5/5/2014 Overview By: Shelby Benton & Ketan Soni (e)discovering the digital terrain The (nearly) Undiscoverable SOCIAL MEDIA Text Messages Snap a photo or a video, add a caption, and send it to a friend (or maybe a few). They'll view it, laugh, and then the snap disappears from the screen unless they take a screenshot! If you want to share a Snap with all of your friends, add it to your Snapchat Story, where each Snap lives for 24 hours until it disappears, making room for the new. BUT! : 100 million people love Kik, the smartphone messenger with a built-in browser. And since your Kik username - not your phone number - is your Kik identity, you’re in complete control of who you talk to on Kik. Others: Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Instagram Pinterest Foursquare Snapchat: Facebook/MySpace YouTube What is electronic evidence? Who uses it? How do they use it? How do you use it against them? How will attorneys use it against you? How do you protect yourself and your client? Resources on obtaining electronic evidence info Kik Vine Yammer, ICQ, IRC (Internet Relay Chat), AOL Instant Messenger, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Tango (like Skype), Viber (like Skype). More being developed to avoid detection daily! TEXT MESSAGES R U ETNG A DONUT? Technically not social media Still relevant ‘electronic’ communication Short message from one device (typically phone) to another device Information does not hang out “over the Internet” TEXT MESSAGES: “WHO” U.S. Alone: First started in 1992 Text message usage: 2002: 2008: 2009: 2010: 2011: 2012: only 250 Billion worldwide 1+ Trillion in the U.S. 1.56 Trillion in the U.S. 2+ Trillion in the U.S. 2.3 Trillion in the U.S. 2.2 Trillion: = 63,500+ per second = 31 electronic “tons” of evidence per second 1 5/5/2014 TEXT MESSAGES: “WHAT” SMS – Short Message Service TEXT MESSAGES: EVOLUTION MMS – Multimedia Messaging Service iMessage – “instant messenger” service between Apple Products TalkNow Skype, TalkNow, Skype Messenger+, Yammer, Tango, Viber Semi-Text Messaging FACEBOOK Skype Messaging iMessage Early 2000s: The origination of mass “social media”, with pictures? Information is online accessed through: ○ “website” on your computer ○ “website” on someone else’s computer (BestBuy, Apple Store, etc) ○ “App” on phone ○ Website on anyone’s anyone s phone ○ iPad, or any other tablet Information available to one of the following: ○ Everyone in the world; or ○ Everyone that you “friend”; or ○ Every time a “friend” mentions your name; or ○ No one or limited persons, if you so choose. FACEBOOK: “WHO” http://www.facebook.com/ketansoni FACEBOOK: “WHAT” Started 2004 You can post: A “status”: anything happening 12/06 – 12 Million users 12/07 – 50 Million users 12/08 – 150 Million users 12/09 – 360 Million users 12/10 – 608 Million users 11/11 – 845 Milli Million users in your life Opinions about your spouse, their family, or your kids Pictures of yourself, spouse, and others Links to other websites Now: Nearly 160 Million users in U.S. (~50% of population) 24% between 25-34 17% between 35-44 13%: between 45-54 Anyone you allow as a “friend” can: Post on your page Comment on your status “Like” your status Share your status/information with others 2 5/5/2014 Privacy Various privacy settings FACEBOOK: “WHAT” Default setting possibly allows everyone to view your page Pictures/Content (from Facebook): Play Privacy Video for Facebook. ○ “When you o upload pload your o r content, you grant us a license to use and display that content.” ○ No expectation of privacy? Urban Dictionary #TWITTER Facebook: 1) A stalkers dream come true 2) The reason my CLE are never done on time. 3) Facebook is like prison, you write on walls and poke random people 4) What sadly counts as "socializing" socializing now-a-days. now-a-days 5) WARNING: The new addictive drug that has devastatingly hit most colleges, universities, and high schools. The drug causes lasting effects: procrastination, swollen fingers, dropped grades, irritation of the eyes, increased need to add more friends to your friends list, and skipped classes. Be cautious, some think they are immune to the effects of Facebook, until they try it and by then it’s too late. Protect Yourselves. TWITTER: “WHO” Started in 2006 Today: ½ Billion Users 400 Million Tweets per day d Dear World: Pay attention to what I think is important, whether real news or not, in 140 characters or less (This is exactly 140 characters) characters) # - A topic “thread” that can be searched: ○ #divorce, #lawyers, #evidence @ - Referringg to another Twitter user: ○ @NCMediation NCMediation,, @ @NCBAOrg NCBAOrg,, @ @CharlotteLawEdu CharlotteLawEdu RT –“Re “Re--tweeting” exactly what someone else wrote on twitter MT – “Re “Re--tweeting” someone else’s post that you have modified https://twitter.com/ncmediation TWITTER: “WHAT” Your Tweets are generally Public No account needed to see messages from others Add “shortened” shortened links to other websites Now: Add images Add videos NEXT: “Vine” -> 6 seconds of video “about yourself” 3 5/5/2014 LinkedIn Your online resume Past and current positions “Connections” with other people Projects Awards Skills Endorsements Education Possible for Imputation of Income in Bad Faith cases Show Joy Belk’s profile. FOR ALL MEDIA Where, Why, When, How THE REST (for now) Answer: Everywhere All the time For no reason at all With the closest ‘device’ available Any Computer: Most social media accessed through website = any computer can be used Increase in number of mobile devices Phones have apps to access and post on all forms of social media Tablets/iPads have similar apps Computers/Laptops/Desktops can be used to login at any location Instagram/Pinterest: Sharing experiences through pictures, with the ability to filter. Admittedly, I don’t really get this one, but there are 100 million users! YouTube: Videos. Lots of videos. Lots of amateur videos. Videos of Cats. Google+: Like Facebook, but more oriented towards ‘professional’ professional purposes. Foursquare: Displays history of where one “checks-in” to various destinations. Restaurants, courthouses, schools, bars, businesses. Vine: 6 seconds of video about what you’re doing. Increased accessibility = increase in potential evidence = increased scrutiny on everything we do? 4 5/5/2014 Social Media: Translated Text: Twitter: Does it happen? (you bet your smartphone it does!!) I divorce u! I divorce u! I divorce u! About to tell @myspouse that we need #divorce. Read best way on http://hullandchandler.com Facebook: “Like” this status if you think I should get divorced; Or: Just finished mediation after attorney said I have to split my retirement account. Wish I could “dislike” Instagram: LinkedIn: Here’s a marriage photo of my spouse and I. I tweaked it before we got divorced. My skills include mediation and divorce law. My past positions have been...: YouTube: Foursquare: Here’s a video of me ranting at my spouse who asked for a divorce I just checked-in at Guilford County Courthouse. Facebook 5 5/5/2014 Part II: Electronic Evidence & Challenges You Can't Put Anything y g on the Internet That Isn't True (right-click to open) Fake calls http://literallyunbelievable.org/ My phone, your phone; Their phone, our phone? Phone App: SpoofCard - Faked phone calls - Call history of receiver shows as legitimate call - Only way to detect is to get phone records 6 5/5/2014 Easier to spot something that doesn’t “smell” right. How many times have you: a) Opened a spam email and clicked on a link b) Clicked on a “LinkedIn” email that wasn’t really LinkedIn c) Opened a webpage that puts a virus on your computer d) Thought how easily the Manti Te’o hoax could be repeated? Email Scams, for example http://www.fbi.gov/scamssafety/e scams safety/e-scams The same caution and level of scrutiny should apply to using electronic evidence. Text Messages: Revisited Before Heck, Autocorrect Before After Look who’s texting After 7 5/5/2014 Catch ‘em in the act! Texts Text Applications Statement FakeBook – “Dislike” Are they faking it? Text Messaging: Dozens of free applications for texts. Facebook: Estimated 11,000,000 , , fake accounts Twitter: Possibly 20,000,000 fake accounts Fakebook (in the U.K.) Fake-A-Text (App) ClearSMS.com Bloove.com GizmoSMS.com (Free) G Group2Call.com 2C ll OhDontForget (allows texts to be delivered at later time) Hushed (app): generates “throwaway” phone numbers http://www.woodtv.com/dpps/news/strange/copswoman-stalks-herself-on-facebook_6107948 (Thank you, John McNeil) Facebook – Imaginary friends (April 2013) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2310926/JailedRapists-girlfriend-set-fake-Facebook-accounts-pretending-victimsmaking-bogus-confessions-LIED.html Recently, there are instructions online to create a fake page http://www.wikihow.com/Create-a-Fakehttp://www wikihow com/Create-a-Fake- Facebook-Profile Show Jenkins FB spoof 8 5/5/2014 Part IV: Resources Subpoena Guide for major carriers, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Resources In Appendix List of ISP (Internet Service Providers) contacts, fax numbers, notes, and historical information Facebook: 319 cases involving the use of social media, with links to each case ○ http://blog.x1discovery.com/2012/07/23/mid-year-report-legal-casesinvolving-social-media-rapidly-increasing/ ○ List of Cases across the US on Social Media: http://www.x1.com/products/x1_social_discovery/case_law_2012.html http://www.search.org/programs/hightech/isp/ Several Treatises on Social Media Evidence: ○ http://blog.x1discovery.com/2012/12/14/round-up-of-recent-social-mediaevidence-news-and-resources/ Detecting g fake accounts ○ https://www.facebook.com/notes/k-care-shop/10-ways-to-detect-a- fake-facebook-account/480043898294 ○ A copy of the letter you will receive responding to Facebook subpoena Twitter: Via Mark Scruggs: 5 Rules for Avoiding Malpractice w/ Electronically Stored Information, INCLUDING SPOLIATION Archiving social media: http://familylaw.ncbar.org/newsletters/familyforumdec2012/fiverules Where to contact them, what they have, and what they will produce: ○ https://support.twitter.com/articles/41949 Download entire Twitter History (Make this an RPD?) Thanks to eDISCOVERY and John Patzakis (@patzakis) http://www.complexdiscovery.com/info/2012/05/31/social-media- ○ http://mashable.com/2012/12/19/twitter-archive-tweets-all-users/ archiving-and-collection-for-ediscovery/ More Resources Boyfriend Tracking app? GPS tracking Illegal? Subpoena Guide for Google: http://www.reputationdefenseonline.com/how-to-subpoena-google-legal- department/ What Google really knows about you: http://thedroidlawyer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/How-Much- Google Knows About You jpg Google-Knows-About-You.jpg Retention of Information Making your job easier Get data off your client’s phone: Simplify how texts look App: PhoneView (phoneview.com) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id https://play google com/store/apps/details?id =com.zeesoftware.emailnytexts&hl=en Clark Walton (relianceforensics.com) 9 5/5/2014 Part III: Considerations Using Social Media as evidence is only one aspect. How about advising your clients in what they do day-to-day? Lester Order A) Personal injury and wrongful death action. - Trial date approached, but was continued - A 2nd trial date approached because alleged failure to disclose contents of a Facebook account - Plaintiff’s attorney accuses Defendant’s attorney of “hacking” into Plaintiff’s Facebook account - Defendant files Motion for Sanctions and Motion to Compel - Plaintiff’s counsel is sanctioned for making wild accusations, fees to be determined at a later date - Defendant files another Motion for Sanction: Spoilation of Evidence. They say deliberate destruction of evidence by Plaintiff - Expert E t testifies: t tifi He H can recover mostt off the th information i f ti that th t was deleted d l t d by b Plaintiff Pl i tiff - Plaintiff admits that he deleted the Facebook photo evidence - Court orders sanctions, but also orders jury instruction regarding acts of spoliation - Personal Injury case is decided. Plaintiff wins $$ from jury. - Defendants file Post Trial Motions Court defers final judgment and orders production, in camera, all emails in Plaintiff’s “privilege log”, and all emails/documents regarding spoliation of evidence. Documents to be provided to Defendant Court orders that attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine do not apply to statements or actions by Plaintiff or his counsel related to the spoliation of Facebook evidence A bunch of other post-trial motions are filed, seeking additional sanctions against Plaintiff and counsel, including dismissal of claim. Definitely other issues were present Plaintiff’s counsel denies telling client to delete contents of Facebook More Spoliation Christou v. Beatport Text messages requested in discovery No attempt to preserve messages on iPhone No text messages disclosed Defendant said “I lost my iPhone and all saved messages” Court had no basis to assume loss of phone was anything except “accidental” Nevertheless, sanction is appropriate. Relatively minor sanction: Plaintiff may produce litigation hold letter and evidence of failure to preserve text messages. Jury may draw inferences, as appropriate. FINDINGS: Defendant’s counsel did go on Facebook and find photos Plaintiff’s attorney told client to “clean up” Facebook page. Plaintiff was told to delete other pictures from his To delete or not delete, that is the sanctionable question? ○ Lester v. Allied Concrete (Virginia) Facebook page Plaintiff’s counsel had client take down page prior to discovery response, so he could respond ‘truthfully’ at the time of production His client reactivated the account, account but still had deleted photos prior to responding to the discovery request. TOTAL SANCTIONS AGAINST ATTORNEY: $542,000. Granted, not all because of spoliation. Definitely other actions taken by attorney, but spoliation of electronic evidence was heavily discussed. Spoliation Gatto v. United Airlines (New Jersey) The Google Power Searching classes: http://www.powersearchingwithgoogle.com/course/ps/course.html 10 Patti’s Wonderful Websites for Paralegals Patricia F. Clapper, ACP, NCCP Levine & Stewart Chapel Hill NC patti@levineandstewart.com A big corporate law firm recently hired several cannibals. "You are all part of our team now “ said the HR Rep during briefing. “You get all the usual benefits and you can go to the cafeteria to eat, but don’t eat any of the other employees”. The cannibals promised they would not. Four weeks later the managing attorney remarked, “You’re all working very hard, and I’m satisfied with you, however one of our paralegals has disappeared. Do any of you know what happened to her?” The cannibals all shook their heads no. After the attorney had left, the leader of the cannibals said to the others, “Which one of you idiots ate the paralegal?” A hand raised hesitantly, to which the leader of the cannibals continued, “You fool, for weeks we’ve been eating associates and law clerks and no one noticed, but noooo, you had to go and eat someone they would miss!” 1 List of All NC Agencies http://www.ncgov.com/government/agencies/ind ex.aspx Occupational Boards General Contractors Board www.nclbgc.net/index.html North Carolina Medical Board http://www.ncmedboard.org North Carolina Board of Nursing www.ncbon.com Real Estate Agents and Brokers http://www.ncrec.gov NC Secretary of State www.sosnc.com NC Voter Registration www.ncsbe.gov/ncsbe NC Dept of Corrections www.doc.state.nc.us www.vinelink.com USPS www.usps.com PACER/Federal Ct System http://www.ncmb.uscourts.gov/ 2 Courthouse Forms and Courthouse Contacts www.nccourts.org Medical Records www.medterms.com www.icd9data.com http://www.lamblawoffice.com/medicalrecords-copying-charges.html Medicare Nursing Homes www.medicare.gov/NHCompare/home.asp NC Child Care Centers www.ncchildcare.nc.gov Statistical Weather Data www.wunderground.com Language Translator www.babelfish.com Maps www.map.google.com www.terraserver.com/ Calendars www.timeanddate.com 3 Archived Web Pages http://web.archive.org US Real Estate Records Online www.netronline.com Asset Searches www.accurint.com (Lexis) www.clear.thomsonreuters.com (Westlaw) Google For Legal Professionals www.findlaw.com Attorney Referrals www.lawyers.com NC Crash Manual https://connect.ncdot.gov/business/DMV/DMV% 20Documents/Crash%20Report%20Form%20In struction%20Manual-DMV-349.pdf NC Crash Data http://buffy.hsrc.unc.edu/crash/ NC Insurance Point System http://www.ncdoi.com/_Publications/It%20Pays%2 0to%20Be%20a%20Safe%20Driver%20Insuran ce%20Points_CAU1.pdf 4 State Road Lookup https://apps.dot.state.nc.us/srlookup/ Accident Sketcher http://draw.accidentsketch.com/ US County Lookup www.uscounties.com State Employee Phone/Email Directory http://www.ncgov.com/EmpDirSearch.aspx Process Servers www.napps.com FREE credit reports www.annualcreditreport.com CardMunch is an I-app where you can either manually enter contact info or take a picture of a business card and turn the info into contact information. You can then add the contact information as a LinkedIn connection. Card2Contact is a Google App to store business cards. Scan the card and it will add the information to your contacts, or just store a picture of the business card. 5 LogMeIn and TeamViewer are I-apps and Google Apps which allows remote access to any PC set to be a host computer. Use it on your phone to connect to your work or home computer. CalenMob is an I-App that lets you access your Google calendar on your I-device. Goodreader is an I-app. The best feature of this app is the annotation. Create text boxes, sticky notes, clouds, lines, arrows or draw freehand. Supports pdf, txt and office docs. Make changes to a document and send it back to the creator via the internet, Dropbox or Google Drive. Penultimate is part of the Evernote family so your notes automatically sync to your Evernote account. Take notes or draw pictures then organize your notes and pictures into notebooks. Share files or entire notebooks in pdf format. PhatPad is a more robust note taking app. Create notes or pictures via freehand writing, typing or voice recordings. Convert your handwritten notes to text and share via your online cloud storage or export as a pdf document. 6 Trial Pad I-App that claims to “change the way you practice law”. It’s like having your trial notebook on your iPad. ◆ Full electronic courtroom presentation capability on an iPad ◆ Present wirelessly with AppleTV (requires iPad 2 or later) ◆ Make multiple callouts from documents or depositions ◆ Highlight, annotate, redact, and zoom in on your documents ◆ View documents side-by-side, comparing pages ◆ Add exhibit stickers to documents ◆ Create reports of all your evidence with exhibit numbers ◆ Simple import process via Dropbox, WebDAV, email, iTunes, Photos app, or other iPad apps ◆ Backup your case files and share with another TrialPad user ◆ Edit video clips, or take snapshots of frames of surveillance video ◆ Create Key Docs with saved annotations and callouts, then print or email them with the annotations ◆ Have your expert mark up an exhibit and save it as a Key Doc for closing ◆ Use the whiteboard tool to draw freehand ◆ Easily create separate case and witness folders ◆ All the important tools found in a desktop presentation program ◆ No need for cumbersome trial boards ◆ File formats supported: Adobe Acrobat PDF, JPG, PNG, TIF, MultiPage TIF, and TXT ◆ Also imports all audio and video file formats supported by iPad TrialDirector – Has some of the same features as TrialPad at much less cost – free! IJuror - Use your iPad to help you pick your jury. ◆ Simply tap the seats to add juror information ◆ Quicker than pen & paper ◆ Share with your colleagues ◆ Store all of your trials in one location ◆ Look for patterns over time ◆ Email the jury information to any email address ◆ Easily print the email for access anywhere ◆ Configurable for seating arrangements of up to 60 jurors ◆ Add notes as the trial goes along ◆ Name view provides quick access to name and notes right at your finger tips ◆ Drag and drop to choose jurors ◆ Drag and drop to choose alternates ◆ Drag and drop to dismiss jurors JuryTracker - same basic features as IJuror at a cheaper cost. 7 TranscriptPad – manage and view your deposition transcripts ◆ Carry all your transcripts in one app. ◆ Search across an entire case, a single witness, or one deposition. ◆ Reference exhibits as you read the transcript. ◆ Create a designation and assign an issue code in three simple “taps”. ◆ Create unlimited Issue Codes. ◆ Color code your Issue Codes. ◆ Flag important sections for later review. ◆ Add short notes to flags. ◆ Print or email detailed or summary reports. DepoView – manage and view you deposition transcripts for free! Fastcase – I-app and Google App providing free legal research, yes, I said FREE. Fastcase contains cases and statutes from all 50 states and from the federal government. Rulebook – I-app providing access to court rules and other legal authorities such as the Blue Book. The App is free but you will pay a fee to subscribe to the data. Westlaw and Lexis both have apps if you have a subscription already. 8 Key Ring is a free I-app and Google App that allows you to scan all of those savings cards on your key ring and have them in one easy to locate place. Your key ring will thank you for taking off all that weight! My Car Locator (Free) - use your phone GPS to set your car’s location and find it later. 7 Little Words – one word, addicting AppShopper – Free or cheap apps for your i-device. TechRadar – My favorite geek tech website. If you are in the market for any tech item, look it up on this website. Also good for finding free or cheap apps for all devices. 9 A man in a hot air balloon realized he was lost. He reduced altitude and spotted a woman below. Descending a bit more he shouted, "Excuse me, can you help? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I do not know where I am." The woman replied, "You're in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above the ground. You are between 40/41 degrees latitude, north, and 59/60 degrees west, longitude." "You must be a paralegal", said the balloonist. "I am," replied the woman, "How did you know?" "Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to make of your information and the fact is, I am still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help at all, if anything, you have delayed my trip." The woman pondered a minute and responded, "You must be an attorney." "I am," replied the balloonist, "But how did you know?" "Well," replied the woman, "You don't know where you are or where you are going. You have risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise which you have no idea how to keep, and you expect people beneath you to solve your problem. The fact is you are in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but now - somehow -- it is my fault." 10 The Ten UnUn-Commandments for Paralegals Alice Neece Mine North Carolina State Bar Do Not Practice Law. Do Not Take Action That Is Inconsistent With A Lawyer’s Professional Responsibilities. Do Not Assume Responsibility for Lawyer’s Work Product Do Not Mislead Others About Your Role 1 Do Not Disclose Client Confidences. Do Not Charge a Clearly Excessive Fee Do Not Accept Management of a Trust Account Unless you are Supervised by a Lawyer Do Not Let Your Prior Employment or A Personal Interest Create a Conflict of Interest Do Not Accept Compensation in Exchange for Referring Clients or Contingent on the Outcome of a Particular Case. Do Not Fail to Take Advantage of Opportunities for Professional Improvement 2 Certified Paralegals Rock 3
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