Immunisation_Advocacy_Flyer_New venue

Immunisation Advocacy
Tuesday, April 28 (9:00am – 4:00pm)
Leighton Hall, John Niland Scientia Building (Building 19)
UNSW Kensington Campus, Sydney, NSW 2052
Outbreaks of disease globally have sharpened the focus on how to achieve higher immunisation coverage.
This workshop aims to equip participants with advocacy strategies for positive change in immunisation
policy and programs. There are a set of well-established factors that could make immunisation rates higher
or make programs more equitable. There are also areas where policy or program change could make a
relatively large increase in coverage but where it is traditionally difficult to mobilise the momentum and
resources. There are also questions about how best to reach vaccine-hesitant parents.
The NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Population Health “Immunisation in under Studied and
Special Risk Populations: Closing the Gap in Knowledge through a Multidisciplinary Approach” is dedicated
to identifying and addressing challenges of immunisation for under studied and special risk populations.
This workshop focuses on advocacy for increasing immunisation rates of existing Australian National
Immunisation Program vaccines across the age spectrum. Advocacy strategies may be via the mass media,
government, institutions, networks, local communities, citizen groups and other methods. They may be
urgent and reactive or ongoing efforts for long term change. See the workshop program below.
Confirmed speakers include Michael Moore, Public Health Association of Australia; Julie Leask, University
of Sydney, Peter McIntyre and Robert Booy, National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance;
Amy Corderoy, Sydney Morning Herald; Melissa Sweet, Croakey; Caroline Turnour, Royal Australasian
College of Physicians; Ayman Alhaboub, Liverpool Migrants Resource Centre, Katie Attwell, Murdoch
University; Natalie Allan, Katrina Clark & Patrick Cashman, Hunter New England Health Local Health
District, David Hawkes, Stop the AVN, and Rachel Heap, Northern Rivers Vaccination Supporters
REGISTER (Free entry)
For further information, visit our website here or contact Ms Elizabeth Kpozehouen:
Workshop sponsor: NHMRC CRE - Immunisation in Under Studied and Special Risk Populations.
Organising committee: Julie Leask, Anita Heywood, Mohamud Sheikh, Melanie Walker, Jenny Royle
CRE Office, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, The University of New South Wales,
Randwick, Sydney, NSW, 2052, Australia| | CRICOS Provider Code 00098G
Immunisation Advocacy Workshop program
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Venue: Leighton Hall, John Niland Scientia Building (Building 19)
UNSW Kensington Campus
9:00am Registration and introductions
9.30am Welcome and acknowledgement of country.
What do we mean by advocacy?
What should be done to increase immunisation rates?
10.30am Morning Tea
Case studies in immunisation advocacy
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
- Refugees and migrants.
Panel discussion - Strategic advocacy to reach vaccine-hesitant parents.
12.30pm Lunch
Tips for advocates - perspectives from media and government.
Interactive session - developing effective immunisation advocacy strategies.
4.00pm Close
CRE Office, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, The University of New South Wales,
Randwick, Sydney, NSW, 2052, Australia| | CRICOS Provider Code 00098G