Friday, April 10, 2015 Words From Wilshire is sent via email to all of our families. If you are not receiving the email version, please email Cindy Ridge to be added to the contact list: Dear Families, I hope that everyone had some time to relax and enjoy the warm weather during spring break and that students returned to school recharged and ready to finish out the school year. Welcome Grandparents! In past years we have invited students’ grandparents to come to lunch in the spring. With feedback from grandparents who would like to see their grandchild’s classroom and through brainstorming with staff we are excited to announce a new celebration for grandparents! The evening of Tuesday, May 12th, we would like grandparents to come to Wilshire Park with their grandchild. Classrooms will be open from 5:30-6:30 p.m. and a short activity will be planned in the room for students and their grandparents (or special adult friend). At 6:30 p.m. parents may join the fun with our annual ice cream social, art show, Scholastic Book Fair, bicycle helmet sale and used book swap. Our student “ambassadors” will be able to show off their classrooms and desks to grandparents until 6:30 p.m. and then from 6:30-7:30 p.m. invite their grandparent or special adult friend to stroll the hallways with them while enjoying free Culvers custard and the incredible art on display throughout the building. Parents are also invited to the Ice Cream Social and Art Show from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Weather permitting, families will be able to enjoy their ice cream outside on the west end of the building. Please give grandparents the information so they can plan on attending the evening of Tuesday, May 12th. A flyer will be sent home soon that you can share with grandparents. We are excited to explore new ways for our students to proudly show their families their classrooms and show off their artistic creations! Spring is Testing Season: Teachers and students are preparing for the upcoming Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs) for students in grades 3, 4, 5. Our goal is that all students will be well prepared, confident, and ready to do their very best. Our students have done well on these assessments in the past and we are confident that this year’s students will carry on that tradition. They have been working hard and are well prepared for success. Thank you, families, for your work at home as well. The partnership we share is so important! Sincerely, Kari Page, Principal Important Phone Numbers: Wilshire Park School Office: 612.706.1200 Attendance Line: 612.706.1204 Bus Company: Metropolitan Transportation Network: 763.571.1541 1 The Creativity Fair was a success! Many students and families enjoyed the 13th Annual Creativity Fair on March 24th. The students were the stars as they showed their creativity through projects, performances and exhibits! Many people helped to make this event happen and their time and effort are greatly appreciated! A special thank you to …. Mary Przybilla, Barbara Johnson, Carole Froehle, Hayden Grooms, Mika Nozawa, Karen Hagen, the many parents who volunteered to work during the event, the Halverson Family, WPPA, Kristie Frudden, Dolly Smyth, Todd McDonough, Jeff Lundgren, Bill Carlson, Cindy Ridge and Helen Siggelkow. We also appreciate the support from some local businesses, Culver’s, Cub and Tracy Printing. Julie Miller GT ACHIEVE Teacher, Long Term Substitute Announcements: Carl Nowlin Selected as 2015 Villager of the Year by St. Anthony Chamber of Commerce Established in 1991, the Villager of the Year award honors and recognizes a resident of St. Anthony Village who has made outstanding contributions to improve the quality of life in the community. “Mr. Nowlin has taught and inspired students for over 12 years,” explained seventh graders Tori Tholkes and Kaylene Kerber, who nominated Mr. Nowlin for the award. “Over the years, he has always had a cheerful attitude and is very welcoming. He taught me a lot about math and how to work with tough problems in math and in everyday life.” A letter of recommendation from third grade teacher Bobbie Jo Tronsgard stated, “Carl will always be a teacher, he takes time every day to not only teach his 25 students, he stops students in the hall and is constantly seen teaching them too. In fact, he is teaching all of us as teachers, teaching us how to lead our children to be the best children they can be. Now, he is teaching us grace, love, and perseverance as he battles the biggest battle of his life.” Congratulations to Wilshire Park’s Superhero Carl Nowlin on his selection as the 2015 Villager of the Year! Carl will be recognized at the St. Anthony Area Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Meeting on Thursday, April 16 at Jax Café. To register, visit Wendy Webster Director of Community Services and Communications Carl Nowlin Video As many of you know, 3rd grade teacher Carl Nowlin recently went on leave due to ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). Dave Ash, the parent of a former student put together a video tribute. The purpose of the video was to give Mr. Nowlin’s former students a chance to talk about how Mr. Nowlin has touched their lives as well as to raise awareness of the Nowlin Family Fund, which has been created to support Mr. Nowlin, his wife and their two small children. o Please click on the link to watch the video: o To learn more about the Nowlin Family Fund or to make a contribution, visit: 2 Important Testing Dates: Please Put On Your Calendar All students in grades 3-5 will take the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs). It is important that students come to school rested and fed for these very important tests. Students will be taking all of the tests online. Several classes per day will be taking the tests. Your child’s classroom teacher will notify you of the specific days that your child will be testing. If you have any questions, please direct these questions to your child's teacher. The testing dates are: • Week of April 20: MCA Reading Grades 3-5 • Week of April 27: MCA Math Grades 3-5 • Week of May 4: MCA Science Grade 5 • Week of May 11: MAP Reading Grades 2-5 • Week of May 18: MAP Math Grades 2-5 Kindergarten Registration for 2015-16 School Year Do you have a child who will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2015 and live in the St. Anthony-New Brighton School District? Please e-mail or call the school office at 612.706.1200 to be added to our kindergarten mailing list for the 2015-16 school year. Kindergarten registration materials for the 2015-16 school year have been mailed out. Kindergarten Registration will take place on Monday, April 13th and Tuesday, April 21st at Wilshire Park. Volunteer Appreciation Event on Friday, May 1st from 1:30-3:30 p.m. IT’S NOT TOO LATE to RSVP for the Volunteer Event! If you’ve given Wilshire Park your gift of time this year, we want the chance to say THANK YOU. This special event is our way of doing that. We have a surprise activity planned for you with snacks and beverages provided. Please RSVP by Friday, April 17th by emailing Jolene at or by calling 612-706-1267 and leaving your name and whether you will need childcare that day. Hope to see you there! Jolene Hodson, Volunteer Coordinator Bike Helmets Will Be For Sale during Ice Cream Social on Tuesday, May 12th Bicycle helmets will be for sale during the Tuesday, May 12th Ice Cream Social so you can purchase your family bike helmets for the summer. The cost is only $15 for the Schwinn brand helmets. A flyer is attached so you can take a look at sizes and see how to measure for proper size. If you have questions contact Julie Philbrook (WP Parent and Wilshire Park Safe Routes to School Committee member) at More information about the Ice Cream Social will be in the next Words From Wilshire newsletter. 3 Classroom Placements for 2015-16 Teachers are beginning to work on making student placements for classes next year. If you would like to provide input on your child’s placement for next year, you may request a Student Placement Form from the school office. We can send you a paper copy or email you a pdf. This is an opportunity to give your child’s teacher feedback about the environment that would suit your child best. Requests for a specific teacher will not be considered. Forms are due in the school office no later than Friday, April 24th. You will be notified in mid-August of your child’s classroom placement for the 2015-16 school year. Are You Planning to Move? If your child will not be attending Wilshire Park School next year, (or in the case of fifth graders, St. Anthony Middle School), please let us know. It is helpful for our planning and as we order materials. We will prepare your child’s records to forward on to his or her new school. Thanks for your help! WILSHIRE PARK Celebrate Earth Week: April 20th- 24th Monday: Green Day: Wear Green. Tuesday: Clean-up Day: Clean up the playground. Wednesday: Bike/Walk to School with family or friends to school (No meeting location). Thursday: Donation Day: Bring in milk jugs or flower pots for the plant sale. Friday: Butterfly and Bee Day: Wear Orange or Yellow. Fourth/Fifth Grade Program on Thursday, April 30th Author Michael Northrup is coming to Wilshire Park Elementary on Thursday, April 30th from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. to speak to our fourth and fifth graders about his newest adventure, TOMBQUEST: AMULET KEEPERS! • About TOMBQUEST: From the team that brought you The 39 Clues and Spirit Animals comes a brand new epic Egyptian adventure! When Alex's mother uses the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead to bring him back from the brink of death, she inadvertently summons a slew of other spirits from the underworld. • • About Michael Northrup: Michael Northrop brings his love of Egyptian history, his explosive adventure writing, and his dynamic personality to TombQuest. His other books include Trapped, an Indie Next List selection, and Plunked, a New York Public Library best book of the year and an NPR Backseat Book Club selection. When he’s not researching mummies, Michael writes full-time from his home in New York City. Advance Sale Book Fliers will be sent home with the fourth and fifth graders next week. Books must be ordered in advance and the form needs to be returned by Tuesday, April 21. Michael Northrop will autograph the pre-sale books that are ordered. 4 The 2015-16 16 School District Calendar was approved at the January 6, 2015 School Board Meeting. Click here for the 2015-16 2015 school district calendar. Safety Hazard: Highcrest ghcrest Road as Drop-Off/Pick-up up Location Please do NOT drop your child off for school on Highcrest Road Road in front of school or use Highcrest Road as a pickup after school unless you have parked your car in a safe location located southeast from the building on the east side of the street. We are concerned for the safety of students being dropped off on either either side of Highcrest directly across from the school with cars stopping and children crossing. Please use the parking lot, Elmwood church or 36th Ave (alongside the playground) for student drop drop-off. Looking for Lunchroom/Playground Substitutes Do you have a little time during the day and are willing to substitute occasionally at Wilshire Park? We could use some additional on on-call call substitutes to work in the cafeteria and playground supervising children at lunchtime. The hours are approximately 11:00 a.m. .m. until 1:30 p.m. We can work with your schedule. If interested, please visit the school website and click on “Employment Opportunities” to complete an application. Please let Cindy or Helen (612-706-1200) (612 in the school office know when you have compl completed your online application and we will work with you to complete the process. Bus Company Information Metropolitan Transportation Network is the new bus company contracted for our student transportation. Occasionally delays in student pickup or dropdrop off may occur for a variety of reasons. Our office staff is always available to assist during office hours but please note our office does close at 4:00 p.m. Please make your first call to the bus company at: 763.571.1541 and ask for “Dispatch”. This transportation phone number is also listed on the home page of the Wilshire Park website. Bus Stops Please be aware that if a bus stop goes unused for a period of 10 days, that stop may be inactivated by our bus company, Metropolitan Transportation Network.. Please contact our Transportation Director, Todd Niklaus at or 612.706.1117 if you need assistance with your child’s bus route. Another Note Regarding Busing: With a note from m a parent to the school office, students are permitted to ride on a different bus with a friend unless the bus is at capacity. T This year, Bus #1 is full to capacity and cannot accommodate additional students for playdates, etc. Parents will need to arrange arran another form of transportation. After School Change in Plans We understand that after-school school plans for your child may change occasionally. Please send a note with your child or email the teacher, when possible. On those occasions when plans change during the school day, please call the school office as early as you can. Many times, the office staff is inundated with calls and visitors at the end of the day. Some grades have late-afternoon late recess which makes it challenging to deliver a message to your child. 5 Money Sent to School with Your Child When sending money to school with your child, please mark the check or envelope clearly with your child’s first and LAST name, teacher’s name and why the money is being sent (lunch money, field trip, book order, etc.). If paying on your child’s lunch account, please include your child’s Lunch PIN number. If Your Child is Absent or will be arriving late. . . Please call the attendance line at 612.706.1204. Please call before 9:05 a.m. You may leave a message 24 hours a day. • If your student needs to leave school early for an appointment please either call or email the morning of, or send a note with your student. We will communicate the information to your child’s teacher so they are aware that your child will be leaving. Come to the school office to sign your child out of school. Office staff will page the classroom to have your child meet you in the office. Target: Take Charge of Education® Help Target help your favorite school. Sign up for a Target REDcard and Target will donate 1% of your Credit or Debit REDcard purchases made at Target and Choose your kids' elementary school, the neighborhood middle school or any other eligible K–12 school. Wilshire Park recently received a check from Target’s Take Charge of Education program for $6,584.01. Fantastic! Thank you for choosing Wilshire Park as your favorite school! Box Tops for Education: We collect box tops! Clipping the boxtops brings money into our school to be used for programs. The boxtop collection area is inside Door #3 in the cabinet by the Lost and Found. WPPA received a check over Winter Break in the amount of $2,274.90. Wow! AmazonSmile Program: AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization, at no cost to you, every time you shop through Amazon. When you shop at you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to your favorite charitable organization. You can choose from nearly one million organizations to support. Of course, we hope that you will choose the “Wilshire Park Parents Association, Inc.”! There are three easy step to designate Wilshire Park Parents Association to receive funds: 1. Click on: 2. On the screen titled Select a Charitable Organization to Start Shopping, in the search field titled Or Pick Your Own Charitable Organization, enter "Wilshire Park Parents Association, Inc." 3. Select the entry for "Wilshire Park Parents Association Inc." Note: searching on Wilshire Park Elementary returns a Wilshire Park Elementary PTA in California. Be sure to enter "Wilshire Park Parents Association, Inc." After the first time, each time you log into AmazonSmile at to shop, you will see WPPA designated as your charitable organization at the top of your screen. TAR GET 6 Flyers Non-school-related related flyers are not sent home with students but will be made available to parents in the school office. Parents may also call the school office to request that a flyer be sent home. Flyers currently available in the school office: • Piano lessons sons offered by Michelle Carpenter in her home studio in St. Anthony. Visit the website ebsite for more information: or email: • Piano lessons offered in St. Anthony by Jenny Trosen. Second grade and up are welcome! Email: or call 651-485-9945. 9945. Community News: Huskies Diamond Club Fundraiser - Hanging Basket Sale:: LAST DAY TO ORDER! Color your world with some beautiful hanging floral baskets from rom the Huskies Diamond Club and help support girls softball in St. Anthony Village. The Huskies Diamond Club, supporters of St.. Anthony Softball in our community, is having a hanging flower basket fundraiser. The proceeds from the fundraiser will be used to defer the cost of the new varsity uniforms. If you are interested in ordering a hanging basket(s), you may complete the attached ached order form and return to Helen Siggelkow in the Wilshire Park office or mail the form and payment directly to JJulie Memorich by Friday, April 10,, 201 2015. If you have any questions, Julie can be reached at or 612.788.6181. Thank you for your support. St. Anthony Boosters Soccer Registration is now open for Summer 2015! Information and registration at: Flyer is attached to electronic newsletter. 7 Wilshire Park Calendar Information Date Time Event Monday, April 13 9:15 a.m. Gr. 3: Ms. Nord’s class presents, “The Wizard of Oz” - Cafeteria Gr. 3: Mr. Nowlin’s class presents, “The Wizard of Oz” - Cafeteria 2015-16 16 Kindergarten Registration (session #1) th 5 Grade Recognition Parent Meeting – Staff Lounge Gr. 3: Mr. Nowlin’s & Ms. Nord’s classes: field trip to Mpls. Institute of Art Ms. Behm’s & Ms. Gibb’s classes: field trip to Mpls. Institute of Art Ms. Luckhardt’s & Mr. Peterson’s classes: field trip to Mpls. Institute of Art Grade 4: Ms. Kopesky’s & Ms. Paulson’s classes: field trip to Bakken and Pavek Crossing Guards to MN Twins Game Grade 4: Ms. Kopesky’s & Ms. Paulson’s classes: field trip to Mpls. Institute of Art MCA Exams for Grades 3, 4, 5: 5 Reading 9:45 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 14 9:30 9:30-11:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 15 9:30 9:30-11:30 a.m. Thursday, April 16 9:30 9:30-11:30 a.m. 9:30 9:30-2:00 p.m. Friday, April 17 10:30-3:15 p.m. 10:30 9:30 9:30-11:30 Monday-Friday, April 20-24 Monday, April 20 Lunchtime Tuesday, April 21 4:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 22 8:00 a.m. Thursday, April 23 9:15 9:15-2:50 p.m. Friday, April 24 Saturday, April 25 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Celebrate Earth Week Celebrate Earth – Wear Green 5th Grade Class Photo Celebrate Earth – Clean-up up Day 2015-16 16 Kindergarten Registration (session #2) School Board Meeting – St. Anthony Community Center Celebrate Earth – Walk or Bike to School K-Kids Meeting – Room 132 Celebrate Earth – Donate flower pots or milk jugs for plant sale. Grade 3: Field trip to MN Zoo Celebrate Earth – Wear orange or yellow Pops Concert: MS/HS Auditorium Pops Concert: MS/HS Auditorium Upcoming Events/Reminders: Monday-Friday, April 27-May 1 Tuesday, April 28 Friday, May 1 MCA Exams for Grades 3, 4, 5: 5 Math 9:25 - 3:15 p.m. 1:30 p.m. Grade 3 to MN History Center Volunteer Appreciation - MPR Words From Wilshire is published twice each month on the second and fourth Friday of the month. (Exceptions: one issue in November on November 14th, one issue in December on December 12 and one issue in March on March 13th). Deadline for articles to be printed in Words From Wilshire is noon on Tuesday before publication. Editor: Cindy Ridge: 8
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