Development Services Development Application Information Web Page Welcome! The City is committed to making sure neighbours of development proposals are as informed as possible about proposed developments and that they have opportunities to provide input. This new method serves to notify people about development applications, in a way that is more sustainable and costeffective. Development Permit application information is listed below by address. Simply search for the application you are interested in and click on the link for more information. We are continuously looking to improve how we inform neighbours, if you have any comments please email them to To assist you, view the Glossary of key technical terms and a brief explanation of the application process. Information on the Development Permit Board may be found at: propertydevelopment/developmentpermitboard.aspx Development Application Details The applications are listed alphabetically below. Numbered and Named streets by address/location: East # West # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y 2029 East 4th Avenue DE418739 2147 East 4th Avenue DE418707 3365 East 4th Avenue Concurrent with Rezoning DE417246 311 East 6th Avenue DE417971 209 East 7th Avenue DE417545 255 East 7th Avenue DE417260 880 East 7th Avenue DE418129 285 East 10th Avenue DE416894 Rize Alliance 1123 East 10th Avenue DE418331 44 East 11th Avenue DE418409 333 East 11th Avenue Concurrent with Rezoning DE416870 1050 East 11th Avenue DE418553 1230 East 11th Avenue DE418579 943 East 12th Avenue DE418466 1478 East 12th Avenue DE418495 1369 East 13th Avenue DE418805 275 East 14th Avenue DE418721 1033 East 14th Avenue DE418804 1409 East 14th Avenue DE418652 320 East 15th Avenue DE416785 1408 East 15th Avenue DE418174 1582 East 15th Avenue DE418621 481 East 16th Avenue DE418853 1348 East 18th Avenue DE418675 963 East 19th Avenue Concurrent with Rezoning DE413541 1522 East 19th Avenue DE418530 1010 East 21st Avenue DE418243 949 East 24th Avenue DE418654 1008 East 24th Avenue DE418365 1151 East 24th Avenue DB448389 1265 East 28th Avenue DE418643 2466 East 37th Avenue DE418205 1418 East 41st Avenue Concurrent with Rezoning DE413542 1973 East 49th Avenue DE418923 2008 East 54th Avenue DE418604 3090 East 54th Avenue Concurrent with Rezoning DE418846 706 East 57th Avenue (Formerly 7350 Fraser Street) DE418603 85 West 1st Avenue DE418615 2150 West 1st Avenue DE418625 1785 West 4th Avenue DE418527 2101 West 4th Avenue DE418343 1788 West 5th Avenue DE417723 1819 West 5th Avenue DE417855 7 West 6th Avenue DE418854 1510 West 6th Avenue DE418420 2875 West 6th Avenue DE418502 3418 West 7th Avenue DE418404 15 West 8th Avenue DE418463 2515 West 8th Avenue DE418736 3410 West 8th Avenue DE418592 2040 West 10th Avenue DE418757 4330 West 10th Avenue DE417268 4474 West 10th Avenue DE418262 325 West 11th Avenue DE418458 803 West 12th Avenue DE416467 1846 West 14th Avenue DE418668 1060 West 15th Avenue DE418661 789 West 16th Avenue DE418551 4073 West 19th Avenue DE418284 3983 West 24th Avenue DE418656 1376 West 26th Avenue DE418789 3603 West 27th Avenue DE418298 1150 West 29th Avenue DE418631 3592 West 29th Avenue DE418296 4050 West 29th Avenue DE418517 3489 West 31st Avenue DE418768 3981 West 35th Avenue DE418659 3350 West 36th Avenue DE418568 4068 West 38th Avenue DE418226 1278 West 39th Avenue DE418335 1150 West 40th Avenue DE418281 2102 West 48th Avenue DE418576 1192 West 59th Avenue DE418559 back to top 1351 Adanac Street DE418887 1488 Adanac Street DE417411 6169 Angus Drive DE418698 8083 Angus Drive DE418957 6861 Arbutus Street DE418830 5650 Balaclava Street DE418780 (Knox United Church) + 5668 Balaclava DE418802 1263 Balfour Avenue DE418634 3780 East Boulevard DE418507 7250 East Boulevard DE417540 3819 Boundary Road Concurrent with Rezoning DE416933 1361 East Broadway DE418442 1530 East Broadway DE418665 1710 East Broadway Broadway and Commercial SkyTrain Station DE418037 369 West Broadway DE418907 690 Burrard Street DE418062 (Christ Church Cathedral) 1200 Burrard Street DE418524 808 Bute Street DE418873 2800 Cambie Street DE418529 3519 Cambie Street DE418921 4400 Cambie Street DE418053 7790 Cambie Street DE418526 1441 Cartwright Street DE417643 2345 St. Catherines Street DE418455 1999 Cedar Crescent DE418570 1345 Clark Drive DE417161 2817 Clark Drive DE418173 1145 Commercial Street DE418764 4062 Commercial Street DE418487 4338 Commerical Street DE417984 1529 Comox Street DE418115 1128 Connaught Drive DE418228 731 E Cordova Street DE418917 555 W Cordova Street DE418532 2423 Cornwall Avenue DE418359 961 Denman Street DE418594 1060 Denman Street DE418593 2010 Dundas Street DE418561 304 Dunlevy Avenue DE418911 4846 and 4856 Earles Street DE418725 1332 Franklin Street DE418462 6445 Fraser Street DE418797 2328 Galt Street Concurrent of Rezoning DE418823 3103 St. George Street DE41840 2830 Grandview Highway DE418840 7999 Granville Street DE418664 1765 Graveley Street DE418399 2118 Graveley Street DE418916 1427 Haro Street DE418712 1600 & 1625 Harwood Street DE418163 & DE418164 41 East Hastings Street DE418082 65 East Hastings Street DE418774 58 West Hastings Street DE418263 308 West Hastings Street DE418102 404 Hawks Street DE418878 5668 Heather Street DE418674 5002 Highgate Street DE418737 2757 Horley Street DE418640 1289 Hornby Street DE418686 1060 Howe Street DE418834 8872 Hudson Street DE418811 back to top 1796 Island Avenue DE418538 1177 Jervis Street DE418742 5099 Joyce Street (Joyce St Skytrain Station) DE418543 1837 East Kent Avenue North DE417671 2900 East Kent Avenue South DE417333 4333 Kevin Place DE417974 7051 Killarney Street DE418786 351 West King Edward Avenue DE418473 1428 West King Edward Avenue DE418582 1645 West King Edward Avenue DE418215 235 Kingsway DE417686 1001 Kingsway DE417941 1156 Kingsway DE417798 1661 Kingsway DE418001 3068 Kingsway Concurrent with Rezoning DE413545 3215 Kingsway DE418839 3665 Kingsway DE418655 3608 Knight Street DE418924 4328 Knight Street DE418755 6841 Laburnum Street DE418282 2645 Lakewood Drive DE418578 1068 Laurier Avenue DE418608 1390 Laurier Avenue DE418862 666 LeginBoot Square DE418792 1138 Lily Street DE418669 215 Main Street DE418612 219 Main Street DE418375 4226 Main Street DE418650 4790 Manor Street DE418388 5861 Marguerite Street DE418696 3250 Marine Way DE417721 3699 Marine Way DE418252 1888 Matthews Avenue DE418609 6061 Olympic Street DE417993 8820 Osler Street DE418738 2884 Oxford Street and 21 N Renfrew Street DE418193 and DE418194 1257 East Pender Street DE418392 1647 East Pender Street DE418323 2073 East Pender Street DE418340 1108 Pendrell Street Concurrent with Rezoning DE417385 259 Powell Street DE418267 1357 Powell Street DE417792 1725 Powell Street DE418400 1830 Powell Street DE41812 4810 Puget Drive DB448382 1661 Quebec Street DE418488 back to top 1099 Richards Street New Jubilee House DE418881 8533 River District Crossing DE418328 8538 River District Crossing DE418325 8580 River District Crossing DE418326 3289 Riverwalk Avenue DE418718 235 Robson Street DE418584 800 Robson Street Province of British Columbia DE418434 3488 Sawmill Crescent DE418327 5011 Slocan Street DE417887 1610 Stephens Street DE418671 2615 Trimble Street DE418692 1950 Triumph Street DE417139 2155 Venables Street DE418767 540 Victoria Drive DE418591 649 Victoria Drive DE417677 6540 Victoria Drive DE418733 5473 Wales Street DE418514 155 Water Street DE418471 1749 Waterloo Street DE418864 1969 Waterloo Street DE418565 9 West Cordova Street DE417522 1285 William Street DE418812 7926 Yukon Street DE418549 [top]
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