Thursday 7 May 2015 NAPLAN We do our BEST in every TEST! Next week is NAPLAN week – from Tuesday to Thursday students in Years 3 and 5 will undertake tests in English ( Grammar, spelling, reading and writing) and Mathematics. Please ensure you do not disrupt our students by arriving late or making noise around the school. Just like cross country NAPLAN is a school activity and we want our students to do their best. The results from the test will be sent to us in September. All students who sit the test will be issued with a NAPLAN report. I’m looking forward to seeing every student achieve a Personal Best. How to prepare your child for NAPLAN There are a number of ways you can help your child to prepare at home for tests: talk to your child about the purpose of the tests and how they will be given an opportunity to show what they have learnt in class maintain a positive attitude about the tests ensure your child gets plenty of sleep leading up to tests ensure your child exercises and eats healthy meals regularly, including breakfast Liken it to the cross country race – do your best Remember the purpose of the tests is to gather whole school trend data for use across all of Australia. (Linda Morse) Prep 2015 AEDC The Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) is a nationwide measure of the development of young children. Every three years, schools (both government and non-government) take part in the national AEDC data collection. Our Prep teachers will complete the survey next week. Parents received a note home during the week and further information is available at the AEDC website. To exclude your child please put your request in writing to Linda Morse and lodge at the office by Monday 11 May. Information for parents-fact sheet available here: Information for parents - fact sheet.pdf (Linda Morse) P. & C. News - FREE FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT 'How to Train Your Dragon 1' - Friday May 15, on the Senior Oval at Coolum State School. Bring your chairs, rugs and children for a fun, free family outdoor movie on the big screen. Movie starts at 6.30pm. Sausage sizzle, hot and cold drinks and snacks available for sale from 5.30pm. No glass, alcohol or dogs please. An initiative of Coolum State School P&C Association, celebrating National Volunteers Week. (Denise French – P.&C. Manager) Any helpers to set up pack up or assist with food sales, please phone Clare: mob. 0407 026619. Our School Rules Please encourage your child to: Be Safe: Be Respectful: Be Responsible (Chris Chant) Y3 / 8 / 9 / 10 Years Cross Country Champions - 2015 8 Year old Girls: Charlie 3P 9 Year old Girls: Marley 4P 10 Year old Girls: Kobi 5W 11 Year old Boys: Lachlan 5H 12 Year old Boys: Angus 6S 8 Year old Boys: Nelson 3Q 9 Year old Boys: Tarryn 4S 10 Year old Boys: Noah 4M The remainder of the Photos will be in next week’s newsletter. Tomorrow from 1.30pm the 11 and 12 year old girls will run their Cross Country. Following these events we will be able to finali se our team for the District Cross Country on the 18 th May. (Ben Moody) Jumpers Cool weather equals Navy Jumpers. (Pat Cavanagh) News from 3J 3J have been very busy getting ready for Cross Country, NAPLAN, our Foyer Display and our parade item. We asked 3J what they want to be when they leave school and why. Here is what they said: Kiara wants to be a chef when she grows up because she likes to cook and it is awesome and great. Lucas wants to be a director so he can make really cool movies. Will has so many ideas he can’t make up his mind. Leo wants to be a shark biologist because his knowledge is a lot greater and he can also prove some shark websites that are completely wrong. Seth HJ wants to be a painter because his dad is a painter. Jayde wants to be a zookeeper because it is fun looking after animals. Manon wants to be a cook because you can eat yummy food. Bradley wants to be a golfer because he wants to be like his dad, or a football player. Ben wants to be a policeman so he can work with Seth. Em-Jay wants to be a teacher and a surfer because being a teacher you get a lot of money on your payday. Lilly wants to be a vet because she loves being around animals. Sam wants to be a stunt pilot because you can do cool air tricks. Indi wants to be a world-famous surfer because it has been her dream since she was two. Jessica wants to be a surfer because she loves swimming and riding the waves. Maybe she’ll be a teacher too. Liam wants to race cars and boats and planes because he wants to be famous. Tara wants to be a lawyer because you get $100 an hour. Zoe wants to be a vet because you get to be around animals. Riley wants to be a robber so he can rob banks and be rich. Zac wants to be a robber so he can be rich. Ahme wants to operate a digger so he can make money. Evie wants to be a zookeeper because she loves animals. Sari wants to own a pet shop because she thinks pets are so cute. Rhys wants to be a miner because he loves diamonds. Seth W wants to be a policeman so he can work with Ben. Genevieve wants to be a vet because she really likes pets. Ashby wants to be a dance teacher because she loves dancing and teaching. Mrs J wants to win My Kitchen Rules and become a famous chef. Happy Mother’s Day to all for Sunday. Thanks for reading our newsletter item. Calendar Week 3 Monday 4 May Tuesday 5 May Cross Country Regional Netball Wednesday 6 May Regional Rugby League Thursday 7 May Regional Rugby League 4 11 May 12 May NAPLAN 13 May NAPLAN 14 May NAPLAN 15 May P.&C. Movies on School Oval 5 18 May District Cross Country 19 May Prep walk 20 May Prep walk NRL Develop. Cup 21 May Y6 CSHS Musical 22 May Regional Golf District Tennis 6 25 May 26 May 1 Jun 2 Jun 28 May Bike Education Yr4 4 Jun Bike Education Yr4 Magic Words P-3 11 Jun 29 May 7 27 May Yr 6 CSHS Parent Info 3 Jun Bike Education Yr4 8 Bike Education Yr4 8 Jun Queen’s Birthday Holiday Regional Cross Country 9 Jun 10 Jun Friday 8 May Age 11 & 12 Girls Cross Country 5 Jun 12 Jun Show Holiday Student of the Week Awards PREP Hunter PRG, Maggie PRH, Mitchell PRP, Patrick PRS, Lucy PRE, Riley PRM Year 1 Joel 1B, Jacob 1C, Violet 1W, Ayla 1F, Neave 1H, Tyler 1T Year 2 Sharna 2B, Ella-Rose 2C, Jasper 2G, Dakota 2A, Oliver 2M, Harry 2T Year 3 Ethan 3Q, Zack 3P, Ahme 3J, Don 3B, Lenny 3S, Bella 3T Year 4 Hayden 4P, Shakaya 4M, Lydia 4R, Sophie 4B, Micah 4K, Aisha 4S Year 5 Santika 5M, Jakob5H, Christian 5W, Daniel 5T, Isabella 5K Year 6 Jaxson 6W, Elka 6S, Jade 6G, Hayley 6M, Portia 6N Specialist Awards PE – 2B, 4P Library – 6S Music – Anzac Day Singers, Prep/Year1 & Year 2 New Zealand Anzac Singers Inst Music – Jazmyn 5K Technology – 3S Banking – Tate PRG Foyer Display – 1T Community Notices “Nugget & Al from the Zinc 96.1 breakfast show will be broadcasting LIVE at Coolum State School on Monday the 11 th of May giving you the chance to win a 5KW solar system valued at $10,000. Zinc’s brekky sponsor Solahart will be on hand taking entries from parents and friends of the school to go into the draw to win the solar system. Zinc will be live from 6am-9am with a BBQ brekky, games for the kids and heaps of giveaways”. See us on the Junior oval. RUN SUNSHINE COAST – SUPPORTING WISHLIST Run Sunshine Coast is coming up on Sunday 17 May 2015 and this year, Cotton On Foundation is introducing a 1K kids run. The course includes fairy gardens and smoke tunnels. 100% of registration fees go straight to Wish list to help grow the Child Development Service here on the Sunshine Coast. For more information - I AM JACK – A powerful one-man show, which explores the often overlooked insidious taunting and teasing bullies inflict on their victims. Lake Kawana Community Centre, Tues 19 May 10am and 12.30pm.Ph 5413 1400 for details. SHOTOKIDS PRE-KARATE NEW TERM SIGN ON Tuesday and Wednesdays 4.30pm -5.15pm Teaching pre karate to students aged 5-7 Cost is $50 which includes uniform Lessons are $10 per lesson. Phone Instructor Michael Allen 0458792727 TENNIS with JAMIE FLETCHER (10yrs teaching at your school) BEFORE SCHOOL TENNIS in Term 2 is here!! Learn the FUN sport with similar aged kids + you can start anytime!! WHEN - Monday, Wed, Thurs & Fri mornings from 7.30am or 8am depending on age Make friends Improve on hand/eye co-ordination Trophy (1 per class) + a certificate on completion FREE rac included (conditions apply) ONLY $125 for the Term (10 weeks) Contact Jamie on 5449 3399 or 0412 667 327 Under 8’s Day at Moffat Beach When: 20 May 9am – 12pm Where: Eleanor Shipley Park, Moffat Beach. Contact: Jayne Henderson (Administration Officer) Caloundra Community Kindergarten Bloomhill Buderim Burn When: 14 Jun 8am – 12pm Where: Ballinger Road, Buderim Contact: Maroochydore Rugby Union Club is recruiting players born in 2006 to fill their Under 9’s team. Join a fun and social team while developing your rugby skills! Training is Tuesday and Thursday afternoons in Cotton Tree, games are on Saturday mornings at various locations on the Sunshine Coast. Other ages welcome too. Interested players should contact Troy Derwin 0424 199 975 for more information. Celebrate & Grow ~ Sunny Coast Show. Running Friday, June 12 to Sunday June 14 at the ever-green Nambour Showgrounds, for more information go to the web page: Private ukulele and guitar lessons available on a term basis (10 wk programs) in Coolum Area,with professional musician/composer/performer Felicity Burdett. Overall aim is to encourge passionate learning of chosen instrument & learn a new song each lesson,plus inspire future dreams. Able to help with methods of writing songs also for budding composers.Lessons ar e $30 for 30minutes, only a few spaces available! Be quick and call : 0421525367 Important School Info Remember to update your details by email or with the Office if you have – a new phone moved house s tarted a new job changed your contact details School Contact Details Address PO Box 374 Phone School Road, Coolum Beach. 4573 5471 9300 Fax 5471 9307 Website Email Parades Senior – 8.40am Tuckshop Wednesday to Friday Junior – 9.20am QSchools App & Facebook Download the QSchools app (it’s free) for instant access to the school website or follow us on Facebook. Uniform Shop Hours The Uniform Shop is located at the P&C Room and opens every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 2pm – 3:15pm. P&C Association Meetings are the last Wednesday of each month. Staff room at 7.30pm. All welcome. Outside School Hours Care 6.00am to 8.30am and after school from 2.40pm to 6.00pm. Vacation Care 6.00am to 6.00pm during school holidays. Ph 5446 2026 or School Year 2015 Term 2 – Monday 20 April to Friday 26 June Holidays – Saturday 27 June to Sunday 12 July Term 3 – Monday 13 July to Friday 18 September Holidays – Saturday 19 September to Monday 5 October Term 4 - Tuesday 6 October Friday 11 December
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