- Alexis Park Church

The Alder Family would like to express their
heartfelt appreciation to Alexis Park Church
for your love, your support and your prayers.
Thank you to Legacy Builders and all who
helped out and supported the Luncheon
Fundraiser for Kira. We are blessed to be a
part of the Alexis Park Church Family.
February 22, 2015
Women coming together as one body to worship & serve
God. It is also our desire to see each & every woman reach her
full potential as a MIGHTY WOMAN OF GOD walking in her
destiny to see God’s purposes & plans fulfilled in them,
through them & for them, trained & equipped for the works of
ministry in their local church and community.
Friday, February 27, at 6:30 PM
at 3107B – 31ST Avenue, Vernon B.C.
Speaker: Iris Wagner
Join us for pre-service prayer every Sunday at 9:30 AM
Church Info
Darcy McAlister
APC Library
The library is open 15
minutes before the service
and after the service.
Available for parents and
their children ages 1-18
months of age.
Trevor and Ginny Kempner
Trevor and Kim Finstad
Trevor and Cherice Caverly
Justin Keber
Herb & Myrna McCormack
Elizabeth Elliot
David Poplawski
Larry Primus
Bob Valenta
Church Secretary – Liz Poplawski
3906 35A Street, Vernon, BC V1T 6W1 Phone: 250-542-4135
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9 AM to 3:30 PM
Church Email: alexisparkchurch@shaw.ca
Website: www.alexisparkchurch.com
Pastor Trevor Kempner Email: tk@alexisparkchurch.com
Personnel and Family Life Director for
PAOC International Missions.
Tuesday, February 24th
9:00 AM Transformation Prayer
6:30 PM RPM at APC
7:00 PM Life Group at Tim Horton’s (Ok Landing)
Wednesday, February 25th
7:00 PM
Young Adults
Thursday, February 26th
9:00 AM
7:00 PM
Women’s Ministry: Quilting for Missions
Worship Practice
Tuesday at 6:30 PM @ APC
Amplify meets up with Darin Graham this Friday at 7 PM at the Landing
(Meet at Landing or catch a ride from APC…van leaves at 6:45 PM)
Friday, February 27th
10:00 AM Legacy Builders
7:00 PM AMPLIFY w/ Darin Graham at the Landing
Historymaker 2015
Early Signup Deadline: Tuesday March 3rd.
NEXT SUNDAY - Communion
($70 deposit reserves your seat)
Bring a friend, get a discount!
Historymaker Bottle Drive
Next Event: Wed. February 25 @ 7 PM at APC
Saturday, March 7th
Meet at APC at 8:30 AM
Month of February
Worship Team Meeting
Sunday, March 1st at 5 PM at APC
Attention: All worship leaders, band members,
vocalists, sound and media. We are joining
together for the first worship team meeting of
2015. Please make this meeting a priority on your
calendar. If you are unable to attend, contact
Pastor Caverly or Ginny Kempner as soon as
possible. We are excited for this night of
fellowship together.
p Team Meeting
Tuesdays at 7 PM
50+ Ministry
Study of Jesus
Tim Horton’s at the Landing
10 AM Friday at APC
Pastor Herb McCormack
Pastor Trevor Caverly
will be speaking.
Women’s Ministry: Quilting for Missions
This Thursday at 9 AM at APC
Our goal is to have at least one person fasting each day.
Pick your date(s) & sign up on the calendar today!
Transformation Prayer Tuesday at 9 AM