Bold 2in1 Pearls project handbook - Savvy Circle

Insider Info
savvy circle members
Bold 2in1 Pearls
Exclusive savvy circle insider information
Welcome to our savvy circle project
with Bold 2in1 Pearls
Over the next eight weeks, alongside 5,000 fellow savvy circlers, we’ll have the chance to
try out Bold 2in1 Pearls and experience brilliantly clean and beautifully fresh laundry with
Our savvy circle project
pg 3 - 9
Introducing Bold 2in1 Pearls
pg 10 - 12
Spreading the word
pg 13 - 17
Insider info
pg 18 - 20
Hi from supersavvyme
pg 21 - 22
A word on P&G
pg 23 - 24
a gorgeous long-lasting scent.
Together we will spread the word about Bold 2in1 Pearls, report and review our experiences, share
feedback with the brand and most importantly, have some seriously clean fun while we’re at it!
Our project checklist
pg 25
Meet our contact at Bold 2in1
pg 26
Make sure you keep this booklet safe, with:
▪ step by step guides
▪ product info
▪ interesting facts
… it will provide you with all the tools you’ll need to be a fantastic participant in our project.
Here’s to a great eight weeks together!
Our savvy circle project Your Starter Kit
As the eight weeks unfold we will…
First things first! In week one you’ll receive a Starter Kit, full of
interesting information, ideas and triggers to help us spread the
word about Bold 2in1 Pearls. Your kit will include:
Try out… Bold 2in1 Pearls, along with 5,000 members of
Try out
the savvy circle.
For you to try out and share...
• A 12 pack of Bold 2in1 Pearls
• A savvy circle insider’s guide
Share our opinions… on the product via reviews on Tried
Share opinion
For you to pass on to friends, family…
& Tested as well as with the Bold 2in1 team, through three
• 8 Bold 2in1 Pearls samples
online surveys.
• 5x coupons for 50p off Bold 2in1
• ‘Ask your friends’ product research sheets
Help spread the WOW… amongst friends, family and
Spread the word
those around us.
Ask your friends and family... and then share the
conversations we've had about Bold 2in1 Pearls.
So far so good?
Share first impressions of the product on our project blog:
Email any questions you have to us at: - we'll get back to you right away.
How it all works
1. Get to know Bold 2in1 Pearls
3. Share your reviews online
Got a laundry load ready? Then it’s almost time to pop a wash on and try out your Bold
In this day and age, most of us read online reviews to help us choose the right products for
2in1 Pearls! Before you do though, take some time to read the product and insider info in
us. As a Bold 2in1 expert with insider information, this is your chance to help others who are
this booklet. Aside from it being a great read you’ll become a Bold 2in1 Pearls expert in
thinking of buying new detergent, so make sure your voice is heard!
no time, and find that spreading the word about the product will come naturally.
Where should I write reviews?
Lastly, don’t forget to take some photos, we want to see the fun you’re having with
We want you to share your own review of Bold 2in1 Pearls on the Tried & Tested page on
Bold 2in1 Pearls! Simply visit, log into your dash-
supersavvyme. Keep an eye out for more about this on our Bold 2in1 blog on the savvy
board and upload your photos via the ‘Submit Conversation Report’ tool.
What should I say?
▪ The most important thing is that you’re honest! If you're stuck for what to write, a good place
to start might be:
2. Your opinion counts
The people behind the brand are listening and they genuinely want to know what you
▪ How easy are Bold 2in1 Pearls to use?
▪ Did the capsules meet/exceed your expectations? If so, how?
▪ Did you enjoy the scent of Bold 2in1?
think of Bold 2in1 Pearls – this is the perfect chance to have your voice heard!
Share links to the reports:
There are three surveys to complete throughout the course of the project:
Make sure you tell us each time you leave a review – the easiest way to do this is via a
▪ Starter Survey at the beginning of the project
Conversation Report. Simply go to and log in to your
▪ Half-Time Survey in the middle of the project
dashboard, you’ll then see the Conversation Report on the left hand side.
▪ Final Survey at the end of the project
The results are fed straight back to the brand; make sure your feedback is included! We’ll
let you know by email as soon as the surveys are live.
4. Spread the word
5. Report on your conversations
We want to share our honest opinions and experiences of the product we’re testing, and
If you like Bold 2in1 Pearls – then spread the word!
the team behind Bold 2in1 Pearls want to hear them! To gauge just how many people we’re
talking to, all participants in the project team are asked to submit a Conversation Report
each time they speak to someone about our project.
Submitting Conversation Reports is easy: simply go to
log into your personal dashboard and click ‘Submit Conversation Report’ in the panel on
the left hand side.
Not sure what to report? Just be honest and share what everyone said, for example
Your colleague
Your gym buddy
whether they tried out the product, if they liked it, etc. Every report is responded to so you’ll
be sure to feel supported along the way.
Your relative
Your neighbour
Your friend
6. Ask your friends!
We plan to:
▪ Hold a cake and laundry morning for our pals.
One of the great things about savvy circle projects is that we get to try out and be product re-
▪ Initiate a lunchtime quiz and share out our free samples with the winners!
searchers for brands we love! So it’s easy to get your friends on board to ask their opinions.
▪ Share hints and tips on how to get the best scent from your wash.
▪ Pass samples to friends, so they can experience the clean too.
Included in your Starter Kit is a book of ‘Ask your friends’ research sheets. Use these to
▪ Turn the kids into Laundry Gamers.
simply and easily survey those around you to find out what other people think of Bold 2in1
▪ Share the science behind the Bold 2in1 technology.
Pearls. The combined results will be handed over to the team at Bold 2in1, so everyone's
opinions really do count.
You’ll probably have lots of ideas of your own too, but just in case there are loads more on
pages 13-17 of this booklet.
Once the sheets have been completed and handed back to you, simply log into the savvy
circle and upload the results via your personal dashboard.
Finding your way around the savvy circle
There has been lots of mention of “your savvy circle dashboard” - here is a step by step
guide on how to submit Conversation Reports, complete Surveys and upload ‘Ask your
friends’ sheets.
The sweet smell of a job well done
It’s not unusual for you to spend 10 minutes in the laundry section of your local supermarket,
sniffing various conditioners, softeners and powders, right?
Step 1
and access your personal dashboard
Step 2
Enter your log in details.
Step 3
Once in your dashboard, select and
click on the appropriate tool from the list
We understand, we’ve been there. Scent is important and you want your laundry to smell great
on the left hand side.
but the truth is, you don’t need a million lotions and potions to get a great clean – you just need
E.g. “Submit Conversation Reports”
one that does the job really well. That’s where Bold 2in1 Pearls comes in.
Step 4
The tool will open in a new window.
Bold 2in1 is the only detergent that contains the great, long-lasting fragrance of Lenor and, as
well as leaving your laundry smelling great, it gives a brilliant clean too.
From here, our on screen instructions
will guide you through the rest of the
Easy as 1, 2, 3…
How do I use Bold 2in1 Pearls?
Bold 2in1 Pearls store powerful agents in three separate compartments which are brought
Bold 2in1 Pearls are super-convenient for any mum-on-the-go or woman about town. All you have
together during the wash to give you:
to do is chuck one directly into the drum at the bottom of your load and they’ll get to work straight
away. No faffing about getting the measure right – that’s all been done for you.
A deep and purifying clean.
The gorgeous, long-lasting scent of Lenor with the finest perfume oil and high
Are you ready for it? Here goes…
efficiency microcapsules which release an invigorating scent each time you wear.
Place Bold 2in1 Pearl in washing machine with your laundry and turn on.
Fibre care agents which result in irresistible softness and long-lasting colour.
Put the kettle on, make a cuppa and
wait for your deliciously clean and
fresh wash to be ready.
That’s it! Bold 2in1 have put all the hard work in so that you can spend time on the more important
things in life.
And, just for the record, buying Bold 2in1 leaves far more space in your cupboards than buying
separate lotions and potions too!
Pearls are also great for coloured loads because they don’t contain bleach. What more could you
ask for?
So next time you come to choosing a detergent just remember that it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3…
The message to spread:
Ideas for spreading the word
We appreciate that was a lot of information to take in. To summarise, the key message to
spread in our project is:
There are loads of ways for you to spread
the word, and you’ll probably have the best
ideas yourself, so let’s get creative and
share them on the project blog!
“New Bold 2in1 Pearls combine the
cleaning power of Bold 2in1 with a
touch of Lenor long-lasting freshness
– so you get the laundry results you
want in one simple step.”
Laundry and cake morning
Let’s face it, laundry day is no one’s favourite day of the week but how about we jazz it up a little by
holding a laundry and cake morning!?
The idea is very simple, you invite a few pals around with an item of clothing that they wish to wash
and do it for them! Ok, we’re not selling it yet but you get company and cake while you wash and
they get a delicious clean and gorgeously scented item of clothing to take home – it’s win-win!
You can task your pals with bringing a cake each and you can provide lashings of lovely tea or
When the laundry is done, ask your pals to rate the scent and clean in comparison to their own
usual detergent/fabric softener. We think we know who will come out on top! Check out page 16 for
more tips for a great scent from your wash.
The laundry game
How to keep clothes fresh
If you’ve been nagging your nippers to help
Bold 2in1 Pearls gives irresistible freshness to your laundry, the touch of Lenor and the
around the house recently and they’re yet to
Perfume Micro Capsule Technology mean the scent will last and last - but there’s no harm
lift a finger then maybe you’re going about it all
in following the tips below for even more bang for your buck.
wrong. Let’s make household chores feel like
Take your clothes out of the wash as soon as the cycle finishes. This gives them an added
helping hand!
Hang them on the line – now spring is here you have no excuse for chucking
Share out your samples and then task two
Clean your machine. Every so often you should clean the machine that cleans your clothes.
a game – they have fun and you finally get a
friends with kids to play along: Each choose
a challenge from the list below, get your little
ones to help and then feedback to the rest of
the group on how successful you/they were!
Get washing!
Challenge 1: Ask your child to select an album or playlist to form the backdrop and ask them to
freshness that they simply won’t have if you leave them in the machine for 5 hours.
everything in the tumble dryer. Let things dry in the fresh air, it’ll smell delish!
It’s simple to do, just put a high temperature wash on with an empty drum. Then leave the
door open as it dries. Et voila a beautifully clean machine
Hang clothes in the bathroom when taking a shower. The steam will remove creases
and give instant freshness!
Share these tips with your pals as you hand out your Bold 2in1 samples.
help as you take it in turns to sing your way through the laundry.
Challenge 2: Give your child 5 sweets, stickers, raisins or whatever else you feel is an adequate
reward. Tell them that their task is to collect a ‘dark’ load of washing and every light item that
sneaks in, deduct one treat! If this sounds a little easy, then set a time limit!
Challenge 3: Give your kids some responsibility. Ask them to collect what they think are the most
important items of laundry in the house. Say that the family’s cleanliness depends on it!
Once your wash is complete, call your fellow
challengers, discuss how helpful the little ones
were and (of course) how great your washing
smells and looks after using Bold 2in1
A Bold 2in1 lunchtime quiz!
Perfume Micro Capsule Technology
Gather your colleagues in the work canteen (this can work just as well with your relatives
Bold 2in1 Pearls give your clothes the ultimate long-lasting freshness. In fact, you’ll get a
at your mum’s house!) and do a quick quiz, the winner of which will take away one of your
gorgeous waft of Lavender and Camomile with every touch.
lovely Bold 2in1 samples.
Why? Because Bold 2in1 Pearls uses Perfume Micro Capsule technology. During every wash,
Out of humans, dogs and rabbits, who
perfume micro bubbles attach themselves to the fibres of your clothes. The lovely little capsules
have the most smell receptors?
retain their perfume contents until the garment is worn, which means your clothes stay super
fresh until you wear them.
Who has a better sense of smell –
Women or Men?
A gentle touch releases the fragrance from the capsules with a burst of scent - so every step you
take, you’ll be accompanied by the gorgeously fresh scent of lavender and camomile.
Which well-known fabric softener does
Bold 2in1 contain?
What fragrance is thought to promote a
good night’s sleep?
The micro capsules give
out bursts of fragrance
with every touch.
There is a scent named Eau de Stilton
which aims to recreate the smell of stilton
in a wearable fragrance. True or False?
Take a moment to tell your colleagues/family/friends how much you’re enjoying this project and
as always ask them for their feedback once they’ve tried out their sample. Happy quizzing!
1. Dogs. 2. Women. 3. Lenor. 4. Lavender. 5. True!
The history of Bold 2in1
Decisions, decisions
Did you know that your nose can become immune to a scent? Yup, the sense of smell
gets bored. Luckily Bold 2in1 Pearls comes in four gorgeous fragrances that are all as delicious
as the last.
Bold 2in1 arrives on the market
with a two-in-one washing detergent and fabric softener. Bold
Lavender & Camomile
Take your senses on a stroll through fragrant fields of fresh
2in1 revolutionises the market
Bold 2in1 develops exciting new
lavender. This timeless scent blends soothing camomile with
and leaves people pleased as
scents such as the ‘Sparkling
lavender and gentle spices for a blissful feeling of serenity and
punch that they’ve saved a fair
Pomegranate & Orange Blossom’
harmony. The soothing fragrance could even help you have a
few pennies by buying the pro-
to bring fragrance benefits to life.
better night sleep if used on bedding.
ducts in one.
Peony & Cherry Blossom
Close your eyes and wander through the perfect country
garden, this gorgeous fragrance gathers armfuls of sweet
peonies and delicate cherry blossom and adds clean musky
The Infusions Collection is launched – a premium range with
Bold 2in1’s signature brilliance.
notes and crisp water to create a mood of pure romance.
Celebrity mums Amanda Holden
and Kim Wilde become the face
Hibiscus & Lime Blossom
of Bold 2in1 to ensure that mums
Lose yourself in a fragrant burst of citrus groves and tropical
all over the UK love the brand.
flowers. The zesty freshness of lime blossom, sweet orange
flower and hibiscus combine with sparkling ginger and clean
Bold 2in1 liquids are introduced
musky notes to infuse your day with revitalising energy.
– the liquids are a doddle to use
thanks to the nifty dosing cap.
Bold 2in1 Pearls are launched to
bring you an amazing clean, the
gorgeous freshness of Lenor, and
added fibre care for your clothes.
White Lily & Lotus Flower
Dive into a deeply revitalising watery freshness. White lily and
lotus blossom blend with warm amber and sandalwood notes,
balanced with cool crisp melon for a scent of uplifting freshness.
Making Every Day More
Rewarding: supersavvyme
offers, in addition to enjoying giveaways, attractive coupons for everyday products, free product
Individual brands and the people who use them are a top priority for P&G.
they get to try and give an honest opinion of. Just like you’re currently doing in this savvy circle
samples, product tests, and much more.
Members of supersavvyme are often some of the first to learn about new products – which
project with Bold 2in1. supersavvyme product tests are exciting for members of the savvy circle
as well as for P&G brand managers and product developers because they present the chance to
improve existing products or develop new ones.
Whether you’re testing something yourself and gathering feedback, like in this
savvy circle project with Bold 2in1, or benefiting from the reviews and recommendations of
other participants, supersavvyme is the place to go for ideas and inspiration – and for simply
rewarding yourself.
At supersavvyme we strive to show you ways to make the most out of every moment of every
day. A place to share ideas, be inspired and treat yourself, our platform offers you a wealth of
information, tips, products and practical services in the following areas:
• Style & Beauty
• Food
• Home & Garden
• Health & Wellbeing
• Family Life
So now supersavvyme has over 1 million registered members we’ve relaunched our website. As a
registered user, you can now upload your own product reviews, share interesting articles with other
mums, get expert advice and benefit from exclusive
Member of the savvy circle
Are your friends, family, colleagues or neighbours also interested in new products and helpful
tips? Tell them about supersavvyme and the chance to: learn about new brands as a brand
ambassador, contribute to an online community with over one million members, share your
experiences with others, and influence a reputable brand with your opinions. Learn more at:
P&G: The Company
The Bold 2in1 brand is owned by the Procter & Gamble
Around 4.6 billion times per day, people from all over the world come in contact with Procter &
company, which happens to own a large “family” of brands
Gamble brands. In nine out of ten households there is at least one product from P&G.
in the UK.
From the Fairy baby to the Duracell bunny: the brands from P&G are familiar to many people
P&G, the company behind
Bold 2in1 is part of P&G’s Homecare portfolio which includes
from the media. Procter & Gamble‘s goal is to make people’s lives a little more enjoyable – one
strong brands.
brands such as Fairy, Flash, Febreze and Ambipur.
day at a time. For new product development and product enhancements, P&G place high value
on sustainability: the company cultivates their brands with the following generations in mind, and
Whether for cosmetics and shaving, home or health: good brand-named products make life a
supports future-orientated and social projects.
little easier every day. Many of the products we trust come from Procter & Gamble.
Procter & Gamble has been around since 1837, when two Europeans, William Procter
and James Gamble, founded the company in Ohio, USA. Since then, the company’s 175 year
history has been distinguished by its innovations and strong brands.
P&G products are known for their quality
Our contact at Bold 2in1!
Say hello to Patricia our contact at Bold 2in1. She’ll be keeping up with the project and can’t wait to
hear what you have to say about Bold 2in1 Pearls! Make sure your opinion is heard!
Your project checklist!
Just to recap – here is a checklist of some of the things you can do over
the next eight weeks, to make the most of participating in our savvy
circle project:
Unpack and explore your Starter Kits
Share photos on the blog
Submit Conversation Reports
Complete our three project surveys:
Week 2: Starter Survey
Week 5: Half-Time Survey
Week 8: Final Survey
Upload ‘Ask your friends’ sheets
Interact with fellow participants by commenting on the blog
Your contact for this project: