April News 2015 - SD68 School District

Coal Tyee Elementary School Newsletter
2280 Sun Valley Drive, Nanaimo, BC V9T 6P1
Ph. (250) 729-0450 Fax (250) 729-0460
May 2015, Newsletter #8
Mr. Doug English
Mrs. Jill Williamson & Mrs. Joyce Zavarise
Coal Tyee Elementary continues to be an incredibly busy
place with a large variety of student activities recently
coming to a close and many more activities planned for the
final two months of the school year. Teachers are busy
planning their schedules for the final countdown. It is
hard to believe that we are 3/4 of the way through the
school year.
The days are slowly starting to get warmer and the
grass is getting greener, spring is on its way. This is a
great time to get outside, stretch the legs, and set some
new goals for fitness. One of the best ways to improve
fitness is walking. Take some time in the next few
weeks to tie up those runners and take the whole family
for a walk around the neighborhood, you may even have a
chance to reconnect with some people you haven’t seen in
a while.
Coal Tyee Elementary did a fabulous fundraising job for
the Heart and Stroke Foundation. The total raised for
2015 was $5,786.15! As a reward for your efforts, Mr.
English will encourage the top 5 student fundraisers to
throw whip cream pies at him! Our event day was lots of
fun and we’d like to thank Scott Ranger and all the parent
helpers for making our day a success. Pledge Prizes were
ordered this week and will take 3 to 4 weeks for delivery.
Keep up the skipping Coal Tyee! Congratulation to Mrs.
Schmidt’s and Mrs. Reynolds class for collecting the most
pledges. Also congratulations to our top five fundraisers:
Ryan Holman, Victoria Lemon, Payton Lundine, Synova
Smith and Rose Bolivar.
If walking isn’t your thing, what about a ride around on
the bike? Cycling can be great for just a leisurely ride,
or as a transportation method that not only improves
your fitness but also helps the environment. So, dust
off the bike, fit on the helmet, and enjoy some peddling
around town.
Whatever your preference is, be sure to encourage
everyone in your house to be active and enjoy the
benefits of fitness.
Physical activity improves health and well-being. It
reduces stress, strengthens the heart and lungs,
increases energy levels, helps you maintain and achieve a
healthy body weight and it improves your outlook on life.
Research shows that physical inactivity can cause
premature death, chronic disease and disability. Health
Canada encourages Canadians to integrate physical
activity into their everyday life; at home, at school, at
work, at play and on the way ... that's active living!
It is that time of year again! The sun is shining and it is
hot on the playground! It is time to slap on the sun block
and to seek shade from the sun’s damaging UV rays. Our
students spend a total of 45 minutes a day outside for
recess and lunch. The sun on a high UV index day, can
burn the skin in less than 7 minutes. To prevent painful
sunburn and possible skin diseases such as melanoma, we
recommend students:
For children, regular physical activity is essential for
healthy growth and development. For adults, it allows
daily tasks to be accomplished with greater ease and
comfort and with less fatigue. For seniors, weightbearing physical activity reduces the rate of bone loss
associated with osteoporosis and regular physical
activity maintains strength and flexibility, balance and
coordination and can help reduce the risk of falls.
Regular physical activity prolongs independent living.
1. Wear sun block every day from April until October.
2. Wear long sleeves, a hat and sunglasses.
Being physically active not only strengthens your body, it
also makes you feel good about yourself.
Even a few sunburns can increase your chances of getting
a skin cancer like melanoma. The BC Cancer Agency says
that we should “avoid UV radiation and prevent sunburn,
especially during childhood.”
Please encourage your child to wear sun block and to bring
a hat and sunglasses to school for outside play time.
The library is looking for a volunteer
or two who are able to assist in shelving and organizing
library materials. Any time would be appreciated.
Congratulations to the Bantam
Boys basketball team who won
the district finals. The boys
played a great defensive game
and beat Hammond Bay 27 -21.
Congratulation to: Nolan Kehoe,
Matthew Noshkin, Lucas Calliou,
Riley De Ruiter, Austin Parkin, Colby Hatchell, Kolton
Pieters, Wes De Gear, Izaak Larke and Korman Branter.
Way to go boys!!! I would also like to congratulate the
Bantam Girls, Pee Wee girls and Pee Wee boys on their
successful seasons. Thank you to Mr. Ingalls, Mr. Franklin,
Mr. Pinckney, Mrs. Reynolds, Ms. Tye, Mrs. James and Mrs.
Taylor for coaching and sponsoring teams.
All students in Grade 3-7 participated in our annual school
track & field meet Wednesday April 29th at the Rotary
Bowl. Coal Tyee staff were very pleased with how the day
progressed and especially happy with student behaviour.
Those students that qualify will participate in the zone
track meet May 26th – these names will be posted on the
inner court yard window next week.
The Coal Tyee playground committee met last week for
the second time. We are currently exploring funding ideas
through grants and fundraising. The next meeting will be
Tuesday, May 5th at 6:00 pm. We will be measuring out the
new area and sketching out some design ideas to be shared
with the community. We are currently looking for a source
for some large loader/tractor tires for our existing play
area. If you can help please call the office or email me at
Coal Tyee students performed in a spring concert on
staff/students/parents that helped to make this a
memorable event!
May 4-8
May 5
May 11
May 18
May 15
May 25
May 26
June 4
June 5
June 17
June 18
June 24
National Teacher Appreciation Week
Garden/Playground Meeting 6:00pm
PLC/Early Dismissal
Victoria Day
Trade Show
PLC/Early Dismissal
Zone Track and Field
District Track meeting
Kindergarten Orientation 10:00-11:30
Grade 7 Dinner
Aboriginal Day
Last Day of School
The Coal Tyee community garden project is well
underway. We have met a few times and are currently
working on garden design and material collection. We
have estimated that we will need approximately
$5000.00 worth of materials to build and stock our
garden. We have created a list and are asking community
members for help. If you have any materials to donate
or know of any sources that could help us, please call the
office or email me at denglish@sd68.bc.ca
2x8 Cedar boards for bed construction
6x6 garden shed
Fence posts
Fertilized sea soil
Rain Barrels
full sizes shovels
full sized landscape rakes
Garden trowels
Hand rakes
Ipex ¼ in water lines
RainMaker solar watering system
520 Linear ft
1 unit
150 ft
14 yrds
3 yrds
100 ft
1 unit