Schooltime Matinees 2015-16 MAIL, EMAIL OR REGISTER ONLINE TODAY! PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED MAY 4 Schooltime Matinees are open to public school, private/parochial school, homeschool, and accredited non-profit daycare groups. Seats are not available for the general public. SCHOOL / HOMESCHOOL _______________________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________________________________ CITY _______________________________ STATE _____ ZIP __________ PRICING Prices are based on the number of seats purchased to any one performance: TEACHER ____________________________________________________ EMAIL _______________________________________________________ PHONE (SCHOOL) __________________ PHONE (CELL) __________________ Less than 10 seats: $8 each 11-100 seats: $7.50 each 101-200 seats: $7 each 201+ seats: $6.50 each Seats for Alice In Wonderland, Jr. on THU, JAN 21, 2016 are $5.50 each, regardless of the number purchased. BILLING CONTACT _____________________________________________ GRADES ATTENDING (CIRCLE ALL APPLICABLE) 4K 5K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 HIGH SCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION SPECIAL NEEDS _____________________________________________________________________________ NUMBER OF SEATS (INCLUDING TEACHERS, AIDES, STUDENTS, PARENTS/CHAPERONES) _____________ PERFORMANCES □ 10:00 AM THU, OCT 15 • Hiawatha □ 10:00 AM FRI, OCT 16 • Letters Home □ 10:00 AM MON, OCT 19 • The Berenstain Bears □ 10:00 AM FRI, OCT 23 • Shakespeare Alive! FRI, DEC 11 • Doktor Kaboom: Live Wire □ 10:00 AM MON, DEC 14 • Twas...Before Christmas □ 10:00 AM □ 10:00 AM THU, JAN 21 • Alice In Wonderland, Jr. TUE, FEB 2 • Walk On: The Rosa Parks Story □ 10:00 AM FRI, FEB 5 • Goodnight Moon/Runaway Bunny □ 10:00 AM □ 10:00 AM WED, FEB 17 • A Perfect Balance □ 10:00 AM FRI, FEB 19 • Let’s Go Science Show □ 10:00 AM MON, FEB 22 • Lily’s Crossing MON, MAR 14 • BFG (The Big Friendly Giant) □ 10:00 AM FRI, APR 15 • Masters of Hawaiian Music □ 10:00 AM □ 10:00 AM MON, APR 25 • The Lightning Thief □ 12:30 PM ADD-ON COMMENTS □ 12:30 PM □ Art Workshop □ 12:30 PM □ Art Workshop □ 12:30 PM □ 12:30 PM □ Art Workshop □ 12:30 PM □ 12:30 PM □ Art Workshop □ 12:30 PM □ 12:30 PM □ 12:30 PM □ 12:30 PM □ 12:30 PM All Performances are 60 minutes in length, except Alice In Wonderland, Jr., which is 70 minutes long. □ I would like to reserve a space for lunch. □ I am interested in an Arts Immersion Day! 2015 2016 □ THU, OCT 1 □ THU, OCT 29 □ THU, NOV 19 □ THU, FEB 11 □ THU, MAR 10 □ THU, APR 14 □ THU, MAY 5 □ I would like to choose my own Arts Immersion Day! List preferred dates below □ ___________________________________________ □ ___________________________________________ Questions about Arts Immersion Days? 262-670-0560, ext. 4 or Orders placed less than 30 days prior to the show must be processed over the phone so that availability can be confirmed and full payment collected at that time. FOR OFFICE USE I understand that this is an order request and will only be filled if seats are still available for the chosen performance. The Schauer Center will mail me a confirmation/invoice, along with a Schooltime Matinee contract, within two (2) business days of my reservation. If I do not receive a confirmation, it is my responsibility to contact the Schauer Center to ensure receipt. Note: Online/mail/email reservation requests will be processed in the order they are received. Phone reservations start Monday, May 4 at 9:00 am. SIGNED _______________________________________________ DATE ________________ 147 N. Rural Street, Hartford, WI 53027 • 262-670-0560, ext. 201 • SchauerFieldTrips.ORG
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