29/08/2011 How to Treat Cancer (Otto Warburg, 1944 Nobel Prize-Winner) An effective approach to treating cancer MUST include: • Detoxification (heavy metals, chemicals, etc.) • Boosting the Immune System (anti-oxidants) • Regeneration of damaged tissues (organic nutrients) • Destruction of cancer without destroying the body • Psychological Healing Mercury and Free Radicals having power to induce diseases What is a Free Radicals & Radicals ? Free radicals : Any species molecules/atom as Gas• with unpaired electron, very reactive, having rate const. > 108 M- 1 sec- 1 Non Metals Gas • : • H; • OH; • NO; NO2•; HO2• ; • OONO Metal Gas • : Hg • + (rad ion mercuro), Hg- metal (amalgam) Radicals : Compound with unpaired electron, very reactive, not stable, solid a liquid phase. Biradical : Radical-radical intermolecular interaction depends on the distance of the unpaired electrons between the radical compounds 1 29/08/2011 The Source of Radicals and Free Radicals Air pollutants (metal particles, mining industry, vechicles, cancer electropoluted) UV light : < 290 nm pass through the hole of ozone layer which permit the migration of free radicals/ radioactive to the earth. Radiotherapy : using g – ray , X – ray, etc Mechanism : .OH, H . , e - H2O . OH + Ar Concept accepted : . . Ar OH . Ar OH + Ar OH (very reactive) (Short live) Contradictery Biradical (Kosower) : HO- Ar --- Ar-OH (Covalen, Stable) . . Ar OH + Ar OH . HO - Ar Hg Characteristics Relativistic effects Mercury, with 6s25d10 are particular important for the very fast s2 electron , resulted relativistic effect of mercury ion radical Hg.+* , which are not stable and still in exited state. Since the monomer Hg.+* radical ion is not stable, the unusual +1 oxidation state entirely due to the stability of dimmer. 80Hg200 (liquid)----hv---> 80Hg* 200 (vapour) ------UVC---->- e - + 80Hg.+ Sensitizer, electronically exited molecule created upon strong photon absorption, process bimolecular interaction. It is more likely to occur with a long lived electronically excited energy donor, by transfer energy to other substrate. Sensitizer material absorbed energy UV well and fast , keeping the energy as long as they wanted and then transfer to other substrate . Many sensitizer to decompose or undergo transformation as the reaction mixture undergo irradiation. 80Hg200 (liquid)-----hv----> 80Hg200* (gas *) Two phases liquid and gas* co-exist at room temperature, 2 29/08/2011 Varied X – Aromatic + Hg in Tridest Solution interact with Light ( sun of Nov, Des, Jan ) Procedure : X Aromatic ( 5x 10-3 M in tridest water ) + 1 g.Hg / dental Amalgam to absorb Hg Put the baker glass outside to be sun-shining for 7 days (cover by aluminium foil) Isolated the X – Aromatic sun shining product Dried and analyzed by ESR, IR, and HPLC. Evidence of the mechanism Sensitizer & “ Relativistic effect “ Balur is Detoxification, means that Free Radicals are pulled out of the Body and neutralized Principles: a. The mercury and its amalgamated can dilute in proteins/amino acids/NH2 (amide) b. The Free Radicals are electrostatic (+) Application Concept a. Oral treatment of amino acids to absorb metal radicals and make it “float” b. The radicals are pulled out after attracted and floated by scavengers and other compounds rubbed over the whole body skin. c. The rubbing process done with the body laying on the grounded copper plate in order to neutralized the exerted radicals Indicators of the treatment procedure Neutralized radicals will stick and polymerized on the copper plate forming unique architecture figures. 3 29/08/2011 BALUR Humanity already posseses the fundamental scientific technical and industrial know how to solve the problem “Balur” is an experimental skin rubbing of human body with scavengers in water solution while laying on grounded copper table. It is a unique tool with which an active object, together with the scientific skilled observer, able to formulate many different and specific hypotheses. 7 BALUR • It might together as a team enclosure basic physics science as virtual object becoming real/ visual subject • Balur resulted human knowledge belongin to the universe 8 4 29/08/2011 Mechanism reaction of free radicals with Aromatic Amino Acid, Nucleic Acid ( DNA ), Uric Acid, and Lipid 1 The Gas ● (free radicals and gas Hg ●+ ) react to amino acid aromatic (AAA) Produce aggregate in ligand or chelation. 5-9* The Tertiary Structure of Globular Proteins Allows them to bind other molecules ( nearly spherical shape) Selectively and Transiently *Biochemistry : Moran Scrimgeour Biradical Biradical : Self assosiation radical-radical without covalen bonding R•R• ----- R•R• (Edward M. Kosower: “An Introduction to Physical Organic Chemistry”) G. Zahar (Desertation 1993 ) Biradical product of Gamma Irradiated X – Aromatic in tridest solution Figure : H C - C - C OOH H . . + OH H OH C - C - C OOH NH2 . H H - COOH - C - C H H OH NH 2 . H H OH OH H . H NH 2 C - C - COOH Found: The chelation of OH to nucleo aromatic, able to release again when the power is more 2 tons ( Infared Kbr disk - 8 ton ) 5 29/08/2011 Biradikal Spectrum (ESR (Electron Spin Resonance) 6 29/08/2011 Tembaga Laying on the copper (Cu) plate Grounded GROUNDING Penggunaan larutan acetosal sebagai scavenger OH, sambil melepas Hg/amalgam yang terikat di protein, DNA, RNA dsb. Larutan acetosal dalam air sebagai scavenger radikal. Acetosal + (OH•) --------> (Ac•OH Ac•OH )n k = Ac etosal + OH Protein o o n Ac OH Ac OH o Ac OH n Hg* (uap) o (Hg )* + e HO -Phenya la nin o HO - Phe di tangkap Cl HO - Phe H= 1650 G Kemungkinan structure ini yang disebutkan sebagai Bi-Tyrosin yang flourensensi. Saran : Pisahkan gumpalan diPlasma dan ESR dst. 14 7 29/08/2011 Empat atom Oksigen pada acetosal mampu merenggangkan/melepas Hg dalam ikatan ligand dengan DNA atau protein sel tubuh Protein……….Amalgam Amalgam ligand The Gas• (free radicals and Gas Hg•+) react with aromatic amino acid (AAA) produced aggregation in ligand or chelation 15 Specific changes to individual amino acids Method for amino acids Reaction/ detection Commens Tryptophan 1.Lost of fluorescence Fluorescence changes: excitation 280nm, emission 342 nm Lost of the native fluorescence of tryptophan 2. Formation of tryptophan oxidation products Fluorescence: (acid) excitation 360 emission 450nm; (alkaline) excitation 327nm emission 342nm; HPLC Product of such N-formyl kynurenine are fluorescent oxidation nproducts (Amino acids 3, 184, (1992)) Tyrosine Bityrosine: Fluorescence excitation 315nm, emission 420nm; HPLC separation with Fluorescence, or ECD detection, GC-ms. Hydroxylation product L-DOPA can be measured by HPLC (DOPA present naturally in some proteins) Bi tyrosine are highly fluorescent but interference problem can occur in biological matrices (Methods. Enzymol. 233, 363, 1994; Punchard, NAand Kelly, FJ eds, (1996) Free Radicals: a Practical Approach, p.171. IRL Press, Oxford) Methionine Oxidation to methionine sulphoxide and sulphones (HPLC or GC-MS) specific enzyme repairs methionine sulphoxide residues 16 8 29/08/2011 1. Amalgam ( Hg metal ) ligand Cu Hg Se Hg Zu Hg As Hg Mn Hg Pb Hg Co Hg Cr Hg Cd Hg Ca Hg e- + H2O → e -αq e-αq e-+ O2 → O2• - Hg •+ Hg •+ Hg Cu e -αq +protein Hg •+ Cn •+ Hg +protein +protein Hg •+ • CnHg O2 • CnHg • CnHg • CnHg O2 • - Cn •+ Hg O2 • 17 2. Mercury-Seng e- + H2O → e -αq Hg •+ e-+ O2 → O2• - ee -αq Hg• + • + e αq Hg Hg• + Hg Zn e αq Hg Zn e αq Hg Zn Hg Zn D2• Hg •+ O• Hg •+ O2 • - Hg •+ Hg •+ O2 • - 18 9 29/08/2011 2. Mercury -Krom e- + H2O → e -αq e-+ O2 •→ O2 Hg Cr Hg •+ Hg •+ O2 • - e-αq Hg •+ Hg •+ e-αq Hg •+ Hg •+ O2 • - 19 20 10 29/08/2011 Ikatan Hidrogen Symetric C Hg • Hg• e Biradikal 21 The G-quartet Structure 22 11 29/08/2011 23 1 2 3 Hg 1. 2. 3. Hidrogen N˙O Agn Assosiated / Biradikal → ( HD – Phe ) n →Biradikal Hg – in Biradikal structure 24 12 29/08/2011 Geometric possibility 25 The Balur Process 26 13 29/08/2011 Material keluar melalui kulit? Partikel diambil dari kulit, diamati dengan mikroskop Fluoresen 14 29/08/2011 1.2 1 Electrical current from copper plate to the ground during balur treatments 0.8 0.6 B1 0.4 B3 B5 0.2 0 Variable Cu concentration 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 b1 Cu b3 Cu b5 Cu 15 29/08/2011 Observasi Limbah Balur (Observation of rubbing waste) Unique architecture of waste crystal on copper plate 16 29/08/2011 Frozen Rubbing waste formed Shell Florescence microscopic image Polarized light microscopic image 17 29/08/2011 Confocal laser images Tube confirmed hyperlink1 Confocal laser images Tube confirmed hyperlink2 Confocal Laser 200X Confocal Laser 400X 18 29/08/2011 Frozen waste containing huge number mercury 19 29/08/2011 Themodynamic Point of View • Principle that systems tend toward states of maximum entropy (systems with zero energy exchange across their boundaries) • Systems held at constant temperature do not tend toward their states of maximum entropy. They tend toward their states of minimum free energy (normal human physiology) 39 Closed Chains are more stable at lower temperature Open Chains are more stable at higher temperature 40 20 29/08/2011 F = Free Energy More Free energy of Energetic compound F Open Chains F closed chains ΔS -ε T0 = temperature collaps Temperature 41 Hasil SDS PAGE Limbah Balur Iwan Sutiman Marker 90 kD 10 kD 21 29/08/2011 43 44 22 29/08/2011 Uji injeksi limbah balur terhadap 23 ekor mencit bertumor telah memperpanjang masa hidup, semua mencit perlakuan masih hidup sampai saat ini, sementara 10 ekor mencit bertumor tidak disuntik limbah telah mati 23
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