May 2015 - Halton Catholic District School Board

May 2015
Administrator’s Message
We have many things to celebrate this month, beginning with Catholic Education
Week! Catholic schools are Catholic communities. Catholic schools are faith communities. We – parents, students, teachers, administrative and support staff –
walk and grow together in the faith which we received at our Baptism. And it is
the ‘together’ that we grow. Our growth is primarily a relationship with God, who
at our Baptism, called us by name. But the response of each of us to that growth
is both personal and communal. We grow in our faith in the nurturing atmosphere of our Catholic community be that of our local parish, our home, or our
Catholic school community.
Our school community will celebrate Catholic Education Week 2015 in ways that
are appropriate to our students’ age. We invite you to participate in one or other
of these activities as your personal time and work schedule may permit.
There are five sub-themes for each day of Catholic Education Week:
Monday – Walking Together and Sharing Our Stories
Tuesday – Opening the Scriptures
Wednesday – Welcoming Others to the Table
Thursday – Recognizing Jesus in the Breaking of the Bread
Friday – Proclaiming the Good News
Every year, the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association (OCSTA) provides
our Catholic schools with a resource kit to help schools prepare for Catholic Education Week. Using these resources as well as our own developed activities we
have prepared a series of activities which will highlight how our school is
‘Exploring Paths of Joy’. We have included the calendar for your information.
We hope to see many of you during our school celebrations.
R. DeLuca Malette
Please join us at school for our
Catholic Education Week
Marian Liturgy
May 5th at 1:00 pm
Donations of flowers appreciated!
Upcoming Events
Education Week
May 4-8
Dr. Susan Williams
Speaker at St. John School
May 4
Book Fair
May 4-7
Gr. 8 Ballroom
Dancing Finale
May 4
Marian Liturgy 1:00 pm
May 5
Andrea P.
Principal for the Day
May 5
Open House 6:30-7:30 pm
May 6
Walk with Jesus
May 7
Gr. 7 Religion Assessment
May 12-13
Regional Catholic
Council of Chairs
May 13
Girls Night In
May 13
Volunteer Tea
May 14
Regional Math Night
May 14
Victoria Day
May 18
Gr. 4 trip to Mountsberg
May 19
Girls Soccer Tournament
May 19
Grade 7 Camp Trip
May 20-22
Grade 2 trip to RBG
May 22
School Council Meeting
May 25
Right to Play
Softball Tournament
May 28
Grade 1 Trip
to African Lion Safari
May 29
Thunder Run
May 30
St. Michael Parish News
May is the month that the Church devotes to Mary, the
Mother of God. Mary is a great role model for both males
and females. Her lifestyle is one which each of us can follow. Did you know that Mary is mentioned nineteen times
in the Gospels? This suggests that she is more than just
another person in the life of Jesus. The Gospel writers carefully show us that Mary had an important place in the growing church and that her life is an important example for us
to follow. “To serve as Mary did” means doing our best to
discover what God wishes us to do in order to best serve
God. Mary’s greatest virtue was her faith, even though she did not always understand God’s plan for her she
was always obedient and faithful from the moment the Angel Gabriel appeared to her to the moment she
watched her son die on the cross.
We may not know where God’s plans will take us but we need to trust that God knows what’s best for us.
What we need to realize is that Mary is the model Christian, not merely the model woman or mother. We need
to understand that in serving as Mary did, we are called to live Mary’s lifestyle of doing God’s will.
Make the Sign of the Cross and say the"Apostles' Creed."
Say the "Our Father."
Say three "Hail Mary’s."
Say the "Glory be to the Father."
Announce the First Mystery; then say the "Our Father."
Say ten "Hail Mary’s," while meditating on the Mystery.
Say the "Glory be to the Father."
Announce the Second Mystery; then say the "Our Father." Repeat 6 and 7
and continue with Third, Fourth and Fifth Mysteries in the same manner.
The Joyful Mysteries
The Annunciation: The Visitation: The Nativity: The Presentation: The Finding in the Temple.
The Luminous Mysteries (The Mysteries of Light)
The Baptism in the Jordan: The Wedding at Cana: The Proclamation of the Kingdom:
The Transfiguration: The Institution of the Eucharist.
The Sorrowful Mysteries
The Agony in the Garden: The Scourging at the Pillar: The Crowning with Thorns: The Carrying of the Cross:
The Crucifixion.
The Glorious Mysteries
The Resurrection: The Ascension: The Descent of the Holy Spirit: The Assumption: The Coronation.
The Rosary what a wonderful prayer to pray every day during the month of May alone or with your family!
Seminarian Brett Burtnick, will be arriving in May at St. Michael’s Parish for a year’s stay with us. One of his
duties will be the visiting the 3 schools in our Parish and speaking with the all the students. We welcome Brett
as he joins our family! Please pray for him as he continues his journey to the Priesthood.
Page 2
A Letter from Bishop Crosby on Catholic Education Week
April 10, 2015
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
The theme for Catholic Education Week this year is, “Exploring Paths of Joy”. This theme is taken from a very wellknown Bible story where two people were walking down a path away from Jerusalem towards Emmaus. This was not
really a path of joy. They wanted to escape the troubles in Jerusalem. Jesus had been crucified and they were discouraged. These travelers meet Jesus on that road to Emmaus and even though they feel lost, he helps them find joy.
First, he listens to their worries. Then, he begins to teach them. He helps them understand that it is through the terrible sadness of the crucifixion that the joy of Easter and the resurrection comes. At the end of their journey, he makes
himself known to them “in the breaking of the bread.”
‘Exploring’ means setting out to find something new. You can explore by going out to new places or you can explore
by taking a fresh look at something you have known for a long time. When you explore your minds and hearts must
be open to listen and see and discover. I am grateful for the many opportunities young people find in our publiclyfunded Catholic education system in the Diocese of Hamilton thanks to the many workers and supporters right from
our early learners through the elementary years, into high school and beyond to university.
The story of Emmaus reminds us that exploring Scripture and seeing Jesus in the Eucharist are two important pathways to joy. Throughout this week, I know you will continue with your study and celebration of God’s Word in Scripture. I am grateful that your teachers and parents continue to help you understand God’s Word more and more. We
are also so blessed by the ministry of the many priests of the Diocese of Hamilton who open the Scripture to you in
the homily. Through the ministry of our priests, we are also brought the gift of the Eucharist where each of us meets
Jesus “in the breaking of the bread”. I encourage you all to continue exploring these paths with your school communities at times of special celebration and with your families on Sunday for the celebration of the Lord’s Day.
Exploring is meant to be an adventure. It may mean going out into our neighbourhoods. I know many of our Catholic
schools take on projects to clean parks and neighbourhoods, to work on gardens, and to keep waterways clear. These
acts of caring and good stewardship of nature are worthwhile pathways to joy.
I know some of you care for people in faraway places – places touched by war, political troubles, and poverty.
Whether you are raising money to send away or whether you are travelling yourselves to these places, be prepared
to bring your joy to these tasks and to find increased joy in your service to the Lord.
When you set out to explore, you will certainly meet people. They maybe others in your own school, they may be in
your community or even from other countries. Be prepared to listen. Be ready to meet Christ in others. For every
good word or good deed you do, see Jesus in the other person and know that whatever you do to the least of his
brothers or sisters you do to him.
Meeting Jesus on the path is our joy. The travelers to Emmaus asked themselves “Were not our hearts burning”
when he spoke to us? Our hearts feel full of the fire of his love when we find him on our path.
Jesus is walking at our side. He wants us to go out and be a sign of God’s love as we encounter others on the journey.
Go and explore! Find new paths and look back to familiar ones for new treasures. Be ready to bring your joy to your
exploring and remember the source of that joy – our faith in Jesus Christ. May we all celebrate the many ways that
our publicly funded Catholic education system in the Diocese of Hamilton supports us as we continue Exploring Paths
of Joy!
Sincerely in Christ and Mary Immaculate,
+Douglas Crosby,
OMI Bishop of Hamilton
Chapters Night
On March 30th the OLP Peace team held a Chapter's Night which gave our community the opportunity
to show our love of reading. That evening, 10% of all sales from the OLP community were donated back
to us. $275 was raised for supplies for our school in India. Because of you others can now share your love
of reading!
Pasta Dinner
Our Pasta night was an amazing success. We celebrated with great food, lots of
dancing and many lucky winners of the silent auction will be wearing some
great new jerseys on our next jersey day! Through your generosity we raised
$1800.00 to buy supplies for our school in India.
Lenten Toonie Tuesdays
Through your generosity we were able to raise $ 1850.00 which bought 37 dairy goats. These goats will provide
families in need with sustainable income. Thank you for your continued generosity!
The Peace Team was involved in a year long collaboration with 4 other schools in our
board. The students all agreed that providing others with clean water was a challenge
they wanted to undertake. The schools
held different fundraisers and collected
personal pledges. They walked from St.
John's School in Burlington down to the
Lakeshore. Throughout the 6km walk
students carried buckets of water to
symbolize the water walk that many people have to do several times a day in order to provide water for
their families. On April 30th the students gathered together at Holy Rosary school in Burlington and presented Free the Children
with a cheque for $2096.30. All funds will be donated to clean water initiatives.
Coming May 30th - The 3rd Annual THUNDER RUN!
On May 30th we will be holding our 3rd Annual Thunder Run/Walk! All family members are invited to attend this great event. Everyone will receive T-shirts, Finisher's Medal and after race refreshments.
As we continue to foster our Catholic values and respect for self and others,
students are recognized with an Attitude of Gratitude for
being kind and helpful, playing cooperatively, demonstrating Christian leadership
and generally going out of their way to help one another.
Our focus for the last month was Self Control - calmness, composure and control of one’s emotions & behaviour.
Students may place their Attitude of Gratitude in one of three jars in front of the office.
Winners are randomly chosen at the end of each month
and the names are displayed on our Attitude of Gratitude bulletin board in the front foyer.
Our Winners for April are:
Wal-Mart - Aiden H.
Sports Ball - Joshua G.
Panago Pizza - Adeleine P.
We are hosting our annual Appreciation Tea
on Thursday May 14th at 2:00 pm
to thank the many volunteers at
Our Lady of Peace Catholic School.
If you have volunteered your time to
the students of Our Lady of Peace School
we hope you can join us on May 14th.
Library Corner
This May is a very busy time in the library. We are holding our Annual Book Fair from May 4th to May 7th. The
Book Fair hours are as follows:
Monday May 4th to Thursday May 7th
9am to 12pm
1pm to 3:30pm
Wednesday May 6th
6:30 pm to 7:30pm
Thank you for your support of the OLP Library.
Monday, May 18th
is Victoria Day!
Enjoy the holiday!
Save The Date
Grade 8 Graduation
June 25, 2015
Full Day Kindergarten Information
Our Parent Information Night Presentation on the
Full Day Kindergarten Program can be found on our
School Website. Further information, or to view the
Curriculum document for Full Day Kindergarten,
please visit
May 2015
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Page 5
Halton Catholic District School Board
Celebrates Catholic Education Week & Mental Health Week - May 4th to May 8th, 2015
This week throughout the Halton Catholic District School Board, schools will be celebrating both Catholic
Education Week and Mental Health Week. We would like to share the following information with you regarding how parents can support their child’s mental health and well-being.
Health Canada indicates that “signs of mental well-being” include:
Knowing and taking pride in who you are
Enjoying life
Coping with stress in a positive way
Striving to realize your potential
Having a sense of personal control
If children can learn to respond to stress in a healthy and constructive way early on, they will be more resilient and better able to cope with whatever life sends their way. Parents and caregivers are often in the best
position to teach their children life-long stress management skills, and there are many strategies that can
help. In fact, successfully managing stressful situations or events enhances a child’s ability to cope today
and in the future. Whether your child is feeling stress from a normal everyday stressor or from something
out of the ordinary, you can help him or her cope with stress reactions by showing them effective stress
management techniques. If emotional difficulties or mental illness do arise, it is important to understand
that it is not anyone’s fault and should not lead to feelings of shame or blame. Instead, if we learn how to
recognize signs and know when to get help, early diagnosis and treatment will lead to better outcomes for
children later in life.
Below are some tips provided from the Parent Tool Kit provided by the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE) which focuses upon “Building Healthy Relationships”
Promote positive mental health and well-being – Parents can support the development of socialemotional skills like problem solving, decision making and goal setting. Find opportunities at home
for children to practice these skills.
Recognize when something is wrong – Look for changes, trust your instincts and don’t panic! Mental
health problems are more common than you think. Signs of mental health issues can include:
changes in school achievement; changes in sleeping and/or eating habits; long-lasting negative
moods; frequent outburst of anger; loss of interest in friends and activities; and excessive worrying
or anxiety.
Find out where, in your community, help is available – You can seek support from a counsellor at
school or begin with a medical professional. Other helpful resources to consult:
Children’s Mental Health Ontario –
Parents for Children’s Mental Health –
Child and Youth Mental Health Information Network –
Kids Help Phone – 1-800-668-6868 or
ConnexOntario’s Mental Health Helpline (support for parents) – 1-866-531-2600 or
Help to build understanding and reduce stigma – Help reduce stigma attached to issues of mental health
by learning the facts and help build caring and accepting cultures. Helpful Tip Sheets that cover topics such
as anxiety are available at:
The HCDSB Mental Health Leadership Team
Grade 7 Religion Assessment
All grade seven students in the Halton Catholic District School Board will, once again,
participate in a year-end assessment of religious education. In November 2009, the
Board of Trustees adopted a motion that the Halton Catholic District School Board commit to administering a Catholic religious knowledge test at the elementary level by June
2010. The intent is to establish a mechanism that will allow staff to measure the effectiveness of the instructional strategies in supporting student learning in the Religion
program. In consultation with the Board’s Religion and Family Life Consultant, it was
determined that this test would most appropriately be implemented at the grade 7 level. A team of administrators, consultants, and teachers have developed a comprehensive assessment framework for use by all classroom teachers to support student learning and effective teacher instruction in our religious education program. The team has
developed supports for the Year 7 Believe in Me program, and has also crafted a yearend assessment which reflects the content of the Year 7 program.
The Grade Seven Religious Education Assessment will take place on May 12th and May
13th. These assessments will be administered in the same manner as all other regular
classroom assessments, with the same supports offered to those students who require
specific accommodations or modifications. This assessment, which will be common to
all grade 7 students across the Board will be one among many opportunities for individual students to demonstrate their acquisition of the knowledge and skills taught as part
of the Year 7 religion program. Further, it will also assist us in assessing the effectiveness of our programming as we continue to refine our practices in support of student
learning. The results of the assessment may be used as one piece of evidence to help
inform the final reporting of achievement in religious education.
Walk With Jesus
The Halton Catholic District School Board is pleased to announce our sixth annual Walk With Jesus, student walkathon in support of Catholic Education
Week on Thursday May 7, 2015.
Twenty student representatives from each of our 52 schools will participate in
this event. Students will exhibit a sense of community and solidarity in support
of their Catholicity and social justice as they walk from Bronte Provincial Park
to Corpus Christi Catholic Secondary School, at which point they will participate
in Mass led by His Excellency Bishop Crosby.
An important social justice focus of our Walk With Jesus is to provide students with fundraising
opportunities in support of the Halton Catholic Children’s Education Foundation.
The participation of students from throughout the Halton Catholic District School Board community in our annual Walk With Jesus will demonstrate that children helping children is an important and achievable goal of this board-wide initiative in support of Catholic Education Week.
Please keep us in your prayers on Thursday May 7.
For safety reasons,
no student
is permitted to leave
the school grounds
during lunch
without a note
signed and dated
by a parent/guardian.
Please respect our bus zone lane.
Cars should not be driving in the bus zone.
Please use the parking lot
on either side of the school.
Thank you for respecting
this idle-free zone.
Right to Play
Softball Tournament
Looking forward to looking back!
The Our Lady of Peace yearbook committee is pleased to announce that
this year's school yearbook is shaping up to be a great one. It is bursting
with photos, student portraits, activities, highlights, and of course,
space for special autographs. The smiles and memories of your child's
year at OLP will be remembered forever in the yearbook. Make sure
your child doesn't miss out on this opportunity and purchase yours
today! The deadline for yearbook orders has been extended to Friday
June 19th, 2015.
To order a yearbook(s) for your child online, please visit and use Yearbook ID code: 12095115. Order
forms were sent home in February but if your child needs another copy,
he/she can ask his/her teacher for a form. Yearbooks start at just $20
which is a small price to pay for memories that will last a lifetime. Don't
wait, order your 2014 – 2015 Our Lady of Peace yearbook today!
P.S. Calling all photographers!
If you have snapshots of students and school activities that you want to
be considered for this year's book, please send them to the school in
care of "The Yearboook Committee" or email photos to
Thank you for your support!
Page 8
The Our Lady of Peace
Student Council and Mr.
Miljan are planning the
7th annual tournament.
We are hosting 8 teams
from the HCDSB
on May 28th!
Please remember
that for the safety
of all students,
pets are not
permitted on school
Track & Field for Grade 5 – 8 Students
Tryouts are now underway.
Track and Field Meet - Monday June 8th
8:45-2:15 @ Holy Trinity Secondary School, Oakville
(*Rain Date June 11th)
Championship Meet – Friday June 12th at
St. Jean Vanier, Milton
EQAO Assessment of Reading, Writing, and Mathematics for
Primary Division (Grades 1-3) and Junior Division (Grades 4-6)
Our Grade 3 and 6 students will participate in the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) Primary and
Junior Division Assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics between May 25th and June 4th, 2015.
These EQAO assessments will be administered to all students in Grades 3 and 6. Students will be required to complete three test booklets: one Mathematics booklet, one Reading booklet and one Writing booklet. The types of
questions in the booklets will be familiar to your child as they are based on the kinds of work your child has been
doing throughout the year. The total amount of time that the students will spend on the testing will be six hours
that is generally spread over the course of three or four days.
Sample questions can be viewed on the EQAO website at
We ask that you make every effort to avoid holidays during these days and to try to make sure your child is
in attendance each day during the assessment, specifically during the weeks of Monday, May 25 to Thursday
June 4th. In advance, we appreciate your efforts in scheduling appointments around this block of time. The
EQAO assessment results will help us to continue to improve upon the quality Catholic education offered to
your children.
During the month of May, additional specific information regarding the assessments will be sent home to our Grade
3 and 6 parents. Please contact your classroom teacher if you have any questions or concerns.
Bicycle Safety
Reviewing Bicycle Safety Rules:
Students are welcome to bring their bicycles to school.
Please review the following safety requirements with your children:
 Bicycles must be road worthy and conform to municipal requirements for licensing, operation and equipment;
 Riders need to know and understand the rules of the road;
 Cyclists up to the age of 18 must wear a bicycle helmet according to Ontario law;
 Bicycles may never be ridden on school property. All students are asked to walk their bikes when on the
school site;
 Bikes are to be locked when parked in the school bike racks.
Battle of the Books!
The Junior team competed in the Oakville
Battle of the Books on Tuesday April 15th
and the Senior team competed on Thursday April 17th.
The team represented Our Lady of Peace School
in style in the face of fierce competition with a 3rd place for the juniors
and a 5th place for the seniors!
We thank coaches Mrs. Winegarden and Mrs. Marinic.
Congratulations to the team for their
collaborative spirit and dedication.
Mathematics and Language Summer School for Grade 7 & 8 students
Please be advised that summer school Mathematics and Language camps begin on Monday, July 6, 2015 for any
students who have completed Grade 7 or 8 Mathematics or Language Arts. Attendance in these classes is a
great way to prepare a solid foundation for the next school year.
Detailed information and the registration form will be posted on the school website. Completed and signed registration forms must be returned to Thomas Merton Oakville Campus no later than June 12, 2015.
Please visit the site - for more details.
Arts Café - Wednesday May 6th (7pm - 9pm)
Holy Trinity is hosting an Arts Café night during Education Week, it coincides with OLP’s
Open House but perhaps you’d like to stop over at HT after you visit OLP.
Acoustic Circus - Wednesday May 20th (7pm - 9pm)
This event is for Grade 8 students only. Grade 8s are encouraged to come out and share
their musical talents. There is no cost but the students are being asked to bring a donation
for Dr. Simone. Brochures/flyers that give more information will be coming soon.
Girls Night In - Tuesday May 26th (4:30 - 8:30)
This event is for Grade 8 girls, 4:30-5:30 is arrival/social time. The cost will be $5 per student.
Dinner will be provided for the girls. More info to come.
Titan Fest - Thursday June 4th (11am - 9pm)
This is a community event with many events going on throughout the day and evening. Holy Trinity students will be coming by to promote Titan fest.
May 2015
Page 10
Resiliency is commonly thought of as the ability to bounce back when faced with a challenge. It helps us
to cope with our feelings so we can learn from an experience and move forward. For a child this could
mean; having a disagreement with a friend, failing a test or not making a team.
A few tips for raising resilient children:
Relationships: Children need to feel that they belong and to have people who support them
Be a positive role model: Children learn by watching
Teach optimistic thinking: Children with a positive outlook have more confidence and self-esteem
Give children choices: To help build decision making skills
Encourage creative problem solving: To help children think about alternate solutions
Teach children how to be assertive: Show children how to confidently and respectfully communicate their thoughts, feelings and needs to others in a way that is not hurtful
Help your child identify and develop strengths: Encourage them to try new things. Praise their
Help your child identify and name their feelings: To effectively express their emotions.
(Adapted from: The Psychology Foundation of Canada. (N.D.) Kids can cope: Parenting resilient)
For more information or to speak with a public health nurse,
Dial 311 or 905-825-6000 or email:
Visit us on:
HaltonParents Twitter
HaltonParents Facebook
HaltonParents Blog
May 2015
Page 11
How to Coach, Motivate and Calm your Children to Study Presentation
Presented By Dr. Susan Williams, C. Psych
Halton Centre for Cognitive Therapy and Stress Reduction
St. John and Our Lady of Peace Catholic Elementary Schools are proud to host a presentation by
Dr. Susan Williams. The presentation will help parents with strategies on how to motivate & calm
your children to study. She will provide detailed tips on how to guide your children so they develop responsibility, independence, and intrinsic motivation for studying and achievement. She will
provide advice on how to avoid falling into the habit of dictating when and how your children
should study or the habit of doing your children's homework with or for them. She will also provide
concrete tips for parents on how to help children be less anxious about studying and coach your
children with their studies.
Dr. Williams is currently the Director of the Halton Centre for Cognitive Therapy and Stress Reduction in Oakville. She has been working in a private practice in Oakville for 16 years. She maintained an appointment for 8 years as Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences at McMaster University where she conducted research on prevention
and intervention with anxious and depressed children, provided treatment in the child, adolescent, and adult hospital programs, and trained residents and interns in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Please read more about Dr. Williams and other programs at
*No cost to parents
Funded by St. John and Our Lady of Peace Catholic School Councils
*This presentation will be beneficial to your children’s educational success*
When: Monday May 4th, 2015
Where: St. John Catholic School- Gymnasium
1480 Mansfield Drive, Oakville, ON
Time: 7:00-8:30 pm
Hope you can join us!
Is Your Family Moving?
Should your family be moving before
September 2014 and your children
will not be attending
Our Lady of Peace Catholic School
in September, please contact the office at
Please encourage any families new to the area
to contact the school to register
their children as soon as possible.