April 27th Crusader Times

Issue 39: April 27, 2015
MAY 2: Annual Gala & Auction, 6:30 pm
MAY 4-15: AP Exams for Select Upper
MAY 8: Spring Concert, Grades 3-5, 6 pm
MAY 15: Spring Concert, Grades 6-12, 6 pm
MAY 17: Grade 2 Boys and Girls, Guest
choir for 9:00 Sunday Mass
MAY 20: Spring Awards Ceremony, after
9:20 Mass
Nota Bene / Note Well:
“ I’d like to believe that I can ensure that
our children want to have a personal relationship with their Lord and Savior, that
they’ll grow to value the Catholic faith, and
that they’ll learn to treasure our Church.
But I don’t consider that a given…I know
how children learn from others who are
not their parents. Especially in today’s
world, we can use all the help we can get.”
TIME FOR THE GALA! See page five for more details! The
event will also mark our celebration of our 20th anniversary!
GROUP PHOTO TIME once again! We will be taking group photos,
including cap and gown pictures for the graduating classes. The schedule: On Wednesday, April 29th, High school students will have their
pictures taken first thing in the morning followed by the 6th, 8th and
5th grades. Then on Thursday April 30th, the 7th grade will take their
picture first thing, followed by the lower school classes. Please make
sure your child is not late so as to not miss their group picture.
AP TESTS: The tests begin next week! Forty-three of our Juniors and Seniors will be taking AP tests, and several students are
taking more than one test, for a final tally of 103 exams. 95% of
our Juniors are taking one or more exams, which is phenomenal!
75% of our seniors are taking one or more exams.
CRUSADER SPORTS SCHEDULES: Complete details about
Crusader Sports Programming may be found at
R. Buettner, The Catholic Review
15415 Red Robin Road San Antonio TX 78255 210-695-2240
Spring Musical Unifies Student
Talent and Effort
From seniors to first graders — our spring musical performers pleased full-house audiences this past weekend!
The performances were yet another display of our need for
a theatre, but in spite of poor acoustics and hard metal
folding chairs in St. Anthony Hall, the two and a half hour
program met with great success.
Each performance featured a different cast except for leads
performed by Veronika Prochko (Maria), Jonathan Dubois (Captain), Bella Garza (Elsa Schraeder), B.J. Garza
(Max Detweiler), Mother Abbess (Mary Henriquez), and —of
course— our Senior Administrator Sister Mary Margaret
as Sister Margaretta!
PreK teacher Miss Gabriella Garcia directed the program,
and we deeply appreciate her commitment of countless
nights of rehearsal and preparation!
THANK YOU to the parents who helped make the program possible. Parents without children in the play through their talents into
the effort, such as Mrs. Lopez with her sewing talents! And Mrs. O’Connell loaned several authentic German outfits she collected
while her family was stationed in Germany.
And thank you to all the behind the scenes students who helped with props, costumes, and lending a hand wherever needed!
Friday Night Cast
Saturday Night Cast
Maria…………………….........Veronika Prochko
Maria……………………......Veronica Prochko
Captain von Trapp ……….Jonathon Dubois
Captain von Trapp …….Jonathon Dubois
Liesl………………………….. ...Chloe Daring
Liesl………………………….. Abby von Berg
Friedrich……………………….John Patrick McHugh
Friedrich………………………Cole Hivnor
Louisa……………………….....Meg McDonough
Louisa………………………....Anais Garza
Brigitta…………………….…..Faith Weems
Brigitta………………………..Talen Skeens
Kurt…………………………..…Thomas Waterman
Kurt……………………………..Matthew Cantu
Marta…………………………...Isabella Greco
Marta…………………………..Sophia Musquiz
Gretl……………………………..Rebekah Barron
Gretl…………………………….Andrea Díaz
Elsa Schraeder……………….Bella Garza
Elsa Schraeder……………..Bella Garza
Max Detweiler……………….Belisario Garza
Max Detweiler……………..Belisario Garza
Rolf…………………………........Travis Prochko
Rolf…………………………......Travis Prochko
Mother Abbess……………….Mary Henriquez
Mother Abbess…………….Mary Henriquez
Sister Berthe…………………..Paula Domit
Sister Berthe…………………Paula Domit
Sister Margaretta……………Sister Mary Margaret
Sister Margaretta………….Sister Mary Margaret
Sister Sophia…………………..Arianna Cisneros
Sister Sophia…………….…..Arianna Cisneros
Frau Schmidt…………………. Rachel Weems
Frau Schmidt………………….Rachel Weems
Franz……………………………….Samuel Koch
Franz……………………………...Samuel Koch
Herr Zeller……………………….Luke Cannon
Herr Zeller…………………...…Luke Cannon
Recent Field Trips
PreK and Kindergarten students went to Sea World— above is Mrs.
Pasket’s class (with aide Mrs. Parsell). Below is Mrs. Christianson’s
Above and below: The junior class visited the Nimitz
Museum in Fredericksburg.
Left and below: First graders headed to
the San Antonio Zoo for fun and learning!
Texas Senate Approves
School Choice Tax Credits
Baseball Fun!
The Texas Catholic Conference celebrates passage of the Tax Credit Scholarship
Bill by a vote of 18-12 in the Texas Senate on
Tuesday, April 21, 2015. The legislation pro-
vides a tax incentive to businesses that donate to non-profit scholarships, which help
low-income families attend accredited private/public schools of their choice or to obtain
educational assistance.
“This was a tremendous victory for parental
choice in education,” said Dr. Jeffery Patterson, executive director of the Catholic Conference. “It provides qualified families with
scholarships of up to approximately $5,900
(or about three-fourths of what the state
pays per student in public education funding)
for private school tuition or $500 scholarships
to public school students for after-school activities, tutoring, and transportation.”
Patterson said that much of the credit for the
success of the bill goes to Lieutenant Governor
Dan Patrick, State Senator Paul Bettencourt,
and State Senator Larry Taylor, who devoted
tremendous time and resources to its passage.
“Texas parents owe a great deal to their
leadership and commitment,” Patterson said.
A tax credit plan has been strongly supported by the Texas Catholic Conference as proven way to effectively improve school choice
for families. Texas Senate Bill 4 is based on
tax credit plans that have been immensely
popular and effective in other states, including Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana,
North Carolina, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania. These programs have succeeded in defraying private education costs and saving
money for public school districts in these
School choice tax credit legislation now heads
to the Texas House of Representatives for approval. The Texas Catholic Conference urges
you to contact your State Representative to
voice your support for school choice tax credits at http://bit.ly/1r77Hi8.
—from The Texas Catholic Conference
Please consider dropping in to offer a
prayer for your family and our school!
The Church is open every day before and
after school, and there is a daily morning
Mass at 7 in the Sacred Heart Chapel. In
addition, on most days, a group gathers
in His name at 7:30 to pray a rosary at
Our Lady of the Atonement’s side altar.
ALL ARE WELCOME to come once or
several times!
Crusaders Take 2nd Place in TCAL Competitions
A great congratulations to our Upper School Scholars
in the State Academic, Art, Music and Speech Competition this past Thursday and Friday! Even with a
limited participation because of the play and the
weather, The Atonement Academy took 2nd place
overall! Here are the results:
On-Site Drawing
1st place - Veronica Kluver
Digitally Manipulated Photography
2nd place - Mike Gonzalez
Graphic Design:
1st place - Bridget Kennedy
5th place - Abigail Brady
Colored Drawing:
3rd place (tied) - Arianna Cisneros
6th place (tied) - Maria Mendez
General Crafts:
6th place tie - Shelby Hilliard
Creative Writing:
2nd Place – AmyGrace Weems; 4th place - Ana Henriquez
Ready Writing:
5th place tie - AmyGrace Weems and Meg McDonough
Advanced Math:
1st place - Luke Cannon
3rd place - Ana Henriquez; 6th place - Travis Prochko
Number Sense:
2nd place - Luke Cannon
Atonement Scholars
Achieve Strong Showing
on National Latin Exam
The results from the National Latin Exam arrived earlier this past week, and our students made a strong
showing once again. Fifty-four middle scholars took the
Intro to Latin exam, with one student earning a Perfect
Score (100%), three students earning an Outstanding
Score (93-99%), and seven students earning a High
Achievement Score (80-92%). In the Upper School, 101
students tested with thirteen earning the Gold Summa
Cum Laude, fourteen earning the Silver Maxima Cum
Laude, nine earning Magna Cum Laude, and ten earning Cum Laude.
Four students in the middle and upper school earned
Perfect Scores: Catherine Henriquez and Maria Pecha
(8th grade), Joseph Koch (freshman), and Thomas
Pecha (junior). Congratulations to our Latin scholars!
1st place – Luke Cannon
6th place - Daniel Henriquez
Current Events:
1st Place - Jon Dubois; 4th place - Matthew Wiessing
1stplace – Chloe Daring; 2nd place – Ana Henriquez
6th place - Meg McDonough
Prose Interpretation:
5th place - Paula Domit
Persuasive Speaking:
4th place - Paula Domit; 6th place - Tony Domit
6th place - Tony Domit
Vocal Solo:
3rd place - Bella Garza; 4th place - Maura Navarette
6th place - Mary Henriquez
Instrumental Solo:
4th place - Ben Escobar
Instrumental Ensemble:
1st place - Ben Escobar and Jean Ray Frane
Interpretive Dance:
1st place - Bridget Kennedy
Original Composition:
2nd place - Carlos Uriegas; 3rd place - Ben Escobar
Vocal Ensemble:
1st place – Chloe Daring/BJ Garza/Cole Hivnor/Gloria O’Connell
2nd place – Isabell Christianson/Abigail VonBerg/Arianna Cisneros
1st Place
K of C Scholarships to 8th Graders
Enrolling in Catholic High Schools
Two of our eighth grade students have been selected for a
Knights of Columbus, Council 4140, $1000.00 scholarship. Alyssa Rodriguez and Katy Beth Henriquez
will receive their award on May 12th at the Council
Hall. Both of these young ladies will be attending The
Atonement Academy for high school.
St. Joseph Society Scholarships
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Benevolent Association, also
known as St. Joseph's Society, recently presented scholarships
to 15 middle school students to help them continue their education at Catholic high schools. Three Atonement Academy
8th graders received scholarships: Elizabeth Kolkebeck, Isaiah Barron, and Allanna Cuellar. They each will be recognized at a special banquet in June, where they will receive
their $1,000 scholarships to help with high school tuition.
Date: Thursday 04/30/2015
Time: 2:45 PM in the GYM
Fiesta Finale
Pep Rally
Pick three
students from your
class to
compete in
two different events.
Go Crusaders Go!
Let’s congratulate and support our
Golf, Tennis, Track, Softball and
Baseball Teams