Assumption Catholic School Excellence in Body, Mind and Spirit since 1913, still burning bright! Next School Mass Friday, 4/24/15 at 10:30 am, (1st grade) All School Mass Fr. Scott will be celebrating Mass, DRESS UNIFORMS Parents are always welcome to come to Mass! A Message from the Principal April 22, 2015 May Crowning and Living Rosary Our May Crowning and Living Rosary is on May 1st at 7:00 P.M. in the church. As a school named Assumption, one of our central themes is our devotion to Mary. The May Crowning and Living Rosary are a celebration specifically devoted to honoring Mary. It is truly a celebration of who we are. The eighth and second graders will lead the crowning of Mary, and grades three through seven will be the Living Rosary. Students need to be in dress uniforms (with the exception of second and eighth graders: Eighth graders will wear their best attire, and the second graders will wear their First Communion finery). Student attendance is required. ~ Monica Des Jarlais Special Points of Interest PTC MEETING MARK YOUR CALENDARS 4.22.15—PTC Meeting in the LMC, 7:00 pm (MATH!) 4.24.15—All School Mass (1st) , 10:30 am DRESS UNIFORMS April 22, 2015 7 p.m. Math Discussion 4.29.15—Hot Lunch (K-5 only) as the Middle School students are on retreat off campus 5.1.15—May Crowning and Living Rosary, 7:00 pm in the church, required student attendance 5.8.15—All School Mass (K), 10:30 am DRESS UNIFORMS 5.8.15—Mother’s Tea (4th gr.) 5.8.15—Last day to order pizza for 5.11.15 Pizza Lunch 5.11.15—Pizza Lunch 5.13.15—PTC General Meeting in the LMC, 7:00 pm School Bus Survey Please give your input on our latest survey! BusSHKDBHC The Survey we sent earlier in the year asked for our teachers to explain the shifts in our Math program. We will have teachers present from 7:00-7:30 pm to do some hands on activities that show the shift. Ms. Des Jarlais will discuss from 7:30-8:00 the big shifts in a general fashion. Please come to this important meeting. Congratulations to Our First Communicants! Liam Schumacher Presley Esquivel Katelynn King Benjamin Angeli Ann Marie Sandys Christopher Buetow Simeon Blas Lillian Williams Hannah Younger Ross Driscoll Lisa Nguyen Anna Buetow Daniel Torres-Duque Bethany Byron Catherine Le Conor Rodriguez-Stiff Ava May Wenzel Drew Johnson Transitions in Life Hello, Assumption families! This summer my husband and I are embarking on a new adventure! His job is moving us to Seattle. It is bittersweet as I am excited for these new opportunities for us but I will miss Bellingham and teaching at Assumption Catholic School. This was my first teaching job so this school will always have a place in my heart! It was a pleasure to work with Ms. Des Jarlais and all of my fellow teachers. The staff and families here are so amazing and I feel so blessed to have worked with and met so many wonderful people. I will surely come back to visit and will continue to pray for all of you here! God Bless all of you and thank you for a wonderful four years! Mrs. Jordan Weatherbie To all families of Assumption, I regret to inform everyone that I am leaving Assumption Catholic School. I have recently built a house on Camano Island and I cannot continue to commute seventy to eighty minutes twice daily. I am so thankful for Ms. Des Jarlais, who gave me this wonderful opportunity, as well as the supporting faculty and Father Scott. I will miss the school, the children, and the families, but I will never forget my happy time here. Thank you so much and God bless! - Damian Harpel Excellence in Body, Mind and Spirit Since 1913! Page 2 Assumption Catholic School Foundation Commitment - Support for a Century In December, our school foundation lost a great friend and member, Dave Grumney (8 th grader, Louli Ziel’s grandfather). Dave was the driving force behind the creation of the Celebrating Our Centennial: Supporting the Next 100 Years! pictorial booklet. Just 3 weeks prior to his passing, he attended our foundation meeting in full force and added value to where we see our school growing. In honor of Dave, the Assumption School Foundation would like to dedicate this year’s Support for a Century (formally the Annual Fund) in his memory. While the cost to provide excellent education in body, mind, and spirit continues to increase, we want to ensure that every child, regardless of his/her family’s financial situation, has the opportunity for an exceptional Catholic education. In Dave’s own words, “It can be really tough for a middle class family with multiple children to be able to afford the tuition at ACS, let alone those families that are at or below the poverty line. That's where the foundation and its endowment fund come in. The board has the goal of building the fund up to a million dollars by the end of 2018, and our goal for this year is to raise $100,000. The first $25,000 will go for operating expenses this school year, and the balance will go into the endowment fund to generate yearly income for tuition assistance etc.” During registration, each of us has agreed to contribute a minimum $100 donation to Support for a Century. Please take some time and pray about your own vision for our school and Catholic education in Whatcom County for the next 100 years. Each dollar you donate will go to the Support for a Century in order to build an outstanding foundation for our own children as well as generations to follow. Thank you, Assumption Catholic School Foundation Board Gerry Millman (chair), Kelly Jeffrey, Pat Mallahan, Angelica Hernandez, Jim Schoenecker, Carol Frazey, Monica Des Jarlais, and Father Scott Connolly Track and Field Results Assumption at Lynden, April 15 Wow! What a great meet on a beautiful day. James Vorenkamp, 3rd in the 400meter; Louli Ziels, 3rd in the 800 meter; Sarah Maeda, 3rd in the 100 meter; and Miranda Finkbonner, 3rd in the javelin were the team leaders Wednesday. 100 Hurdles--Hesser Sotelo, Anthony Le; 100 Meters--Sarah Maeda (3), Miranda Finkbonner; 800 Meter--Louli Ziels (3); 400 meters--James Vorenkamp (3); 4x100 Relay--Sarah Maeda, Miranda Finkbonner, Casey Tran, Louli Ziels (5th) Shot Put-Louli Ziels, Sarah Maeda, Carl Capili, Casey Tran, James Vorenkamp; Discus--Sarah Maeda, Hesser Sotelo, Mark Frazey, Anthony Le, Carl Capili, Francis DePalma, Casey Tran; Javelin--Miranda Finkbonner, Anthony Le, Hesser Sotelo, Casey Tran, Mark Frazey, James Vorenkamp, Carl Capili; Long Jump--Mark Frazey, Francis DePalma. Assumption at Lynden, April 21 Wow, the heavens really opened up today, and with chilly temperatures to match, but our Athletes still came through with nary a whimper. Thank you Ms. DesJarlais for braving the elements and offering us your support! Page 3 Assumption Catholic School Leaders: Dylan Wong, 2nd in the 200 and 1st in Long Jump; Louli Ziels, 2nd in the 800; Miranda Finkbonner, 2nd in Javelin; Hesser Sotelo, 1st in Javelin. Results: Dylan Wong--400; Sarah Maeda--100M, Girl's Relay(3), Shot Put, Discus (3); James Vorenkamp--800(3), Shot Put, Javelin; Miranda Finkbonner--100M, Relay (3); Francis DePalma--800, Discus, Long Jump; Louli Ziels--Relay(3), Shot Put (3); Joshua Frazier--Relay (4), Long Jump; Casey Tran--Relay (3) Shot Put, Discus, Javelin; Hesser Sotelo-Hurdles, Discus; Carl Capili--Shot Put, Javelin, Discus; Mark Frazey--Discus, Javelin, Long Jump; Gabriel Stimson--Relay (4), Javelin, Hurdles; Anthony Le--Relay (4), Javelin, Hurdles. Well done all, and way to hang in there in such adverse conditions. GO EAGLES! Coach Jacob Johnson, and Coach Jamie Sayegh, Coach Marc Costanza Lost & Found Bins! It's time to clean out the LOST & FOUND containers. We have lots of sweatshirts, coats, lunch boxes & all sort of miscellaneous items. If your student is missing anything, please stop by or have your student stop by to go through the containers. The two LOST & FOUND containers are located near the middle stairway on the 1st floor. I will be cleaning out the containers on Friday, April 24th any unclaimed items will be donated. You can help reduce the number of unclaimed items by labeling your students' items with their name. Items which are labeled with a name are returned to the appropriate classroom. If you have any questions you can contact me, Aey Angeli, at 314-6800941 or Buddy Families Needed Current Assumption families are needed for new Assumption families registered for the 2015-2016 school year. Please consider being a Buddy Family for our new families and make them feel welcome before the school year even begins! All this entails is getting together a time or two or even just making phone contact with the family to answer questions they may have regarding school, uniforms, whatever. This program is to help both the parents and the kids feel more comfortable at the beginning of the school year when there is so much going on and the families are overwhelmed. The grades that generally need the most Buddy Families are the K-4 levels, with an emphasis on kindergarten since there are usually so many new families with this age group. Forms are in your envelope today. If you have any questions regarding this program, please email or call Amy Bernard @ (360) 380-6810 or Volunteer On-line Sign Up for Library/Lab Angels Students are taking advantage of access to the computer lab during lunch recess so they can work on IXL, long term projects and other school work. Please consider picking up a shift to provide adult supervision in the lab/library during this time. The shift runs from 11:55 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. You must be current with your Called to Protect. Remember, when you sign up on-line, the chairperson is automatically notified you have signed up and you will receive a reminder email two days prior to your shift. Thank you! April Volunteer On-line Sign Up for Playground Angels Do you like to be outside helping ensure the students have a safe environment for fun recess play? Please check your calendar and see if you are able to pick up a lunch recess shift (11:50 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.) on one of the dates listed on the link. You must be current with your Called to Protect. Remember, when you sign up on-line, the chairperson is automatically notified you have signed up and you will receive a reminder email two days prior to your shift. Thank you! April Alumni in Drama Production Come to an evening of Shakespeare. Midsummer's Night Dream will be performed at Sehome High School on April 22,23,24,25 at 7:30pm and Sunday the 26th at 2pm. Sehome recently received 3rd place at State Drama competition for this play. Four former students are performing: Michelle Zender, Saskia van de Poel, Jacob Frazier, and Kaitlyn Schueler. Assumpton Catholic School Has a Facebook Page - Please LIKE Assumption Catholic School's Facebook page at Page 4 Assumption Catholic School
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