West Suffolk Property Services West Suffolk House, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3YU Tel: +44 (0)1284 763233 www.stedmundsbury.gov.uk BRANDON HARVEY ADAM ENTERPRISE CENTRE INDIVIDUAL BUSINESS UNITS WORKSHOPS & OFFICES UNITS RANGING FROM 11‐88m2 / 119‐943 sq.ft (GIA) TO LET West Suffolk Property Services for themselves and for the Borough Council of St Edmundsbury and for the District Council of Forest Heath being Vendor or Lessor of this property, whose agents they are, give notice that: i The particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intended purchasers or lessees, and do not constitute part of an offer or contract; ii All descriptions, dimensions, reference to condition and necessary permission for use and occupation, and other details are given without responsibility and any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them; iii No person in the employment of the Borough Council of St Edmundsbury or the District Council of Forest Heath, together known as West Suffolk Property Services, has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property iv Unless otherwise stated, all prices and rents are quoted exclusive of Value Added Tax. ADDRESS: Harvey Adam Enterprise Centre, Wimbledon Avenue, Brandon, Suffolk IP27 0NZ TENURE: Leasehold LEASE TERMS: All premises are available on new internal repairing licenses on terms to be agreed. A proportion of the buildings insurance premium is to be reimbursed to Landlord by the Tenant. A three month rent deposit to be held for the term of the license from completion RATES: Enquiries for all rates should be made to the VOA. SERVICE CHARGE: Proportionate to any costs associated with repairs and maintenance to communal access ways and yards PLANNING: The property is believed to benefit from B1/B2/B8 General Industrial use in terms of planning, however any interested parties should satisfy themselves as to the suitability of the current consent for their proposed use with Forest Heath District Council’s Planning Department on (01638) 719000 LEGAL COSTS: A payment will be required for £300 (plus VAT) for Legal fees to arrange the lease on your behalf VIEWING: Strictly by appointment only. To arrange a viewing, contact one of our Commercial Property team as per the details below USE/DESCRIPTION: B1 Business Units ACCOMMODATION: Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Size 17m2/180sq.ft 15m2/165sq.ft 13.7m2/147sq.ft 25m2/273sq.ft 45m2/488sq.ft 45.5m2/490sq.ft 45.5m2/490sq.ft 15.5m2/168sq.ft 11m2/119sq.ft 11m2/119sq.ft 87.5m2/943sq.ft 87.5m2/943sq.ft Status LET LET LET LET AVAILABLE LET LET LET AVAILABLE LET AVAILABLE AVAILABLE Rates n/a n/a n/a n/a TBA n/a n/a n/a TBA n/a TBA TBA CAR PARKING: The premises benefit from access to a shared parking area. RENT: Rents from £2,500 per annum plus VAT SERVICES: Mains drainage, water & electricity are all believed to be connected to the property. Interested parties are however advised to make their own enquiries to the relevant service providers. Communal kitchen and toilet facilities. Sally Leeks Richard Combes Will Brown ‐ ‐ ‐ 01284 757381 / sally.leeks@westsuffolk.gov.uk 01284 757361 / richard.combes@westsuffolk.gov.uk 01284 757364 / will.brown@westsuffolk.gov.uk ENERGY PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATES Unit 12 Unit 5 Unit 9 Unit 11 Sally Leeks Richard Combes Will Brown ‐ ‐ ‐ These certificates show the energy rating of the individual units within the building. They indicate the energy efficiency of the building fabric and the heating, ventilation, cooling and lighting systems. The rating is compared to two benchmarks for this type of building: one appropriate for new buildings and one appropriate for existing buildings. There is more advice on how to interpret this information on the Governments website ‐ www.communities.gov.uk/epbd. 01284 757381 / sally.leeks@westsuffolk.gov.uk 01284 757361 / richard.combes@westsuffolk.gov.uk 01284 757364 / will.brown@westsuffolk.gov.uk
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