Friday, April 24, 2015 Words From Wilshire is sent via email to al all of our families. If you are not receiving the email version, please email Cindy Ridge to be added to the contact list: Dear Families, Road construction onstruction has started on 36th Ave – the playground side of the school. Highcrest Road and the sidewalk on Highcrest may be closed at times which may ma inconvenience our buses or families as you drive near school. Please remind your child to cross the street at intersections - not mid-block mid - and to be especially watchful around large construction equipment as drivers may not be able see around it. The large construction onstruction equipment is extremely appealing to kids; for their own safety, they should not be climbing on construction equipment parked near school on evenings and weekends. There have also been concerns from neighbors that kids are climbing the fence ence near the playground on 36th Avenue and getting caught by their clothing. Please ask your kids to take the extra time to access the playground by walking to an opening. Dr. Corneille,, St. Anthony Middle School Principal, will be doing a testing presentation prese at the May 5th School Board meeting. She will cover all of the standardized tests we give in the district, the grade levels in which they are given and how we use the information we obtain from them. The Board Meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. at the St. Anthony Community Center if you are interested in attending or watching on cable TV. Several staff members recently announced their retirements! Ms. Kopesky - Grade 4, Ms. Eastman - Grade 5, Mr. Nowlin - Grade 3 and Mrs. Smyth - Music Specialist, will be retiring at the end of the school year. Mrs. Boatman - ACHIEVE HIEVE Coordinator, Coordinator retired in January, 2015. Although we wish them well, well we will miss them and their years of strong teaching experience. Our retirees have written a short article for this newsletter as they plan the next phase of their lives. Please see their remarks on page 2. Although these staff members will be difficult to replace, I will be interviewing candidates this spring for the 2015-2016 school year. I will communicate new staffing fing information when the assignments are finalized. Finally, a date to put on your calendar if it is not there already is our Grandparents Event followed by the Ice Cream Social, Art Show, Show Scholastic Book Fair, Bookk Swap and Bike Helmet th Sale on Tuesday evening, vening, May 12 . This will be a fun event for all of our students and families. Additional information is in this newsletter and a flyer is attached that you may share with grandparents or special older friends of your child. Important Phone Numbers: Numbers Wilshire Park School Office: 612.706.1200 Attendance Line: 612.706.1204 1 Bus Company: Metropolitan Transportation Network: 763.571.1541 Sincerely, Kari Page, Principal Farewell From Our Retirees: From Susan Boatman, ACHIEVE Program Thank you, Wilshire Park parents, for sharing your creative thinkers with me as I culminate a teaching career of 36 action-filled years. For the past nine years Wilshire Park has been my home and focus through the ACHIEVE program. I have enjoyed meeting you and working with your students through creative thinking classes, intellectual units, math leagues, the Creativity Fair, Destination Imagination, summer programs and other learning opportunities. Now in retirement, I too, plan to have my own ideas and be creative! Gardening and cycling, children and grandchildren, travel and adventure already plot the new lesson plan. However, as always, I leave a few hopeful blank spaces for surprises. Nine years ago, Wilshire Park pandas, proved to be the "wonderful new surprise." Thank you for being a part of my journey! From Donna Eastman, Grade 5 Teacher I have spent my entire teaching career in St. Anthony/New Brighton. I started here right out of college. There were three elementary schools in the district at that time, and I taught in all three of them. I taught 4th grade for two years and 5th grade for three years at Park View Elementary. Park View closed in 1975. Our students were sent to Wilshire Park and our staff was split between Wilshire Park and Silver Oak. I taught 4th grade at Silver Oak for four years until that school also closed. I then moved to Wilshire Park, where I taught 4th grade for four years and 3rd grade for one year. I took a 5 year leave of absence and returned in 1989. Since returning from leave, I have taught 5th grade now for 25 years. I watched this community's determination to continue being an independent district through the years of dwindling population, and then become a district that had to make decisions to add on to their building as enrollment increased. There has always been a strong feeling of pride of the schools by both the community and the staff. This has provided a great environment for the students and for me as a teacher. The strong parent involvement has added to this great environment. Through all these years, I have worked with some amazing students, parents and colleagues. I am looking forward to not setting an alarm every morning or spending so much time in rush hour traffic. I am anticipating new adventures in the next stage of my life. However, I will miss interacting with wonderful people on a daily basis. I want to thank the students and parents for wonderful memories and allowing me to be a part of this community of learners. From Shari Kopesky, Grade 4 Teacher When I came to St. Anthony/New Brighton School District, there were three elementary schools. I started teaching fourth grade at Silver Oak Elementary School. In 1979, Silver Oak Elementary School closed due to declining enrollment. My next teaching assignment was at Wilshire Park Elementary School. I have been teaching fourth grade at Wilshire Park except for one year that I taught third grade. It has been a wonderful experience for me to be a part of this school district. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with so many fantastic students, families, and colleagues. I will always treasure these memories. I am looking forward to many new adventures as I begin the next stage of my life. 2 From Dolly Smyth, Music Specialist I have been teaching music at Wilshire Park for 36 years. Because this is my passion, I have thoroughly enjoyed about helping students to read music, sing, play instruments, listen and move to music and express themselves through creating music. I am deeply inspired as I have watched students recognize their musical talents, develop self-confidence and leadership skills through plays, concerts, recorder playing, conducting, dancing and so many daily activities! I look forward to spending more time with my four grandchildren, playing tennis, golf and traveling. I feel so fortunate to have served this community and I have felt the support of students, parents and staff. As the song goes….”I’ve had the time of my life, and I owe it all to you!” Thank you so much for the privilege of sharing music with all of you! Announcements: The fifth grade choir presents: A Blast From the past Thursday, May 7th- Wilshire Park Gym 2:15 p.m. Matinee for school audience 7:00 p.m. Performance – Wilshire Park Gym Please join the fifth grade choir on May 7th at 7 p.m. in the Wilshire Park gym for "A Blast From the Past!" Students will sing and dance to music of the 80’s . . . the 1980’s that is! We’ll have a blast – Join us! Fifth grade choir members should meet in their classrooms at 6:45 that night. The matinee performance is scheduled for 2:15 p.m. that afternoon. An order form will be sent home with 5th graders for those parents who would like a DVD of the concert. Important Testing Dates: Please Put On Your Calendar All students in grades 3-5 will take the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs). It is important that students come to school rested and fed for these very important tests. Students will be taking all of the tests online. Several classes per day will be taking the tests. Your child’s classroom teacher will notify you of the specific days that your child will be testing. If you have any questions, please direct these questions to your child's teacher. The testing dates are: • Week of April 20: MCA Reading Grades 3-5 • Week of April 27: MCA Math Grades 3-5 • Week of May 4: MCA Science Grade 5 • Week of May 11: MAP Reading Grades 2-5 • Week of May 18: MAP Math Grades 2-5 3 Fifth Grade Recognition Activities Forms are attached to this newsletter regarding 5th Grade Recognition activities. One of them is a permission form for 5th Grade Activity Day and the other is an order form for class photos. The permission form, $20 fee (cash or check made out to “WPPA”) and two photos of your 5th grader are due NO LATER THAN Monday, April 27th. 5th Grade class photo order forms should be submitted by May 10th for the best price. If you have already turned everything in: Thank you! Photo information: jpeg format, if possible emailed to (or turn in 5X7 photos in a clearly marked envelope to your child’s teacher). Additional information regarding photos: Photos should be 1 Mb or larger if submitting by email or 5X7 or larger if submitting the actual photo. • 1 photo of your child representing one of their proudest accomplishments at Wilshire Park or doing something they love. • 1 current photo of your child If you have any questions, please contact 5th Grade Recognition Chair, Tami Felling at 5th Grade Activity Day at Shoreview Community Center on Monday, June 1st: If you are able to chaperone for the Activity Day to Shoreview Community Center on Monday, June 1st, please contact Deb Martinez at Track and Field Day: Volunteers Needed - Friday, May 29th In physical education the students are finishing up their fitness testing and are looking forward to Track and Field Day on Friday, May 29th. We are emphasizing the importance of sportsmanship so we can all remember to have fun and encourage one another. The 2nd-5th grade students are practicing in thirteen different events for Track and Field Day. We are looking for adult volunteers to give us a hand with grades 2-5 for half the day or all day. For more information on helping with grades 2-5, please contact Mr. Allison at or at 612.706.1236. If you plan on joining us for lunch, please indicate your choice of lunch: (Lunches are $3.65 each, deducted from your child’s lunch account). __ Hot Dog on a Bun or __ Smucker PB&J Sandwich The Kindergarten and First Grade Track and Field Day is also on Friday, May 29th. Younger students will participate in six events. (See the following schedule for times). If you are available to help, please email Mrs. Egan at If you plan on joining us for lunch, please indicate your choice of lunch: (Lunches are $3.65 each, deducted from your child’s lunch account). • • 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. (First Grade) 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. (Kindergarten) __ Hot Dog on a Bun or __ Smucker PB&J Sandwich 4 Staff Appreciation Week is May 4-8th Staff Appreciation Week is May 4-8 and we have several special events and surprises planned to make this week special for our teachers and staff. If you would like to contribute in any way, please contact Kacy Rainaldo at Kindergarten Registration for 2015-16 School Year Do you have a child who will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2015 and live in the St. Anthony-New Brighton School District? Kindergarten Registration took place during the last two weeks. If you have not yet registered your incoming kindergartner, please email or call the school office at 612.706.1200. Reminder: Volunteer Appreciation Event: Friday, May 1st from 1:30-3:30 p.m. If you’ve given Wilshire Park your gift of time this year, we want the chance to say THANK YOU. This special event is our way of doing that. We have a surprise activity planned for you with snacks and beverages provided. Invitations were mailed out. If we missed you, please contact Jolene at or by calling 612-706-1267. Hope to see you there! Jolene Hodson, Volunteer Coordinator Scholastic Book Fair – Under the Sea: Explore an Ocean of Books! Monday-Friday: May 11-15th - MPR Please join us for our Spring Scholastic Book Fair which will be held Monday-Friday, May 11-15th during the school day from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Students will have the opportunity to visit the Book Fair with their class and families are welcome any time. Watch for a flyer with more information coming home with your child soon. The Book Fair helps promote reading while raising funds for books and materials used by students and staff. The Book Fair will move to the Gym for the Ice Cream Social/Art Show event on Tuesday, May 12th. The Book Fair will be open from 6:30-7:30 p.m. for families to shop! If parents want to shop with their child, they can come to the fair before school or after school until 4 p.m. or shop online at: The online fair is open from May 3-16th. Online orders will be shipped to the school without any added shipping costs. We hope to see YOU at the Book Fair! 5 Scoop Out ut Some Time for Fun on Tuesday, May 12th Grandparents Gathering & Ice Cream Social! • • Grandparents are invited to visit their grandchild’s classroom from 5:30 5:30-6:30 p.m. Drop-in – do not need to stay for the entire hour. Art Show: 6:30-7:30 7:30 p.m. The creative efforts of 1st – 5th Grade Wilshire Park artists will be displayed in an Art Exhibit on Tuesday, May 12 1 th during the Wilshire Park Ice Cream Social. This is an art sample of a semester of hard work and joyful creation! We hope you will plan to attend end and enjoy a feast for the eyes! We look forward to seeing you and your Wilshire Park artist! Kristie Frudden, Art Specialist Ice Cream Social: 6:30-7:30 7:30 p.m. - Cafeteria and Back Soccer Field (weather permitting) Scoopers Needed – Moms and Dads Welcome! Treat yourself to free Culvers custard or a dairy-free free cool treat provided by our Wilshire Park Parents’ Association. Visit with other families as we begin to wrap up the school year. Interested in Volunteering? Additional Questions? Please Contact: Lora Kohan (Ice Cream Chair) at: Bike Helmets Will Be For Sale in the Gym from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Bicycle helmets will be for sale during the Tuesday, May 12th Ice Cream Social so you can purchase your family bike helmets for the summer. The cost is only $15 for the Schwinn brand helmets. A flyer is attached so you can take a look at sizes zes and see how to measure for proper size. If you have questions contact Julie Philbrook (WP Parent and Wilshire Park Safe Routes to School Committee member) at Scholastic Book Fair – Under the Sea: Explore an Ocean of Books! In the Gym from 6:30-7:30 6:30 p.m. The Book Fair will move to the Gym for the Ice Cream Social/Art Social/A Show and will be open from 6:30-7:30 6:30 7:30 p.m. for families to shop! Book Swap: 6:30-7:30 p.m. – Multipurpose Room During the Ice Cream Social and Art Fair, Wilshire Park will host Ice Cream for Books – Book Swap! This is a chance for students to bring their gently used books and swap them for someone else’s gently used books. So start saving your picture books and chapter chapter books that you’ve finished reading. Bring them to the Multipurpose Room that evening and swap them for “new” used books that you haven’t read before. This is a great opportunity to stock ck up for summer reading! Questions? Contact Mrs. Shaw at or 612.706.1209. Sponsored by WPPA Children must be accompanied by an adult. 6 Fourth/Fifth Grade Program on Thursday, April 30th Author Michael Northrup is coming to Wilshire Park Elementary on Thursday, April 30th from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. to speak to our fourth and fifth graders about his newest adventure, TOMBQUEST: AMULET KEEPERS! • About TOMBQUEST: From the team that brought you The 39 Clues and Spirit Animals comes a brand new epic Egyptian adventure! When Alex's mother uses the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead to bring him back from the brink of death, she inadvertently summons a slew of other spirits from the underworld. • • About Michael Northrup: Michael Northrop brings his love of Egyptian history, his explosive adventure writing, and his dynamic personality to TombQuest. His other books include Trapped, an Indie Next List selection, and Plunked, a New York Public Library best book of the year and an NPR Backseat Book Club selection. When he’s not researching mummies, Michael writes full-time from his home in New York City. Advance Sale Book Fliers will be sent home with the fourth and fifth graders next week. Books must be ordered in advance and the form needs to be returned by Tuesday, April 21. Michael Northrop will autograph the pre-sale books that are ordered. The 2015-16 School District Calendar was approved at the January 6, 2015 School Board Meeting. Click here for the 2015-16 school district calendar. Classroom Placements for 2015-16 Teachers are beginning to work on making student placements for classes next year. If you would like to provide input on your child’s placement for next year, you may request a Student Placement Form from the school office. We can send you a paper copy or email you a pdf. This is an opportunity to give your child’s teacher feedback about the environment that would suit your child best. Requests for a specific teacher will not be considered. Forms are due in the school office no later than Friday, May 1st. You will be notified in mid-August of your child’s classroom placement for the 2015-16 school year. Are You Planning to Move? If your child will not be attending Wilshire Park School next year, (or in the case of fifth graders, St. Anthony Middle School), please let us know. It is helpful for our planning and as we order materials. We will prepare your child’s records to forward on to his or her new school. Thanks for your help! Safety Hazard: Highcrest Road as Drop-Off/Pick-up Location Please do NOT drop your child off for school on Highcrest Road in front of school or use Highcrest Road as a pickup after school unless you have parked your car in a safe location located southeast from the building on the east side of the street. We are concerned for the safety of students being dropped off on either side of Highcrest directly across from the school with cars stopping and children crossing. Please use the parking lot, Elmwood church or 36th Ave (alongside the playground) for student drop-off. 7 Earth Week Update from the Wilshire Park Ecology Club This week, the Ecology Club sponsored a week-long celebration to raise awareness about what students can do to keep our environment healthy. In addition to student activities, we are also launching a NoIdle campaign in the school parking lot. Children are more vulnerable to the impact of vehicle pollution than adults: • Their lungs are still in the development phase. • They breathe, on average, 50 percent more air per pound of body weight than adults. • They are closer to the ground, and therefore, closer to the exhaust from vehicle tailpipes. Parents who drive students to and from school: Please help us protect our students and our environment by limiting the amount of time you allow your car to idle (motor running) while you wait. Here is a guideline we ask you to follow: 1. When waiting for students to be picked up, all engines should be shut off. 2. All drivers should turn off engines as soon as they arrive at school or when they expect to be parked for more than 30 seconds. 3. If idling is necessary for temperature control (keeping the car warm in the winter), please restrict it to no more than 5 minutes. Thanks for helping us Celebrate Earth Day Every Day! Wilshire Park Ecology Club End of Year Grade Level Picnics Coordinated by Grade Level Parents • • • • • • Join other students & their families to socialize and reminisce about the school year! Bring a dish to share and something to drink for your family. (Rain or Shine!) Kindergarten – Tuesday, June 2nd from 5-8 p.m. at Central Park Pavillion o Contact person: Kyra Dunn/Eli’s Mom o Email: st 1 Grade – Thursday, May 14th from 5-8 p.m. at Central Park Pavillion o Contact person: Tara Halverson/Landon’s mom o Email: 2nd Grade – Tuesday, May 26th from 5-8 p.m. at Central Park Pavillion o Contact person: Danielle Bogucki/Josie’s Mom o Email: rd 3 Grade - Thursday, May 28th from 5-8 p.m. at Emerald Park Pavillion o Contact person: Jen Smith-Otte/Hans’ Mom o Email: 4th Grade - Thursday, May 21st from 5-8 p.m. at Central Park Pavillion o Contact person: Katie Gillard/Liam’s Mom o Email: 5th Grade Recognition - 5th Grade parents! Looking for Lunchroom/Playground Substitutes Do you have a little time during the day and are willing to substitute occasionally at Wilshire Park? We could use some additional on-call substitutes to work in the cafeteria 8 and playground supervising children at lunchtime. The hours are approximately 11:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. We can work with your schedule. If interested, please visit the school website and click on “Employment Opportunities” to complete an application. Please let Cindy or Helen (612-706-1200) in the school office know when you have have completed your online application and we will work with you to complete the process. From the Nurse’s Office If your child has borrowed clothing from the nurses’ office, please launder and return the items as soon as possible. We are again very low on supplies (especially pants) in all sizes. If you have pants that your child has outgrown, we would love to have them. Donations can be dropped off in the office. We need knit pants, sweat pants, and athletic pants sizes 5-14 5 in boys and girls styles. Jeans eans are helpful, but pants with elastic waist fit more children. Thank you so much for your help! Mrs. Watzl Watzl-King, RN LSN 612-705-1205 or Bus Company Information Metropolitan opolitan Transportation Network is the new bus company contracted for our student transportation. Occasionally delays in student pickup or dropdrop off may occur for a variety of reasons. Our office staff is always available to assist during office hours but pplease lease note our office does close at 4:00 p.m. Please make your first call to the bus company at: 763.571.1541 and ask for “Dispatch”. This his transportation phone number is also listed on the home page of the Wilshire Park website. Bus Stops Please be aware that if a bus stop goes unused for a period of 10 days, that stop may be inactivated by our bus company, Metropolitan Transportation Network.. Please contact our Transportation Director, Todd Niklaus at or 612.706.1117 if you need assistance with your child’s bus route. Another Note Regarding Busing: With a note from a parent to the school office, students are permitted to ride on a different bus with a friend unless the bus is at capacity. This T year, Bus #1 is full to capacity and cannot accommodate additional students for playdates, etc. Parents will need to arrange another form of transportation. After School Change in Plans We understand that after-school school plans for your child may change occasionally. Please send a note with your child or email the teacher, when possible. On those occasions when plans change during the school day, please call the school office as early as you can. Many times, the office staff is inundated ndated with calls and visitors at the end of the day. Some grades have late-afternoon late recess which makes it challenging to deliver a message to your child. Money Sent to School with Your Child When sending money to school with your child, please mark the check or envelope clearly with your child’s first and LAST name, teacher’s name and why the money is being sent (lunch 9 money, field trip, book order, etc.). If paying on your child’s lunch account, please include your child’s Lunch PIN number. If Your Child is Absent or will be arriving late. . . Please call the attendance line at 612.706.1204. Please call before 9:05 a.m. You may leave a message 24 hours a day. • If your student needs to leave school early for an appointment please either call or email the morning of, or send a note with your student. We will communicate the information to your child’s teacher so they are aware that your child will be leaving. Come to the school office to sign your child out of school. Office staff will page the classroom to have your child meet you in the office. Target: Take Charge of Education® Help Target help your favorite school. Sign up for a Target REDcard and Target will donate 1% of your Credit or Debit REDcard purchases made at Target and Choose your kids' elementary school, the neighborhood middle school or any other eligible K–12 school. Wilshire Park recently received a check from Target’s Take Charge of Education program for $6,584.01. Fantastic! Thank you for choosing Wilshire Park as your favorite school! Box Tops for Education: We collect box tops! Clipping the boxtops brings money into our school to be used for programs. The boxtop collection area is inside Door #3 in the cabinet by the Lost and Found. WPPA received a check over Winter Break in the amount of $2,274.90. Wow! AmazonSmile Program: AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization, at no cost to you, every time you shop through Amazon. When you shop at you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to your favorite charitable organization. You can choose from nearly one million organizations to support. Of course, we hope that you will choose the “Wilshire Park Parents Association, Inc.”! There are three easy step to designate Wilshire Park Parents Association to receive funds: 1. Click on: 2. On the screen titled Select a Charitable Organization to Start Shopping, in the search field titled Or Pick Your Own Charitable Organization, enter "Wilshire Park Parents Association, Inc." 3. Select the entry for "Wilshire Park Parents Association Inc." Note: searching on Wilshire Park Elementary returns a Wilshire Park Elementary PTA in California. Be sure to enter "Wilshire Park Parents Association, Inc." After the first time, each time you log into AmazonSmile at to shop, you will see WPPA designated as your charitable organization at the top of your screen. TAR GET Flyers Non-school-related flyers are not sent home with students but will be made available to parents in the school office. Parents may also call the school office to request that a flyer be sent home. Flyers currently available in the school office: 10 • • Piano lessons offered by Michelle Carpenter in her home studio in St. Anthony. Visit the website for more information: or email: Piano lessons offered in St. Anthony by Jenny Trosen. Second grade and up are welcome! Email: or call 651-485-9945. Community News: SAVE THE DATE! Benefit and Celebration for Carl Nowlin *Adults-only evening for friends, family, and community members. Saturday, June 20th, 2015 7:00-11:00 pm Rose Vine Hall @ Grumpy’s in Roseville 2801 Snelling Ave, Roseville, MN 55113 Tickets will be cost $40 online/$50 at the door and will include one free raffle ticket. Online ticket sales will begin in early May. Night will feature: casino games, a silent auction/raffle, light appetizers & a cash bar WONDERING HOW YOU CAN HELP? We are looking for donations for the silent auction and raffle. If you or someone you know has an item to donate, please see attached form for more information. We are looking for items such as: *vacation home/cabin rental *hotel stays *tickets for sporting events *electronics *golf packages *gift baskets *services (auto, spa, lawn care, etc.) *any other valuable items* Questions? Email: For more information and updates see our Facebook page: 11 The St. Anthony Village High School Concert Band & Jazz Band proudly present the 53rd Annual POPS Concert - "Pops At the Movies" - on Friday, April 24th and Saturday, April 25th @ 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium. Tickets are $3 for general admission and $6 for Reserved seating. Tickets are available at the door, or to reserve tickets in advance, call Carole @ 651-639-3939 3939 or email and have "POPS Tickets" in the subject line. Indicate within your email your preferred seating area and you'll receive a call back with open seat options within a couple of days. St. Anthony Boosters Soccer Registration is now open for Summer 2015! Information and registration at: Flyer is attached to electronic e newsletter. Wilshire Park Calendar Information Date Time Event Friday, April 24 Saturday, April 25 Monday-Friday, April 27-May 1 Tuesday, April 28 Thursday, April 30 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Pops Concert: MS/HS Auditorium Pops Concert: MS/HS Auditorium MCA Exams for Grades 3, 4, 5: Math 9:25 - 3:15 p.m. 12:30 12:30-1:30 p.m. 1:30 1:30-2:30 p.m. Friday, May 1 Monday-Friday, May 4-8 Monday, May 4 Tuesday, May 5 1:30 p.m. Grade 3 to MN History Center Author Presentation for Grades 4 & 5 Amy Kujawski, Middle School Dean, visiting with 5th graders Volunteer Appreciation - MPR MCA Exams for Grade 5: 5 Science Thursday, May 7 2:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. WPPA Meeting – Staff Lounge School Board Meeting – St. Anthony Community Center 5th Grade Choir Concert Matinee – Gym 5th Grade Choir Concert - Gym Upcoming Events/Reminders: Monday-Friday, May 11-15 Tuesday, May 12 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. 9:20 - 3:15 p.m. 5:30 5:30-6:30 p.m. 6:30 6:30-7:30 p.m. Scholastic Book Fair (extended hours during ice cream social on Tuesday, May 12) Grade 4 to MN History Center Grandparents Visit to Classrooms Ice Cream Social/Art Show/Scholastic Book Fair/Bike Helmet Sale/Book Swap Words From Wilshire is published twice each month on the second and fourth Friday of the month. (Exceptions: one issue in November on November 14th, one issue in December on December 12 and one issue in March on March 13th). Deadline for articles to be printed in Words From Wilshire is noon on Tuesday before publication. Editor: Cindy Ridge: 12
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