SFPC New Member Application Instructions

Denver Sustainable Food Policy Council (SFPC) seeking new members!
The Denver SFPC influences policy that fosters food security* for all community members, and promotes
a healthy, equitable, and sustainable local food system, with consideration for economic vitality and
environmental impact.
*(Food security means access to enough food for an active, healthy life, including access to affordable,
healthy, culturally appropriate food.)
The purpose of the Denver SFPC is to build the capacity of local food policy bodies to find common
ground on policy priorities, generate public support for those policies, educate policymakers on issues in
our food system, and advocate for food systems that reflect the needs of all of its communities.
SFPC Appointee Expectations:
Either live or work within the City and County of Denver.
Serve a 3-year term.
Attend all meetings and the Annual Retreat: May be considered for removal if there are 2 or
more unexcused absences within a year. Meeting times are scheduled to best meet the needs of
all members, new as well as existing. Current meeting times are the third Wednesday or the
month from 10am to 12pm. Please apply even if you cannot attend the currently scheduled
meeting times.
Participate in collaborative food initiatives with other SFPC members and community partners
(e.g. SFPC workgroups and committees).
2015 New Member Recruitment:
The SFPC strives to build an active membership that represents the range of individuals and groups
concerned with building a sustainable, equitable food system, and that is representative of Denver’s diversity. It seeks individuals who are committed to the SFPC mission and to working collaboratively
with other members towards SFPC goals. At this time, applications are particularly being sought from
the following groups:
Food insecure communities
Young People (age 18-26)
Interested applicants should submit the attached application, questionnaire and provide a resume to
Anthony Aragon at anthony.aragon@denvergov.org. The deadline for applications is April 30, 2015.
If you have additional questions, please contact Stacey McConlogue, Health Promotion Manager,
Denver Department of Environmental Health at 720-865-5407 or stacey.mcconlogue@denvergov.org
Anthony R. Aragon | Director, Boards & Commissions
Office of Mayor Michael B. Hancock | City and County of Denver
720.865.9032 Phone | 720.252.0274 Cell