41stSeptember May 20152012 PRINCIPAL’S REPORT . . . Welcome to Term 2. School ANZAC Centenary Ceremony: Last Friday we honoured the former students and teachers identified on our WWI Honour Board at our ANZAC Commemoration. Features of the ceremony included: Crosses in a field of poppies in our commemorative garden; Planting of a “Lone Pine” by Cadet Corporal Liam Geary and Lance Corporal Michael Lobley, from A Battalion 2nd Cavalry Regiment, Lavarack Barracks; Unveiling a memorial plaque from RSL Qld by Mr Robbie Robinson; Students wearing Veterans’ plaques for those on the Honour Board—an initiative called RSL Community Links; A moving speech by Lt Reginald Buller about ANZAC Day; Two ASLAV armoured vehicles which students were able to engage with interactively. It was particularly special to have the general community attend as there were many past students present to enjoy the ceremony. Town Ceremonies: Staff and students are to be commended on their dedication to honouring and remembering those who served by attending both the Dawn Service and Town March. It was an honour for our Marching Band, under the tutelage of music director, Haddon Mossley, to lead the parade. Well done Team Towers! Parent-Teacher Evening: This week’s parent-teacher evening afforded parents the opportunity to receive valuable feedback on the academic progress and outcomes of Term 1 learning. These opportunities are invaluable in that they afford parents 1:1 access with their child’s teachers. Deputy Principal Senior School: I am currently in the process of preparing to interview successful applicants for this permanent position to be appointed in Term 3. Currently, Shirley Holcombe is acting in this position. Congratulations: Scott Parker has been invited to host a team of debating students from State High at the prestigious Australian Individual Public Speaking and Debating Championships in Melbourne. State High will be the only Queensland school representing the state. This is a huge coup for State High and the Charters Towers community. DATE CLAIMERS . . . Reminders: 1. Students are aware that participation in any extracurricula activities including, but not limited to, excursions and sport, requires 95% attendance and no more than two major behaviours recorded. These conditions also apply to point 2 below. 2. State High is hosting the Senior Formal this year and students are busy planning. Parents are reminded that all fees will need to be finalised before a student will be eligible to purchase a ticket, in accordance with EQ Departmental Policy. Looking forward to a productive term. Yours in Education, Moya A Mohr ,Principal Debating Round 1 Tuesday 5th May at CTSHS Interschool Cross Country (CTSHS Host) Monday 11th May at the Airport. 8am to 12 noon. P&C Meeting Tuesday 12th May, 6.30 pm in the office block NAPLAN Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 12, 13 and 14 May Next Newsletter issued Friday 15th May Debating Round 2 Tuesday 19th May at BTC PLEASE NOTE: This will be the last newsletter sent to the Skoolbag App. The open girls State High tennis team finished off Term 1 with a well fought win over BTC. This season Haley Rolley and Kassidy Rose-McMahon were the lynchpins of the team, defeating all of their single opponents. Jerisse Arboleda and Crizalyn Benevente were instrumental in taking some key matches to help State High finish 2nd overall. Special mention should go to Jade Miller, Year 7, who played for the open girls and defeated her opposition 6-0. Finally, thanks must be given to their inspirational coach Mr Middleton, who ensured the girls remained tenacious and focussed throughout the season. Congratulations to Georgia Richards who came runner up in the Kalynda Chase Junior Development Series Tournament (Tennis) in Division 1. A great achievement. LEIGH MIDDLETON AND HADDON MOSSLEY, TEACHERS This term the Year 10 students will be working on their ‘Future Pathways’ booklet in Life Choices. This booklet prepares the students for their SET Plan, which is the plan that they outline for the next two years of their secondary education. Along the way students will hear from a number of guest speakers including Christine Barnes, Guidance Officer, and a guest speaker from TAFE. More information on this important process will follow later this term. WESLEY SMITH, YEAR 10 COORDINATOR Prevocational Maths students have been using their navigation skills to design and plot a course within the school grounds as part of their last assessment task. Students used compasses to determine bearings between waypoints and ratios to plot their course on paper. A drone was used to demonstrate how modern technology has enabled automated flight following predetermined waypoints of a path around the school. The drone also captured video and pictures of the school as it followed its path. LANCE MACKENZIE, TEACHER The Year 7s have been investigating water in Science. We have been looking into the importance of water in everyday lives and contaminants that can affect the quality of water. We conducted an experiment separating a mixture of sand, salt and water, using two different separation techniques. REBECCA BROOKS AND AARON GEE, TEACHERS The Charters Towers State High Marching Band had the great honour of leading the 2015 ANZAC Day procession up Gill Street with Year 11 student Kassidy Rose-McMahon taking leadership of the 55 plus member ensemble as Drum Major. Students range from novice to experienced players, who have come together throughout Term 1 to rehearse the music and practice marching drills around the oval. State High staff and students couldn’t be prouder of their achievements. In other news: Congratulations to KassidyRose McMahon on achieving 96/100 – High Distinction on her AMEB grade 3 Theory exam. AMEB Piano exams are just around the corner. Next weekend Sophie Baron and Kassidy-Rose McMahon will sit their Grade 5 Piano exam, while Jerisse Arboleda, after only learning for a year, will sit her Preliminary exam. We acknowledge the hard work of the girls and wish them the best of luck for their exam in Townsville. 11 State High students have been selected in the upcoming Middle School State Honours Ensemble Program in Townsville in June. This is a great achievement for the students and a testament to their hard work over the years. Nominee First name Nominee Surname Age Schoo l Year Instrument Result Kendrah Barrett 13 8 Clarinet Reserve Ruby Boundy 13 9 Flute Successful Sinead Cowan 12 8 Saxophone Alto Reserve Jordan Dietrich 13 8 Saxophone Alto Successful Bailey Duffin 12 8 Trumpet Successful Makayla Killick 12 8 Clarinet Reserve Aleisha Langburne 12 8 Trumpet Reserve Noah Niemi 12 7 Percussion (all except Mallets) Reserve Emily Pankhurst 11 7 Saxophone Baritone Successful Taliesin Pankhurst 13 9 Percussion (all except Mallets) Reserve Stewart Sams 13 9 Clarinet Successful HADDON MOSSLEY, DIRECTOR OF MUSIC FOR CLUSTER SCHOOLS Commemorating 100 Years of ANZAC, 2015 In the school: In the Town: I am available for students and parents at the school on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesday and every second Thursday. Please feel free to make an appointment by phoning the school, or students can put a note under the door of room B20. (Asthma Australia) This month we have World Asthma Day on 5th May so, with this in mind, I thought that we should look at the triggers and symptoms, especially with winter approaching. Triggers: Breathe in (eg smoke, cool air) Catch (eg cold, flu) Feel (eg emotions, stress) Do (eg exercise, laughing) Food or drink Symptoms: Breathlessness Wheezing Tight chest Persistent coughing MARGARET HALLING, SCHOOL BASED YOUTH HEALTH NURSE First Aid: Make sure your child, if an asthmatic, has a current puffer with them at all times. Make sure the puffer is not empty or nearly empty. Junior Secondary House Challenge Congratulations to all students who took part in the Challenge during Term 1; some spectacular b’ball skills were on show. The Challenge ended with a nail biting game between teachers and students. While the game was close, no one can argue that the A team of Miss Bhullar, Mr Johnson, Miss Silver, Miss Kirkpatrick and Miss Halfpenny where the clear winners. The winners of term one will be announced and the trophy awarded at the next junior secondary assembly on Tuesday 5th May. The next challenge will also be announced and we are sure all await this with baited breath. The next challenge will start in week four and is one that may mean the end of the teachers’ winning streak. We would like to say a big “thank you” to Megan Louk, Alyssa ConGoo and Harmony Barath who gave up their lunchtimes to umpire the games; we couldn’t have done it without you girls. YOUR YEAR LEVEL COORDINATORS N A P L A N This month students in Years 7 and 9 will undergo the 2015 NAPLAN tests. The National Assessment Program (NAP) is the measure through which governments, education authorities, schools and the community can determine whether or not young Australians are meeting important educational outcomes. These outcomes are used by the school and teachers to target areas for development with students. NAPLAN also gives parents and students a measure of their educational ability in comparison to students around the Nation. Parents should discuss regularly with students the importance of NAPLAN and encourage students to give the process their utmost effort. Equipment Required: Please see the dates below and ensure your student has the essential equipment: 1. 2 x 2B Pencils 2. 1 x Rubber 3. 1 x Sharpener 4. 1 x 30 cm ruler 5. 1 x scientific calculator Year 7 Year 9 Tuesday 12 May 2015 Language conventions 45 minutes Writing 40 minutes Language conventions 45 minutes Writing 40 minutes Wednesday 13 May 2015 Reading 65 minutes Reading 65 minutes Thursday 14 May 2015 Numeracy (calculator) 40 minutes Numeracy (non-calculator) 40 minutes Numeracy (calculator) 40 minutes Numeracy (non-calculator) 40 minutes Adjustments, Exemptions and Withdrawals: If you require information about adjustments for students with disability, exemptions or withdrawing your child from the test on religious or philosophical objections, please contact Derek Copelin, Deputy Principal for Junior Secondary, on 4754 6555. AARON WILLIS, JUNIOR SECONDARY HEAD OF DEPARTMENT School Expectations: I am Safe I am a Learner I am Respectful S ch o o l U n i f o r m s W Titley & Co have decided to move all of the State High uniforms to their Department Store at 60 Gill Street. Previously to this the uniforms have been available at both the Western and Work Store (248 Gill) and the Department Store (60 Gill). In the next few months they intend to move all of the school wear to the one location. The main reason for this is that it will make it a lot easier to manage. Food for Thought In the early 1500s in Florence, Italy, there was a huge piece of marble that many sculptors had declared as useless because of a large deep hole that was in it. There was, however, one man who saw things differently; he believed that in spite of this hole he could still create something beautiful. This man was Michelangelo. After several years of hard work, he transformed that ‘flawed’ block into the magnificent statue that the world now knows as the Statue of David. Think about this for a moment. All of us have flaws and imperfections – just like that original piece of marble. Some people feel that they are too thin, too plump, too short or too tall or perhaps just not as attractive as others. These thoughts can even lead some people to believe that they are of little worth. However, the truth of the matter is that your value does not come from what you look like on the outside; it is the beauty of your personality that will have the deepest impact on others. Decide today to stop focussing on any perceived negatives in your appearance. Instead, work at sculpting your personality and behaviour into the best that it can be by getting rid of bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words and slander. Try being patient with each other and make allowance for each other’s faults. If you work hard in these areas, you will automatically become a more beautiful and more loved person. We hope you had a wonderful break over the Easter Holidays and look forward to catching up during Term 2. SHARON BEVERIDGE AND HELEN MILTON, CHAPLAINS 33.3 % of women had experienced physical violence since the age of 15. (The Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2013) What is Love Bites? Love Bites is a youth education program run by NAPCAN regarding prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. The program runs over 2 days to build awareness in a safe space while teaching young people about self-respect, increasing self-esteem and encouraging problem solving. Open discussions are encouraged regarding topics such as bullying, domestic violence, sexual harassment, sexual assault, what is consent and how to gain consent appropriately. Creative activities are conducted following information sessions to re-force learning, share opinions and to provide opportunity for school or community education through art and media. Who is Love Bites for? This program is aimed at 14- 17 year old women (Year 10 or 11) wanting to learn prevention strategies to support themselves and the people around them . This course provides basic knowledge about support agencies and services available to a victim or support person of someone facing violence. This two day program will be facilitated by the Charters Towers Neighbourhood Centre on Saturday 30th May and Sunday 31st May. For further information and to register for the program please call Kaylee Cumming or Katie Dunlop at the Charters Towers Neighbourhood Centre 3 Powell Lane Ph: 4787 4797
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