
Thursday 30 April 2015
Carol Pellinkhof’s retiring after great service to Coolum School
This week we acknowledge the work of Carol Pellinkhof our long serving cleaner. Carol has been
cleaning at Coolum SS for 32 years. Carol’s children and grandchildren have attended Coolum so
she has a long association with the school and wider community. We thank you Carol for the care
and attention you have shown the children, staff and parents of Coolum over many long years of
service. We will miss your dedication and cheerful approach to the daily tasks. We salute Carol on
her achievement and we wish Carol all the best in the future. (Pat Cavanagh)
Carol preparing for her last shift!
A reminder that NAPLAN testing is scheduled for the 12-14 May inclusive. You may be interested
in the website for more information. (Linda Morse)
Cool weather equals Navy Jumpers. (Pat Cavanagh)
Semester One Reports 2015
Please be advised that Semester Reports will be emailed in future. Please make sure that the
school has your email address. Let the office know of any changes or updates to your email
address. (Pat Cavanagh)
What is your child learning this term?
Year level overviews can be found on the school webpage. Go to:- Curriculum Tab > Class
Activities. (Linda Morse)
African Choir
Please go to the end of the Newsletter for information re the African Choir. (Ross Naumann)
Monthly Absences
Our attendance has dropped to 93.4%. This equates to about three classes of children away
every day. Mondays and Fridays are our worst days of attendance with averages for the past 4
weeks being 92.7% (75 Children) and 91% (93 Children) respectively. Please endeavour to have
your children at school every day. Their future depends on it. (Chris Chant)
Dogs at School
A parent has advised us that her child was bitten by one of the dogs which are tied up to the
school fence after school. For the safety of the students and adults, we ask that dogs not be
brought to the school. Should any further dog incidents take place, then these will be referred to
the Sunshine Coast Council. (Chris Chant)
Riding of Bicycles and Skateboards
Please remind your children to walk their bikes and scooters between the two crossings. It is
important that we are all concerned with the safety of ourselves and others. (Chris Chant)
News from 4S
4S has been having some fun in Science throughout this year. We have been learning about
environmental science. Last term we learnt about erosion and what we can do to stop or slow
down the effects of erosion on the environment. We conducted a lot of different experiments to
show what erosion does and we also created real life solutions to stop erosion from occurring.
This term we are focussing on life cycles of plants and animals. We have already started growing
seed heads in our classroom and observing their progress each week. Finally most of them are
growing great tufts of hair. We have conducted an experiment to see if the medium that a seed is
planted in will affect its growth. It is still early days for this experiment so we don’t have any
conclusive results yet.
We are also researching an endangered Australian animal and identifying its life cycle, habitat,
appearance, and any threats to that animal and what humans can to stop these threats. We will
be using Microsoft Publisher to publish a colourful poster outlining all of the information we have
So as you can see it has been a busy Semester of fun scientific learning.
Parent Workshop
“Helping your child to read”
Don’t miss out!
Parents who have children in Year 1 or 2 are invited to attend a very exciting parent workshop
presented by the school’s Instructional Leader, Debbie Bryan and Heidi Blair, Year One teacher.
Come and learn about:
 what it takes to be an effective reader
 how to help your child to become a better reader
 how to share a love of reading with your child
Date: Friday 1 May
Time: 8:30am
Place: Coolum State School Staffroom
(Debbie Bryan and Heidi Blair)
Sports Update
Cross Country – Please Note: This event is dependent upon the weather – please watch
Facebook for an update during Friday morning.
Students have been busy preparing for our annual Cross Country event to be held tomorrow. The carnival
will begin with the year 3 race starting at 12.15 pm. After lunch (1.20pm) we will promptly start the year 4 -6
races with the 12 year olds going first and finishing with the 9 year olds.
I encourage parents to come along and support all students as they strive to achieve the goals they set at
the beginning of the fitness unit. There are many vantage points around the course and we ask parents to
make sure the children have clear running space. It is important that parents please stay out of the finish
runway and the recording tent area.
Parents please be extra careful when driving near the school on Friday afternoon, in particular around
School Rd and Barns Lane as the course does extend through these areas.
District Sport
We have many students representing Coolum at a District level at the moment and we hope they enjoy the
experience of playing their chosen sport at a higher level. We wish them all the best in their preparations.
Netball – Lucy 6G, Lucy 6M
Rugby League – Jake 5H, Antonio 6G, Izaac 5H, Rubin 5M, Marlon 6W, Justin 6S, Harry 6N, Angus 6S,
Mathew 6N and Deklan 6S
Upcoming events
Coolum Cross Country
Friday 1 May
Coolum State School
Regional Netball
Tuesday 5 May
Caloundra netball courts
District Cross Country
Monday 18 May
Kin Kin
Development Cup Rugby League
Wed 20 May
Wises Rd Maroochydore
District Tennis Trial
Friday 22 May
School Trials
Touch Football
(Boys and Girls)
Senior Oval
Australian Rules (Boys and Girls)
Senior Oval
Active bodies….Active minds (Ben Moody)
27 April
28 April
29 April
Regional Hockey
30 April
Regional Football
4 May
5 May
Regional Netball
11 May
18 May
District Cross
12 May
19 May
6 May
Regional Rugby
13 May
20 May
7 May
Regional Rugby
14 May
21 May
25 May
26 May
27 May
28 May
29 May
1 Jun
2 Jun
3 Jun
4 Jun
5 Jun
1 May
Regional Football
Coolum State
School Cross
8 May
15 May
22 May
Regional Golf
District Tennis
 Student of the Week Awards
Evelyn PRG, Emmett PRH, Ocea PRP, Jayce PRS, William PRE, Henry PRM
Year 1
Zee 1B, Maiya 1C, Braeden 1S, Samara 1W, Jasmyn 1F, Aden 1H,Telina 1T
Year 2
Asher 2B, Mitchell 2C, Bailey 2G,Olivia 2A, Rhiannon 2M, Cash 2T
Year 3
Shaylah 3Q, Lilsa 3P, Indiana 3J, Jack 3B, Levi 3S, Seth 3T
Year 4
Max 4P, Finn 4M, Patrick 4R, Maddie 4B, Liam 4K, Hunter 4S
Year 5
Jazmin-Lea 5M, Grace 5H, Chrissy 5W, Kloe 5T, Izzy 5K
Year 6
Kitty Lee 6W, Josh 6S, Lucy 6G, Sophie 6M, Matt 6N
Specialist Awards
PE – 2G, 5M
Music – 2M, 4S
Library – 3B
Languages – 4K
Inst Music – Charlie 5H
Banking – Jack 4S
Foyer Display – 5M
A casual position exists for a School Crossing Supervisor at Coolum Primary School. The School
Crossing Supervisor may be required to work five days per week morning and afternoon in all
weather conditions.
The current rate of pay is $27.49 per hour.
Application forms and information packages may be collected from the School Office.
Completed applications should be returned to:
Private and Confidential
Business Services Manager
Coolum State School
School Road (PO Box 374)
Coolum Beach QLD 4573
Applications close 3.00pm on Monday 4 May 2015.
For further information please phone the school on 5471 9300.
African Children's Choir art competition
Six students have the chance to place their handprints on the African Children’s Choir tour bus
when it visits the school in June.
The art competition is open to children up to 12 years and you can either make a 30-second
movie or paint or draw a poster describing what Under One Sky means to you.
Pick up your entry form from the school office, start drawing or filming and tell us what Under One
Sky means to you. Submit your entries to the office by 29 May.
The lucky winners will be announced on 19 June - you’ll not only win some cool gifts, you’ll also
place your handprints among 100 other handprints being collected as the African Children’s Choir
travels along the eastern coast of Australia, promoting friendship and understanding as part of its
Under One Sky national tour.
Community Notices
Run Sunshine Coast is coming up on Sunday 17 May 2015 and this year, Cotton On Foundation is introducing a 1K kids run. The
course includes fairy gardens and smoke tunnels. 100% of registration fees go straight to Wishlist to help grow the Child
Development Service here on the Sunshine Coast. For more information -
I AM JACK – A powerful one-man show, which explores the often overlooked insidious taunting and teasing bullies inflict on their
victims. Lake Kawana Community Centre, Tues 19 May 10am and 12.30pm.Ph 5413 1400 for
CALOUNDRA COMMUNITY KINDY 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS - We are seeking photos and memorabilia from past
years. If you (or someone you know) can share their photos from the past, we would love to hear from you! We are especially
seeking all photos from 1965 – 1984, and class photos from the years 1995 – 1999. Contact Kendall on 5491 1746, or email
SHOTOKIDS PRE-KARATE NEW TERM SIGN ON Tuesday and Wednesdays 4.30pm-5.15pm
Teaching pre karate to students aged 5-7 Cost is $50 which includes uniform Lessons are $10 per lesson phone Instructor
Michael Allen 0458792727
The inaugural Bloomhill Buderim Burn is a 700m road race up the steep and challenging Ballinger Road in Buderim. The steep
incline tests even the toughest of competitors whilst providing a challenging and fun event for families and weekend warriors alike.
The unique nature of this race, set against the backdrop of the magnificent Sunshine Coast offers runners and walkers of all
abilities a fun yet challenging morning out! Go to:-
TENNIS with JAMIE FLETCHER (10yrs teaching at your school)
BEFORE SCHOOL TENNIS in Term 2 is here!! Learn the FUN sport with similar aged kids + you can start anytime!!
WHEN - Monday, Wed, Thurs & Fri mornings from 7.30am or 8am depending on age
 Make friends
 Improve on hand/eye co-ordination
 Trophy (1 per class) + a certificate on completion
 FREE rac included (conditions apply)
 ONLY $125 for the Term (10 weeks)
Contact Jamie on 5449 3399 or 0412 667 327
Important School Info
Remember to update your details by email or with the Office if you have –
a new phone
moved house
started a new job
changed your contact details
School Contact Details
PO Box 374
School Road, Coolum Beach. 4573
5471 9300
5471 9307
Senior – 8.40am
Wednesday to Friday
Junior – 9.20am
QSchools App & Facebook
Download the QSchools app (it’s free) for instant access to the school
website or follow us on Facebook.
Uniform Shop Hours
The Uniform Shop is located at the P&C Room and opens every Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday between 2pm – 3:15pm.
P&C Association
Meetings are the last Wednesday of each month. Staff room at 7.30pm. All
Outside School Hours Care
6.00am to 8.30am and after school from 2.40pm to 6.00pm.
Vacation Care
6.00am to 6.00pm during school holidays. Ph 5446 2026 or
School Year 2015
Term 2 – Monday 20 April to Friday 26 June
Holidays – Saturday 27 June to Sunday 12 July
Term 3 – Monday 13 July to Friday 18 September
Holidays – Saturday 19 September to Monday 5 October
Term 4 - Tuesday 6 October Friday 11 December