Page 2, introductory pricing August, 2014 Northwest Yachting Digital Introductory Pricing for Current Advertisers A Confused Sea Print: Online or On-lap This is an exciting and often confusing time for print magazines, websites and, most importantly, advertisers. The strong print magazines have survived and are better for it, while the digital world becomes ever more enticing and complex. What makes good sense for an advertiser? Fore and Aft Newsletter Get It All Our Numbers (from Google Analytics, growing steadily) Header 10,000+ views monthly 5,000+ individual “sessions” 4,000+ individuals Average time on site, 2+ minutes. Average pages/session, ~2. Fore and Aft Newsletter: ~1000 (and growing) Advertising Options/Introductory Pricing for Northwest Yachting Magazine Advertisers. Prices are for one month/31 days. Ad Position Size Cost/month Leaderboard Seen at the top of each page throughout site, shared w/ up to 2 others 728 x 90 $200 Header Seen at top of categories and posts 624 x 77 Part of own-a-category package Sidebar standalone 300 x 250 $400 up on the Internet, our job would be easy. The digital world presents new capabilities that demand a current approach. Up-to-the-second news, videos, photos and links engage a reader in an entirely different way than print. So we created carefully to be a worthy digital counterpart. Like the magazine, it covers the full range of boating in the Pacific Northwest. The site allows us to cover a lot of things quickly that there simply isn’t space for in the magazine. Whether it’s a salmon derby wrapup, the video of last weekend’s rescue or the weather outlook for this coming weekend’s sailboat race. Sidebar Shared (rotates with 2 other ads) 300 x 250 $200 Sidebar Broker Boat Special 180 x 150 (see below) Fore and Aft Header 600 x 74 $200 We all know there’s no time to go check a bunch Dominate a category (fishing, sailing etc). Header ad on category blog page and all category posts; Header Ad on category calendar; Thumbnail ad in Fore and Aft, Northwest Yachting Magazine is the regional standard for all-around Northwest boating coverage. It’s available in good ‘ole print at local chandleries and online via an easy to use reader. The printed version continues to get snatched up while a whole new audience if forming online. The magazine is simply being read more than ever before. If the web was simply about throwing a magazine What Web Sites Are For Leaderboard of web sites every day, no matter how good they are. Furthermore, email inboxes are awash with spam. We’ve created the simple, quick-hit, every-other-week Fore & Aft newsletter to loook forward to what’s coming and aft at what’s been on the site. In seconds readers see what they need to know and can click on it directly. It has exceptionally high (40-50%) open rate and link clicks. It is exceptional exposure at low cost. As a Northwest Yachting Magazine advertiser, you automatically get online advertising via the digital version of the magazine. By adding website and or e-newsletter adertising, you also get access to the the thousands of readers who visit nwyachting. com or open Fore & Aft for the full digital experience. If you’re not a current advertiser, contact Bruce Hedrick to create a program that suits your needs. See page 2 for advertising options and rates or email BruceHedrick (Bruce@NWYachting. com or Kurt Hoehne ( Sidebar Brokers Special If you’re an existing brokerage advertiser, this sidebar banner ad is for you. One week of advertising to get the word out for a specific boat. $99/2 weeks Own-a-Category $500 Sponsored Video We will post your 1 to 5-minute video on our site $500 and on our Youtube Channel where it will remain at least 6 months. Sponsored Link Create a post and we’ll run it in the appropriate category. It will be marked as a sponsored link. free Acceptable File Types: .jpeg, .jpg, .gif, .png Need help creating the ad? We’ll be happy to help for a small fee. All ads subject to approval. Fore & Aft Header
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