Vol. 47 No 4 April 2015 Don’t miss it! May 2nd 2015 The Scimitar Nobility and Potentates Ball “It’s All About The Kids” The Embassy Suites Hotel & Spa Rogers, AR Make Reservations Now to attend $125.00 per couple $75.00 single Hotel Room at $99.00 for a 2 room suite breakfast included Non Shriners also welcome so bring a friend Contact the Temple office 501-565-5992 for reservations or by email to mrsvb420@yahoo.comfor details and Black tie and evening wear preferred Deadline for room reservations $99 per night—April 10 Deadline for ball reservations—April 17— Reservations & payment must be in the Temple office by this date The may Stated Meeting will be in Rogers, AR at Embassy Suites on May 2 1 The Blade is published monthly by: Scimitar Shriners #1 Scimitar Circle Little Rock, AR 72209 Office Hours: 9:00 am-1:00 pm M-F Tel: 501-565-5992 Fax: 501-565-5342 Email: admins@scimitarshrine.com Potentate Lyle V. Shelor Chief Rabban David Adams Assistant Rabban Richard Smith High Priest & Prophet Glen Jackson Oriental Guide Steven Sichterman Treasurer Charles Thomas Recorder Glenn Grimes First Ceremonial Master Casey McJunkin Second Ceremonial Master Christopher Fitzhugh Director Cole Fitzhugh Marshal T. L.Brown Captain of the Guard Outer Guard Randall Dixon Blade Articles Deadline The deadline for getting articles in the BLADE is the10th day of each month Blade articles can be sent to this Email Address mrsvb420@yahoo.com POTENTATE’S MESSAGE Spring finally made it to Arkansas! On Saturday, April 4 we had a huge turnout for the Temple Easter Egg Hunt. Lots of prizes were given out, cookies and punch devoured and a good time was had by all ages. The highlight of my day was when the winner of the girls bicycle came up to me and said she would like for us to draw another number for the girls bicycle. She said she already has a bike and would like someone else to have this bike. What a great gesture on the part of a girl about 10 years old. There are parents out there who are very proud of that young lady. I know I am. For those in our Temple who are or would like to be a “hillbilly”, Poplar Bluff Shrine Club of Moolah Shrine Temple in St. Louis is putting on the “hillbilly degree” on Saturday, April 18 in Poplar Bluff. For more information the Temple number is 888-966-6524. Vickie Blackwell has all the information on who is going from Scimitar. For more information you may contact Vickie at 501-944-4559. ONIONS Those wonderful and delicious Vidalia onions have been ordered and are expected to be delivered the first full week of May. Glen Jackson will have more information closer to the delivery date. The May Stated Meeting will be in Rogers, AR at the Embassy Suites Hotel & Spa. Check in the Hospitality Suite for the meeting location. There is still time to get your reservation made for the Nobility and Potentate’s Ball on May 2, 2015 in Rogers, AR. Call the Temple office for ball reservations and the Embassy Suites for room reservations. Hotel number is 479-254-8400, ask for Shelly or Michelle. We need a kitchen cooking crew! If interested please contact me. Upcoming events: May 9th—Crawfish Boil –Membership Rush Party—$10 p/couple, $15 p/ family—prospects and their families eat free. May 20-23—SCSA Muskogee, OK—contact Garner Burton for Hotel information June 5—Temple Stated Meeting Lyle V. Shelor Potentate FIRST LADY’S THOUGHTS Thanks to all of those who helped with the Easter Egg Hunt. It was a day of excitement for a lot of kids and parents as well. Prizes, candy, goodies of all kinds and bicycles were given away. A special thank you to Joan Launius for all her hard work. May 1st there will be no Ladies Meeting. Hopefully, we will all be in Rogers for the Potentate’s Ball. A very good band from the Little Rock area will be playing. There is still time to get a reservation. Call Barbara or Vickie in the temple office for reservation information. The number is 501-565 -5992. Ladies meeting coming up on June 5th, Jo Jones will demonstrate how to make “Scented Salt Scrub” This will be a fun evening. Please call the Temple office before Monday June 1st so we can have a count of those who will be attending. Jo will need to buy materials for each lady who would like to participate. We will then reimburse Jo for the cost of supplies. There will be NO Ladies meeting in July. The Temple is dark. I look forward to seeing everyone at the ball and at the June 5th demonstration. Yours in Faith—Nancy Shelor, First Lady 2 Scimitar Business & Professional Directory (501) 753-3760 35th & Parker (Downtown Levy) Tom Brown, Owner Same Location for 28 years IN MEMORIUM John J. Price Jr. John Paul Hammerschmidt ALL NEW USER FRIENDLY The new web site for the Shriner’s Market is now up and running for you shopping pleasure. Check it out…..www.shrinersmarket.com THANKS!! To all the helpers that helped make the Easter Egg Hunt a great success. We had a GREAT crowd and everyone had a good time. CRAWFISH BOIL—MAY 9 The membership committee invites you to bring a new prospect and come out to the Temple for a fun time. The gates open at 3:30 and eating begins at 4:30. Your prospect will eat free, $10 a couple, $15 a family or just $5 for a single...WOW what a great deal!! Plus the fun and fellowship that goes along with it. They will be serving crawfish, potatoes, corn, hot dogs and hamburgers with all the fixings. Bring a friend and come out for a FUN time!! SET YOUR CLAENDARS FOR THE PEACH FESTIVAL IN CLARKSVILLE The date is Saturday, August 1, 2015. You can call and make your room reservations at Best Western in Clarksville (479)754-7900. There have been 20 rooms blocked for Scimitar. We will be cooking (as of now) Fish on Friday night and Steaks on Saturday night at the hotel. The cost of the food divided by number of people eating will determine the cost of each meal. Breakfast is continental with the hotel. Contact Richard Smith or Tommy Epperson for more information. 3 April 2015 Sun 5 Mon 6 7 Easter 12 19 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Northwest SC Nomad SC Stated Meeting Egg Hunt 8 9 Fun Raiser 10Deadline 11Director for Room/Ball Staff Bass Tour 13 CSSA 14 15 16 2016 Meeting Director Staff 20 21 22 23 28 29 30 17Dealine for 20 Hillbilly Ball Reserve Degree 24 25 Fri Sat 1 2 Saline Co. 26 27Deadline for SCSA Reg. May 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Stated Meeting Potentate’s Ball 3 4 5 6 7 Fun Raisers Northwest SC Nomad SC 13 14 10 11 12 Mother’s Day CSSA 2016 Meet Director Staff 17 18 19 Saline Co. 24 25 20 SCSA 20-23, Muskogee, OK 26 27 Memorial Day 4 8 9 Crawfish Boil 15 16 21—— 22—— 23—— ———— ———— ———28 29 30/31 June 2015 Sun 7 14 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fun Raisers Northwest SC Nomad SC Stated Meeting 8 9 10 11 12 13 CSSA 2016 Meeting Director Staff 15 16 17 18 19 20Golf-A- Saline Co. Rama Hot Springs Vill. 21 22 23 28 29 30 24 25 26 DATES TO REMEMBER APRIL April 25—Arab Temple, Topeka, Kansas & India Temple, Oklahoma City, OK Potentate’s Balls MayMay 17—St Louis Hospital Day, Busch Stadium May 20-23—South Central Shrine Association , Muskogee, OK JUNEJune 20—Hot Springs Village Shrine Club Golf-a-Rama Hospital Fund Raiser JULYJuly 5-9 -Imperial Session, Houston, TX AUGUSTAugust 1—Johnson County Peach Festival 5 27 Contact Gardner Burton Housing Chairman for room information. YOUR REGISTRATION FORM AND MONEY SHOULD BE IN THE TEMPLE OFFICE NO LATER THAN APRIL 27. THIS WILL ENSURE A TIMELY REGISTRATION. THERE ARE STILL ROOMS AVAILABLE—HAMPTON INN MUSKOGEE—3100 MILITARY BOULEVARD –MUSKOGEE,OK 74401 - PHONE NUMBER: (918) 682-2587 6 7 SCCA 2016 APRIL MEETING The April meeting will be held at Corky’s BBQ on the 13th, in North Little Rock at 6pm. Check out the new links and updated schedule at: http://cssa2016.com FROM THE DIRECTOR’S STAFF We met March 10 with fifteen members in attendance. We have two new members, Matt McWilliams and Beau Jones. We now have twenty-five members, we are the largest and probably the best oiled group in the Shrine. The March raffle ticket was sold by Tommy Radford, the winner was Sean Jundt, a possible new Shriner. Yes Nobles, we continue to hold a gun raffle each month, same rules, ten dollars a ticket only one hundred sold. Call any Director's Staff member to purchase your ticket(s). We had a GREAT time at Oaklawn betting on the ponies, food and drink was supplied by the Unit. What a Deal!! REMEMBER: Two things hard on the heart: Running up stairs and running people down… CONTACT GARDNER BURTON, HOUSING CHARIMAN FOR THE IMPERIAL SESSION IN HOUSTON, TX JULY 5-9 TO RESERVE YOUR ROOM. THE BEDOUIN UNIT WILL BE COOKING AGAIN ON MAY 15, PICK-UP ON MAY 16. @ NORTH HILLS AND CLUB ROAD, SHERWOOD. CONTACT RICHARD SMITH—501-837-0291, TOMMY EPPERSON—501-834-6005, OR CASEY MCJUNKIN AT 501-912-9919 TO PLACE YOUR ORDERS. Daughter of the Nile Mat-Ta-Nah No. 136 We will be conducting our Installation of Officers for 2015-2016 on Sunday, April 12 at Scimitar Temple. This is an open installation and everyone is invited. Your support and attendance at this event would be greatly appreciated. A program listing the officers to be installed will be made available on that date. Supreme Session—June 2015—Supreme Session will be in Albuquerque, NM, June 10-14, 2015. Make your reservations today if you have not already done so. We have 6 or 7 Ladies who are making plans to travel there so far. You may download the entire packet at the Daughters of the Nile website—www.daughtersofthenile.com. 8
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