University of Toronto Departments of Philosophy (SG, UTM, UTSC) Teaching Assistantships Summer 2015 Posted on: Monday, 23 February 2015 Applications due: Tuesday, 24 March 2015 The following are the positions that we expect will be available during the 2015 summer academic session at the St. George, UTM and UTSC Departments of Philosophy. All applications should be submitted to the TA Coordinator, Dept. of Philosophy, University of th Toronto, 170 St. George St, 4 floor, or by email c/o Applicants should use the custom application forms, available in the Mailroom of the Philosophy Dept or online at Electronic applications are preferred, although paper applications are also accepted. 1. TUTORIAL LEADERS General Qualifications for Tutorial Leaders Duties 1 year prior experience as a TA, normally in Philosophy, at U of T good prior knowledge of the subject-matter of the course reasonable mastery of the central texts of the course/area running 2 or more weekly tutorials in the course grading general teaching related duties holding office hours (at suitable times relative to class time) attending lectures Huber Estimated Estimated Estimated Dates of # of # of hours per Appointments students positions position (2015) 60 2 85 1 @ May 1-June 30 1 @ June 29-Aug. 31 60 1 85 May 1-June 30 TBA 60 1 85 May 1-June 30 TBA 60 1 85 May 1-June 30 TBA 100 2 75 May 1-June 30 TBA 60 1 85 June 29-Aug. 31 TBA 120 2 85 June 29-Aug. 31 Course Number Course Title Campus Class time Instructor PHL200Y1Y Ancient Philosophy SG TBA PHL232H1F Knowledge & Reality SG PHL240H1F Persons, Minds and Bodies SG PHL 271H1F Law and Morality SG PHL281H1F Bioethics SG PHL217H1S Intro. to Continental Phil SG PHL275H1S Introduction to Ethics SG T 9-12, R 9-11 Tutorials: R11 & R12 M 3-6, W 3-5 Tutorials: W2 & W5 T 6-9, R 6-8 Tutorials: R5 & R8 M9-12, W9-11 Tutorials: W11 & W12 M 6-9, W 6-8 Tutorials: W5 & W8 M 6-9, W 6-8 Tutorials: W5 & W8 M12-3, W12-2 Tutorials: W2 & W3 2. GENERAL TEACHING ASSISTANTS (GRADERS) General Qualifications for Teaching Assistants Duties BA in Philosophy or equivalent good prior knowledge of the subject-matter of the course reasonable mastery of the central texts of the course/area grading general teaching related duties holding office hours (at suitable times relative to class time) attending lectures for logic (PHL 245) – running help sessions (not office hours) Estimated # of students Estimated Estimated Dates of # of hours per Appointments positions position (2015) Course Number Course Title Campus Class time Instructor PHL245H1Y Mod. Symbolic Logic SG TBA 100 1 110 May 1-Aug. 31 PHLB05H3Y Social Issues UTSC TBA 80 1 90 May 1-Aug. 31 PHL202H5Y Ancient Philosophy UTM Tues. 3-6 MW 1112:30 W 2-5 TBA 60 1 45 May 1-Aug 31 PHL145H5F Critical Reasoning UTM TR 2-5 TBA 75 1 65 May 1-June 30 PHL201H1F Introductory Phil SG MW 6-9 TBA 60 1 70 May 1-June 30 PHL274H5F Ethics and Society UTM MW 6-9 TBA 60 1 45 May 1-June 30 PHL324H5F The Continental Tradition UTM MW 11-2 TBA 60 1 45 May 1-June 30 PHL375H1F Ethics SG TR 6-9 TBA 60 1 70 May 1–June 30 PHL388H1F Literature & Philosophy SG TR 3-6 TBA 70 1 80 May 1-June 30 PHL243H1S Philosophy of Sexuality SG TR 6-9 TBA 70 1 80 June 29-Aug 31 PHL271H5S Ethics & the Law UTM MW 6-9 TBA 60 1 45 June 29-Aug 31 PHL273H1S Environmental Ethics SG TR12-3 TBA 70 1 80 June 29-Aug 31 PHL340H1S Issues in Phil. of Mind SG MW 3-6 TBA 60 1 70 June 29-Aug 31 PHL340H5S Issues in Phil. of Mind UTM MW 11-2 TBA 60 1 45 June 29-Aug 31 PHL370H1S Issues in Phil. of Law SG TR 6-9 TBA 70 1 80 June 29-Aug 31 PHL382H1S Death & Dying SG MW 6-9 TBA 60 1 70 June 29-Aug 31 NOTES: 1 The positions posted above are tentative, pending budgetary approval and final course enrolments. Courses must ordinarily have an enrolment of 40 for a TA to be hired. 2 Department standards and hiring policies are posted in the mailroom of the Philosophy Dept. and available in the CUPE Local 3902 office. 3 Successful applicants may be assigned to positions at any of the three campuses. 4 All Teaching Assistants should be prepared to travel to the campus where the course to which they have been assigned is offered on a weekly basis or more frequently as required. 5 While applicants may state their preferences for specific courses listed on the Department’s job posting, the Department reserves the right to assign TAs to whatever courses it feels best suit the candidate’s qualifications and departmental needs. 6 The Department cannot guarantee that TA assignments will be split evenly over the two academic terms. TA assignments may be confined to or concentrated in a single semester. 7 These jobs are posted in accordance with the CUPE 3902 Units 1 and 3 Collective Agreements.
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