1 2 Sharing iS eaSy UPLOAD

How to...
Sharing is easy
Uploading resources
is simple ...
1. Register
2. Access
Go to www.aft.tesconnect.com and click
Within 24 hours you will receive an email
on the Join Us button, fill out the form and
informing you that you have access to the
validate your registration.
pre-launch site. Go to www.aft.tesconnect.com
and log in.
3. Add a new resource
4. Sharing your resource
5. Add more files / Web links
Once logged in, click on the “share
You can allow other members to rate and
You can share more than one file and/or Web
resources” button at the end of the welcome
review your resource. This can provide you
link. To do this click, the “add another item
screen. Then start sharing!
with valuable feedback, and allows members
“link and repeat until you’re finished.
to show their appreciation.
6. Who is your resource for?
7. About your resource
8. Finish
Telling us what grade and subject your resource
To make your resource easier to find and
Once you’ve finished, read the Terms &
is for is important to ensure that it appears in
increase the number of people downloading
Conditions and our Privacy Policy and then
the right section.
it, tell us more about your resource. Our
click on ‘I agree and finish’ button.
search engine needs a certain amount of
information included in the description.
AFT and TES Connect are working together to create
a place where teachers can share resources, lesson
plans and activities. Developed by teachers for
teachers, this website will enable educators across
America to share resources.
and you could
win an iPad3!
Upload resources and you could win an iPad3!
You can now share your resources on www.aft.tesconnect.com. All you have to do
is register and upload your resources. Joining is simple. Click on the Join us button
and fill out the form, choose a user name and password, and you are ready to go.
Registration takes just 30 seconds! And uploading a resource takes only two minutes.
When you upload a resource, your name will be entered into a draw for an iPad3
monthly. The more resources you add, the greater your chance of winning.
If you have any questions, please contact share@aft.org.
Upload now – Visit www.aft.tesconnect.com for more information.
I n sp i r e
C o l l a b o r at e