Urrbrae Agricultural High School 505 Fullarton Road, Netherby 5062 Ph: (08) 8372 6955 Fax: (08) 8372 6999 Email: dl.0798.admin@schools.sa.edu.au http://www.urrbraehs.sa.edu.au FROM THE PRINCIPAL March 2015 | 03 INTRODUCTION As Term 1 draws to a close I am conscious of how quickly this term has passed. However at time of writing there are still events which are planned before the mid-semester break. Friday 27/3/15 Saturday 28/3/15 Monday 30/3/15 Beginning 22/3/15 Friday 10/4/15 - Mortlock Ceremony Karoonda Show ANZAC Assembly Report Writing Reports posted These dates have been supplied to inform parents of the focus of our activities for the rest of the term. All staff are involved in the planning and implementation of these events. SCHOOL PERFORMANCE REPORTS DECD has recently introduced a DECD Performance Review Process. The process has been designed to allow for monitoring and planning for improvement of performance against the DECD Standard of Educational Achievement (SEA) and relevant DECD strategic objectives and targets. To inform the review process, data has been sourced by DECD from SACE, NAPLAN and school returns (finance, attendance, use of relieving staff and specific SASIF account figures and given to clusters of schools and specific schools. Urrbrae is in the Mitcham Plains cluster which comprises Kindergartens, Primary Schools and High Schools in our vicinity. The process of review will take the form of dialogue between DECD representatives and the cluster, as well as individual schools, to examine in detail the data on student achievement and progression. Schools will be asked to respond to questions focussed on student improvement, in terms of what is being done to improve student learning. Data supplied focusses on Year 9 NAPLAN results and SACE data and they will be the initial focus in our meeting. The meeting will take place next Tuesday 1st April 2015 at the Education Development Centre, Hindmarsh. I will inform Council and parents of our outcomes. STAFF CHANGES 2015 There will be some staff changes during this year and processes are already in place for filling of vacancies and ensuring program continuation. Mr John McCreanor Mr Peter Melnyk Mr Neil Marks At present Long Service leave at present, pending retirement Subject Areas: Arts / Drama Retirement at end of Term 1, 2015 Subject Areas: Geography, Social and Cultural Education Retirement: July 1 2015 Technology Area I wish these staff the very best in their retirement. Their contribution to Urrbrae students and staff has gone well beyond what has been asked for. Over the years they have contributed to the development of Urrbrae to what it is now. Good luck for the future. UPDATED NEW STAFF LIST There have also been changes to our staff at the beginning of the year and since then. The staff list below reflects the additional staff we have recruited to date. Principal report continued Eileen Butler – Aboriginal Education Tegan Buckley – Farm Instructor Fran Charlton – Senior Leader, Senior School Tom DeAngelis – Mathematics Teacher Alice Fistr – Agriculture Teacher Jeanette Hawes – HPE / Home Economics Teacher Matthew Krieg – Student Counsellor Edwinna Lee – English / Drama Teacher Tim Magnusson, Coordinator Technology Margaret Marschall – Mathematics Teacher Jacinta McIntee – Reception Danette Oughton – Business Manager (Acting) Christine Rounsevell – Library Christine Taylor – Science Teacher Jill Taylor – Science Lab Assistant Ross Templeman – Assistant Principal, Agriculture CONCLUSION I thank students and staff for their efforts this term. I wish you all a restful break during the mid semester holidays, and hope you come back refreshed and eager to address the demands of next term. To Year 12 students, this term effectively marks the end of one third of your academic year. I strongly recommend that you review your performance and any outstanding work of this term and consolidate it during the break. Have a great break! Walter Czernezkyj PRINCIPAL SCHOOL COUNCIL Our first Council meeting after the AGM was held on Tuesday March 17th 2015. Business included election of office holders for 2015. Chairperson is Mr David Hart, Treasurer, Ms Tabitha McFarlane. Another item for discussion was the Barn Market. During first term this year the Barn Market has been in recess while the support structure has been revised. Following this paragraph is a message from the new Barn Market Committee. BARN MARKET Are you interested in being part of the Barn Market as a volunteer or a stall holder.? We have a new Barn Market Committee to get things moving again. Next Market: Saturday 2nd May 2015 (9.00 am – 12.00) For more information please contact: Denine Maddaford: denine@adam.com.au We look forward to seeing you: Tabitha McFarlane, Annegret Lackmann, Kerry Brissenden, Denine Maddaford DIGITAL LEADERS The Times They Are A-Changin’ Nine students who volunteered to be student Digital Leaders in the school had their debut on the Staff Conference Day at Urrbrae. And what a debut it was! Giving up their own time in preparation leading up to the event and working hard on the day, these students blew the staff away. They provided top class training in Google Apps for Education, running workshops throughout the day. This is a new era for Urrbrae in terms of students being empowered with technology and it is only the beginning. Nick Jackson, Senior Leader, Quality Pedagogy & eLearning SRC NEWS SRC Training and Induction Day The SRC induction day was a big success. A speech from our principal Mr Czernezkyj started the day. The SRC also heard speeches throughout the day from Youth Worker Ulus Fuat, and the Mayor of Mitcham, Mr Spears. During the day there were team discussions in small groups. This helped everyone get to know each other and helped build team chemistry. After morning tea each year 12 student applying for an executive position made a speech to the rest of the SRC. The speeches gave the younger students in the SRC an idea of what each applicant could bring to the SRC. Just before lunch the SRC voted to decide the Presidents. The two Presidents elected were Evan Grear and April Summers. Overall the day was a great success and marks the beginning of the 2015 SRC activities. Evan Grear, SRC President Executive: Liam Edgecombe, Patrick Morgan, April Summers, Kelly Macdonald, Evan Grear, Leon Immelman, Aengus Drake-Harris SRC Representatives: Year 8: Lucy Mansfield, Louis Levin, Zac Quihampton, Demi Gunn-Markwick, Katelin Bayre, Max Trollope, Lucas Schack, Kathryn Goddard, Oceane McGirvan, Declan Tozer, Matilda Matthews, William Hawkins, Noah Siwes, Kathryn Goddard, Neiche HousmanO’Rourke, Daniel Vogt. Year 9: Tenelle Simons, William Armfield, Meaghan Vogelsang, Georgia Hewett, Matthew Flood, Ellie-May Saunders, Ethan Grzyb, Joel Bradfield, Nick Hargreaves, Cameron Scott, Lauren Heddle. Year 10:Andrew Gray, Lily McMullin, Adam Bell, Illaria Visentin, Clare Edgecombe, Bess Thompson. Year 11:Rohan Wheaton, Tom Stuart, Rohan Wheaton Urrbrae 2015 Sports Day Urrbrae’s 2015 Sports Day was a huge success with massive numbers on the day. The levels of participation were up and every team scored heaps of points. This year the SRC continued the tradition of running the school BBQ; supplying sausages and cool drinks to the hard working students and staff. I have only heard positive feedback from everyone about the BBQ. It was a great, successful day in all with everyone working together to make it work. GO WAITE!!! Aengus-Drake Harris, SRC Vice President, Sport Open Day Urrbrae’s Open Day was held last Tuesday the 17th of March 2015. Three sessions were presented throughout the day and evening. It was a wonderful opportunity to be able to interact with the many primary school students and parents who attended. The SRC organised the car parking and did an extraordinary job positioning the cars in a logical manner. The SRC also had a stall in the gym to inform parents and students about what SRC represents. I would like to thank those SRC members, Peer Leaders, Urrbrae Trail guides, year 8 students, teachers and any other students or staff who participated and gave up their time to make the Open Day a positive experience for everyone. April Summers, SRC President NAPLAN NAPLAN for Year 9s in Term 2 In Week 3 of Term 2 Year 9 students will complete NAPLAN tests in Reading, Grammar and Punctuation, Writing, and Numeracy. We will provide further detail regarding the tests early next term. Meanwhile, please note the following general observations: NAPLAN is used by governments, education authorities and schools to determine whether young Australians are meeting important educational goals in literacy and numeracy. We can gather valuable data from our students’ results to support good teaching and learning, and school improvement. As your child progresses through their school years it is very important that checks are made along the way to see how well they are learning the skills of reading, writing, and mathematics – essential skills that will set them firmly upon the path to success as adults. It is important to know that NAPLAN is not a pass or fail test. It simply looks at what level students are achieving in literacy and numeracy against national standards and compared with their peers throughout Australia. Teaching to the test NAPLAN assesses literacy and numeracy skills that students are already learning through the school curriculum. Children can prepare for NAPLAN through studying a broad, rich curriculum. Students cannot prepare specifically for NAPLAN and are not expected to do so. NAPLAN familiarisation is important, but drilling and excessive practice is unnecessary and unhelpful. These tests contain questions similar to those that occur in regular classroom learning and assessment. If you have any concerns, please talk to your student’s teacher who knows your child’s learning best. If you have any general queries about the forthcoming NAPLAN testing please contact Mark Ward, Mathematics and Numeracy Senior Leader, or Jennifer Jones, English and Literacy Senior Leader, on 8373 6955. Jennifer Jones , Senior Leader, English/Literacy,& Mark Ward, Senior Leader, Numeracy/Mathematics STAGE II TOURISM CAMP– KANGAROO ISLAND TRIP Early one morning (5:45am) the Stage 2 Tourism class arrived at UAHS to venture down to Cape Jervis. The Sealink Ferry awaited and thankfully the seas were calm for the 45 minute crossing. The point of the Field Trip was to gather primary research for two summative tasks and to teach the students how to go about this efficiently. Survey and interview work was executed in Penneshaw and Kingscote with local businesses. A lecture by Chair KI Tourism, Pierre Gregory provided an insight into the issues an island population contends with. The question Would KI’s tourism be sustainable without Sealink? is not as simple as one immediately thinks. Other talks were from a variety of local business operators from bee keepers to a KI fresh seafood operator who has won many awards and provided differing views for the students to weigh up. How to manage a natural attraction with minimal negative impact was delved into at Seal Bay and KI (Advanced Ecotourism) Outdoor Action. Students analysed environmental hardening, infrastructure and carrying capacity techniques, and listened to the challenges of implementing the Triple Bottom Line of Sustainability. The final highlight for the students was quad biking and sand boarding which exposed them to some beautiful parts of the island whilst having some fun. We thank Brenton Davies for his lecture and this experience in a very professional adventure activity which we all recommend. We thank the community of Kangaroo Island for their support in our program. Meri Holt, Tourism Teacher HUMANITIES-THE MARITIME MUSEUM & HISTORIC PORT ADELAIDE For the first 6 weeks of the year all the year 9 Humanities classes have been studying the Industrial Revolution. This is an important time in human history because we cannot understand the world we live in today and where we are heading without studying how we got here! To end the unit students were given the opportunity to head down to Port Adelaide, the bustling hub of the South Australian Industrial Revolution, to reflect on the significance of the area during the 18th and 19th centuries and how and why it has changed today. Students were given the chance the visit the Yelta, a steam powered ship, visiting its engine room to discover how vehicles were powered during the Industrial Revolution. They also visited the Maritime Museum, learning about the different boats people have travelled on throughout history to get to Australia. Students were given a demonstration and the chance to discover how goods were transported from ships onto land and vice versa during the peak of Industrial transport during the Revolution. Finally they were given the opportunity to take a cruise on the Port River, dolphin spotting and discovering what still is delivered by ship in and out of Port Adelaide and the historic landmarks along the wharf. It was an interesting experience for student to discover buildings, transport and inventions that have been discussed in class through learning about the Industrial Revolution. Harmony Fenoughty, Coordinator, Environment & Humanities CLIPSAL EXCURSION On Thursday 26 February 2015, Urrbrae students had the opportunity to attend the Clipsal 500 car racing event This experience provides an outstanding opportunity for an interactive educational experience based around motorsport. Fifty students attended the day and were treated to some excellent racing as well as a variety of spectator events. Students commented on the exhibitions that surrounded the track. These included the old car displays and the Ferrari display, and the ability to get as close as theycould to the race cars and drivers was a highlight. Students were also able to enter the pit area where the V8 teams were setting up and preparing for the race. All students were outstanding ambassadors for Urrbrae with the use of public transport and their actions while at the race track. David Hawes, Design & Technology Teacher 9 REASONS WHY SPORTS ARE VALUABLE FOR CHILDREN TO PLAY You probably already know the answer to this question. We’ve been hearing for years that youth sports build character, persistence and teamwork. I am currently interviewing senior amateur footballers to assist in the development of their football department. Here are some skills they believe they learned whilst playing sport. REASON 1 1. In school sport, it was difficult coaches and teammates. In the real world it is co-workers, neighbours or even in-laws. As a CEO I have dealt with colleagues who remind me of arrogant high school team-mates. My sporting experiences have given me the ability to seek to understand. (8 more reasons to come) Nick Joy, Coordinator, Health & Physical Education SPORTS DAY On Friday 13th of March Urrbrae ran its annual Sports Day with huge success. In previous years, students have been able to come along and participate in any event they choose and score points for both their house and for their home group. This system has been a success in the past and this Sports Day was no different. What has become apparent is the level of enjoyment this day brings. We had huge numbers of students, both present on the day and participating, indicating that we are getting Sports Day right! The cross-over between meeting the athletic students’ needs in the form of rigorous and highly competitive athletics events and the goodwill and fun of those who dress-up and support was easily met and allowed for a fun yet competitive day. But, there can only be one winner and despite Hilton’s ability to field a large number of runners in the long distance events held earlier in the week, they could only muster 4th place. Mortlock were much the same, finishing 3rd,leaving only Bishop and Waite to fight out for top honours. Bishop and Waite battled hard all day, swapping the lead on many occasions. However, due to its super numbers in the long distance events and fantastic motivation from its House Captains, Waite finished on top and by quite the margin! Congratulations to those in Waite. Waite – 924 Bishop – 728 Mortlock – 681 Hilton – 540 As usual, these days do not run without the support of the teaching staff who man the events and ensure the day runs smoothly. Many, many thanks to the PE staff for organising the day including assigning staff roles (like herding cats). Without this faculty, Sports Day certainly would not go ahead. The standard of Sports Day is such that a high percentage of the school are present on the day, indicating that the event is being run well. Thank you PE. Lastly, a huge thank you to the students who participated, broke records, were House Captains, dressed-up, played in the band, supported, danced, were in the conga line, helped run events and set up. The day is for you and you have made it your own. Congratulations on your efforts. Til next year… Nick Joy, Coordinator, Heath & Physical Education & Russell Curyer, HPE teacher YEAR 12 STUDIES YEAR 12 STUDENTS AND PARENTS Now that we are well into term 1, I thought it would be a timely to remind all students that attendance to all lessons is essential for you to have the best chance of success. I am aware that students have had some ‘short’ weeks, due to Sports Day, Assemblies and Public Holidays etc. Please ensure you make every effort to keep to deadlines and communicate via Daymap with your teachers if needed. Can parents also support the Urrbrae ethos of rigorous learning by supporting their child and communicating with the school. Thanks for your support. Fran Charlton, Senior Leader ,Senior School UP A CREEK WITH A PADDLE Success is about the outcome, excellence is about the process of becoming proficient. The former gives you a short term buzz, yet instills fear of losing. During Week 7, whilst most of us were preparing for Sports Day, two of our Year 11 students, Hannah Tatlock and Tom May ventured eastwards to Sydney to compete in the Australian Kayaking Championships. They performed extremely well, representing Urrbrae and South Australia with great pride. Hannah achieved Gold Medal in the Under 16 K2 500m and Silver medals in the: U/16 K2 1000m U/16 K2 200m U/16 K4 500m Tom achieved Silver medals in the: U/18 K4 500m U/18 K4 200m I love this culture of excellence; A quest for excellence that turns an athlete’s focus upon the journey of athletic development, which is filled with struggle, disappointment and success. Athletes on a quest for excellence inevitably have much more success than those who focus solely upon winning and positive outcomes. They accept more challenging situations, so they will learn from them. They go out of their comfort zone in the quest to improve. They also celebrate the achievements of others. Congratulations Hannah and Tom, not just for your success but for the personal qualities that you exhibit. They are equally as valuable as any academic result. Nick Joy, Coordinator, Health & Physical Education ARTS NEWS Music Open Day visitors this year were welcomed by our “pop up” Open Day band, some of the year 11 class who quickly put together some repertoire, guided by Adrian Terrace. They were such a professional crew, they performed for the whole school assembly later that week to launch the DECD Anti-Bullying Campaign. Drama The Year 11 Drama class is well into rehearsals of their production for this term. Beth Parkin, Arts Coordinator Year 8 and 9 Drama Students recently attended the Fringe Commedia performance ‘The Royal Bloodbath’ by touring company Commedia con Corinna, a comic play of ambition taken to extremes culminating in a hilariously gruesome bloodbath. Four actors skilfully played 17 characters between them, making students both laugh and groan. Year 9 students were influenced by the exaggerated stock characters and will use some of the ideas in their upcoming Melodrama performances and both Year 8 and 9s will practise their Review Writing Skills. Edwinna Lee & Tom Falkai, Drama Teachers DIARY DATES Friday 27th March Mortlock & Certificate Awards 7:00 pm Monday 30th March Arkaroola Information Evening 7:00pm Tuesday 31st March Year 8 Immunisations Friday 3rd April Good Friday Public Holiday Monday 6th April Easter Monday Public Holiday Friday 10th April Last day of term 1 Monday 27th April Staff Conference Day Tuesday 28th April First Day of term 2 Tuesday 12th May NAPLAN testing Wednesday 13th May NAPLAN testing Thursday 14th May NAPLAN testing Mortlock Scholarship Ceremony Friday 27th March, 2015 7.00 pm George Cresswell Hall Unley High School. Barn Market Saturday 2nd May 9:00am 9:00am— —12:00pm Olives Olive Oil Fruit and Vegetables (in season) Honey Jams, Chutneys, etc Wine Plants STAFF CONFERENCE DAY PUPIL FREE DAY TERM 2 - WEEK 1 MONDAY 27TH APRIL Available from School Canteen 8372 6970 For further information contact Denine Maddaford: denine@adam.com.au URRBRAE WETLAND OPEN DAY Sunday 12th April from 1.30 – 4.00 pm Parking off Cross Rd 500m west of Fullarton Rd You are free to wander in the grounds but will gain most insight through our guided visit. Car park will be closed promptly at 4.30 pm Meet at the Learning Centre for: Illustrated talk (followed by) Guided Walk 1.40 pm 2.00 pm 2.10 pm 2.30 pm 2.50 pm 3.10 pm Special Children’s Walk 2.30pm If you’d like to know more Visit our Wikipedia site: wikipedia.org/wiki/Urrbrae Wetland UAHS Learning Centre site: www.urrbraewetlandlc.org To arrange site visits or volunteer as a Friend of the Wetlands, contact Wetland Manager, Ann-Louise Breeding, 82726010 or wetlands@urrbraehs.sa.edu.au
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