to the School Office to confirm their arrival and collect a 'Late Arrival Card' to give to their teacher. Picking up during School Hours If possible, please send a note to your child's teacher explaining a pick-up time or if not planned before your child departs, please ring the Office. Your child is then to be collected from the Office (NOT the Turning Circle) and MUST BE SIGNED OUT. IMPORTANT PARKING INFORMATION Parking in Tinbeerwah If you use the Tinbeerwah entrance PLEASE BE AWARE OF THE NO STANDING ZONE! Please drive carefully and slowly AND BE AWARE OF OTHER CHILDREN. DO NOT STOP in the NO STANDING zones - Cars found to be stopped WILL BE FINED (police could be in attendance). Many thanks for your cooperation. Picking Up and Dropping Off Students It is asked that all parents please pay special attention when driving into and out of the School. With the new students at School there may be some students who are unfamiliar with these normal routines. Please adhere to the parking signs that are displayed in the grounds and on the neighbouring roads (Tinbeerwah, Hakea Crescent, Ironbark Road). Please note the turning circle at the top of the driveway is a pick-up and drop-off zone only. Please note that there have been instances where cars have parked across the driveways of homes surrounding the Chapel Hill School area (Goolman Street). Please refrain from doing so and be aware that if this continues to occur, the owners of these homes will be notifying the police. Thank you for your cooperation. Turning Circle A reminder to all parents that the School STOP DROP and GO section in the Turning Circle can be used up until 8:15 a.m. to access the Out of School Care facility. After this time there are two, 2 minute parks at the end of the Turning Circle that may be used. It is important not to park and leave your car in the STOP DROP and GO section after 8:15 a.m. as it restricts traffic flow. School Banking School Banking is on each Thursday morning from 8.20am in the Tuckshop area. If you have any queries in relation to the School Banking program please do not hesitate to email me at Jane Hallam School Banking Co-ordinator UNIFORM AND TUCKSHOP NEWS Tuckshop News Be aware that there will be a few changes to the menu in the coming weeks, bringing back old favourites and simplifying staples! Would you like to do some home baking for the canteen? If you love to bake and can help out in this way please email, a little home made goodies will go a long way! We will be having a bake up in the canteen next Tuesday if you would like to join us. Please consider volunteering in the canteen. We are short on volunteers and are in need of some new helpers. Many hands really do make light work so come on down and lend a hand or fill in the form that will be coming home with your children this week to let us know when you are free. Sheena Abraham Tuckshop Convenor Click here to view the menu: - Tuckshop_Menu_Yrs_P-6_ Uniform Shop New Uniform Shop Opening Hours for Term 2: Monday 8.30am - 9.15am Order online at and items will be delivered to your child's Teacher on Mondays/Tuesdays. Please note that orders placed during the week will only be delivered on the following week. Volunteers If you have time to spare on Monday mornings we'd love your help. Please let us know. Contact us at Thanks! Robyn Neill Uniform Shop Convenor Please click her for Uniform Price List COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS **Chapel Hill State School does not endorse or recommend any of the following advertisements or notices; this section serves as a community noticeboard. Newsletter Notices If you would like to place a notice or advertisement in the Newsletter please email Val at by Monday 11am. The Newsletter will be emailed on Tuesday. For further information regarding pricing please email Val or call the Office on 3871 4888. Winter Swim Program Winter Swim Program- Ambrose Treacy College( Formerly Nudgee Junior) Heated Facility offering Learn to Swim, Stroke Development and Squad Programs. All enquiries to Aquatics@ GuttaFilta For more information visit www.acetennisaustralia.comor call 3103 8672 Please click here for more information regarding TERM 1 2015
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