Order form Software program RISC-HUMAN 3.3 (only for customers

Order form Software program RISC-HUMAN 3.3
(only for customers from Belgium)
Company name:………………………………………………………………………………...
Name/initials/title: .........................……….……………………………..…..…….………….. m/f
Adress: ………………….………………………………………………..…...………...……….
Postal code: …………………………….…………………….…………………….…………..
City: …………………………..….……………………………………..….…………………
Country: ……………….…………………………………………………..…...……………….
Phone:………………….………… Fax: …………..…...…………………..............................
Email (Necessary for sending software!):……..….……………………………………………..
VAT-Identificationnumber : .......…………………..……………………..…...……………….
Address corresponding to VAT number:……………………………….…………….......................
Send Invoice to: …………………………………………………………..…………….……….
Please select your order below:
Full version software program RISC-HUMAN
We wish to order a copy of the software program RISC-HUMAN 3.3. The price is € 1500,-*.
Update RISC-HUMAN 3.2 => 3.3
As a registered user of RISC-HUMAN 3.2, we would like to order the software program RISCHUMAN 3.3 for the price of € 275,-*.
Update RISC-HUMAN 3.1 => 3.3
As a registered user of RISC-HUMAN 3.1, we would like to order the software program RISCHUMAN 3.3 for the price of € 450,-*.
Clients from Belgium who have a VAT Identification number do not have to pay VAT. Please fill in the
VAT number and corresponding address!
* All prices are excl. VAT and are valid for the year 2012.
By signing this order form you agree with the articles 1 up to and including 12 and 28 up to and
including 31 of the General Terms and Conditions of the FENIT, which apply to your order of the
software program RISC-HUMAN. (You can request these via risc-human@risc-site.nl)
In addition, the following conditions apply:
- No technical support and no support with respect to content is included;
- There is no software maintenance. Thus, no updates or upgrades of RISC-HUMAN will be
released in the future, neither in case of bugs.
Signature: …………………………………Place and date …………………………………
Return to:
Van Hall Larenstein Training & Consultancy, attn. Secretariat, PO Box 1754, 8901 CB
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands or via fax: + 31 58 2846199.