П Ш Е И И WORLD ДАЬГЯ ASSBBLf % w x u itea A15/AFL/VP/b i9.a i ^ . *3 o R ia m L i pr ssch ah d вм аш к ш и з п ю OF STAFF OF T Œ JEOIOHAL O FPK R POB AFRICA (Draft Raaolutloo proродed by ttoa Delegations of Franoa and Japan) tba Fifteenth World Health Aaaaably, Having aooaldarat! tba report of. «ta* Dlravtor-Oanaral «o te* bou»lac ataff of tiM Rigloul Offloe for Afrloa, * NotUf that the aborrega of aorquate oouairg ba* lapadad tba rtorultMot of additional ataff for tbla Office and tbat tba ataff la Beaded to provide tba loorvaaad aervloea required by tba Heabara of tba région, I flaali slac tba neoeeeity.of taking aooa laediata atap to allavlata tbla eltuation, aod ■oting tbat tba Dlrector-Oeoeral bellevea tbat additional atody of tba problaa la necewary before atteaptlng to naat tba lone-tara AUTHORIZES tba Direotar-Oeneral to aoqulre tba traat of land aitb tba four aslatlng bulldloga and to oonatruat additional boualng umita aa outlined la bla rapart in order to aoat tba laaodlata and urgent naada altbln a total ooat of ДОЗ? OOC j H Noting also tbat tba Mraotor-Gaoaral la studying tba problaa af tba raal aatata aanageaent aotivltlaa of tba Organisation In tba raglan for Afrloa with a view to daterainlng tba aoat afflolant aatboda of tbaaa oparatlona, and doting further that ba la oonaldarlng tba aatabllth— nt of a revolving fund for auoh oparatlona and allí report fully on tbla aattar to tba Saaautlva Board at Ita thlrty-flret aeaalen, AD1B0RXZBS tba Executive Board to approve en behalf af tba Aaaaably tba aatabllabaeot of suob a Fund. 1Dtxraaent A15/AFLA7
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