9.2 Simplifying Radical Expressions OBJECTIVES 9.2 1. Simplify expressions involving numeric radicals 2. Simplify expressions involving algebraic radicals In Section 9.1, we introduced the radical notation. For most applications, we will want to make sure that all radical expressions are in simplest form. To accomplish this, the following three conditions must be satisfied. Rules and Properties: Square Root Expressions in Simplest Form An expression involving square roots is in simplest form if 1. There are no perfect-square factors in a radical. 2. No fraction appears inside a radical. 3. No radical appears in the denominator. For instance, considering condition 1, 117 is in simplest form because 17 has no perfect-square factors whereas 112 is not in simplest form because it does contain a perfect-square factor. 112 14 3 A perfect square To simplify radical expressions, we’ll need to develop two important properties. First, look at the following expressions: 14 9 136 6 © 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies 14 19 2 3 6 Because this tells us that 14 9 14 19, the following general rule for radicals is suggested. Rules and Properties: Property 1 of Radicals For any positive real numbers a and b, 1ab 1a 1b In words, the square root of a product is the product of the square roots. 707 708 CHAPTER 9 EXPONENTS AND RADICALS Let’s see how this property is applied in simplifying expressions when radicals are involved. Example 1 Simplifying Radical Expressions NOTE Perfect-square factors are 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, and so on. Simplify each expression. (a) 112 14 3 A perfect square NOTE Apply Property 1. 14 13 NOTE Notice that we have 213 removed the perfect-square factor from inside the radical, so the expression is in simplest form. NOTE It would not have helped to write (b) 145 19 5 A perfect square 19 15 145 115 3 because neither factor is a perfect square. NOTE We look for the largest perfect-square factor, here 36. 3 15 (c) 172 136 2 A perfect square 136 12 NOTE Then apply Property 1. 6 12 (d) 5118 5 19 2 A perfect square 5 19 12 5 3 12 1512 Be Careful! Even though 1a b 1a 1b 1a b is not the same as 1a 1b Let a 4 and b 9, and substitute. 1a b 14 9 113 1a 1b 14 19 2 3 5 Because 113 5, we see that the expressions 1a b and 1a 1b are not in general the same. CHECK YOURSELF 1 Simplify. (a) 120 (b) 175 (c) 198 (d) 148 © 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies C A U TI ON SIMPLIFYING RADICAL EXPRESSIONS SECTION 9.2 709 The process is the same if variables are involved in a radical expression. In our remaining work with radicals, we will assume that all variables represent positive real numbers. Example 2 Simplifying Radical Expressions Simplify each of the following radicals. (a) 2x3 2x2 x A perfect square 2x2 1x NOTE By our first rule for radicals. x1x NOTE 2x2 x (as long as x is positive). (b) 24b3 24 b2 b Perfect squares 24b2 1b 2b1b NOTE Notice that we want the (c) 218a5 29 a4 2a perfect-square factor to have the largest possible even exponent, here 4. Keep in mind that Perfect squares 29a4 12a a2 a2 a4 3a2 12a CHECK YOURSELF 2 Simplify. © 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies (a) 29x3 (b) 227m3 (c) 250b5 To develop a second property for radicals, look at the following expressions: 16 14 2 A4 116 4 2 14 2 Because 116 16 , a second general rule for radicals is suggested. 14 A4 710 CHAPTER 9 EXPONENTS AND RADICALS Rules and Properties: Property 2 of Radicals For any positive real numbers a and b, 1a a 1b Ab In words, the square root of a quotient is the quotient of the square roots. This property is used in a fashion similar to Property 1 in simplifying radical expressions. Remember that our second condition for a radical expression to be in simplest form states that no fraction should appear inside a radical. Example 3 illustrates how expressions that violate that condition are simplified. Example 3 Simplifying Radical Expressions Write each expression in simplest form. write the numerator and denominator as separate radicals. NOTE Apply Property 2. (b) 3 2 2 12 A 25 125 NOTE Apply Property 2. (c) Remove any perfect squares from the radical. 12 5 8x2 28x2 B 9 19 NOTE Factor 8x2 as 4x2 2. 24x2 2 3 NOTE Apply Property 1 in the 24x2 12 3 2x12 3 numerator. CHECK YOURSELF 3 Simplify. (a) 25 A 16 (b) 7 A9 (c) 12x2 B 49 © 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies NOTE Apply Property 2 to 9 19 (a) A4 14 SIMPLIFYING RADICAL EXPRESSIONS SECTION 9.2 711 In our previous examples, the denominator of the fraction appearing in the radical was a perfect square, and we were able to write each expression in simplest radical form by removing that perfect square from the denominator. If the denominator of the fraction in the radical is not a perfect square, we can still apply Property 2 of radicals. As we will see in Example 4, the third condition for a radical to be in simplest form is then violated, and a new technique is necessary. Example 4 Simplifying Radical Expressions Write each expression in simplest form. NOTE We begin by applying (a) Property 2. 1 11 1 A3 13 13 1 is still not in simplest form because of the radical in the denominator? 13 To solve this problem, we multiply the numerator and denominator by 13. Note that the denominator will become Do you see that 13 13 19 3 We then have NOTE We can do this because we are multiplying the fraction 13 by or 1, which does not 13 change its value. 1 1 13 13 13 13 13 3 The expression (b) NOTE 12 15 12 5 110 15 15 5 13 is now in simplest form because all three of our conditions are satisfied. 3 2 12 A5 15 12 15 15 15 110 5 © 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies and the expression is in simplest form because again our three conditions are satisfied. (c) NOTE We multiply numerator and denominator by 17 to “clear” the denominator of the radical. This is also known as “rationalizing” the denominator. 3x 13x A7 17 13x 17 17 17 121x 7 The expression is in simplest form. CHAPTER 9 EXPONENTS AND RADICALS CHECK YOURSELF 4 Simplify. (a) 1 A2 (b) 2 A3 (c) 2y A5 Both of the properties of radicals given in this section are true for cube roots, fourth roots, and so on. Here we have limited ourselves to simplifying expressions involving square roots. CHECK YOURSELF ANSWERS 1. (a) 215; (b) 513; (c) 712; (d) 413 (c) 5b2 12b 5 17 2x13 3. (a) ; (b) ; (c) 4 3 7 2. (a) 3x1x; (b) 3m13m; 4. (a) 110y 12 16 ; (b) ; (c) 2 3 5 © 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies 712 Name Exercises 9.2 Section Use Property 1 to simplify each of the following radical expressions. Assume that all variables represent positive real numbers. 1. 118 2. 150 Date ANSWERS 1. 2. 3. 128 4. 1108 3. 4. 5. 145 5. 6. 180 6. 7. 148 8. 1125 7. 8. 9. 9. 1200 10. 196 10. 11. 11. 1147 12. 1300 12. 13. 13. 3112 14. 5124 14 15. 2 15. 25x 2 16. 27a 16. 17. 4 17. 23y 6 18. 210x 18. 19. © 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies 20. 19. 22r 3 20. 25a 5 21. 22. 2 21. 227b 4 22. 298m 23. 24 4 23. 224x 3 24. 272x 713 ANSWERS 25. 25. 254a5 26. 2200y6 3 2 27. 2x y 2 5 28. 2a b 26. 27. 28. Use Property 2 to simplify each of the following radical expressions. 29. 30. 29. 4 A 25 30. 64 A9 31. 9 A 16 32. 49 A 25 33. 3 A4 34. 5 A9 35. 5 A 36 36. 10 A 49 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Use the properties for radicals to simplify each of the following expressions. Assume that all variables represent positive real numbers. 37. 38. 37. 8a2 B 25 38. 12y2 B 49 39. 1 A5 40. 1 A7 41. 3 A2 42. 5 A3 43. 3a A5 44. 2x A7 45. 2x2 B 3 46. 5m2 B 2 47. 8s3 B 7 48. 12x3 B 5 39. 40. 41. 42. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 714 © 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies 43. ANSWERS 49. Decide whether each of the following is already written in simplest form. If it is not, explain what needs to be done. 50. 49. 110mn 51. 50. 118ab 52. 51. 98x2y B 7x 52. 16xy 3x 53. 54. 53. Find the area and perimeter of this square: 3 3 One of these measures, the area, is a rational number, and the other, the perimeter, is an irrational number. Explain how this happened. Will the area always be a rational number? Explain. n2 1 n2 1 , n, using odd values of n: 2 2 1, 3, 5, 7, etc. Make a chart like the one below and complete it. 54. (a) Evaluate the three expressions © 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies n a n2 1 2 bn c n2 1 2 a2 b2 c2 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 (b) Check for each of these sets of three numbers to see if this statement is true: 2a2 b2 2c2. For how many of your sets of three did this work? Sets of three numbers for which this statement is true are called “Pythagorean triples” because a2 b2 c2. Can the radical equation be written in this way: 2a2 b2 a b? Explain your answer. 715 ANSWERS a. Getting Ready for Section 9.3 [Section 1.6] b. Use the distributive property to combine the like terms in each of the following expressions. c. d. (a) (c) (e) (g) e. f. 5x 6x 10y 12y 9a 7a 12a 12m 3n 6m (b) (d) (f) (h) 8a 3a 7m 10m 5s 8s 4s 8x 5y 4x g. Answers h. 1. 312 13. 613 23. 2x2 16 3. 217 15. x15 5. 315 7. 413 9. 1012 11. 713 17. y2 13 19. r12r 21. 3b13 25. 3a2 16a 27. xy1x 29. 2 5 3 4 115a 43. 5 31. 15 2a12 15 16 37. 39. 41. 6 5 5 2 2s114s 47. 49. Simplest form 7 51. Remove the perfect-square factors from the radical and simplify. 35. c. 2y d. 17m e. 4a f. s 53. g. 6m 3n © 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies b. 5a a. 11x h. 4x 5y 13 2 x16 45. 3 33. 716
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