Dear Parent/Carer Anna Mudeka African Workshop Day 17 May As

Suffolk County Music Service
Date: 2 May 2015
Enquiries to: Hilary Turner
Tel: 01473 281866
Fax: 01473 286068
To all parents and carers of pupils attending
Bury St Edmunds County Music School
Dear Parent/Carer
Anna Mudeka African Workshop Day 17 May
As you will be aware, the Friends of Bury St Edmunds County Music School have organised an
African Arts Workshop day on Sunday 17 May. Unusually, there has been a fairly disappointing
response to this offer and as such events are costly and time-consuming to organise, it would be
useful to know why this workshop has not proved to be popular. Please could you take the time to
answer the questions below and return this letter to your child’s tutor at Music School, you do not
need to add you name to your response unless you particularly wish to do so.
Yours sincerely
Hilary Turner
Senior Manager (West) – Suffolk County Music Service
Children and Young People’s Services
My child is not attending the workshop on 17 May because: (please tick as appropriate)
Clashes with prior commitment
Insufficient notice
Sunday is not a good day
My child takes part in enough arts activities already
Not of interest
Too busy
Please add any additional comments _____________________________________________
Suffolk County Music Service, Northgate Arts Centre, Sidegate Lane West, Ipswich IP4 3DF