04/05/2015 FROM THE PRINCIPAL manner. However if it is necessary to attend appointments in school time then parents can ask teachers for the work that the child will be missing. ENROLMENTS From Monday May 11 Prep enrolments for 2016 will be open. Children whose birthday is from 01/07/2010 to 30/06/2011 will be eligible for enrolment in Prep ion 2016. Crescent Lagoon State School has an Enrolment Management Plan which means that people who live in our defined catchment area have priority for enrolment. If you live outside this area then you can still enrol but you may have to go on a waiting list if our classes are full. This year we are starting our enrolment process earlier as we want to introduce a stronger transition to Prep program for our students. If you know someone with Prep-aged children please encourage them to enrol this term, so that they can participate in interviews in Term 3 and then be included in our Transition to Prep program in Term 4. Enrolment forms are available from the Office (Mon-Fri; 7:45am to 3:45pm) or on our website www.creslagoss.eq.edu.au Congratulations to Mrs Laidlaw and 4Blue who once again topped the attendance chart with only one half day of absence!! Well done 4 Blue!! classroom. Parents/carers should give an explanation to the teachers about the child’s later entrance. Obviously it is preferred if all students are at school by 8:40am at the latest. If a child needs to leave school before 3pm parents/carers must sign the student out from EISTEDDFOD Congratulations to Mrs Ilott with a first place at the Eisteddfod for the Concert Band. Both Miss Dalglish and Mrs Ilott should be very proud of their successes last week! Week 2 CLASS RATE CLASS RATE CLASS RATE CLASS RATE Prep B 93.2 1/2 W 93.5 4 Blue 99.6 6 Blue 90.8 Prep R 93.8 2 Red 94.6 4 Red 83.8 6 Red 93.1 Pre/1 P 94.8 2/3 P 87.5 5 Blue 93.3 1 Blue 92.8 3 Blue 86.5 5 Red 95.2 NAPLAN Next week will be NAPLAN Tests. While all students in Years 2-6 will be doing a NAPLAN Test, only the Year 3 and 5 students will do the 2015 tests. The data from the other classes is used to identify what areas the teacher needs to ATTENDANCE focus on with their students in order to ensure improvement. When teachers mark the rolls twice a day they also note A light breakfast will be provided at the Resource Centre when a child is late at school or leaving early. An absence is from 8-8:30am for Years 2-6 students to ensure that their recorded when a child is an hour or more late at school or brains are ready. Teachers will be doing slightly different leaves before 2pm. All students who arrive after 9:40am must go to the Office to get a Late Slip. If they arrive before timetables for the week to accommodate the testing program. that time the student should go immediately to the the Office. Miss Olive will contact the classroom and arrange for the child to come to the Office. Children should not be collected directly from the classroom. As there are less than five hours of teaching time each day it is important that students arrive and depart in a punctual 2015 Term Dates Term 1: 27/01 – 02/04 Term 2: 20/04 – 26/06 Term 3: 13/07 – 18/09 Term 4: 06/10 – 11/12 Office Times: 7:45 – 3:45pm BEEF WEEK This week is Beef Week. There will be extra traffic in the area so parents are reminded to drive carefully and be aware of School Zones. There will be a visiting school staying in our Hall on Wednesday evening and Thursday morning while they attend Beef Week activities. Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers, as well as those who act as mothers too! Regards Carry CALENDAR OF EVENTS 3 DATE MAY WEEK 4 5 6 7 8 9/10 TERM 2 ACTIVITY/EVENT BEEF Week in Rockhampton 2pm Parade John Major, Poet – Visit to CLSS Mother’s Day Stall - RC Mother’s Day Stall - RC 10 – Mother’s Day & Heritage Village Markets 11 4 MAY 12 13 14 15 16/17 18 5 MAY 19 20 21 22 MAY 23/24 25 26 6 NAPLAN – Language Conventions & Writing 2pm Parade NAPLAN – Reading NAPLAN - Numeracy Indigenous Language Lessons commence 16/17 - Relay for Life, CQU 17 – Million Paws Walk 3.20pm P&C Meeting Signing Choirs @ Eisteddfod 2pm Parade 27 28 29 9am-1pm Romp in the Park, Rocky Gardens Interschool Sport Wk1/11 2pm Parade National Simultaneous Story Time Book Fair - RC Book Fair - RC Book Fair – RC Interschool Sport Wk2/11 30/31 DATE CLAIMERS: 1 June Cresso Crackers to Eisteddfod 3 June Senior Choir to Eisteddfod 8 June Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday 11 June Rockhampton Show Holiday 15 June P&C Meeting 22 June Report Cards Handed Out 24 June Inter House Sports Carnival ENDAR OF EVENTS RESOURCE CENTRE Borrowing from Our Library Collection Everything is up and running for students to start borrowing from our collection. All students will require a library bag (no plastic bags) and loans are generally for a period of two weeks. We are happy to help students find “good fit” books in the library – based on both ability and interest – just ask! Mother’s Day Stall We will be having another Mother’s Day Stall this year in the Resource Centre. All proceeds will go to the CLSS P&C. Information flyers were sent home with all students last week. Pre-orders close Monday 4/5, stocks are limited. The stall will then be open on Thursday & Friday 7/8 May at 8.20-8.50am; 1st lunch; 3-3.30pm. The stall will close when stock runs out. Book Fair – Kings Queens & Castles This year the Scholastic Book Fair has a great theme of Kings, Queens & Castles. We will be having a book sale in the RC from 27-29 May with proceeds going our school library collection. Miss Lynn HEAD OF CURRICULUM John Major – Poet – Visit to Crescent Lagoon On Wednesday 6 May bush poet John Major will be spending the day at Crescent Lagoon and presenting to a number of classes. John is in Rockhampton for Beef Week 2015. 9-10am 10-11am 12-1.30pm 2-3pm 1/2 White, Prep/1 Purple 1 Blue, 2 Red 4 Red, 4 Blue 3 Blue, 2/3 Purple Reading Knights @ Cresso Stay tuned for more information in upcoming Cresso Criers on our Reading Knights Program which will be launched to coincide with this year’s Book Fair. Maths Online Maths Online is an internet-based program that is aligned with the Australian Curriculum. The program allows students to move at their own pace through online activities in all areas of mathematics. Maths Online student registrations were provided to classroom teachers last term. All students from Prep – Year 6 are able to access Maths Online at school. If you have paid your student levy, a letter will be provided containing your child’s logon details for use at home as well. http://www.mathsonline.com.au Miss Lynn CONGRATULATIONS!! We have fantastic instrumental teachers here at Cresso – thanks to Miss Dalglish, Mrs Ilott and Mr Weston for all their hard work. The following students were congratulated for their achievements in class at Parade CLASS Prep Red Prep Blue Prep/1 P 2 Red 2/3 P 4 Red STUDENT Jacob Jasmine Claire Lucas Jasmine Jacob Melanie Kayden Zya Leilah Callum Olivia Kayden Aleeyah Olivia Jai Melanie Pililany Jasmine Luke Bailey DJ Paul 5 Blue Celine ACHIEVEMENT Identifying 20 Sight words. Identifying 20 Sight words. Identifying 20 Sight words. Identifying 20 Sight words. Completing the 8 Rhyme Challenge. Completing the 8 Rhyme Challenge. Nursery Rhyme Challenge. Nursery Rhyme Challenge. Nursery Rhyme Challenge. Nursery Rhyme Challenge. Sight Words-10. Sight Words-10. Sight Words-20. Sight Words-20. Sight Words-20. Sight Words-20. Sight Words-30. Finishing her Gold M100W Words. Her “super” effort with reading. Always striving to improve with his reading. Always striving to improve with her reading. Always completing his home reading and returning books to be changed. Always completing his home reading and returning books to be changed. Reading 120 Home readers. From Mrs Layt …. Rehearsals this week Tuesday 8.00 Senior Choir Wednesday 8.00 Senior Signers Friday 11.00 2.00 Concert Band Cresso Crackers Monday 8.00am String Ensemble Rockhampton Eisteddfod Well Concert Band kept the standard high with their win at the eisteddfod last Tuesday. What was even better was that they won by 10 marks and the adjudicator didn’t award 2nd or 3rd. All the other competitors were “Highly Commended”. Congratulations to Emma, Will, Micha, Elliott, Celine, Leo, Caleb, Cooper, Chad, Jay, Denzyl, amber, Georgia, Trae, Jack, Ky, Jacob and Scott. Here’s what the adjudicator said about the String Ensemble ….. A well spaced professional stage presentation with posture most commendable from the onset. This group showed excellent focus, discipline and unity of bowing, rhythm. The tone was always refined for the level. Pitch was well matched [just try to tune the open A safely before as tonic]. Beautiful ensemble and developing techniques in evidence throughout this musical controlled performance. Pieces were contrasted. Bravo to the solo bass player [that’s Tess our music captain ] – lovely straight bows. Final tremolo well executed and a rousing finish! 93 marks Next up are our signers. Both our Cresso Crackers and Senior Signers will be competing on Tuesday night – 19th May. The Seniors have an important note coming home this week about uniform. We have a special signing uniform so students will need to get organised for that evening performance soon. Our choirs have to wait until the first week of June to perform. Mrs Layt ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪•*¨*•.¸¸♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ Why is it so hard for some children to listen? Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) is a term used to describe a range of disorders that result in a breakdown in the hearing process. CAPD occurs when our brain can’t make sense of the sounds we hear because the auditory signal is distorted in some way. One of the biggest problems for children with CAPD is struggling to focus in noisy environments. While CAPD affects many children, it’s often undiagnosed because some of the behavioural symptoms are identified in other learning disabilities. To help tackle this issue, Australian Hearing offers services for teachers and parents: • Training for CAPD: Our expert clinicians will equip teachers with knowledge and practical strategies to identify and manage CAPD in the classroom. All participants will receive a certificate upon completion of the session. • Assessing for CAPD*: Concerned parents can book a test for their child at our Australian Hearing centres. If the child is diagnosed with CAPD, our clinicians will develop an appropriate management or remediation program. Some key behavioural symptoms of CAPD: --------------------Unusually bothered by loud or sudden noises --------------------Have trouble paying attention to and remembering information that is presented orally --------------------Easily distracted in noisy environments --------------------Struggling to follow long conversations --------------------Struggling to complete higher level listening tasks, such as understanding riddles or comprehending verbal maths problems --------------------- Please note: These signs are only a guide however if you notice these symptoms in your students, we recommend re Australian Hearing provides subsidised hearing care for eligible people, including pensioners, most veterans, children and young adults under 26, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people over 50 and adults with complex hearing. To find out more information on our CAPD programs, including the locations of participating centres visit www.hearing.com.au Karate for kids and parents Grade 1 to grade 6 Rockhampton Term 2, start any time during the term Karate at St Joshes' Wandal, Rockhampton Rundle St, Basketball Court Fridays 4pm to 5pm Contact Robi sensei for more information text: 0427016767 or email: keppelbaykaratedo@gmail.com
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