2015 Volume 2 - Urrbrae Agricultural High School

Urrbrae Agricultural High School
505 Fullarton Road, Netherby 5062
Ph: (08) 8372 6955 Fax: (08) 8372 6999
Email: dl.0798.admin@schools.sa.edu.au
March 2015 | 02
School Council AGM
The School Council Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday 17 th February. There were eight nominations to fill the six vacancies for the
2015 Council. The Council members are listed in the table below. The election of members to the executive and subcommittees will take place at
the next meeting of Council on Tuesday 17th of March.
Kerry Brissenden – Parent Representative
Rosylyn Walsh – Aboriginal Representative
Carolyn Jones – Parent Representative
Martin Hamilton-Smith – Local MP
Yuval Yarom – Parent Representative
Cr Judith Weaver – Mitcham Council
Annegret Lackmann – Parent Representative
Cr Chris Adcock – Mitcham Council
Mark Rayment – Parent Representative
Samantha Haby – Old Scholars Representative
Irene Filsell – Parent Representative
Walter Czernezkyj – Principal
Denine Maddaford – Parent Representative
Maxine Farrows – Business Manager
Nick Wilkey – Parent Representative
Ian Reed – Teacher Representative
Alex Lovat – Parent Representative
Paul Jessen – Teacher Representative
David Hart – Parent Representative
April Summers – School Representative Council
Don Maddern – Parent Representative
Evan Grear – School Representative Council
Tabitha McFarlane – Parent Representative
Student Representative Council
The Student Representative Council (SRC) had its Induction and Training day at Mitcham Council chambers last Wednesday. The students
undertook a number of activities around leadership and governance including an address from the new Mitcham Mayor Glenn Spear. The SRC
presidents and executive were also elected into their roles. I’m pleased to announce that April Summers and Evan Grear are the presidents of
the SRC for 2015.
SRC Office Bearer
Evan Grear (President)
April Summers (President)
Liam Edgecombe (Vice President Wellbeing)
Patrick Morgan (Vice President Curriculum)
Kelly MacDonald (Secretary)
Leon Immelman (Vice President Agriculture / Clubs)
David Bryker (Vice President Assembly / Digital Support)
Aengus Drake-Harris (Vice President Sports)
Congratulations to the SRC Executive on their elevation to office. I look forward to them participating in the governance of the school and
providing invaluable advice and student perspectives.
School Reviews
The Education Department have instituted a review system that is focussed on school improvement against its Standard that “All children and
students will progress and achieve at their year appropriate level”. The departmental reviews will be undertaken every 3 years for individual
schools. To ensure Urrbrae is striving for continuous improvement and has evidence for its review we are instituting a program review cycle
within the school. It will be a process for looking at individual components of the school, ascertaining what is working well and what can be
improved. Parents students and the wider community will be asked to contribute to the reviews by completing surveys that comment on the
performance of faculties and organisational groups. Special Needs and the Arts are undertaking program reviews this semester.
This is the first time we have done a comprehensive review of programs under a template that will be used across the school. It will be a great
tool for taking stock of where we are and where we want to go and I look forward to receiving your feedback.
Open day
The 2015 Open Day will be held next week. If you have friends that are interested in sending their children to Urrbrae I highly recommend that
they attend the day. There will be tours of the school and information about the applications process. See details later in this newsletter.
Principal Report continued
Urrbrae has a new website. Nick Jackson has done a remarkable job in developing a new website that has a much more contemporary layout.
He has weeded out a lot of old information and targeted the site at the general community and our success stories. The site is in its infancy and
we will continue to add and update information. Please check it out at www.urrbraehs.sa.edu.au.
Urrbrae in the media
In the past few weeks we have had two television shows organise shoots at the farm and the
wetlands. Scope TV (children’s science show) and Totally Wild (children’s animal/wildlife
show). The Network Ten crew were very impressed with our students, their knowledge and
presentation. It is great publicity for the school and showcases the talents that are fostered
through our programs. We’ll notify you prior to the shows being aired.
Bruce Oerman
Acting Principal
Visual Art
Year 9 students have begun work on creating hand painted lino prints. The idea is based on using a facet of the Word program to create a
two-dimensional picture, transferred to paper, then lino, and finally inked and painted.
All four extra-curricular ensembles are now underway for students learning an instrument or vocal through the school. Music Camp for
these students is only 3 weeks away and letters have been given to students to take home. If you haven’t received one or would like to
know more, please email beth.parkin392@schools.sa.edu.au.
A fifth extra-curricular ensemble, in the form of a guitar ensemble, has been added to the weekly offering and the students are progressing
well. We look forward to their first performance and thanks to Adrian Terrace for getting this group going during Monday lunchtimes. If you
have a student who is interested, please contact him.
Instrumental and Vocal lessons have been well attended so far. Students who do not attend their lesson, or do not communicate in
advance about their reasons for missing a lesson, will be put on the detention list.
On our return from the Music Camp we will be performing at Uraidla Primary School, our first major outing for the year. We look forward to
inspiring some future musicians.
Beth Parkin, Coordinator, The Arts
The new Student Counsellors at UAHS are Matthew Krieg and Miriam Germein (acting, Term 1).
The counselling service at Urrbrae Agricultural High School provides support for students and the wider school community.
The UAHS counselling service offers:
Help to manage relationships with family, teachers and peers
Support to manage issues of concern
Course and career guidance
Information about and referrals to other support agencies
Support to encourage attendance and learning at school
Students are welcome to make an appointment with the counsellors at Student Services. Parents / caregivers are also welcome to make
contact by phone, email or in person to discuss concerns related to the welfare and wellbeing of their son / daughter.
We look forward to working with the UAHS student community in 2015.
Matt Krieg & Miriam Germein, Student Counsellor
Developing Minds was formed by Kirrilee Smout, a psychologist who helps teens through challenges in their lives. Kirrilee has worked
with Urrbrae senior students in the past and attended our Parent Evening in 2015. She offers ideas to help students build resilience and
coping strategies to help them through the stresses of Year 12.
Fran Charlton, Senior Leader, Senior School
The 2014 Stage 2 SACE Merit ceremony was held at Government
House on Tuesday 10th February. Urrbrae Agricultural High School
Bradley Walker
Material Products I (Furniture)
Material Products II ( Metal)
Julia Ebbs
Communication Products I (CAD)
James Everett
Material Products I (Furniture)
Lachlan Marich
Communication Products I (CAD)
Jayden Pacor
Lauren Innes
Agriculture & Horticulture Studies
was represented by the following students.
Congratulations to these students on their achievements.
Jane Sulicich, Senior Leader, Student Pathways
The year has begun with a bang in mathematics. We look forward to 2015 and helping all students improve their understanding and
enjoyment of mathematics.
All year 9s will sit the NAPLAN tests early in term 2. More details will follow.
Mathematics Competitions
Sharemarket Game - We have entered 8 teams in the Sharemarket Game in semester 1. Each team is given a mock $50000 to trade
using real-time shremarket prices. Students trade shares online using computers, iPads or phone apps. Students compete in teams of 2, 3
or 4. There is prize money for the team whose portfolio of shares is worth the most at the end of the competition. Well done to all teams
entering and good luck.
Computer and Algorithmic Thinking (CAT) – Two year 11 students have entered the CAT competition this year which focuses on the
skills behind computer programming. Students do not need to know how to do programming to enter. The competition is designed to identify hidden programming skills in students. Good luck to these 2 students.
Mathematics Scholarships
This term we will be offering up to 20 mathematics scholarships to year 8 and 9 students (10 per year level). The scholarship recipients will
be expected to enter all competitions and will be given support for this. They will also be involved in career awareness programs
highlighting the career pathways that mathematics can lead them to post school. Students will be invited to apply for a scholarship based
on their school results as well as any data we have to indicate high achievement in mathematics. Please contact me if you have any questions about scholarships.
Maths Help
Each lunchtime students are able to get maths help by coming to the maths block in the second half of lunch. It is terrific to see so many
students using their time to improve their understanding of mathematics, or to complete any outstanding work. The maths help area is a
pleasant area in which to study and is fully supervised. All students from years 8 to 12 are welcome.
PAT Maths Testing
Over the next few weeks we will be giving all year 8s the PAT maths test. This is an online, 40 minute test which is designed to help us see where
the strengths of our year 8s lie, and which areas we need to focus on for improvement. You are welcome to the results of the PAT test so please
send me an email if you would like to see them. There is no preparation needed by students. They will not be used for reports, but are a way of us
identifying certain areas for development and strengthening
Mark Ward, Senior Leader, Mathematics/Numeracy
The Urrbrae Trails semester 1 class recently underwent training
at Monarto Zoo as has been the custom over the past decade
and more. This group gained immensely from the experience
which is led by Zoo Educator Ian (“Wally”) Walton.
We camped overnight at “Indaba” – a facility which has limited
facilities but is still able to provide for the limited needs of a
group of students. We were exceptionally fortunate in the morning to be able to visit the “eagles nest” nearby. The sharp eyes
of a couple of students resulted in the actual observation of a
wedge tailed eagle –the first sighting in the area for a number of
The Trails Team who attended are to be congratulated for the commitment they
showed to the challenges placed before them. Students underwent training in
team building, communication development, self awareness and the role and
responsibility of tour guiding. Every student made very valuable contributions
and showed considerable growth and development. Both Wally and Ginny (the
overnight Monarto educator) commented positively on the reliability organisation
and responsibility displayed by this group of young Urrbrae ambassadors.
Outlined below is a selection of comments from student responses in one of the
assessment tasks associated with this training experience.
”The Monarto Zoo tour guide training camp was a blast. I really did enjoy all of
the tasks and activities we did. It wasn’t only a fun experience it was also a very
informative event”.
“Over the short period of time spent at Monarto, I felt that the Urrbrae Trails
Team became a lot closer as friends and team members. Personally I learned a
lot about myself, and my strengths and weaknesses as a leader, which I hope to
work on.”
“It was a great experience and I’m really excited to share my knowledge of the
farm with eager people who will enjoy the tours as much as I will.”
“It was pretty cool to get to know others, gain and put trust in them and then be
able to speak in front of them within 24 hours”.
I know how much effort I am going to need to put in to make the farm tours a
good experience for both me and the guests of the school. I genuinely believe
that the whole group progressed very efficiently and I now know that we will do a
good job.”
I got up and once I was up the front I let my
notes flow and I remembered the quote we
had learnt ‘everything happens for a reason”.
I remembered this and thought that if I don’t
do well it just shows me I need to improve.
The students involved are to be congratulated
for the efforts and input they have put into this
training activity
Peter Melnyk, Teacher,
Environment & Humanities
Thursday 5th March
Staff Conference Day/Pupil Free Day
Monday 9th March
Adelaide Cup Public Holiday
Friday 13th March
Sports Day
Tuesday 17th March
Finance Committee; School Council
Friday 27th March
Mortlock & Certificate Awards
Monday 30th March
Arkaroola Information Evening 7:00pm
Tuesday 31st March
Year 8 Immunisations
Friday 3rd April
Good Friday Public Holiday
Monday 6th April
Easter Monday Public Holiday
Friday 10th April
Last day of term 1
Tuesday 28th April
First Day of term 2
Tuesday 12th May
NAPLAN testing
Wednesday 13th May
NAPLAN testing
Thursday 14th May
NAPLAN testing
Barn Market & Car Boot Sale
Suspended Until Further Notice
Olive Oil
Fruit and Vegetables
(in season)
Jams, Chutneys, etc
Available from School Canteen 83726970
For further information please contact 8372 6955
Mortlock Scholarship
Friday 27th March, 2015
7.00 pm
Southern Cross Cultural Exchange Scholarships
9 scholarships are on offer for students in years 9 – 12, for study overseas.
George Cresswell Hall
Unley High School.
Some have a deadline of March 30th this year. If interested, go online to
www.scce.com.au and/or phone for a brochure.
Urrbrae Agricultural High School
Open Day
Tuesday 17th March 2015
Two hour visits to the school will comprise of:
Information about the Application Process
Farm Tour
School Tour
The Open Day Program runs from
 9:30am - 11:30am
and will be repeated at
 1:00pm - 3:00pm
and again at
Applications for Year 8 2016 will close at 5:00pm
on Wednesday 29th April 2015
Additional information is available
on the school website
 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Parking access is via Gate ‘C’ off Cross Road
on the School Oval as directed.
Information sessions will be conducted in the Farm Shed.
Application packages will be available from 18th March 2015.