Troop Speciality Badge – Scuba

This program is your Troop’s first step in a life changing experience that will enable you to embrace challenges in a whole new way, by exploring over 70% of the Earth’s surface that is covered by water. Whocantaketheprogram:
Scouts Programpre‐requisite:
Scout Swimming Badge or swimming evaluation ProgramCost:
$50.00 + HST Whatwillbeprovidedforparticipants:
 Classroom briefing  1 hour pool session  PADI certified instructors  All required scuba equipment  Post dive debriefing  Group Photo Whatyouwilllearn:
 Breathing rules and equalization techniques  Purpose and use of scuba equipment  Hand signals  Regulator and mask clearing techniques  Importance of following the rules and the buddy system  Limitations of this program and the benefits of becoming a full diver Whateachparticipantisresponsiblefor:
 Medical waiver forms  Transportation of gear to and from the pool What’snext:
Junior Open Water Diver Certification $50 discount with completion of Scout Scuba Speciality Badge Credit towards your Venturer Personal Interest Award Note:
Sections are advised this is a Category 3 activity. Required forms will be completed following normal Scouts procedures. (Retained by Section/Group Leaders) 
A brief medical questionnaire must be completed, if answering yes to any questions an questions on the form it must be signed by a physician. 396 Oxford St. E. London, ON N6A 1V7 (519) 645‐8820 Facebook: Cross Current Divers For more information on the London Area Scuba Venturers contact