Cicero Youth Bureau, Parks & Recreation Department 8236 Brewerton Road Cicero, New York 13039 Phone 315-699-5233 Website Email Cicero Youth Bureau, Parks & Recreation Department Administra ve Office: Jody L. Rogers Julie LaFave Dawn Maurer Parks & Facili es Maintenance: Bill Alley Bill Lawrence Mike Hogan Bre Wood The CanTeen: Toni’Lyn Brauchle Rachel Tarr, Contact Community Services Mica Gonzalez Joe San maw 8236 Brewerton Road Cicero, NY 13039 WEBSITE: h ps:// EMAIL: PHONE: 315‐699‐5233 Cicero Town Board: Supervisor: Deputy Supervisor: Council Members: Jessica Zambrano Bill Meyer Vern Conway Mike Becallo Mark Venesky Dick Cushman Parks & Recrea on Commission: Chairperson: Lori Lake‐Toms Vice Chairpersons: Ruth Beasley Commissioners: Dan Rayome Carol Rose Tom S mson Cindy VanNamee Colleen Wickert Young @ Heart Senior Center: Judy Dickson Nancy Noble Margaret Hauenstein Town Hall Departments & Numbers: Assessor: 699‐1410 Comptroller: 699‐2759 Highway: 699‐2745 Jus ce: 699‐8478 Parks & Recrea on (Main Office) 699‐5233 Parks & Recrea on (CanTeen) 699‐1391 Parks & Recrea on (Senior Center) 452‐3298 Police: 699‐3677 Supervisor: 699‐1414 Tax Department: 699‐2756 Town Clerk: 699‐8109 Zoning/Codes: 699‐2201 Register online at h ps:// Registra on Details Leisure Plan‐It Camp Out Movie in the Park Library Events Gus Macker Summer Concert Series Cicero Community Fes val Day Camp/Extended Day Camp Camp Inven on Lego Camp Tennis Lessons Gymnas cs Youth Karate Stand Up Paddleboard/Kayak ER Lacrosse Youth and Adult Golf Senior Center/The CanTeen Pavilion Rentals Summer Registra on Form Day Registra on Form Day Camp Medical Authoriza on Form 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 Call us at 315‐699‐5233 Registering for Programs How can you register for our programs? What methods of payment are accepted? Registra on for most* programs is accepted in person, through the mail or online at our website 24/7. Registra on Forms can be downloaded at h ps:// or found at the end of this brochure. Payments can be made with cash, check, money order or major credit card**. **Please note: All credit card transac ons will be charged a 3%, plus $0.30 convenience/processing fee. This fee cannot be refunded, even in the instance of a program being cancelled. If you do not wish to pay this fee, you can s ll register for all programs with cash, check or money order. *Excep on when registering for Day Camp Due to the necessary forms needed for Day Camp, online registra on cannot be offered. However, all methods of payment are s ll accepted. Register online at Https:// Stay up to date! NEW! Text Alerts for Program Cancella ons We now have the ability to send program par cipants any up‐to‐the‐minute cancella ons or other last minute announcements via text. Instant no fica on that may come in handy when you are driving to a program that just got cancelled due to rain! Leisure Plan‐It Email List Serve Want the inside scoop on what is coming up in our department? Fix that by signing up for our “Leisure Plan‐It” email list serve. Just send an email to with “LEISURE PLAN‐IT” in the subject line and we’ll gladly add you. Whenever we have a program announcement, you’ll be the first to receive it. Plus, there are perks! We o en send our brochures out early to our email members as a thank you for being a loyal fan of the department. It really is the best way to see what we have to offer for you and your family. However, you must provide your network carrier (Sprint, Verizon, etc) and “opt in” in order for us to enroll you. This service will be used ONLY in case of last minute announcements and all of your informa on stays securely with us. To find out more or to enroll, call us at 699‐5233 or provide the informa on when registering online. Department Facebook Page And should you decide you no longer want to receive the updates, removing yourself is as simple as checking a box. Register online at h ps:// We post program announcements and pictures of people enjoying our events at our Facebook page. Be sure to give our page a “like.” Go to on. 3 Call us at 315‐699‐5233 Camp Out! Joseph F. William Memorial Park, Lakeshore Rd Check In—Saturday, June 20, Starting at 2 pm Check Out—Sunday, June 21, by Noon $25 per campsite ($35 for Non Cicero Families) Last year’s event was a HUGE success and families raved. Register for a site and see why everyone loved it! For one night only, we’re turning Joseph F. William Memorial Park into a campground. Bring your tent, sleeping bags and other camping comforts and let us provide the fun and memories. All families that register will receive a goodie bag, as well as meals and snacks as indicated below. At the end of the day’s fes vi es, we’ll show a movie on the big 21’ inflatable screen. (See details on next page.) Test out Stand Up Paddleboards and Kayaks for just $5 Find out about the latest in outdoor gear with staff from Wood Creek Ou i ers Check out various outdoor games for free Register online at h ps:// 4 Call us at 315‐699‐5233 Movie in the Park Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 Saturday, June 20 after sunset (approx. 9:15) Join us for a night under the stars at Joseph F. William Memorial Park Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 will be shown as a part of the Cicero Camp Out (see previous page), but will be open to the public. Bring a blanket or camp chairs, snuggle up, get comfy and be entertained. Patrons are welcome to bring their own goodies. (Please note: All Town of Cicero Parks are alcohol‐free.) In case of inclement weather, the movie will be shown inside the Recrea on Building. Sea ng will be limited and will be on a first come, first serve basis. But FIRST, let’s Dance and have some FUN! Before the movie, and a er the sun sets just enough for us to see the screen, we will have some fun on the screen as we invite everyone to play along to Just Dance. This was a HUGE hit last year and we all learned new dance moves. Also, before the movie, we will have a special enter‐ tainer walking around. So, come early and set up be‐ fore the sun goes down! Register online at h ps:// 5 Call us at 315‐699‐5233 Library Farm Nature Camp Par cipants in this unique weekly program will learn about nature, gardening, habitat, repurposing and sustainability through hands‐on experience outdoors at Cicero NOPL. Ac vi es will include tree iden fica on, science experiments and nature journaling. Be a part of the growing garden by iden fying plants and creatures along the way. A er Camp ends, there will be a chance for par cipants to collaborate with the Library to design a Nature Walk highligh ng favorite features. Where: Who: Session: Time: Fees: WHAT ARE WE MISSING?? The Parks & Recrea on Department is in the early planning stages of working with Wood Creek Ou i ers in Brewerton to introduce a variety of outdoor‐themed workshops, seminars and classes. But, we need to hear from you!! What kind of programs would you like to see? Intro to fly fishing? Leave No Trace Ethics? Camping Essen als? How to Dutch Oven Cook? Cicero Library Fi h Grade and up Friday July 10, 17, 24, 31, August 7 & 14 10:00 am—11:00 am FREE, but pre‐registra on required Limited to 20 par cipants Contact our department and let us know! REGISTER BY CALLING THE LIBRARY AT 699‐2032 OR ONLINE AT NOPL.ORG. Register online at h ps:// 6 Call us at 315‐699‐5233 Register online at h ps:// 7 Call us at 315‐699‐5233 Summer Concerts Mark your calendars and pack your blankets, but drive to the new loca on for the 2015 Summer Concert Series, hosted by the Greater Cicero Chamber of Commerce. This year the en re concert series is moving to the field behind Sacred Heart Church, located at 8229 Brewerton Road. Just like in previous years, members of the Chamber will be selling a variety of foods from their concession. Bring some money, or bring your own snacks. Check back soon at h ps:// for the final schedule of concerts. Tuesday, June 23 6:30—8:30 pm Band TBA Tuesday, July 7 6:30—8:30 pm Country Swag Tuesday, July 21 6:30—8:30 pm Band TBA Tuesday, August 4 6:00—8:00 pm Smokin New Location in 2015 Field behind Sacred Heart Church The Summer Concert Series and Cicero Community Fes val are organized by the Greater Cicero Chamber of Commerce, with assistance from the Cicero Youth Bureau, Parks & Recrea on Department. For more informa on on either event, visit their website at: Cicero Community Festival Friday, June 12 and Saturday, June 13 Sacred Heart Church This year, the Greater Cicero Community Fes val is marking its 23rd year with the “Let the Good Times Roll” themed fes val. Friday night will feature the popular Cruise Night, a performance by Ruby Shooz and midway rides. Saturday will feature midway rides, a Fun Zone, various demonstra ons, parade at noon, star search compe on, a performance by Le zia and The Z Band and fireworks. Full details can be found at www.cicerofes Register online at h ps:// 8 Call us at 315‐699‐5233 Day Camp Registra on for Day Camp begins May 9. See details below Every day is a new theme at Cicero Day Camp. Children in our program make friends, play old games with a new twist, make the coolest cra s and find great role models in our energe c staff. All children in the program receive an official “Cicero Day Camp” shirt (Shirts guaranteed for all children registered by Monday, June 8.) Who: Where: Days: Time: Fee: Children ages 5* to 12 *5 yr olds must currently be enrolled in Kindergarten Cicero Elementary School Monday to Friday 8:15 am to 2:15 pm $80/week ($90 for Non Residents) Dates of Day Camp Week 1: June 29 to July 3 Week 2: July 6 to July 10 Week 3: July 13 to July 17 Week 4: July 20 to July 24 Week 5: July 27 to July 31 Week 6: August 3 to August 7 How to Register for Day Camp EARLY REGISTRATION (RESIDENTS ONLY)* — Saturday, May 9 from 9 am to Noon at the Cicero Town Hall. OPEN REGISTRATION*—Beginning Monday, May 11, all registra ons will be accepted in person or through the mail. *REQUIRED FORMS FOR DAY CAMP REGISTRATION: Completed Registra on, Medical Authoriza on Form, Immuniza on Record, and Proof of Current Kindergarten Enrollment (2014/15 school year) for 5 year olds only. ALL Required forms (see below) and full payments must be submi ed before space will be saved for a child. Due to the numerous required forms for Day Camp, Online Registra on is not available for Day Camp or Extended Day Camp. All registra ons must be completed in person or via mail. Cash, check, money order and major credit cards are accepted. Extended Day Camp At 1:45 pm each day, children enrolled in the Extended Care Program will be picked up from Cicero Elementary School and transported to The CanTeen. Space is limited in this program to 19. A healthy snack will be provided to all children during this program. Where: Days: Time: Fee: The CanTeen Monday to Friday 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm $45/week Register online at h ps:// 9 Call us at 315‐699‐5233 Camp Invention Where: Smith Road Elementary School Dates: Mon, July 13 to Fri, July 17 Who: Children entering 1st through 6th grades Time: 8:00 am to 2:30 pm Fee: $220 ($230 Non Residents) ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST BE REGISTERED BY SUNDAY, JUNE 28 Camp Inven on is where BIG ideas become the next BIG thing! In partnership with the Na onal Inventors Hall of Fame, we are bringing this na onally‐acclaimed program to Cicero. It’s an exci ng weeklong summer adventure with lessons that explore connec ons between science, technology, engineering and innova on. Par cipants will work together to seek solu ons to real‐world problems, turn ordinary into extraordinary and sharpen cri cal 21st century learning skills while rota ng through several fascina ng modules. For more informa on on Camp Inven on, go to: www.campinven Lego Camp This weeklong workshop will explore science, technology, architecture, engineering and art concepts using LEGO. Par cipants will design, build and light up an en re city comprising of tall buildings, bridges, roads, parks and railways and use ba eries, bulbs, wires and switches to bring their crea ons alive. The possibili es are limited only by the imagina on. The workshop will fire up your child's imagina ons and spark crea vity in the form of inspired play following one of our many themed LEGO builds coupled with our magical delivery. Our curriculum will provide your child with an opportunity to design and build LEGO crea ons working either individually or in groups and par cipate in challenges, group compe ons, as well as free build me towards the end of the workshop. Where: Dates: Ages 5‐7: Ages 8‐14: Fee: Joseph F. William Memorial Park 7034 Lakeshore Road Mon, July 13 to Fri, July 17 9:00 am to 12:00 pm 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm $100 ($110 Non Residents) Register online at h ps:// 10 Call us at 315‐699‐5233 Tennis Lessons Tennis Camp with Coach Wojcik Coach Wojcik’s camp is perfect for both the beginner and experienced player. A variety of drills and lessons will be taught. Par cipants are asked to supply their own racket, however some are available for those that need it. Where: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4: CNS Tennis Courts Mon, July 6 to Thurs, July 9 Mon, July 13 to Thurs, July 16 Mon, Aug 3 to Thurs, Aug 6 Ages 4‐6: Ages 7‐11: Ages 12+: Fees: 8:30 am to 9:30 am 9:30 am to 12:30 pm 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm Ages 4‐6; $50 ($60 Non Residents) Ages 7+; $70 ($80 Non Residents) Gymnastics This is an exci ng program to work on progressions and beginner gymnas c skills on vault, bars, beam, floor and trampoline/tumble trak for both boys and girls. Par cipants will develop strength, flexibility and coordina on while learning new gymnas cs skills. As they learn new skills, gymnas cs will be fun and exci ng along with the added benefit of increased self‐esteem. Where: Session: Mondays: Mondays: Thursdays: Saturdays: Fees: Blaze Gymnas cs 7 weeks, beginning July 13 10:00 am to 11:00 am 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm 12:00 pm—1:00 pm $85 ($95 Non Residents) $5 discount for siblings Tennis Camp with Coach Cary This four day camp with Coach Cary includes instruc on, drills, fitness and match play. The camp is intended to accelerate the rate of improvement for players that intend to compete on a high school team or tennis tournament. Par cipants will use specialized equipment for training. Where: Session 1: Who: Girls: Boys: Fee: Registra on is open for all programs listed on this page! Youth Karate Your child is number one at Karate John’s. In these classes, they will bring out the best in your child’s focus, self esteem and confidence, while reinforcing skills needed for their safety in life. All new par cipants receive a free uniform with registra on. Par cipants can select up to 2 class mes per week, according to their age group. Registra on is on an ongoing basis and each session lasts 6 weeks from enrollment. Where: Session: Ages 4‐6: Ages 7‐12: Fees: Register online at h ps:// CNS Tennis Courts Mon, June 29 to Thurs, July 2 Players intending to try out for HS 8:00 am to 10:00 am 10:00 am to 12:00 pm $60 ($70 Non Residents) 11 Karate John’s in Walmart Plaza Ongoing. 6 weeks from registra on date Mon/Wed 6:00 pm—6:30 pm Tues/Thurs 5:30—6:00 pm Sat 9:30—10:00 am Mon/Wed 6:30—7:00 pm Tues/Thurs 4:30—5:00 pm Sat 10:00—10:30 am $69 ($79 Non Residents) Call us at 315‐699‐5233 Stand Up Paddleboard & Kayak Lessons Ever want to try Stand Up Paddleboarding and Kayaking, but didn’t want to invest too much money or me at first? These highly discounted, one day sessions are a perfect way to try it out or prac ce skills you already have. Par cipants are welcome to sign up more than once at this introductory rate. EVENING PADDLEBOARD OR KAYAK LESSONS Where: Joseph F. William Park Lakeshore Road Who: Ages 8 and up Time: 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Dates: Wednesdays (Choose one) May 27, June 3, June 10, June 17, June 24, July 1 Fees: $30 ($40 Non Residents) EARLY MORNING PADDLEBOARD LESSONS Where: Joseph F. William Park Lakeshore Road Who: Ages 8 and up Time: 6:00 am to 8:00 am Dates: Tuesdays or Thursdays (Choose One) June 2, June 4, June 9, June 11 Fees: $30 ($40 Non Residents) ER Lacrosse ER Lacrosse is an introductory lacrosse program for girls and boys ages 4 to 8. No pads and helmets are required. All drills are done with a so lacrosse ball in a fun and exci ng manner. Parents are encouraged to par cipate, while ER Lacrosse instructors lead a variety of new drills to introduce to the children. Three packages are offered for new and returning par cipants to choose from. Who: Where: Session 1: Session 2: Fees: Children ages 4 to 8 Plank Road Park Mon, July 6 to Fri, July 10 2:45 pm to 3:45 pm Mon, July 27 to Fri, July 31 9:00 am to 10:00 am $65—S ck Package $65—Pinny Package $45—Non S ck Package (Non Residents add $10) SƟck Package—1 sƟck, 2 soŌ lacrosse ball, 1 water ball and ER giŌ. Pinny Package—1 pinny, I soŌ lacrosse ball, 1 water ball and ER giŌ Basic Package—1 soŌ lacrosse ball, 1 water boƩle and ER giŌ Register online at h ps:// 12 Call us at 315‐699‐5233 Youth & Adult Golf Local legend Golf Pro Chuck Jonick is again teaching affordable golf lessons in Cicero. It is recommended that par cipants supply their own clubs, but it is not required. Sessions are iden cal and is not recommended for youth par cipants to sign up for more than one session per summer. Addi onally, there will be a $4/ bucket of balls fee per week. YOUTH LESSONS Where: Cicero Golf Center, Route 11 Who: Ages 6 to 16 When: Sat for five weeks Time: 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm Session 1: May 9 to June 6 Session 2: June 27 to July 25 Fees: $42 ($52 Non Residents) ADULT LESSONS Where: Cicero Golf Center, Route 11 Who: Ages 17+ When: Weds or Sun for five weeks Time: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Session 1: Begins week of May 6 Session 2: Begins week of June 24 Fees: $49 ($59 Non Residents) $42 for Senior Ci zens Senior Center The CanTeen 5924 Lathrop Drive 315-452-3298 6046 Route 31 315-699-1391 The award‐winning Cicero Senior Center hosts a variety of programs, trips and more on a regular basis. Some members come to compete in the billiards room, others come for the affordable, nutri ous meals… but almost all come for the socializa on. Membership is free for all Cicero Residents ages 55 and older. And a steal at just $30/annually for Non Cicero Residents. To find out more about the Center, stop by for a visit. The CanTeen shuts down most of the summer to go on the road around the state! Teens entering 8th –12th grades in the fall are welcome to a end any trip, but some fill very quickly. To find out more about The CanTeen, visit their website at Register online at h ps:// Tentative Summer Trips: 13 Enchanted Forest Darien Lake Sea Breeze NYS Fair NY Yankee Game Call us at 315‐699‐5233 Planning a Party? We may have just the pavilion or gazebo for you! We have facili es in most of our parks that are perfect for any type of gathering. Call us today and we’ll discuss all of the details and find what is best for you. Only $75 for Cicero Residents for the en re day! ($100 for Non Cicero Residents) List of Facili es Central Park—1 pavilion Gateway Park—1 pavilion Plank Rd Park—1 gazebo Sheldon Memorial—1 pavilion Skyway Park—1 pavilion William Park—3 pavilions OTHERS William Park—Wedding Gazebo and RecreaƟon Building. Separate rules and fees apply. FaciliƟes can be rented online at hƩps:// Register online at h ps:// 14 Call us at 315‐699‐5233 Town of Cicero Youth Bureau, Parks & Recrea on, 8236 Brewerton Road, Cicero, NY 13039 h ps://; 315‐699‐5233; 2015SummerRegistrationForm Please use separate DAY CAMP Registra on Form to register your child for Day Camp. Parent/Legal Guardian: Address: City: Zip: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Email Address: Emergency Contact Name: Emergency Contact Number: 1. Par cipant Name: Date of Birth: Age: Session: Gender: 1 2 3 Program: Day/Time: 2. Par cipant Name: Date of Birth: Age: Session: Gender: 1 2 3 Program: Day/Time: 3. Par cipant Name: Date of Birth: Age: Session: Gender: 1 2 3 Program: May we send your receipt and program informa on by email: Day/Time: YES NO I, , being the parent/legal guardian of the above named par cipant(s) accept full responsibility for any and all injuries which may arise out of his/her par cipa on in programs offered by the Town of Cicero Youth Bureau, Parks & Recrea on Department and hereby release the Town of Cicero, its agents and/or employees from any claims of any nature whatsoever arising out of my child(ren)’s par cipa on. Consent is hereby granted to allow my child(ren) to par cipate in the above named Town of Cicero sponsored program. Pictures and other materials which may include my child(ren) may be used by the Town of Cicero for promo onal purposes. I agree not to drop my child(ren) off earlier than the program start me, and pick up my child(ren) by the program end me. I will adhere to any and all implemented policies and procedures or my child(ren) will be removed from the program. No refund will be issued. I have read, understand and agree to the above guidelines. Parent Signature: Date: Refund Policy: No refunds will be given within one week BEFORE the program start date. If a refund is requested one week or more before the program starts, a $5 administra ve fee, per person will be deducted from your refund. Convenience fees for credit card registra ons are non‐refundable. Revised December 2012. CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS: Name on Card: Billing Zip Code: Card Number: Exp Date: Please Note: All credit card transac ons are assessed a 3%, plus $0.30 processing/convenience fee. Sec Code: Town of Cicero Youth Bureau, Parks & Recrea on, 8236 Brewerton Road, Cicero, NY 13039 h ps://; 315‐699‐5233; 2015DayCampRegistrationForm ADDITIONAL REQUIRED DAY CAMP FORMS. Registra ons NOT complete un l ALL are received with payment Medical Authoriza on Form, Immuniza on Record, Proof of 2013‐14 Kindergarten Enrollment* (*5 year olds only) Parent/Legal Guardian: Address: City: Zip: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Email Address: Emergency Contact Name: Emergency Contact Number: Cicero Day Camp is licensed by the Onondaga County Health Department. The Camp is inspected a minimum of twice yearly. Inspec on reports concerning the camp are on file at: Onondaga County Health Department, Division of Environmental Health, John H. Mulroy Civic Center, 12th Floor, 421 Montgomery St, Syracuse, NY 13202, 315‐435‐6617 1. Par cipant Name: Date of Birth: Age: Shirt Size: Gender: Youth: S M L Day Camp Weeks: 1 Adult: S M 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 Date of Birth: Age: Gender: Youth: S M L Day Camp Weeks: 1 Adult: S M L 3. Par cipant Name: Date of Birth: Age: Shirt Size: 3 L 2. Par cipant Name: Shirt Size: 2 Gender: Youth: S M L Day Camp Weeks: 1 Adult: S M L Are you registering for the Extended Care Day Camp Program? YES NO May we send your receipt and program informa on by email? YES NO I, , being the parent/legal guardian of the above named par cipant(s) accept full responsibility for any and all injuries which may arise out of his/her par cipa on in programs offered by the Town of Cicero Youth Bureau, Parks & Recrea on Department and hereby release the Town of Cicero, its agents and/or employees from any claims of any nature whatsoever arising out of my child(ren)’s par cipa on. Consent is hereby granted to allow my child(ren) to par cipate in the above named Town of Cicero sponsored program. Pictures and other materials which may include my child(ren) may be used by the Town of Cicero for promo onal purposes. I agree not to drop my child(ren) off earlier than the program start me, and pick up my child(ren) by the program end me. I will adhere to any and all implemented policies and procedures or my child(ren) will be removed from the program. No refund will be issued. I have read, understand and agree to the above guidelines. Parent Signature: Date: Refund Policy: No refunds will be given within one week BEFORE the program start date. If a refund is requested one week or more before the program starts, a $5 administra ve fee, per person will be deducted from your refund. Convenience fees for credit card registra ons are non‐ refundable. Revised December 2012. CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS: Name on Card: Billing Zip Code: Card Number: Exp Date: Please Note: All credit card transac ons are assessed a 3%, plus $0.30 processing/convenience fee. Sec Code: 2015DayCampMedicalAuthorizationForm If your child needs medical, dental, health or hospital services, you as a parent must give permission. It is the law. What about mes when you cannot be reached for permission? A child may be treated without parental consent when a physician demonstrates a true emergency exists. That means the doctor determines the child needs immediate medical care and that an a empt to obtain parental consent would result in a delay which would increase the risk to the child’s life or health. Except in a true emergency, care may be ordinarily rendered to a child only with the consent of the parent or legal guardian. Some mes a child may need unexpected care which is not, however, a true emergency. In such cases, making an effort to contact a parent/legal guardian for permission can delay treat‐ ment and create unnecessary anxious moments for the child. You can prepare for the unexpected care your child might need when you are away from home. To do this, make sure babysi ers know how to reach you at all mes. And when you know you will be hard to reach, you can give permission to other adults. They can then act for you by permi ng your child to be treated if unexpected care is needed. This is a legal document. With it you may appoint rela ves, friends, teachers, clergy or neighbors – anyone who is over 18 years of age – to be responsible for your children when you are away from home. It is especially important to prepare this form for the occasions when you know it will be hard to contact you. Fill out this form carefully. Have your signature witnessed by an adult different from the person you are making responsible for your children. A er you complete this form, give it to the adult(s) you have named to act on your behalf. If your child needs unexpected medical treatment, the responsible adult(s) should present this document to the appropriate person—physician, den st or hospital representa ve. Names of Minor Birthdate Iden fy allergies, medical condi ons, etc I/We being the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) of the above named minor(s) do hereby appoint: NAME: Town of Cicero ADDRESS: NAME: 8236 Brewerton Road, Cicero, NY 13039 PHONE: 699‐5233 ADDRESS: PHONE: To act in my/our behalf in authorizing unexpected medical, dental, surgical care and hospitaliza on for the above named minor(s) during the period of my/ our absence. MONTH: June DAY: 29 YEAR: 2015 THROUGH MONTH: August DAY: 7 YEAR: 2015 This document shall be presented to a physician, den st or appropriate hospital representa ve at such mes as unexpected medical, dental, surgical care or hospitaliza on may be required. PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: DATE: SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: DATE: SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: DATE: SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: DATE: WITNESS HOSPITALIZATION COVERAGE FOR THE ABOVE NAMED MINOR(S) INSURANCE COMPANY OR GOVERNMENT PROGRAM: FAMILY PHYSICIANS NAME & PHONE NUMBER: NAME AND PHONE NUMBER: ID#:
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