Public Representatives Required

Public Representative on the CNA Board of Directors
Term: September 1, 2015 to August 31, 2017
The Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) is the national professional voice of registered
nurses in Canada. A federation of 11 provincial and territorial nursing associations and
colleges representing over 135,000 registered nurses, CNA advances the practice and
profession of nursing to improve health outcomes and strengthen Canada’s publicly
funded, not-for-profit health system.
CNA is seeking interested members of the community to serve as public representative
on the board of directors for the period of September 1, 2015, to August 31, 2017.
Criteria for position
 able to bring a broad perspective from outside the nursing profession that informs
and strengthens policy and strategy at the board table
 experience in a leadership role
 experience on a board of directors
 knowledgeable about the health system and/or related social policies
 knowledge of governance in a not-for-profit organization
 is not a current member of the nursing profession (RN, LPN, RPN)
 is not a current board or council member for one of the following CNA member
o Class A (CNA jurisidiction)
o Class B (Canadian Nursing Students Association)
o Class C (Canadian Network of Nursing Specialties)
o Class D (independent or retired RNs)
 is not currently employed by an organization in the health sector
Desirable expertise
 is comfortable with public speaking
Special responsibilities
 attend three meetings per year (two days each) and teleconferences, if required
(Note: as this is a volunteer position, all expenses are reimbursed in accordance with
board policy; however, no remuneration is provided for meeting or travel time.)
 address issues critical to nursing and health care
 participate in decision-making
 serve on committees as required (by teleconference or in person at the call of the
Term of office
The member shall serve the term of September 1, 2015, to August 31, 2017, after which
the member is eligible for a two-year renewal term.
Important dates
 Closing date for nominations is April 30, 2015.
 Shortly after the closing date, the governance and leadership committee will review
nominations against the position criteria and provide a slate to the board for a vote.
 Nominees will be invited to speak to their candidacy for five minutes via
teleconference on June 7 or 8, 2015, prior to the board vote the same day.
 Results will be announced as soon as possible after the June board meeting.
Please e-mail
 the completed and signed nomination form (attached); and
 a brief curriculum vitae (CV) of the nominee.
Only those nomination forms completed in full, accompanied by the nominee’s CV and
received by e-mail or fax by 23:59 ET, April 30, 2015, will be considered.
For further details, please contact Debbie Ross, manager of governance and events, at
613-237-2159, ext. 214, or