THE COAL TIPPLE Coal Tyee Elementary School Newsletter 2280 Sun Valley Drive, Nanaimo, BC V9T 6P1 Ph. (250) 729-0450 PRINCIPAL: SECRETARY: Mr. Doug English Fax (250) 729-0460 March 2015, Newsletter #6 Mrs. Jill Williamson & Mrs. Joyce Zavarise PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE COAL TYEE DRESS CODE Welcome back. I hope everybody had a great spring break. It’s hard to believe that there is only three more months left of this school year. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our school community for all of your support and to say that support from home really shows up in the achievement, behavior and participation of our students. With the warmer (we hope soon) weather comes the need to wear lighter clothing. Please remember that school is a workplace for your child/children and what may be acceptable attire at the beach or other places may not necessarily be acceptable at the workplace. At Coal Tyee, we follow the SD #68 Dress Code guidelines and add our own guidelines with respect to “revealing” clothing. JUMP ROPE FOR HEART Our Jump Rope for Heart event will take place on Thursday April 9th. Classes will come down to the gym and participate in station rotations. We would ask that all JRFH pledge forms and money is brought in before or on the morning of the event. We have set a lofty goal of $4000.00 this year. We are also looking for several volunteers to help with the stations and money collection. SPIRIT WEAR We are once again selling Coal Tyee spirit wear. Notices will go home this week with items and prices. Orders are due to classroom teachers by Monday April 20th. Extra order forms can be found at the office if needed. TRAFFIC NOTICE For parents driving to Coal Tyee just a gentle reminder to not block the driveways of our neighbors, as this can be troublesome for neighbors needing to leave their driveways in the morning or towards the end of our school day. A couple of the neighbours have phoned the school as the blocking of their driveways is becoming a daily issue. TRAFFIC SAFETY Please do not park in front of the school on Sun Valley Drive between 8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. – 2:50 p.m. as this is a Kiss & Go Drop Off and Pick Up area only during these times. If you want to park at the school please use the parking lot near the swings or along Mt. Vista Drive. SD #68 Guidelines Appropriate dress is considered to be that which: Is safe Is free of any reference to alcohol, drugs, gangs, hate, obscenity, profanity, racism/discrimination, sex and or violence Is not disturbing or distracting to others within the school setting. Coal Tyee Dress code guidelines: In addition to SD # 68 guidelines, Coal Tyee has adopted the following dress code guidelines: Students wearing clothes that are found to be distracting or “revealing” will be asked to “cover up” or phone home for more appropriate clothing. A rule of thumb is that tops join bottoms and undergarments remain unseen No hats allowed in the main building (some staff allow hats in the classroom.) COAL TYEE ATHLETICS The basketball season will be ending soon. Both the Pee Wee and Bantams will finished their league play this week and the Bantams anxiously wait for the start of playoffs. All players have demonstrated excellent individual skill development as well as developed positive team work skills since the beginning of the season. Thanks again to Mike Ingalls, Jeff Pinckney and Tim Franklin for working with the students. I would also like to thank our staff sponsors (Judith Tye, Tammy Reynold, Karen James and Debbie Taylor) for supporting the teams. After basketball is over we will begin to prepare for track and field in late April. We will be looking for several volunteers to help us with our school track meet. If you are interested please let the office know. N.E.T.P.E.A. CODE OF CONDUCT PHILOSOPHY: The aim of N.E.T.P.E.A. is to provide opportunities for elementary-aged girls and boys to participate in quality extra-curricular sports programs throughout School District No. 68. The Association supports any organized sports programs that emphasize the development of healthy attitudes in a positive, enjoyable environment. It is the responsibility of the coaches and sponsors to provide adequate supervision during all practices and games and to model appropriate attitudes and behaviours. Each coach should teach skills in a positive, supportive manner and be generous with praise and encouragement. The students should be taught respect for each other, the referees, and the coaches. An emphasis should be placed on co-operation, fair play, sportsmanship, safety, and general enjoyment of sports. A strong sense of team spirit, of representing one’s school with honor, and of pride in one’s contribution to any team sport should be paramount. Finally, whether it be in the regular season or in the playoffs, participation, sportsmanship, and fair play should not be overlooked in the pursuit of success. As a parent, you play a vital role in helping N.E.T.P.E.A. achieve these goals. GUIDELINES: 1. Keep comments positive and supportive. 2. Recognize and applaud good play by both teams. 3. Encourage your child to respect the referee’s decision and rules interpretation through overt, appropriate modeling. 4. Discuss concerns with the coach discreetly and in a setting other than a game venue. 5. Appreciate that coaches, referees, and other officials are unpaid volunteers giving up their time to provide an opportunity for your child to participate. 6. Recognize that in many cases, just like the players, coaches and officials are also learning their roles. Appreciate that mistakes will be an inevitable part of the learning curve for them all. 7. Understand that N.E.T.P.E.A. has adapted and simplified rules to make them more appropriate to the developmental level of elementary aged children. A good official will further modify interpretation to accommodate skills levels evident in specific games. Therefore, rules may appear different than those evident at other levels SCHOOL ENHANCEMENTS We are very excited about a couple of exterior projects that are currently in the early developmental stages. We are looking to enhance the school grounds and give our students more opportunities by improving the playground systems and introducing a community garden. We have created two committees to help support these projects and will need full community support in order to be successful. Both these projects will be long term endeavours which will require financial and volunteer support. If you are interested in joining either of these committees please send an email to MOVING AWAY To help us with our planning for next year, please let us know if you will be moving out of the area. Also if you are aware of families moving into the Coal Tyee catchment area with school aged children, please let us know. DATES TO REMEMBER Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr 3 6 9 9 10 15 17 20 21 22 27 29 Good Friday – School not in Session Easter Monday – School not in Session Jump Rope for Heart Event Fire House Gr. 3s Gr. 7 Hot Dog Sale PAC Meeting Young Entrepreneurs Show PLC- Early dismissal 1:40 Class and Whole School Photo Ready Set Learn – Bedtime Shenanigans Spring Concert School Track and Field Meet READY SET LEARN – BEDTIME SHENANIGANS Coal Tyee will be hosting a Ready, Set, Learn event on Wednesday April 22, 2015. Join us for some pre-bedtime fun! We will be playing games, having fun, and listening to a few delightful stories and songs. This FREE evening is for 3 & 4 year olds and their caregivers/parents. Sign up at the school. Running shoes suggested—wear pajamas if you like! Come to the gym—6 to 7 pm It’s time for some shenanigans! Every child deserves an education free from discrimination, bullying, harassment, intimidation and violence. The ERASE (Expect Respect and A Safe Education) bullying strategy is part of the Province of British Columbia’s efforts to personalize learning and supports for all students. For more information check out the website
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