SDRQ Membership form - Sled Dog Racing Queensland

Return to Club Secretary
PO Box 1445
Capalaba 4157
Sled Dog Racing Queensland Inc.
Membership Application Form
Membership renewal
New member
I/We the undersigned of (Name and residential address)
Email: ________________________________________ Mobile: ____________________________
New Single Membership
(includes club safety kit)
New Family (2 Parents and Children up to 18) / Couples Membership
(includes club safety kit, additional safety kit option for $45 at time of joining)
Single annual membership renewal fee
Family annual membership renewal fee
Members’ Safety Kit
Club Shirt (S,M,L,XL)
Size: ______________
Emergency Contact: ______________________________ Relationship to member:______________
Phone:___________________________________ Mobile: __________________________________
Please provide details of any medical conditions: (and details of emergency treatments e.g. location
of Epipen/medications)______________________________________________________
As a Member/s of Sled Dog Racing Queensland Inc. I/we Agree to:
• Supply copies of all dogs’ current vaccination certificates, and provide copies of future certificates when
boosters occur.
• Abide by the Incorporation Rules, Club Rules and Code of Conduct of Sled Dog Racing Queensland Inc.
• Act as reputable members of SDRQ Inc. by upholding the code of conduct and objectives of the club
• Allow Sled Dog Racing Queensland Inc. to use photo and footage of the members named on this form for
promotional material (newsletters, printed or web based)
SDRQ Inc Updated 9 April 2015
Membership Includes:
• A Starter Information Pack
• A copy of the Incorporation & Club rules and Code of Conduct Policy
• Branded Safety Kit
• Insurance coverage for Sled dog Racing Queensland Inc. events
• Discounted race entry fees
Payment can be made by Cash, Cheque or EFT transfer.
Account name: Sled Dog Racing Queensland Inc.
BSB: 302 162
Account: 075604 1
I/We enclose $ ______________________ being for the payment of Membership Fees/ Club shirt.
Signature/s (over 16yrs): ____________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature (Under 16yrs): ______________________________________________
Name and address of Parent/Guardian: ________________________________________________
Membership includes ASSA membership and insurance. However in the event of a claim please note
there is a $2500 excess fee that will be at the claimant’s expense.
How did you hear about us?
Have you raced dogs before? Where? Skill Level?
Is there anything you may be able to assist SDRQ Inc. with?
Details of your dogs:
Dog Name
Age /Sex
Vaccination Cert. Sighted
Amount Paid: __________________
Date Paid: ________________________
Paid by (Circle one): CASH
Receipt Number: ________________ Member Number: _____________ Musher starter kit received: YES / NO
Nominated By: _________________________________ Seconded By: _________________________________
SDRQ Inc Updated 9 April 2015