WORKING TOGETHER ON THE THINGS THAT MATTER 1 2 3 4 5 Suffolk Coastal District Council Elections, 7 May 2015 Work to continue keeping your district Council Tax increases as low as possible to protect everyone but especially pensioners and other vulnerable people. Unemployment here has dropped from 2.1% in 2012 to only 0.7% now, due to our policies to encourage and support businesses large and small, which we pledge to continue. We will continue to protect our unique natural environment and high quality of life as a great place for both visitors and local people to enjoy. We will energetically continue to seek out new ways to bring you high quality services at lower cost. Encourage safer driving in our villages and countryside; supporting the police in the enforcement of all traffic laws. HOW YOU CAN HELP ROBERT You can help Robert’s campaign for Fynn Valley Ward by joining hundreds of local people displaying a poster, delivering leaflets or helping the campaign. If you would like to help please contact her team on: 01473 617665 or Promoted by Fraser McFarland on behalf of Suffolk Coastal Conservatives, both of Unit B, Bristol Court, Betts Avenue, Martlesham, IP5 3RY. Printed by Leiston Press, Unit 1b Masterlord Industrial Estate, Leiston, IP16 4JD. ROBERT WHITING Conservative Candidate for Fynn Valley Ward About Robert Born in Rushmere St Andrew, Robert has had a home in the village all his life and went to school at Kesgrave High where he was Head Boy. On returning to Rushmere St Andrew upon graduation, Robert worked at Suffolk County Council, lectured at Suffolk College, and in 1989 began working at BT. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and a Member of Chartered Management Institute. Robert has been a Rushmere St Andrew Parish Councillor for over 32 years, and a serving District Councillor since 1999 where he is the Cabinet Member at Suffolk Coastal responsible for Resources. In this time he has created Suffolk Coastal Services Limited, ensured that the Authority has remained debt free, and has led the successful delivery of the acquisition of a new HQ which will open in 2016 providing a £0.5m annual saving in running costs. Upon retirement from a senior position in BT in May 2013, Robert was elected as County Councillor for Kesgrave and Rushmere St Andrew, where he is also a Deputy Cabinet Member. Robert has for many years greatly enjoyed attending the annual church fetes in Tuddenham, Westerfield and Witnesham aswell as regularly cycling and walking throughout the Fynn valley. I recognise the importance of improved infrastructure as flooding is a real issue for many residents. I successfully secured funding for the implementation of solutions to the flooding problems in The Street, Rushmere St Andrew which will be built in the summer. I will continue to push for action in all of our villages. In continuing to press for safety of pedestrians and school children with the increasing traffic in our villages, I have delivered a new footway in The Street, Rushmere St Andrew last summer and a new footway in Bent Lane this year. I am aware of the importance of road safety schemes and will press for further improvements. I have enabled the transfer of assets such as play areas and public open spaces in Witnesham, Tuddenham and Rushmere St Andrew to parish councils from the District Council as I believe local organisations are best placed to deliver local facilities. I will continue to seek out and support community groups that come forward to safeguard local facilities. Following my success in opposing residential development proposals opposite Rushmere Church, I will continue to ensure any threats to the existing green environment outside our villages is resisted. Fighting any more large scale housing development not supported by the community is vital because our schools, doctors and other facilities are at capacity. Visit our new website
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