Principal Scientist (Animal Physiology)
National Research Centre on Yak, ICAR,
Dirang – 790101,West Kameng District,
Arunachal Pradesh, INDIA
E-mail :,
Phone: +91-3780242389 Extn. 204(O), 238(R),
+91-9435149049 (M)
Fax: +91-3780242273
1. Acting Director, NRC on Yak from 1st May to 28th
2. Principal Scientist (Animal Physiology), NRC on Yak
from 20.02.2008 till date
3. Professor (Animal Physiology) CVSc, Guwahati from
01.01.2006 to 19.02.2008
4. Associate Professor (Animal Physiology) CVSc,
Guwahati from 01.07.1996 to 31.12.2005
5. Assistant Professor (Animal Physiology) CVSc, Guwahati
from 03.08.1987 to 30.06.1996
P.G. student Supervision
Guided 4 MVSc students as Major Adviser and 5 Ph.D. and
37 MVSc students as Co-Adviser
Research area
Reproductive Physiology, Embryo Biotechnology
 Research Papers- National: 80, International: 6
 Book Chapter-1
 Invited papers – 10
 Scientific article - 8
 At NAARM, Hyderabad: 3 (Executive Development,
Vigilance Administration & MDP)
 21-27 days training on relevant field of research: 3 in
 Other short training: 6
1. Sri Anjan K. Oruganti Memorial Medal for Best Article in
Physiology published in Indian Veterinary Journal in 1996
2. Member, Board of Management, AAU from 1998 to 2002
3. Vice President of Society of Animal Physiologists of India
(SAPI) from 1994-1997
4. General Secretary of Society of Animal Physiologists of
India (SAPI) from 2007- 2011
5. President, Assam Agricultural University Teachers’
Association (Veterinary Faculty) from 2007 to 2008
6. University Merit Scholarship both in U.G & P.G levels
Other achievements
 Team leader of research group involved in production of
first test tube yak calf, NORGYAL, on 15th July, 2013 at
Nyukmadung Farm of NRCY
 Actively associated with first ever production of yak and
mithun calves on embryo transfer through MOET
 Protocol developed for in vitro production of yak and its
hybrid embryos.
 Developed
synchronization method for yaks with production of
 Actively associated with development of protocol for
synchronization of oestrus, superovulation and nonsurgical embryo collection and transfer of embryos in
 Actively associated with development of protocol for
synchronization of oestrus, superovulation and nonsurgical embryo collection and transfer of embryos in yak.
 Protocol developed for synchronization of oestrus,
superovulation and non-surgical embryo recovery in local
non-descript and crossbred (Jersey X Local) cows of
 Protocol developed for Multiple Ovulation and Embryo
Transfer in Assam Local and Crossbred (Beetal X Assam
Local) goats with production of elite goats on surgical
transfer of embryos.
“NWP on ETT in animal production” of ICAR at
AAU Guwahati, Assam in 2004 as P.I.
“Conservation and multiplication of gemplasm of yak
(Poephagus grunniens L) and its hybrid using in vitro
embryo production technique” sponsored by DBT at
NRC on Yak, Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh in 2013 as
Two ICAR ad hoc projects at AAU, Guwahati, Assam
as Co-investigator in 1990
One institutional project at NRC on Yak, Dirang,
Arunachal Pradesh as P.I. in 2010 and another two as
Co-investigator in 2012.
On-going –
P.I. of DBT sponsored project “Development of
infrastructural facilities at NRC on Yak”
Involved in AICRP & VTCC (Rumen Microbes)
projects of ICAR, and one institutional project as
D.Bhuyan; B.N.Boargohain; K.Ahmed; B.C.Sarmah and P.Chakravarty (1991):
Physicomorphological and biochethical characteristics of semen of Hampshire and
crossbred boars. IJAR 12(1): 90— 91.
2. A.Dutta; R.N.Baruah; J.C.Dutta; S.C.Talukder, B.C.Sarmah and P.Chakravarty
(1992): Ova recovery rate in relation to various doses of HCG treatment in goat. IJAR
13(1): 27— 28.
3. N.K.Rajkhowas; B.Baruah; P.Chakravarty; B.C.Sarmah and S.C.Talukder (1992):
Study of stages of embryos at 72 hrs post mating in HCG and PMSG: HCG treated local
goats of Assam. Indian J. Anim. Physiol. 1(1): 15— 19.
4. A.Dutta; R.N.Baruah; J.C.Dutta; S.C.Talukder; B.C.Sarmah and P.Chakravarty
(1992): Studies on ovulation in relation to various doses of HCG treatment in goat. Indian
Vet. J. 69: 952-953.
5. P.Chakravarty; B.Baruah; B.C.Sarmah; B.N.Bargohain and S.C.Talukder (1993):
Ovulation time and follicular characteristics in local goats of Assam. Indian Vet. J. 70:
6. N.K.Rajkhowa; P.Chakravarty; B.C.Sarmah; B.Baruah and S.C.Talukder (1993):
Embryo recovery in PMSG: HCG treated local goats of Assam. Indian J. Anim. Sci. 8:
7. N.K.Rajkhowa; P.Chakravarty; B.C.Sarmah and B.Baruah (1993): Embryo
recovery in HCG treated local goats of Assam. Indian Vet. J. 70: 1150— 52.
8. A.Dutta; R.N.Baruah; J.C.Dutta; S.C.Talukder; B.C.Sarmah and P.Chakravarty
(1993): Serum progesterone profile during oestrous cycle in goat treated with different
doses of HCG. Indian J. Anim. Reprod. 14(1): 14— 15.
9. D.J.Dutta; B.C.Sarmah; S.C.Talukder; B.N.Bargohain and P.Chakravarty (1993):
Effect of PMSG and HCG on ovarian follicular growth in local goats of Assam. Indian J.
Anim. Reprod. 14(1):20—21.
10. A.Dutta; R.N.Baruah; J.C.Dutta; S.C.Talukder; B.C.Sarmah and P.Chakravarty
(1994): Facundity and sex ratio in goat in relation to various doses of HCG treatment.
Indian Vet. J. 71: 185—86.
11. K.K.Baruah, R.N.Baruah, Anubha Baruah, B.C.Sarmah and P.Chakravarty
(1994): Studies on certain biochemical constituents of blood in laying and non-laying
Khaki Campbell ducks in Assam. Indian Vet. J. 71: 833-834.
12. P.Chakravarty; B.N.Bargohain; B.C.Deka and B.C.Sarmah (1994): Study on the
morphological features of oocytes in goat. Indian J. Anim. Reprod.15 (1):79-80.
13. P.Chakravarty; B.C.Sarmah and B.Baruah (1995): Effect of sexual contact during
oestrus on ovarian performance of goat. Indian Vet. J. 72: 534—35.
14. D.J.Dutta; B.C.Sarmah; P.Chakravarty and S.C.Talukder (1995): Effect of HCG
on growth and rupture of ovarian follicles in local goats of Assam. Indian J. Anim.Sci. 10:
15. B.K.Sarmah, B.N.Bhattacharya, J.Goswami, R.N.Goswami, B.C.Sarmah and
P.Chakravarty (1995): Level of haemoglobin and packed cell volume in prepuberal and
postpuberal local goats of Assam. J. Assam Vet. Council 5: 48-49.
16. B.K.Sarmah; B.C.Sarmah and P.Chakravarty (1996): Prospect of Embryo transfer
in local goats of Assam. Int. J. Anim. Sci. 11: 181 —82.
17. B.K.Sarmah; D.J.Dutta; J.Goswami; P.Chakravarty; R.N.Goswami and
B.C.Sarmah (1996): Oestrus and ovulation response in superovulated goats in relation to
age. IJAR 17(1): 17— 19.
18. B.K.Sarmah; D.J.Dutta; J.Goswami; P.Chakravarty and B.C.Sarmah (1996):
Embryo recovery in local goats of Assam. Indian J. Anim. Sci. 66(6): 588—90.
19. B.K.Sarmah; D.J.Dutta; J.Goswami; P.Chakravarty; B.C.Sannah and
R.N.Goswami (1996): Ovulation and embryo recovery response in superovulated acyclic
goat. Indian Vet. J. 73: 883 — 85.
20. R.Bhuyan, K.K.Baruah, P.Chakravarty and P.C.Das (1997): Influence of different
dietary protein and energy levels on certain blood constituents of crossbred goats. Indian
Vet. J. 74: 306-308.
21. J.Goswami; B.C.Sarmah; P.Chakravarty; B.K.Sarmah; S.C.Talukder and
R.N.Goswami (1997): Hormonal induction of oestrus in acyclic indigenous goats of
Assam. Journal of Assam Science Society. 39(1,2) : 65 —74.
22. P.Chakravarty; B.C.Sarmah; J.Goswami, B.N.Chakravarty, B.C.Deka; D.Das;
B.K.Sarmab; D.J.Dutta and B.N.Bhattacharya (1997—98): Fertility rate in local goats of
Assam following repeated superovulatory treatment and embryo transfer. J. Assam Vet.
Council. 7 — 8: 27 — 31.
23. J.Goswami; B.C.Sarmah; P.Chakravarty; B.K.Sarmah and R.N.Goswami (1998):
Follicular growth in response to exogenous gonadotropins in anoestrous goat Indian Vet. J.
24. P.Chakravarty; B.C.Sarmah and J. Goswami (1998): Repeated recovery and
transfer of embryos in goat. Abstract published in the Proceedings of VIII World
Conference of Animal Production. Seoul, Korea, June28 to July 4, 1998.
25. B.N.Saikia, K.K.Baruah, P.Chakravarty and A. Choudhury (2000): Yield and
composition of milk in Assam local and Beetal x Assam local crossbred goats. Indian J.
Anim. Sci. 70(3): 319-321.
26. Namita Saud, G.C.Hazarika, P.Chakravarty and R.Rajkhowa (2000): Clinicohaematological findings of canine babesiosis. Indian Vet. J. 77: 1034-36.
27. A.Kalita; G.Baishya and P.Chakravarty (2000): Age and follicle related
micrometric characterization of oocytes in Assam local goats from birth to six months of
age. Indian J. Anim. Reprod. 21(2): 101 —02.
28. H.K.Bhattacharya; B.K.Goswami; P.M.Baruah; P.Chakravarty and R.K.Biswas
(2000): Behavioural and physical signs of oestrus in Assam local goat. Indian J. Anim.
Repord. 21(2): 126—27.
29. D.Bharali; J.C.Dutta; N.Baishya and P.Chakravarty (2000): Oestrus behaviour in
oestrus synchronized crossbred (Beetal x Assam local) goats. The Veterinarian. 24: 7 — 8.
30. P.Kalita, R.Bhuyan, P.Chakravarty and S. Sarmah (2001): Influence of dietary
protein and energy levels on certain biochemical constituents of blood in rabbits. Indian
Vet. J. 78: 893-995.
31. A.K.Gogoi; B.N.Bargohain; B.C.Deka and P.Chakravarty (2001): Comparative
efficacy of aspiration and dissection techniques in recovery of oocytes from goat ovaries.
Indian J. Anim. Reprod. 1(1): 19— 22.
32. A.K.Gogoi; B.N.Bargohain; B.C.Deka and P.Chakravarty (2001): A study on the
preovulatory response and embryo recovery rate in Assam local goats. Indian J. Anim.
Reprod. 1(1): 26— 29.
33. A.Kalita; G.Baishya and P.Chakravarty (2001): Age related morphological
characterization of follicles and oocytes in Assam local goats from birth to six months of
age. Indian J. Anim. Sci. 71(6): 534—36.
34. A.K.Gogoi; B.N.Bargohain; B.C.Deka and P.Chakravarty (2002): Study on
cryopreservation of caprine oocytes by conventional and vitrification methods. Indian Vet.
J. 79 (5): 463 — 66.
35. D.Bharali; J.C.Dutta; N.Baishya and P.Chakravarty (2002): Serum alkaline
phosphatase activity in oestrus synchronized crossbred (Beetal x Assam local) goats at
different days of reproduction. The Veterinarian. 26: 33-34.
36. H.K.Bhattacharya,
(2002):Haematological studies in pregnant Beetal x Assam local goat. Indian J. Anim.
Reprod. 2(1): 48-49.
37. H.K.Bhattacharya, B.K.Goswami, P.M.Barua, P.Chakravarty and R.K.Biswas
(2002): Fertility in relation to time of insemination in Assam local goat. Indian J. Anim.
Reprod. 2(1): 84-85.
38. H.Bayan, K.K.Sarma and P.Chakravarty (2002): Biochemical and haematological
changes during propofol anaesthesia in canine. Indian J. Surg. 23(2): 95-96.
39. H.K.Bhattacharyya, B.K.Goswami and P.Chakravarty (2002): A comparative
haematological study in pregnant goats and in goats with pregnancy failure. Indian Vet.
Med. J. 26:359-360
40. B.N.Neog, B.K.Das, S.Sarmah, P.Chakravarty and K.K.Baruah (2003): Influence
of various levels of energy and enzyme on certain blood constituents of crossbred pigs.
Indian Vet. J. 80: 12-24.
41. C.Vanlangheta, J.Goswami, P.Chakravarty and S.Sarmah (2003): Serum alkaline
phosphatase activity in pregnant cows. Indian Vet. J. 80:214-215.
42. D.Medhi, H.F.Ahmed, B.K.Konwar and P.Chakravarty (2003): Effect of dietary
ajar seed meal with or without multi-enzyme supplementation on voluntary feed intake and
nutrient digestibility in broilers. Indian Vet. J. 80: 667 – 671.
43. G.Saikia, K.K.Baruah and P.Chakravarty (2003): Certain plasma biochemicals in
NZL rabbits fed different levels of dietary energy. Indian Vet. J. 80: 577 – 578.
44. Aparna Das, D.Das, R.N.Goswami, P.Chakravarty, D.Bhuyan and D.J.Kalita
(2004): Serum mineral profile of swam buffalo calves of Assam. Indian Vet. J. 81: 12771278.
45. Dilruba Hasin, K.K.Baruah, P.Chakravarty, R.K.Biswas, B.C.Sarmah and Anubha
Baruah (2004): Embryo recovery response in superovulated prepubertal local goats of
Assam.. Indian J. Anim. Sci. 74(2):184-85.
46. Dilruba Hasin, K.K.Baruah, P.Chakravarty, R.K.Biswas, B.C.Sarmah, D.J.Dutta,
B.K.Sarmah and Anubha Baruah (2004): Ovulatory response and presence of unruptured
follicles in hormonally treated prepubertal local goats of Assam. Indian Vet. J. 81(6) :
47. M.Sharma Baruah, G.C.Hazarika and P.Chakravarty (2005): Haematological
profile in canine parvo virus infection. Indian Vet. J. 82 (3) : 332 – 33.
48. P.Chakravarty, J.Goswami and B.C.Sarmah (2005): Monitoring of
superovulatory response by serum progesterone assay in goat. Indian Vet. J. 82 (7) : 741 –
49. S.Bhuyan, P.Chakravarty, B.C.Sarmah, K.K.Baruah and P.K.Bordoloi (2005) :
Serum oestradiol 17 β and progesterone concentration in cyclic non-descript and crossbred
cows of Assam. Indian Vet. J. 82 (9): 977 – 979.
50. S.Bhuyan, P.Chakravarty, B.C.Sarmah, J.Goswami and D.J.Dutta (2005): Oestrus
response following superovulation and embryo recovery in cows. Assam. Indian Vet. J. 82:
977– 979.
51. Mihir Sarkar, Sagarika Borah, Prithviraj Chakravarty, Bharat Deka, Babul
Sharma, Binod Duttaborah, Sanjiv Borah, Kashyap Baruah, Kerekoppa Ramesha,
Ramasamy Pourochottamne, Mukund Kataktalware, Buddhi Sarvanan, Dilip Sengupta,
Sandip Das, Bukkaraya Samudram Prakash and Mohan Bhattacharya (2006): Calves borne
from anetrus yaks (Poephagus grunniens L.) subjected to ovsynch and superovulation
treatment. Zoological Science. 23 : 721 – 725.
52. P.Chakravarty, S.Bhuyan, B.C.Sarmah and K.K.Baruah (2006): Serum oestradiol
17β and progesterone concentration in superovulated local non-descript and crossbred
cows of Assam. Indian J. Anim. Physiol. 1: 1 – 5.
53. M.Sarkar, S.Bora, P. Chakravarty, B.C. Deka, B.C.Sharma, M. Raquib,
K.Baruah, K.P.Ramesha, M.Ghosh, R.Puorochottamne, M.Kataktalware, , B. S. Prakash
and MBhattacharya (2006): Induction of estrus and supaerovulation in anestrus yaks
(Poephagus grunniens L.). Proceedings of 12th International Congess on Biotechnology in
Animal Production. Pp 38-49.
54. M.Sarkar, P. Chakravarty,
B.C.Sharma, B.C. Deka, B. K. Duttaborah,
T.K.Mahanty, B. S. Prakash (2008): Assessment of superovulatory responses in terms of
palpable corpora lutea and embryo recovery using plasma progesterone in yaks
(Poephagus grunniens L.). Research in Veterinary Science. 85 : 233 – 237.
55. S.Bora, P.Chakravarty, B.C.Sarmah and B.C.Deka (2008): Evaluation of
cryopreserved goat embryos. Indian J. Anim. Physiol. Pp 111-112.
56. G.Krishnan, K.P.Ramesha, M.Sarkar, P.Chakravarty, M.A.Kataktalware and
B.C.Sarvanan (2009): Modified temperature humidity index for yaks. Indian J. of Anim.
Sci. 79(8): 788 – 790.
57. G.Krishnan, K.P.Ramesha, P.Chakravarty,
V.S.Chouhan and S.Jayakumar
(2009):Effect of environment on reproductive traits of yaks. Indian J. of Anim. Sci. 80:
123 – 124.
58. Ilakshy Deka, J.Goswami, P.Chakravarty, R.K.Biswas, B.K.Sarmah and
B.C.Sarmah (2009): Effect of iliren and norgestomet on synchronization of oestrus in
cows. Indian J. Anim. Res. 43 (4): 293 – 294.
59. Ilakshy Deka, J.Goswami, P.Chakravarty, K.K.Baruah, and B.C.Sarmah (2009):
Synchronization of oestrus with PGF2α analogue and ear implant and serum oestradiol–
17β and progesterone profile in Assam local cows. Indian J. of Anim. Sci. 80 (2): 102 –
60. P.K.Saikia, B.N.Saikia, M.K.Ghosh, K.K. Baruah, P.Chakravarty and M.
Bhattachrya (2009): Effect of different levels of dietary protein on haemato-biochemical
parameters of Yaks. Indian Vet. J. 86(4): 387-388.
61. G.Krishnan, K.P.Ramesha, P.Chakravarty,
V.S.Chouhan and S.Jayakumar
(2010): Effect of environment on reproductive traits of yaks. Indian J. of Anim. Sci. 80
(2): 123 – 124.
62. I.Deka, J.Goswami, P.Chakravarty, B.C.Sarmah and B.K.Sarmah (2010): Oestrus
characteristics following synchronization with exogenous hormones in cows. Indian
Journal of Animal Physiology. 4: 57-60.
63. S.Bandyopadhyay, S. Das, K.K.Baruah, P.Chakravarty, D. Chakrabarty, T.
Sarkar, B.Pal, S.De, D. Pan, A.K.Bera, S.Bandyopadhyay and D.Bhattacharya (2010)
Detection of bovine herpesvirus 1 sequences in yaks (Bos grunniens) with
keratoconjunctivitis, using a highly sensitive nested polymerase chain reaction. Rev. sci.
tech. off. int. Epiz., 29 (3): 695-703.
64. V.S.Chauhan, G.Krishnan,M.A.Kataktalware,K.P.Ramesha, P.Chakravarty and
G.Kandeepan (2010): The hypo-osmotic swelling test in fresh yak spermatozoa. Indian J.
Anim. Sci. 80(9):869-70.
65. J.Devi, J.Goswami, B.C.Sarmah, P.Chakravarty and K.Sarma (2011): Effect of
zinc supplementation on testicular biometry in Assam local male goat. Indian J. Anim. Sci.
81(1): 9-11.
66. K.K.Baruah, P.Chakravarty, V.Paul, H.Sarma, F.A.Ahmed and K.C.Das (2011):
Effect of feeding complete feed block based on unconventional feeds on growth
performance and nutrient utilization of yak calves. Indian Vet. J. 88(10):134.
67. S.Borah, B.C.Sarmah, P.Chakravarty, D.J.Dutta, B.K.Sarmah, Mohan N.H. and
D.Kalita (2011): Effect of zinc supplementation on serum levels of certain enzymes in pigs.
Indian J. Anim. Res. 46(1): 1-2.
68. Champak Barman, Anubha Baruah, B.K.Sarmah, K.K.Baruah, B.C.Sarmah,
P.Chakravarty, A.Dutta and B.C.Deka (2012): Occurrence of Natural Oestrus in Mithun
CowsFollowing Superovulatory Treatment. Indian Vet. J. 89(5): 49-51.
69. K.K.Baruah, P.Chakravarty, V.Paul, H.Sarma, F.U.A.Ahmed and K.C.Das
(2012): Feeding of complete feed block based on unconventional feeds to yak calves.
Indian Vet. J. 88(10): 134 – 136
70. K.K.Baruah, V.Paul, F.U.A.Ahmed, P.Chakravarty, S.Deori, H.Sarma, and
A.Saikia (2012): Effect of strategic supplementation on growth performance and nutrient
utilization in yak calves during winter. Indian J. Anim Sci. 82(2): 220 – 222.
71. M.Bhuyan, B.C.Deka, B.C.Sarmah, P.Chakravarty and B.K.D.Borah (2012) :
Effect of three concentrations of progesterone in the vaginal sponge for oestrus
synchronization in Yak. Indian J. Anim. Sci. 82(5): 484-485.
72. M.Hussain, P.M.Baruah, R.K.Biswas, D.Dutta, V.Paul, P.Chakravarty, B.C.Deka
and B.C.Sarmah (2012): In vitro maturation of indigenous cattle oocytes. Indian Vet. J.
89(2): 59-62.
73. S.Bhuyan, P.Chakravarty, B.C.Deka, B.C.Sarmah and S.Bora (2012): Recovery of
embryos from superovulated cows and its correlation with progesterone concentration.
Indian Vet. J. 89(4): 11-13.
74. S.Borah, P.Chakravarty, B.C.Sarmah, S.Bhuyan and B.C.Deka (2012):
Correlation of serum progesterone concentration with number of corpora lutea in
superovulated Assam local and Beetal goats. Indian J. Anim. Res. 46(1): 98-99
75. D.Hazarika, S.Sarmah, P.Chakravarty, D.J.Kalita, J.Goswami and B.C.Deka
(2012): Testosterone in yak (Poephagus gunnies L) bull seminal plasma and its correlation
with physical characteristics of semen. Indian J. Anim. Sci 82 (7): 713–714
76. M. Bhuyan, B.C. Deka, B.C.Sarmah, P. Chakravarty and K. Ahmed (2013):
Signs of oestrus after synchronization of oestrus in yak using progesterone impregnated
vaginal sponge. Indian J. Anim. l Sci 83 (1): 42–43
77. Sanjit Maiti, P.Chakravarty, Sanchita Garai, S.Bandopadhyay and V.S.Chauhan
(2013): Ethno-veterinary practices for ephemeral fever of yak: A participatory assessment
by the Monpa tribe of Arunachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. Vol.
12 (1): 36-39.
78. D. Hazarika, S. Sarma, P. Chakravarty, D.J. Kalita, J. Saikia, B.C.Deka and
B.K.D.Borah 2013) : Correlation between certain physical and biochemical characteristics
of yak semen. Indian J. Anim. l Sci 83 (2): 164-165.
79. S. Soren, P. Chakravarty, A. Dutta, B.C. Sarmah, D.J. Dutta, S. Sinha and S.
Bhuyan (2013): Production of embryos following in vitro fertilization of oocytes recovered
from slaughter house ovaries of indigenous cattle. Indian Vet. J. 90(3): 108 - 109.
80. M. Bhuyan, B.C. Deka, B.C. Sarmah, P. Chakravarty, J. Goswami and M.H.
Khan (2013): Duration of oestrus, time of ovulation and progesterone profile in oestrus
synchronized yak cows. Indian J. Anim. l Sci 83 (3): 254 – 257.
81. Champak Barman, Anubha Baruah, B.K. Sarmah, K.K. Baruah, B.C. Sarmah, B.C.
Deka, A. Dutta, P. Chakravarty, M.H. Khan and P.K.Bharti (2013) : Superovulatory
treatment response and embryo recovery in mithun cows. Indian J. Anim. Sci 83 (3): 272 275.
82. S. Deori, P. Chakravarty, M. Hussain, A. Saikia, D. Hazarika, K.K. Baruah and J.
Goswami (2013): Efficacy of ovsynch protocol on ovarian response and progesterone
profile in yak. Indian J. Anim. l Sci 83 (3): 276 - 278.
83. Champak Barman, Anubha Baruah, B.K. Sarmah, K.K. Baruah, B.C. Sarmah, P.
Chakravarty, A. Dutta, B.C.Deka, and P. Thakuria (2013) : Serum mineral concentrations
in superovulated mithun cows. Indian Vet. J. 90(5): 80 - 82.
84. B.K.D.Borah, S.Deori, M.Bhuyaaaaan, B.C.DEka, P.Chakravarty and M.K.Nath
(3013): Comparative study on conception rate in Indian yak (Poephagus grunniens L).
Indian J.Anim Sci 83(5): 531 -532.
85. Champak Barman, Anubha Baruah, B.K. Sarmah, K.K. Baruah, B.C. Sarmah, P.
Chakravarty, A. Dutta, B.C. Deka, M.Mondal, C.Rakjkowa and P.Thakuria (2013) :
Serum protein, glucose and cholesterol concentrations in superovulated mithun cows.
Indian Vet. J. 90(6): 140 - 141.
86. S.Borah, B.C.Sarmah, P.Chakravarty, S.Naskar, D.J.Dutta, and D.Kalita (2013):
Effect of zinc supplementation on serum biochemical in grower pig. Journal of Applied
Animal Research. Published online: 04 Oct 2013.