St. Peter Catholic School Reverence, Responsibility, Relationships 15A Tripp Blvd., Trenton, Ontario, K8V 6M2 Tel: 613-392-6577 Website: May 2015 Issue 9 May is the month of our holy mother, Mary. Inside this issue: Congratulations 1st communicants…..2 Terrific Kids………………2 Focus Virtue …..............3 Faith Leadership Conference……………3 September 2015 Information…………. 3 Family Dance…………….4 EQAO……………………….4 Catholic Education Week……………5 Confirmation…………….5 Catholic School Council……………….5 Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen. During this month of May we remember that Mary is “blessed among women.” She is our tender, heavenly mother who shows us how to be faithful disciples. Mary intercedes for us and she is the protector of our country. This month we ask families to dedicate a special portion of their daily prayer to praying the “Hail Mary” together, particularly in asking Mary to take care of those in need of her son, Jesus. Catholic schools are Catholic communities of faith. We- parents, students, and staffwalk and grow together in the faith which we received at our Baptism. It is in the ‘together’ that we grow and flourish. Much like the newly blooming flowers that are dependent on the sun, water, and soil, our children’s growth is also dependent on their relationship to others. Our growth is primarily a relationship with God, who at our Baptism, called us by name. The response of each of us to that growth is both personal and communal. Our faith grows within the nurturing atmosphere of our Catholic community, be that our local parish, our home, or our Catholic school community. During the week of May 3– May 8, 2015, the Catholic Education community will celebrate Catholic Education Week. This year’s theme is “Exploring Paths of Joy” and we will highlight the distinctive contribution that Catholic schools make to our students, our community and our society. Yours in Catholic Education, Mrs. Jackie Gauthier Principal Lenten Almsgiving A big “THANK-YOU” to all of the families and staff that supported our Lenten almsgiving projects! With your help, we were able to support St. Peter’s Church’s mission and send over 500 bars of soap to third world countries through the Canadian Food for Children organization. Your generosity also allowed us to support the following local charities: Coats for Kids, Trenton Care and Share, the Knights of Columbus Squires, and Food for Learning. Over $850 was raised through our coin collection and it will all be divided amongst these charities. Thank-you for helping us make a difference to others! Regional Public Speaking Winners Congratulations to the following students who placed at the Branch 110 Royal Canadian Legion public speaking contest on March 29th: Grade 2s: Ethan F. – 2nd place Horatio M. – 3rd place Grade 3s: Carina K. – 3rd place Way to go Carina, Ethan, and Horatio! May 2015 Page 2 Congratulations! Congratulations to our students who received the Sacrament of Holy Communion on April 26, 2015 at St. Peter’s Church! May they always cherish this gift and continue to receive the Body of Christ regularly so that they can become more closely united to Jesus and grow in grace by living a life of Christian faith. Special thanks to everyone who had a role in their preparation, especially Father Tim, Father Paul, Mrs. Lynch, Mrs. Lightfoot, Mrs. McLeod, and Mrs. Covert. Terrific Kids The focus virtue for the month of March was KINDNESS. These students were celebrated at our April Terrific Kids assembly for putting their KINDNESS into action: Gr. 1: Hailey G. Gr. 1/2: Payton W. Gr. 2: Ben B. Gr. 2/3: McKenna L. Gr. 3/4: Kayleigh V. Gr. 5: Chris S. Gr. 6: Josh F. Many thanks to Mr. Blasko and the Kente Kiwanis Club for providing us with this opportunity to honour our students! We Are People of Faith Students, staff, and families observed Holy Thursday by praying the Stations of the Cross. Our grade 5 students, under the direction of Mrs. Logan and Mr. Diening, did an excellent job of portraying each station so that we could walk with Jesus and remember how much He loves us. We were reminded us that we are all called to live a life that honours God each day. Rotary Spelling Bee Students from grades 4 to 6 participated in our Rotary Spelling Bee on April 15th. Everyone did a great job using their strategies! The top spellers were: 1st Place: Trinidy M. 2nd Place: Dominick A. 3rd Place: Jack L. Trinidy will compete at the Rotary Club’s regional spelling bee on May 9th. Many thanks to the Trenton Rotary Club for sponsoring this event! Thanks, also, to Mrs. McCaw, Mrs. Toffelmire, & Mrs. Logan for organizing & judging our spelling bee! Chess Club St. Peter Catholic School’s Chess Club competed at Mother Teresa Catholic School in Kingston on April 10th. Gr. 5 student, Simon L., made it to the quarter finals and gr. 4 student, Gabi M., won 5 out of her 6 qualifying games! The whole team played with sportsmanship and a positive attitude! A big “Thank-You!” to Mr. Diening for sharing his time and chess skills! Page 3 May 2015 May Focus Virtue: ACCEPTANCE If you were to ask almost any child to describe their friends, they’d be able to tell you the most minute details from what they look like to what they’re good at to what they like to do. As children grow, they come to understand that God has made each person unique! Seeing that we are all different is easy. The challenge is developing the ability to see AND understand without judgement. The virtue of acceptance describes how we can look beyond what is in front of us (somone’s skin colour, ethnicity, gender, age, beliefs, etc.) and truly see a person who was created by God. The virtue of acceptance allows us to be empathetic and guides us in our words and in our actions. “Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”~ Romans 15:7 Earth Day Celebration Our school community came together on April 22nd to celebrate God’s awesome gift of the Earth and to remember our call to Stewardship. A beautiful liturgy was celebrated with class representatives from each class. Students and staff also took the opportunity to take care of our environment by cleaning up our yard. Many thanks to Mrs. Covert, Mrs. McLeod, and Mrs. Lightfoot for co-ordinating our Earth Day celebration and green re-usable bag sales! Thank -You Very Much! Many thanks to all of the families and staff members who donated items to our used clothing drive during Earth Week! Over 5 ooo pounds of items was diverted from landfills. Our school also earned $500 from Used Clothing Drive. All of the money will go to supporting year end field trips. Faith Leadership Conference Vanessa L., Gabi M., Tristan T., and Justin T. were selected to represent St. Peter Catholic School at the Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board’s Junior Faith Leadership Conference on April 22nd. They worked with students from other schools within our Board and participated in a liturgy and various faith and leadership workshops. Aluminum Pull Tab Collection Students in Mrs. Logan’s grade 5 class are collecting aluminum tabs to help raise funds for Wheelchairs for Kids. We will accept aluminum pull tabs from pop cans, cat and dog food, tuna fish cans, etc. Thanks for your help! Enrollment for September 2015 If you have a child at home who has not been registered or know a neighbor or friend who has a young one who is starting school, please visit our office to pick up the registration package. Also, please contact the school office if you know that you are moving from the our school community. All of this information will help us to prepare for a smooth startup in September for all students. Page 4 May 2015 Save the Date for Our Family Dance! Bring out the whole family to an evening of fun on Thursday, May 14th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in our gym! There will be a live DJ, face-painting, a photobooth, a canteen, and door prizes! Admission is just $5 a family! This is a family event so students must be accompanied by their parents. Thanks to our Catholic School Council for organizing this event! Pedal for Hope Cancer has affected the lives of so many people in our community and families and St. Peter Catholic School is proudly participating in the Canadian Cancer Society’s Pedal for Hope campaign! Families can show their support by donating just $1 for a Pedal for Hope badge that will be displayed outside of our gym. Parents are also welcome to join us outside of our school as we welcome the Pedal for Hope team on May 5th at 1:00 p.m. Thank-you for helping us make a difference for cancer research! EQAO Parents of students in grades 3 and 6 are advised that the annual provincial assessments of Reading, Writing, and Mathematics are planned from May 25th to June 5th, 2015. We ask that you avoid booking appointments during these mornings if possible. Field Trips Parents or guardians hoping to assist with a school event such as field trips must have a valid police check. The original document must be presented to the the office and will be kept on file. Please contact the office for a volunteer letter. Lunch Monitors Wanted We are looking for applications of individuals interested in being paid lunch supervisors at St. Peter Catholic School as of September 2015. If you are available to work one or more days per week or are interested in an “on-call” lunch supervisor position, please come and see Mrs. Gauthier. Grade 6 Graduation Our graduation for grade 6 students will take place on Tuesday, June 23rd at 6 p.m. We will celebrate Mass as a community and present our graduates with their diplomas and awards at St. Peter’s Church on Queen Street. A dance will follow in our school gymnasium. This important and exciting celebration acknowledges the richness of our children’s Catholic elemenatary school experience. We hope that parents help their children select clothing that reflects their age and the occasion. Although it is an exciting evening, it is not necessary for students to purchase expensive clothing or get their hair and nails professionally done. Page 5 May 2015 School Mass Families are invited to join us as we celebrate mass on Thursday, May 7th at 9:00 a.m. at St. Peter’s Church. Students from grades 3 to 6 will be walking to the church provided that the weather is co-operative. Catholic Education Week We will celebrate our Catholic school system, which is grounded in our faith in God and the Gospel Values, during the week of May 4th. Monday, May 4th: Morning Liturgy, Track and Field (gr. 4 to 6) Tuesday, May 5th: Board Mass at St. Joseph Church, Belleville. Toonie Hat Day! Bring a toonie and wear your hat all day! All monies raised will go directly to the ALCDSB Foundation to support families in our communities! Pedal for Hope! Wednesday, May 6th: Buddy Lunch- Parents are invited to come and eat lunch with their child(ren) at 11:15 on our yard! Minion Math! Thursday, May 7th: School Mass at St. Peter’s Church at 9 a.m. Friday, May 8th: Track and Field (rain date) Scholastic Book Fair The Scholastic Book fair will be held in our library from Tues., May 5th to Fri., May 8th! There will be hundreds of quality books with a wide variety of reading levels and interests. Plus, your family can win $25 in books AND $25 in books for your child’s classroom in our Family Event Draw! Catholic School Council The St. Peter Catholic School council is made up of parents who volunteer their time and talent to various activities around our school on top of co-ordinating our milk program and our weekly pizza and sub lunches. Our next Catholic School Council meeting will be held on May 19th at 6:30 p.m. in our library. We hope to see you there! Confirmation Retreat & Mass Grade 6 Confirmation candidates will take part in a retreat on Friday, May 15th in our gym. The Confirmation Mass will take place at St. Peter’s Church on Sunday, May 31st at 2 p.m. A reception will follow in the parish centre beside the church. Welcome to St.Peter Catholic School! Families of students who will be starting Kindergarten in September are invited to come to our “Welcome to St. Peter Catholic School” event on May 21nd at 6 p.m. Come meet our staff, our Catholic School Council, and community members to find out how we work together to make each child’s first year of school a happy and successful one! Cross Country & Track and Field Our Cross Country team will be racing on May 12th at Zwicks Park, Belleville. Thanks to Mr. Silva for coaching our team! Our school Track and Field Day for students in grades 4 to 6 will be held on May 4th (rain date: May 8th).It is strongly recommended that all students bring a hat and sunscreen as we will be outdoors all day. May 2015 Page 6 St. Peter’s Catholic Church Mailing Address: 140 Dundas St. West, Trenton, Ontario K8V 3P5 Deliveries & Office: 125 Queen St., Trenton, Ontario K8V 4Y2 Tel: (613) 392-3767 Fax: (613) 392-2261 E-mail: Web Page: May 2015 May is the Month of the Blessed Virgin Mary: We are encouraged to pray the Rosary at home, at school and in church, especially during May. Sunday Mass Schedule: Sat., 5pm; Sun., 9am, 11am, 5pm Altar Servers: Children & youth who have received First Holy Communion (i.e. Grades 3-12) are invited to become altar servers. Please call St. Peter’s Church to register. Children’s Choir: Students in grades 2 to 8 ready to make a commitment to practice and to sing at the Sunday 9am Mass are invited to join the Children’s Choir. Practice takes place following 9am Mass. Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Sundays during the 9am Mass, in the Parish Centre. Children’s Liturgy of the Word allows children from 3 to 7 years of age to hear God’s word in a way that they can understand. Info: Suzanne (613-392-7361). Healing Hearts Widows Support Group ~ Anyone interested in joining, contact Leslie (613-392-0964). Columbian Squires: All Catholic boys (ages 10–18) are invited to come out and see what the Columbian Squires is all about! Info and schedule, call Ken (613-242-5021). St. Peter’s Catholic Women’s League: Tuesday, May 5, 7pm in the Parish Centre ~ General Meeting. All women, ages 16 and older are welcome to come and join us! School Masses: St. Paul CSS: Wed., May 6, 9am (in the School) St. Peter School: Thurs., May 7, 9am (in the Church) St. Mary School: Fri., May 8, 8:40am (in the School) Confirmation Retreat: Fri., May 15, 8:30am. Confirmation related activities at St. Peter School with assistance from St. Paul student leaders. Info: Baptismal Preparation: Thurs., May 14, 6pm, Parish Centre (Queen Street entrance), Room # 1. Parents wishing to have their children baptized are asked to speak to Fr. Tim or Fr. Paul after a weekend Mass. Confirmation Mass: Sun., May 31, 2pm. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be conferred by Archbishop O’Brien. Sponsors & candidates are asked to meet in the Parish Centre by 1:30pm. Following the Mass there will be a reception at St. Peter’s Parish Centre, lower level. May Sunday Monday 3 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 5 4 6 Friday Saturday 1 2 8 9 15 16 7 Catholic Education Week 5th Sunday of Easter Board Mass in Belleville Morning Liturgy Toonie Hat Day Track and Field Gr. 4 - 6 Scholastic Book Fair Pedal for Hope 11 10 6th Sunday of Easter 17 7th Sunday of Easter 24 Pentecost Sunday 18 Victoria Day 25 Family Lunch Pizza Day Scholastic Book Fair 12 ALCDSB Cross Country Meet Zwicks Park Mother’s Day 13 Mac and Cheese or Chicken Wrap Day 20 19 Catholic School Council Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in our library School Mass at St. Peter’s Church 9 a.m. Minion Math Challenge 27 Track and Field (Rain Date) 14 Family Dance 6 -8 p.m. Confirmation Candidates’ Retreat 21 Welcome to Kindergarten for new families 6 p.m Pizza Day 26 Scholastic Book Fair Scholastic Book Fair (until noon) 28 22 23 29 30 PA Day EQAO Assessments of Reading, Writing, and Mathematics for students in grades 3 and 6 Confirmation at St. Peter’s Church 2. p.m. 31 The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity Pizza Day
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