WILLIAM HILL BLUE DIAMOND STAKES ENTRY FORM SATURDAY, 27TH FEBRUARY 2016 Entries Close: 3pm on Tuesday, 7 July, 2015 - $330 per Yearling. Nominate online at caulfieldracing.com.au/nominations I/we wish to nominate the Yearling(s) listed below for the 2016 William Hill Blue Diamond Stakes and declare that I/we have been authorised to do so by the beneficial owner or lessee of an interest in that yearling. I/we declare that this/these nomination(s) shall be subject to the conditions (see overleaf) of the 2016 William HIll Blue Diamond Stakes and in accordance with the Rules of Racing. Complete ALL information in BLOCK LETTERS. NAME OF YEARLING (IF REGISTERED) COLOUR & SEX SIRE TRAINER DAM FEE (IF APPLICABLE) $330 (INC GST) TOTAL I AGREE that in all matters arising from the above entry or entries to be bound by the Rules of Racing of Racing Victoria Ltd, the conditions of entry for the race or races as advertised in “Inside Racing”, and to the right of the Committee of the Club to reject the same at any time prior to the race for any reason the Committee thinks fit; to alter the dates and times for receiving entries, declaration of handicaps, allotting extra weights (if any) and acceptances; to alter the date and time of running any race and the distance of any race and to re-handicap all or any horses entered consequent on such alteration of distance; to reduce the prizemoney forfeit or acceptance; to combine any two races on such conditions as the Committee of the Club may think fit; to cancel any race altogether and to impose any other conditions, regulations and directions for the Committee of the Club or the Stewards may consider it necessary to impose, make or give; and I further agree that the Club, its Members, Committee, Servants or Agents shall not be liable for any damage or injury (including death) suffered by any horse or horses the subject of this entry while such horse or horses is or are on the property of the Club or in the custody or under the control of the Club, its Members, Committee, Servants or Agents, however such damage or injury (including death) is caused, whether by negligence or otherwise, and whether before or after the running of the race for which the horse or horses have been nominated. Signed for and on behalf of the Owner or Owners, the Lessee or Lessees (if any) and any other person or persons interested in the horse or horses. NOMINATOR DETAILS PAYMENT DETAILS NOMINATOR CASH ADDRESS CARD NO. CHEQUE STATE POSTCODE EXPIRY DATE CONTACT No. MOB CARD HOLDER’S NAME SIGNATURE DATE CARD HOLDER’S SIGNATURE VICTORIA AMATEUR TURF CLUB ABN 96 267 203 634 (Incorporating Melbourne Racing Club) Trading as Melbourne Racing Club and Mornington Racing Club PO BOX 231 CAULFIELD EAST VICTORIA 3145 T +61 3 9257 7200 | E racing@mrc.net.au mrc.racing.com VISA MASTERCARD
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