Wellington‐Tailem Bend and g Districts Racing Pigeon Club

Wellington‐Tailem Bend and
Districts Racing Pigeon Club
A new club is forming in the South East of Adelaide
new club is forming in the South East of Adelaide
We are seeking new members to join our club and to have a great experience in the sport of pigeon racing
The club will be situated 10km south of Tailem Bend at Wellington East
The club will be situated 10km south of Tailem Bend at Wellington East
We are seeking past and present flyers who are interested in joining our club together with new flyers who would like to enter into this time honoured sport
Even 2 friends, or a family can join and this will also benefit to the social atmosphere 2f i d
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and be a great experience for teenagers and young children to participate in the sport
Information on/or about the club will be available on the SAHPA website http://www.sahpa.asn.au/ and also under SAHPA/club pages at
http://www.sahpa.asn.au/readclubpages.htm Our club Email wtbdrpc@outlook.com
can be used to inform members of upcoming events by way
of newsletters, also people who are interested in getting
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into the sport can email us or phone a committee person below
Wellington Tailem Bend and
Bend and
Districts Racing Pigeon Club
All aspects of pigeon racing will be made available to All
aspects of pigeon racing will be made available to
new members such as food needs, health programs, training and tossing programs and timing systems used on race days An Information session on the club will be held on Wednesday 29
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W d d 29th October at 7/7.30pm at the O t b
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Riverside Hotel Tailem Bend (http://www.riversidehotel.net.au/) we will also have information booklets available and these can be posted or emailed out to people who are interested
We will also have a point system running for flying members as well as certificates for the first 3 birds in each race, a family luncheon day and trophy presentation will be held at the end of the season, dates, time and venue will be discussed with all members to decide
There is also the new Wellington $10,000 one loft h
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race this is also on the front page of the SAHPA
Website http://www.sahpa.asn.au/
Committee Contacts
Lyndon Frick Chairperson Mobile 0408 822 538
Geoff Bell Treasurer Mobile 0433 289 490
Niki Robson Secretary Mobile 0409 822 515
Club Email wtbdrpc@outlook.com