Overview and Scrutiny Committee Title of Report: Report No: Report to and date: Portfolio holder: Lead officer: Purpose of report: Recommendation: Update on On-Street Parking, Skyliner Way, Bury St Edmunds OAS/SE/15/004 Overview and 22 April 2015 Scrutiny Committee Terry Clements Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulation Tel: 01284 827161 Email: terry.clements@stedsbc.gov.uk Steven Wood Head of Planning and Growth Tel: 01284 757306 Email: steven.wood@westsuffolk.gov.uk To update the Committee on a number of options explored to see whether improvements could be made to alleviate the parking issues in Skyliner Way, Bury St Edmunds. Overview and Scrutiny Committee: It is RECOMMENDED that the report of the Head of Planning and Growth be noted. Key Decision: (Check the appropriate box and delete all those that do not apply.) Consultation: Is this a Key Decision and, if so, under which definition? Yes, it is a Key Decision - ☐ No, it is not a Key Decision - ☒ The proposals to introduce parking restriction by Suffolk County Council will need to comply with the statutory consultation periods. Businesses will now be consulted on the proposals set out in paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3. OAS/SE/15/004 Alternative option(s): With the recent announcement relating to the Eastern Relief Road, opportunities for the creation of off-street parking areas could be explored but at present there are no plans in place. Implications: Are there any financial implications? If yes, please give details Are there any staffing implications? If yes, please give details Are there any ICT implications? If yes, please give details Are there any legal and/or policy implications? If yes, please give details Are there any equality implications? If yes, please give details Risk/opportunity assessment: Risk area Failure to recognise parking issues Failure to apply Local and National Parking Standards for new developments Inherent level of risk (before controls) Low/Medium/ High* Medium Low Ward affected: Background papers: (all background papers are to be published on the website and a link included) Documents attached: Yes Yes Yes Yes ☐ No ☒ ☐ No ☒ ☐ No ☒ ☐ No ☒ Yes ☐ No ☒ (potential hazards or opportunities affecting corporate, service or project objectives) Controls Continually monitor and provide mitigation through Suffolk County Council and Police. Apply National and Local Parking Policies correctly for all new developments Residual risk (after controls) Low/Medium/ High* Low Low Moreton Hall None None OAS/SE/15/004 1. Key issues and reasons for recommendation 1.1 The on-street parking problems in Skyliner Way, Bury St Edmunds were brought to the attention of the Committee on 3 March 2010 as a Councillor Call for Action notification made by Councillor Trevor Beckwith. He felt that the officers at the time had not addressed the issue to his satisfaction. 1.2 The Overview and Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 3 September 2014 felt that further work needed to be done to help resolve the issues highlighted by Councillor Trevor Beckwith. 1.3 The Committee therefore recommended that the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services (now Head of Planning and Growth) examine all opportunities to alleviate the parking issues in Skyliner Way, Bury St Edmunds. 1.4 The Head of Planning and Growth was asked to work with colleagues at Suffolk County Council and to report back to the Committee on a quarterly basis on progress. 2. Progress 2.1 Layby The County Council are reluctant to agree to the creation of a layby because of cost. The land adjacent to the highway is lightly to have a number of utility services which would be very costly to divert for an improvement that could be achieved by the introduction of parking restrictions. 2.2 Businesses releasing unused parking spaces for others to use. The proposal to ask businesses to release their unused spaces has been delayed until a decision on on-street parking had been made. Suffolk County Council has recently decided to implement parking restrictions for the full length of Skyliner Way. Letters will now be posted by the end of April 2015 suggesting this proposal. 2.3 Land availability for the provision of a commuter carpark. At present there are no pockets of land available or suitable for the construction of a Carpark for people employed in businesses along Skyliner Way. There will, however, be an opportunity to negotiate with the developers of the Suffolk Business Park a possible location close to the junction of the proposed Eastern Relief Road. In the same letter referred to in paragraph 2.2 above, businesses will also be asked if they have any land available for the Council to purchase to potentially construct a carpark. 2.4 Funding Opportunities Suffolk County Council has a budget for parking schemes which this Council can bid for. This will be subject to relevant criteria but the Head of Planning and Growth is reasonably optimistic that such a bid would be successful. OAS/SE/15/004
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