DSS Newsletter Edition 12

Edition 12 – 29th April 2015 -Week 2 Term 2
From The Principal’s Desk
Last week, our students were involved in our school ANZAC ceremony as well as the community march. All students
and staff pinned poppies on the 100th Monument created to acknowledge the landing of our troops at Gallipoli. Well
done to all students and staff for their involvement in this year’s ANZAC school and community ceremonies.
The importance of the creative arts at our school is reflected in two projects currently underway. Students have been
busy creating art work that will be displayed at the local art gallery during June. The musical “Annie” will be staged at
the Great Hall in October, watch out for these exciting cultural activities.
Congratulations to Dalby State School students involved in sporting events that have already occurred this year, and
good luck to all students at the Dalby State School Cross Country on Friday 1st May. Congratulations also to Georgia
Lindsay from Year 6 on her selection in the Darling Downs under 11 netball team who will compete in the State
Championship in June.
NAPLAN will commence in Week 4. Our Year 3 and 5 students will participate in the NAPLAN Test on 12th 13th and
14th May. Students have been involved in a number of NAPLAN preparation sessions leading up to this event. If you
are seeking withdrawal or exemptions, please contact Ms Sharples at the administration building.
Important Dates:
Cross Country
No Tuckshop Sausage Sizzle only
DD Soccer
Arts Council $8.00 per
DD Touch
DD Hockey
This week, a number of teachers and teacher aides will be involved in a “Brain gym” work shop. The workshop will
enable our staff to gain a better understanding of how the brain works to enhance learning in the classroom. A parent
workshop is provided to interested parents on Thursday 30th April at 9am at the Dalby State School conference room. 6th
Parent teacher interviews will occur on Monday 11th May. You will receive more information in a separate
attachment that will explain how to book your parent teacher interview online. The same booking process that
occurred last year will remain in place for this year’s interviews.
Rugby League Dev
School Photos
Rugby League Dev
Mother’s Day Stall
Bunya Cross Country
I would again like to remind all parents that attendance at Dalby State School is extremely important, especially
leading up to assessment in Weeks 5 and 10. Homework has been set up by teachers, our expectations around
homework is that every student, each night, read a text at home along with what is provided by the teacher.
Parent Teacher Interviews ( After School)
Have a wonderful week
Mona Anau - Principal
Year 5 Excursion
Banking Every Wednesday
School Photos
This year, school photo day will be on Wednesday 6th May.
For the convenience of our school community advanced life have now
introduced Online Ordering. School photos can now be ordered and paid
for using a secure online Web Portal. Please note: Photos can still be
purchased using an envelope. The preference of our school is that Orders
and Payments be made through the Web Portal as this reduces the
administration and associated order issues related to the return of cash
& envelopes on photo day. To place your order visit
www.advancedlife.com.au and enter the code-GMN 3A2 FR1. A full set
of instructions on how to order can be found on the back of the order
flyer which will be sent home soon. The order code can also be found
printed on the envelopes supplied by advanced life. Please be aware that
Sibling/Family Photos may be ordered online or via an envelope,
To ensure a smoothly run photography day, Online Orders for
Sibling/Family Photos will be cut off 48hrs before our
photography day this allows a list of students that require Sibling/Family photographs taken to be compiled. Sibling Photos
can still be ordered after the Online cut off date by collecting an
envelope from the office in the usual way and returning the envelope on photo day with payment enclosed. Please do not send
photo money before photo day.
All Online Orders should be placed on or before our day of
photography. Please Note: Once orders are closed a LATE FEE will
The Online code above Web Portal may also be used to order
previous years’ sports and other group photos at any time. All
Online Orders placed through the Web Portal will be returned to
school for collection.
Class Photo School polo shirt (royal blue with pale blue stripe),
Royal blue shorts Royal, blue socks and Black shoes
Captains/Student Leaders, Girls: Formal dress, Royal blue socks,
Black shoes Boys: Formal shirt – button through, Blue shorts,
Royal blue socks and Black shoes
Senior/Junior Choir, Girls: Formal dress , Royal blue socks, Black
shoes Boys: Formal shirt, Royal blue shorts, Royal blue socks,
Black shoes
Beginner Band, Girls: Formal dress, Royal blue socks, Black
Shoes Boys: Formal shirt, Blue shorts, Royal blue socks, Black
Concert Band, Girls: Formal dress, Royal blue socks, Black Shoes.
Boys: Formal shirt Blue shorts, Royal blue sock, Black shoes
Weekly Attendance Data
Our overall attendance rate this week is 91.68%
Congratulations to Prep students for having the
highest year level attendance rate.
Year Level: Attendance: Rating:
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Dear Parents
Parent/Teacher/Student interviews will be held at 3.30pm –
7.15pm on Monday 11th May, 2015 in the school library. You
can now book interviews at times that suit YOUR FAMILY
BEST. Go to www.schoolinterviews.com.au and use school
event code J7W7X
Cool Tool
Put Down Free
Respect, Safety
& Learning
Learning Is Fun Together
Monday, Wednesday
and Friday from
in Groom Hall.
We ask that you bring
with you: a snack for
morning tea, water
bottle, a hat and a gold
coin donation.
DSS STUDENT ABSENCE LINE—Phone: 4672 3660 (24 hour access)
DSS STUDENT ABSENCE E-MAIL - absences@dalbyss.eq.edu.au (24 hour access)
“I am proud to be at Dalby State School. I will try my best to make the right choices
and will respect others, all property and myself. Ever Onward.”
From the Student Council
Biggest TEAM at the Mothers’ Day Classic?
If you haven’t already registered to walk or
run (4km or 8km) the Dalby Mothers’ Day
Classic on Sunday 10 May (events starting at
8am), how about you register online and
mention that you’re part of the Dalby State School TEAM?
We can all have fun together and celebrate all the great Mums out
there, knowing that our entry fees are going to a good cause
(National Breast Cancer Foundation research) Our aim to have the
biggest TEAM on the day! Here are the key details:
Time and Date: 7am for an 8am start on Sunday, 10 May
2015; Registration: You can register online at
www.mothersdayclassic.com.au/register up until Wednesday 6 May
or register on the day. Cost: $10 for children; $30 or $40 for a family
depending on size. Location: The event starts and finishes at
Thomas Jack Park. For more details, check out the Dalby MDC
Facebook page.
KM Club most laps
In Term One, the sporthousthat got the most laps for KM CLUB was
McGregor with 738, followed by Leichardt, 629, Cunningham, 581
and Oxley, 514.
to the following
students who
made 10km or
more in Term
Just about at 10km!
Emily Quinlan (PA) – 39 laps
Hannah Taylor (1/2R) – 37 laps
Karlee Rice (3/4E) – 37 laps (9.25km)
Jordan Taylor (6B) – 36 laps (9km)
Lili Wilson (2T) – 36 laps (9km)
1. Toby Wilson
(4C) – 91 laps
2. Logan Bach
(4C) – 89 laps (22.25km)
Carl Dela Cruz (3/4E) – 67 laps (16.75km)
Brett Elliott (PA) – 64 laps (16km)
Savannah Bach (2T) – 57 laps (14.25km)
Abbey Burton (4C) – 51 laps (12.75km)
Jake Rynne (6T) – 50 laps (12.5km)
Hamish Cover (1/2R) – 49 laps (12.25km)
Hope Ney (4C) – 46 laps (11.5km)
Dalby PCYC Netball begins this Saturday.
Game times for 2nd May:
* Hot Shots vs Blue Flames Court 4 11:00am
* Central Sapphires vs Magic Melons Court 5 10:00am
* Pink Panthers vs Jandowae 3 Court 4 10:00am
* Roaring Tigers vs Shooting Stars Court 1 11:00am
* Dalby Superstars vs Jandowae 2 Court 1 12:00pm
Enjoy your netty!
Under 8’s Dalby Superstars Netball training at Dalby State School
Thursday afternoon 3:30pm for more info contact 0488 073 131
Dalby State School
Cross Country 2015
The Tuckshop will be operating on the Dalby State School Oval in
the shaded area near Kavney Hall on Friday 1st May, 2015.
Menu for Cross Country at DSS Oval
Sausage in Bread
Hot Chips
Home Bake
Sour Straps
Milk Popper
Fruit Popper
Milo, Tea, Coffee
Pod Coffee
Please note: All food on the day to be bought from the Canteen –
no bag orders taken. HOWEVER, if your child is Prep – Year 2, the
correct money can be placed in an envelope or brown bag with the
order written on the front. The child can then bring their envelope
to the canteen to purchase their food.
Canteen helpers would be greatly appreciated to help with service
on the day. Please consider coming to help it is a great way for you
10. Chloe Bound (4C) – 45 laps (11.25km)
P&C News
Bunya Cross Country
11. Jasmine Fraser (3G) – 43 laps (10.75km)
Shekinah Coady (5H) – 43 laps (10.75km)
12. Kiana Low (5D) – 42 laps (10.5km)
Blake Patterson (1/2R) – 42 laps (10.5km)
13. Jake Cosgrove (6M) – 41 laps (10.25km)
Lucas Fraser (6B) – 41 laps (10.25km)
14. TJ Robertson (5D) – 40 laps (10km)
Mitchell Sternes (4C) – 40 laps (10km)
Don’t forget KM Club is still going for the first part of Term 2,
however it now takes place in Kavney Hall from 8.30am – 8.50am on
Tuesdays and Thursdays. Everyone, including parents, welcome!
Next Student Council Meeting
First break (please bring lunch) on Monday, 4th May in the
Conference Room. Student Leaders to bring their Student
Leadership Logs and great ideas!!
Dalby State School will be hosting the Bunya Cross Country on
Friday 8th May, 2015. The P&C will be running a food stall on the
oval for students participating in the event and their families. The
event will run from 9.00am to 12.00pm. If you are able spare some
time to help with service on the day please contact Kym on
0428625047 or email gkburto@bigpond.net.au. Thank you.
Mother’s Day Stall
Thursday 7th May, 2015 Dalby State School Tuckshop
Students are invited to bring along some money to purchase a small
gift for Mum, Gran, Grandma, Nana or Carer. Students will go
shopping with their class during school time. A large selection of
gifts, all priced under $8:00 will be available.
UNIFORM SHOP TRADING HOURS - Tuesdays and Thursday from 8.30am to 9.30am
Sports News
Congratulations to Georgia Lindsay who was selected
in the Darling Downs 11yrs Netball team.
Rugby League
Congratulations to Lychan King-Togia who made the Possibles/
Probable's for the Darling Downs 11 yrs Rugby League Trials.
Development Cup - Dalby SS v Pittsworth - Wednesday 29th April
Cross Country 2015
The Prep to Year 6 Cross Country will be held on Friday 1st May as a
whole school event. The Prep – Yr 2 will be run on the DSS Oval with
the Yr 3 – Yr 6 students running from the school along the bike
path, Myall Creek surrounds and back. Some Yr 3 students are also
eligible to participate in the 9 yrs race if they turn 9 years of age this
year. That requires them to run 2km. The events will start at
approximately 9:30 am. As this is a school event all children are
expected to participate. A selection of courses is available to run
e.g. 9 & 10 years will run 2 km (approx) 11 & 12 years will run 3 km
(approx). Non competitive for 9 – 12 yrs will run/walk 1 km
(approx). Yr 3 (8yrs) students run 1km, Yr2 run 500m and Prep and
Yr1 run 400m. If your child suffers from a severe medical condition
that prevents them from participating in the social, non
competitive run, you will need to send a letter to your child’s
teacher which in turn will be forwarded to the office. A Practice
Information that will help with the smooth running of the event is
set out below.
* Dalby State School Cross Country Prep –Year 6 Friday 1 May
* Start/Finish is at Dalby SS Oval
* Anticipated start time 9:30 am onwards.
* Children will walk in classes with their teachers to House Tents on the
* Trophies will be presented for Champion Boy and Girl in each age group:
* Ribbons and Certificates for Prep – Yr2.
* First Aid, Water and Ice will be available
* Children need to wear house uniform and bring a hat (not necessary to
run in a hat), sunscreen, water bottle and Ventolin puffer (if required).
Race order will be:
Senior: Races – All Races start and finish with a lap of the Oval.
(with Yr 3 students who are turning 9 this year )
* 09:30am – 11 & 12 years Boys and Girls – 3km Bike Path Course
* 09:55am – 9 & 10 year Boys and Girls – 2km Bike Path Course
* 10:20am – Yrs 4 - 6 Non - Competitive Race – (1km approx ) Foot Bridge
* 10:35am – 8yrs Boys Race – (1km approx.) Bike Path-Foot Bridge Course
* 10:45am – 8yrs Girls Race – (1km approx.) Bike Path-Foot Bridge Course
Junior: Races - All Races start and finish on the Oval.
* 11:15am - Yr 2 Boys race – ( 500 m approx.) Oval Course
* 11:30am - Yr 2 Girls race – ( 500 m approx.) Oval Course
* 11:45am - Yr 1 Boys race – ( 400 m approx.) Oval Course
* 12:00pm - Yr 1 Girls race – ( 400 m approx.) Oval Course
* 12:15pm - Prep Boys race – ( 400 m approx.) Oval Course
* 12:30pm - Prep Girls race – ( 400 m approx.) Oval Course
* Markers will be placed on the course.
* This is a selection trial for the Dalby State School team for Bunya Districts
XC Friday 8 May
* Presentations will be made at the end (approx 12:45 pm)
* Parents, friends and relatives are welcome to spectate and cheer.
* The P&C are running a Sausage sizzle and Drinks for Morning Tea/Lunch
No Tuckshop this day.
* We would also like to acknowledge the generosity of BMO Accountants
for donating our trophies.
* Year of Birth for Races; 8yrs – 2007, 9yrs – 2006, 10yrs – 2005, 11yrs –
2004, 12yrs - 2003
2015 ICAS Testing – International Competitions and Assessments for Schools
ICAS provides an opportunity for all students in Years 2 to 12 to gain a measure of their own achievement in an external testing situation. The tests can
be seen as preparation for national tests and the student report is useful for highlighting your child’s strengths and weaknesses.
All students who sit the test receive a certificate and an individual student report indicating which questions they answered correctly and their score
compared with the rest of the students tested.
Certificates are awarded for each year level as follows:* High distinction to the top 1% of entrants
* Distinction to the next 10% of entrants * Credit to the next 25% of entrants * Participation to all others
Please indicate which of the following tests you would like your child to sit and forward this slip along with the required money to the school office by 1st
May (the second Friday after the holidays). The tests will be supervised in the library. If you require any further information please contact Wendy
I give permission for my child _______________________________________ of Class __________ to participate in the following ICAS assessments.
Date of Test
Wednesday 3rd June
Monday 15-19th June
Tuesday 16th June
Tuesday 28th July
Tuesday 11th August
All of the above
Total included for payment
Year Levels
Please tick
Tuckshop News
Try out our new online ordering system for a chance to win
Here’s How: For every order you place online you will
receive an entry in the draw to win a laptop, laptop case,
computer mouse and printer, which will be drawn at the end
of term. Prize kindly donated by Brodah Computer Systems.
The ANZACs landed at Gallipoli 100 years ago
After World War I did commence
Thousands of lives were lost
It doesn’t seem to make much sense
But they fought for our freedom
They sacrificed their lives for us
They fought on tough and strong
To remember them we must
Our Arts council performance for Term 2 will be held on Monday
4th May 2015. Students are invited to attend the performance by Arts
Link Queensland called “HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A WOMBAT
Please return payment of $8 per student on Monday 4th of May to the
collection point underneath Admin.
WHEN: Monday 4th May 2015
COST: $8 each
PAYMENT TO BE MADE: Monday morning at the
collection point under Admin.
Art Through the Ages
Did you know that your child has been working on a
special piece of art work that will be on display at the
Dalby Art Gallery next month? Well watch this space
for information on our opening night.
To help us get ready for the next stage of
their masterpiece
we are in need of helpers to staple their
fabric onto canvas.
If you are available on Friday the 8th May
to assist with stapling fabric onto canvas please contact
the office and leave your name. We will be starting from
3:00 and working into the early evening out of the Art
Room (located under the Year 1 classrooms).
We are also in need of stapling guns to assist in getting
this done a little quicker. If you own a stapling gun and
can assist please bring it with you or alternatively if you
can lend us some to assist that would be greatly
appreciated too.
Thanks in advance for your support and help.
Equestrian Programme
The Dalby State High School Bunya Campus is
offering a before and after school Equestrian
Programme for students from Dalby State High School, Dalby
South State School and Dalby State School. This encompasses
two separate horse riding programmes – a Learn to Ride
Programme and an Equestrian Riding Programme.
There are a limited number of High School horses available for
use in the Learn to Ride Programme. All outside horses will
need to be assessed by our instructor prior to being accepted
into the programme.
The Equestrian Programme Handbook is available on our
website. This lists the structure of the lessons, fees and all
relevant information. If you have any other queries, please do
not hesitate to contact 4660 0333.
Our loved ones, our ancestors
Fought in the First World War
They gave us freedom for our country
They kept on fighting when in agony and sore
Don’t forget the nurses who healed the sick and wounded
They bandaged, cared and played a huge part
To think of all those who didn’t make it
Really breaks my heart
With our family and friends we listen to the Last Post
The spirit of our nation we will carry forever
Marching on proud with the medals of the past
To forget the ANZACs, we will never
So let’s live the ANZAC spirit
Wear a red poppy on your chest
And bake some ANZAC bickies
By Kiana Low (aged 10) Year 5, Dalby State School