Year 3 Curriculum Overview SUBJECT AREA OR KLA TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 TERM 4 C2C ENGLISH C2C UNIT 1 Analysing and creating a persuasive text C2C UNIT 2 Investigating characters C2C UNIT 3 Exploring personal experiences through events C2C UNIT 4 Exploring procedures C2C UNIT 5 Examining stories from different perspectives C2C UNIT 6 Examining Imaginative texts C2C UNIT 7 Engaging with poetry C2C UNIT 8 Reading, responding to and writing people’s stories C2C SPELLING C2C SPELLING C2C SPELLING C2C SPELLING C2C SPELLING C2C SPELLING C2C SPELLING C2C SPELLING C2C SPELLING AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM YEAR 3 READING DESCRIPTORS READING STRATEGIES RELATED TO C2C UNITS C2C MATHS students apply a variety of mathematical concepts in real-life, life-like and purely mathematical situations C2C SCIENCE C2C HISTORY Read an increasing range of different types of texts by combining contextual, semantic, grammatical and phonic knowledge, using text processing strategies, for example monitoring, predicting, confirming, rereading, reading on and self-correcting (ACELY1679) 1. combining different types of knowledge (for example word knowledge, vocabulary, grammar, phonics) to make decisions about unknown words, reading on, reviewing and summarising meaning 2. analysing the way illustrations help to construct meaning and interpreting different types of illustrations and graphics 3. reading text types from a student’s culture to enhance confidence in building reading strategies 4. reading aloud with fluency and intonation 5. reading a wider range of texts, including chapter books and informative texts, for pleasure Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and begin to evaluate texts by drawing on a growing knowledge of context, text structures and language features (ACELY1680) 1. making connections between the text and students own experience and other texts 2. making connections between the information in print and images 3. making predictions and asking and answering questions about the text drawing on knowledge of the topic, subject-specific vocabulary and experience of texts on the same topic 4. using text features and search tools to locate information in written and digital texts efficiently 5. determining important ideas, events or details in texts commenting on things learned or questions raised by reading, referring explicitly to the text for verification 6. making considered inferences taking into account topic knowledge or a character’s likely actions and feelings Activating Prior Knowledge Inferring Activating Prior Knowledge Activating Prior Knowledge Activating Prior Knowledge Activating Prior Knowledge Activating Prior Knowledge Questioning Synthesising Evaluating Visualising Inferring Visualising Evaluating Evaluating Inferring Inferring Making Connections Making Connections Summarising Inferring C2C UNIT 1 MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY NUMBER AND ALGEBRA C2C UNIT 2 NUMBER AND ALGEBRA STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES C2C UNIT 1 - Is it living? Associated Primary Connections unit – Feathers, Fur or Leaves C2C UNIT 1 Investigating celebrations, commemorations and community diversity C2C UNIT 3 MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY NUMBER AND ALGEBRA C2C UNIT 4 MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY NUMBER AND ALGEBRA EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCES C2C UNIT 2 - Spinning Earth Associated Primary Connections unit – Spinning in Space – Major modification Literacy * add day and night concepts from all points of view HEALTH C2C UNIT 6 MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY NUMBER AND ALGEBRA PHYSICAL SCIENCES C2C UNIT 4 - What’s the matter? Associated Primary Connections unit – What’s the Matter C2C UNIT 7 C2C UNIT 8 MEASUREMENT AND MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY GEOMETRY NUMBER AND ALGEBRA NUMBER AND ALGEBRA STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY CHEMICAL SCIENCES C2C UNIT 3 - Hot stuff Associated Primary Connections unit – Melting Moments C2C UNIT 2 Exploring continuity and change in local communities C2C GEOGRAPHY TECHNOLOGY THE ARTS C2C UNIT 5 MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY NUMBER AND ALGEBRA DESIGN, CREATE AND APPRAISE A TERRARIUM USING RECYCLED MATERIALS VISUAL ARTS DRAMA Based on narrative E-SMART MINIMUM WEEKLY TIME ALLOCATION TO SUBJECT AREA OR KLA 7 HOURS 2.5 HOURS 5 HOURS 1 HOUR 45 MINUTES 2 HOUR/WEEK FOR SEMESTER 1 C2C UNIT 1 C2C UNIT 2 Exploring Similarities and differences between places near Protecting places near and far and far DESIGN, CREATE AND APPRAISE A SOLAR OVEN USING RECYCLED MATERIALS MEDIA DANCE DIGITAL STORIES DANCE INNOVATION DANIEL MORCOMBE SAFETY UNIT MINIMUM CURRICULUM TIME SPENT ON SUBJECT AREAS AND KLAs DISCRETIONARY TIME TO SPEND ON SCHOOL BASED ACTIVITIES LIKE PARADE AND LIBRARY BORROWING 2 HOUR/WEEK FOR SEMESTER 2 0.25 HOUR 1 HOUR 15 MINUTES INCLUDING MUSIC LESSON 1 HOURS INCLUDING PE LESSON 20 HOURS 30 MINUTES 3 HOURS 40 MINUTES Year 3 Assessment Overview SUBJECT AREA OR KLA ENGLISH ASSESSMENT TASKS TERM 1 Writing persuasive texts TERM 2 Close reading of an extract Written - Write a persuasive letter TERM 3 Oral - Dialogue presentation Narrative writing PHONICS and SPELLING Words their Way Diagnostic Assessment task READING STRATEGIES aligned to C2C unit and reading AC content descriptors Pat-R PM Benchmark MATHS ASSESSMENT TASKS – C2C Monitoring – Number Detectives Monitoring - Measuring length Short answer questions Conduct a chance experiment Short answer questions - Solving addition and subtraction problems Monitoring - Number patterns NCR Benchmark Term 1 PostTest NCR Benchmark Term 2 Pre-Test MATHS ASSESSMENTS OTHER NCR Benchmark Term 1 Pre-Test Monitoring task 1 Comprehending traditional stories Monitoring task 2 - Retelling a story from a different perspective Is it living? Portfolio - Collection of work HISTORY ASSESSMENT TASKS Unit 1 Assignment/Project - Collection of work HEALTH ASSESSMENT TASKS Oral - Writing and presenting poetry Monitoring - Collection of letters Monitoring - Running Record PM Benchmark Pat-R PM Benchmark Assignment/Project – Measurement Short answer questions – Additive thinking, patterns and problem solving Short answer questions - Telling time Short answer questions – Where is it? Short answer questions – multiplication and fractions Assignment/Project - Making three dimensional models and recognising angles NCR Benchmark Term 3 PostTest NCR Benchmark Term 4 Pre-Test Short answer questions – Reading comprehension PM Benchmark Monitoring – Recognising, representing and ordering 3digit numbers Short answer – counting, comparing and partitioning numbers Written – Measurement and location mathematical guided inquiry questions NCR Benchmark Term 2 PostTest Spinning Earth Monitoring - Annotated diagram of the Earth and sun Monitoring - Shadow Investigation Monitoring - Spinning Earth Quiz Poster/multi-modal presentation The sun, the Earth and us – Multimodal presentation Unit 2 Portfolio - Collection of work: Change in a community Assignment/Project Multiplication Money NCR Benchmark Term 3 Pre-Test What’s the matter? Exam/Test - Solids and liquids Monitoring - Investigation: How do properties of solids change when we add heat? Monitoring - Investigation: How does temperature affect how ice changes state? GEOGRAPHY ASSESSMENT TASKS THE ARTS ASSESSMENT TASKS Poster/multi-modal presentation - Creating a multimodal text Words their Way Diagnostic Assessment task SCIENCE ASSESSMENT TASKS TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT TASKS TERM 4 Students design, create and appraise an terrarium using recyclable materials Visual Art Piece NCR Benchmark Term 4 PostTest Pat-M Hot stuff Monitoring – cooling bowls investigation Monitoring – Keeping liquid hot Monitoring – Porridge investigation Assignment/Project –Heat it up: scientific report Unit 1 Unit 2 Portfolio - Collection of work Assignment/Project - Research Students design, create and appraise an solar oven using recyclable materials Group drama presentation based on a narrative E Smart • Written - Money mathematical guided inquiry Digital story/poem Dance innovation . Daniel Morcombe
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