ECandidat Online application form Applicants Guidebook To apply for registration as a student with the Faculty of Science, you have to follow the three steps indicated below, using this guidebook as help. BEWARE : the procedure is entirely electronic. You will be notified by email at each step of the procedure. You must not send any file or supporting document by regular mail, as these would not be processed. 2 I CREATING YOUR FILE 1) PERSONAL DATA 2) ACADEMIC RECORD A) STUDIES B) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE– TRAINING PERIODS C) ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL TRAINING 4 6 6 9 10 II SELECTING THE DEGREE YOU WANT TO APPLY FOR 11 III UPLOADING THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS 17 UFR Sciences Version 1.5 – mise à jour le 31/03/2015 1 I Creating your file Browsing our catalogue of ressources Creating your file Accessing your file Uploading the scanned supporting documents This is what you will see when connecting onto the homepage of “ECandidat”. When connecting for the first time you may: 1. either simply wish to browse our catalogue of courses: creating a file is not possible at that stage 2. or create your file if you already know which degree you want to enroll in This homepage is also the one that will allow you to connect again later to complete or modify your file as well as to upload scanned supporting documents. 2 To create a file, you have to use your INE (Student National Identification) number. You can find it on your French “Baccalauréat” (secondary school diploma) or any academic record/transcript. If you don’t have any INE number, please select the second option (“Créer un dossier”). 3 1) Personal data On this page, please provide all the required personal and contact data. Boxes corresponding to items marked with an asterisk must not be left blank. In order to ensure easy communication, please make sure there is no mistake in any of the information items you give, and in particular in the spelling of your email address. 4 This page is meant to help you check all the information items you have given on the previous page. If everything is correct, please click on “Suivant” (= “Next”). 5 2) Academic record A) Studies This page is meant to check all the data pertaining to your secondary school diploma. If you used your INE number to create this file, all the information items should appear, as they are automatically extracted from your INE record. If you didn’t use an INE number, please provide all the required information. Then click on “Suivant” (= “Next”). 6 To add a line, click here This page is meant for you to provide all the necessary information about your complete academic record up to now. BEWARE : to add a line, you need to click on “Ajouter” after completing the fields. Do not click on “Suivant” before you have finished detailing your whole academic record. 7 Double-‐checking page: when you are sure all the provided information is correct, clicking on “Suivant” gets you to the following page. Getting onto this page means your file has successfully been created. You will receive an email recapitulating all your personal data, to be kept carefully as those will be systematically required each time you want to connect. Then click on “Allez sur votre page d’accueil” (= “Your homepage”). 8 To add a training period or professional experience, click here This page, now your homepage, recapitulates all the data you have provided and allows you to complete/modify it. It also allows you to add all the elements pertaining to your prior professional experience and training periods (to do this, click on “Cursus professionnel/Stages”), or prior additional professional training (to do this, click on “Formations complémentaires professionnalisantes”). B) Professional experience – Training periods On this page, you can indicate any prior training period or professional experience. BEWARE : to add a line, you need to click on “Ajouter” after completing the fields. When done, please go back to your homepage (by clicking on “Retour vers l’accueil”). 9 C) Additional professional training To add a line, click here On this page, you can indicate any prior professional training. BEWARE : to add a line, you need to click on “Ajouter” after completing the fields. When done, please go back to your homepage. When you have filled in all the required elements, please turn to Section II (“Choix de la Formation”) to select the degree you want to apply for. 10 Your personal identification data II Selecting the degree you want to apply for To select a degree, click here Your academic and professional record up to now Ici pour le choix de la filière You are getting to this page: • Either after clicking on “Aller sur votre page d’accueil” (= “Your homepage”), as indicated on page 8 • Or when reconnecting via the application’s homepage (see page 2) In that case, to select the degree you want to apply for, you need the personal identification data that appear in the email you were sent after the creation of your file. This page recapitulates your personal identification data (file No., surname, name, …) and all the elements you indicated regarding your prior higher education. You must now click on “Faire un choix” (= “select a degree”) to indicate the degree you are applying for. 11 This page allows you to select the type of degree you want to apply for: • “Licence” (= Bachelor’s Degree) (only the last two years of it are open for registration) • “Licence Professionnelle” (= Professional Bachelor’s Degree) • “Master” (= Master’s Degree) (only those managed by the Faculty of Science are open for registration here) The “Master Enseignement” (Master’s Degree preparing for the competitive exams selecting future French teachers) is not open for registration through this application. 12 1. select the field 2. select your degree Once you have selected the type of degree you are applying for, you must select: 1. The field of studies : “Sciences et Technologies” (Science and Technology) 2. The degree you are applying for, by clicking on it. 13 Tick the box Once you have selected the degree you are applying for, you must select the campus you want to study on, by ticking the box at the end of the line on which it is mentioned, then click on “Candidater” (= “Apply”). Each campus is referred to through a specific acronym: LUM for Luminy, SCH for St Charles, SJE for St Jerome, CHG for Chateau-‐Gombert, AUB for Aubagne, and AIX for Aix-‐ Montperrin. Acronym TE, when available, allows you to opt for distance teaching: it is obviously not a campus in itself, but all the practical works and the exams take place on St Charles campus. (see: http://sciences.univ-‐ In order not to make any mistake, please note that: • For any Bachelor’s Degree, specialities may be available on one or two campuses only. You must therefore select you campus according to the specialty you want to have as your major. N.B.: when a specialty is available on several campuses, it is not necessary to apply for each campus, as the decision to accept you or not will be the same whichever the campus (for more details about the specialties and sites, see http://sciences.univ-‐ • Each professional Bachelor’s Degree is on one campus only. N.B.: a few of these professional degrees are not taught in Marseille but in distant cities (see http://sciences.univ-‐‐pro). • Conversely, a few Master’s Degrees (1st or 2nd year) may be available on two campuses (see: http://sciences.univ-‐ 14 This page is the one you reach once you have made your choice. You can: • Click on “Valider mes choix” if you are applying for one degree only and want to validate your choice • Click on “Ajouter une candidature” if you want to add another degree to the list of your choices. BEWARE: you are not allowed to apply for more than three different degrees. 15 Do not omit to click here! See point 2 below This page is the one you reach once you have made and validated your choice(s). You must now: 1. Read the list of the supporting documents you will have to submit electronically (see III/ Uploading the necessary documents) for your file to be examined. 2. PRINT your file by clicking on “Télécharger mon dossier” (= “Download my file”), sign it, add a recent passport-‐size photograph, then scan the whole file and upload it onto the platform (see III/ Uploading the necessary documents). BEWARE: ALL the supporting documents AND the whole file must be submitted in a digital form only, otherwise your application will not be valid. NO paper file will be processed or examined. 16 III Uploading the necessary documents Click here to upload file and supporting documents To upload all the supporting documents and the scanned file as mentioned on page 16, you need here to click on “Accéder au dépôt des dossiers” (= “Uploading my file”). The personal identification data you received by email is necessary here again. BEWARE: no application will be examined before the whole application file has been fully completed and uploaded, along with all the required supporting documents. 17 This page is the one through which you can upload your scanned file and all the supporting documents as mentioned on page 16. On it, each window corresponds to a specific document to upload. For each of these windows, you must: • Click on “Parcourir” (= “Browse”) to browse the files on your computer and select the document you want to upload; • When selected, this document appears in the window and the red tick turns green; • Then, click on “Envoyer” (= “Send”) to upload the file on our server BEWARE: you cannot upload several documents in a same window; if you have several academic transcripts to upload, for instance, you must first scan them all into a single pdf document. The maximum size for each document is 5Mo. Once you have uploaded everything, click on “Retour” (= “Home”). 18
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