Vibration Control of Bridges using Visco-elastic Post and Tendon Ji-Seong Jo Ph. D. Candidate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Taejon 305-701, Korea Jun-Sik Ha Graduate Student, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Taejon 305-701, Korea In-Won Lee Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Taejon 305-701, Korea ABSTRACT This paper presents a passive vibration control system for reducing excessive traffic-induced vibration of bridges. The proposed system is developed by combining merits of king-post and tuned mass damper mechanism. The king-post mechanism that increases the stiffness of the bridge is used to reduce transient response of bridges when vehicles are on the bridge and the tuned mass damper mechanism that absorbs vibration energy is used to reduce steady-state response after vehicles cross the bridge. To verify the performance of the proposed system, a numerical simulation conducted on the existing bridge undergoing vibration problems due to moving vehicles. The simulation results show that the maximum displacement and acceleration at mid-span are more efficiently diminished than king-post or tuned mass damper alone. Therefore, the proposed system can be used to improve the serviceability and the structural safety of bridges under serious traffic-induced vibration. 1 Key words : King-post mechanism; tuned mass damper; moving vehicle; serviceability; safety 1. INTRODUCTION In recent years, while heavy and high speed vehicles are increasing in number due to increase in domestic and foreign trade, the developments in design and construction technology in civil engineering enable the construction of more light and slender structures, which causes structures to be vulnerable to dynamic loads, especially moving loads. Large deflections and vibrations of bridges induced by the heavy and high speed vehicles may significantly increase the maximum internal stresses and affect the safety and serviceability of the bridges. Therefore, vibration control system is necessary to reduce the response of bridges and thus to improve the serviceability and the structural safety of bridges under serious trafficinduced vibration. For dynamic loadings such as wind and earthquake, there have been extensive researches on vibration control systems of bridges. Various base isolation systems which decouple the structure and/or its contents from potentially damaging earthquake induced ground or support motions are analyzed and compared by Park et al [1]. Kawashima and Unjoh [2] proposed a variable damper to control the response of bridges against earthquake and showed the effectiveness of the system by experimental and numerical results. Symans and Kelly [3] proposed a fuzzy logic controller for bridges using semi-active seismic base isolation systems. Erkus and Fujino [4] investigated semi-active control for seismic protection of elevated highway bridges. Also, for cable–stayed bridges there have been proposed many vibration control systems (Yang [5], Fujino et al [6], Jung et al [7]). However, for vehicle-induced moving loads there have been quite a few researches on vibration control systems of bridges. Soong [8-9] introduced a king-post beam to control vibration of bridges under moving loads. Though the system was shown to be very efficient in reducing both vehicle-induced transient and steady vibrations, it is an active type and it needs very large control force to reduce the vibration. 2 Therefore, it is very impractical to apply that for existing bridges. Kwon et al. [10] developed TMD (tuned mass damper) to reduce the vibration of simple-span bridges under moving loads. The system is a passive type and it needs no external power to control the vibration of bridges. However, this system has no versatility of the active system and it was shown that the steady-state responses are reduced efficiently but the transient responses are not. Kajikawa [11] tried full scale implementation of TMD for reducing traffic induced bridge vibration. However it was found that TMD gave minor control effect. Pattern et al [12] installed a semi-active hydraulic vibration absorbers system installed in the bridge and this system showed good control performance. In this paper, a passive vibration control system for reducing excessive traffic-induced vibration of bridges is proposed. The proposed system consists of visco-elastic post and tendon. The tendon with elastic part of the post increases the stiffness of the bridge and reduces transient response of bridges when vehicles are on the bridge and the visco-elatic post with the mass of the system plays the role of the TMD that absorbs vibration energy and reduces steady-state response after vehicles cross the bridge. To verify the performance of the proposed system, a numerical simulation conducted on the existing bridge undergoing serious vibration problems due to moving vehicles. 2. RESPONSE OF BRIDGES The response of bridges under moving vehicles was obtained by various researchers such as Hayashikawa and Watanabe [13], Biggs [14], Chen and Coffey [15] and Kwon [10]. It is well known that the response of bridges are affected by many factors such as stiffness and damping of the suspension, mass inertia, speed, wheel spacing of the vehicle, the roughness of the bridge deck surface and the centripetal and Coriolis forces and so on (Savin [16], Michaltsos [17]). The objective of this study is not to obtain the analytical or numerical solutions for the above cases but to develop a passive control system to reduce 3 vibrations, so the moving vehicles are modeled as moving loads and the simple span bridge is considered for convenience. The Bernoulli-Euler beams having equivalent stiffness for idealizing the bridge is shown in Fig. 1. For the formulation of equations, in this and next chapter the following assumptions are introduced: (1) The bridge is idealized as having equivalent stiffness. (2) Only vertical modes of the bridge are considered. (3) The vehicle moves at a constant speed on the bridge. 2.1 Equations of motion [15] The equation of motion of the bridge (Fig.1) can be expressed as: EI ? 4y ?y ? 2y ? C ? ? A ? F ( x, t ) ? x4 ?t ? t2 (1) In Eq. (1) EI, C and ? A are the flexural stiffness, the damping of the bridge and the mass per unit length of the beam, y ( x, t ) is the vertical deflection of the beam in terms of the special coordinate x and the time variable t. F ( x, t ) is the force acting on the beam. 2.2 Dynamic response [10] To obtain dynamic response using eigenpairs calculated, the bridge response can be defined as the combination of normal modes and generalized coordinates. ? y ( x, t )? ? ? n ( x) qn (t ) (2) n ?1 where ? n (x ) , q n (t ) and n are the nth mode shape, nth generalized coordinate and mode number. The mode shape of the beam, ? (x ) can be represented as: ? ( x) ? C1 sinh ? x ? C2 cosh ? x ? C3 sin ? x ? C4 cos ? x 4 (3) ? A? EI ?4 ? 2 (4) where ? and ? are the eigenvalue and natural frequency of the bridge respectively and Ci (i ? 1,2,3,4) are constants to be determined according to boundary conditions. In the case of simple beam, the following boundary conditions must be satisfied. ? ( 0) ? 0 d 2? dx 2 ?0 x? 0 (5) ? (L ) ? 0 d? dx 2 2 ?0 x? L Introduce the boundary conditions in the eq. (5) to the eq. (3) and then the following equations are obtained: C2 ? C4 ? 0 ? 2 (C2 ? C4 ) ? 0 C1 sinh ? L ? C3 sin ? L ? 0 (6) ? 2 (C1 sinh ? L ? C3 sin ? L ) ? 0 From the eq. (6), the characteristic equation for ? is: sinh ? L sin ? L ?0 ? 2 sinh ? L ? ? 2 sin ? L (7) From the nontrivial solution of eq. (7), the mode shape of the beam can be written as: ? n ( x) ? C sin ? n x (8) where n is the mode number and C is a constant. Introduce eq. (2) and eq. (8) to eq. (1) and then the equation of motion for generalized coordinate q n (t ) is: q??n ? 2? n? nq?n ? ? n2 qn ? 1 M n2 5 L ? F ( x, t )? 0 n ( x) dx (9) where L M n2 ? ? ? A? n2 dx ? 0 ? AL 2 (10) where L is the total length of the bridge, ? n the nth modal damping ratio, ? n the nth natural frequency. 3. RESPONSE OF BRIDGES WITH VISCO-ELASTIC POST AND TENDON To reduce the vibration of bridges under moving loads, a passive type control system with visco-elastic post and tendon is developed as shown in Fig. 2. The one end of visco-elastic post is connected to the main girder of the bridge at mid span and the other end is connected to the middle of the tendon. The tendon is post-tensioned to be in tensioned state during the vibration. The jacking force of the tension can also be adjusted to give an appropriate camber to the bridge. The transient response of the bridge when the vehicle is on deck consists of both the static deflection by the weight of the vehicle and the fluctuating deflection by the dynamic effect of the vehicle. The steady-state response of the bridge is the free vibration with initial conditions at the time when vehicles cross the bridge. Kwon et al [10] showed that TMD (tuned mass damper) can reduce the steady-state responses efficiently but the transient responses are not reduced because the main portion of the transient responses is occupied by the static defle ctions. The visco-elastic post with mass from the tendon and itself takes the roll of the TMD and the post-stressed tendon gives additional stiffness to the bridge. 3.1 Equation of motion of the visco-elastic post and tendon The free body diagram for visco-elastic post in Fig. 2 is shown in Fig. 3. In Fig. 2, yb and z are the displacements corresponding to the bridge and the effective mass. yd is the relative displacement of the effective mass; and v is the velocity of the vehicle; and md is the effective mass of the tendon; K d , Cd and 6 H are the spring constant, the damping coefficient and the height of the post; T and ? C are the tension and expansion of the tendon; ? is the angle between post and tendon. The damping force( PD ) and spring force( PS ) of visco-elastic post can be represented. PD ? Cd ?y?d (t ) PS ? K d ?y d (t ) (11) From the Fig. 3, we can obtain the following force equilibrium equation. T?? PD ? PS ? m d ??y?d (t ) ? ?y?b ( L / 2, t ) ? 2 cos? (12) TLC EC AC (13) ?C ? where LC , EC and AC are the length, Young’s modulus and the area of the tendon. Substituting the eq. (12) to the eq. (13), the following equation is obtained. ?C ? ? [ PD ? PS ? md ( ?y?d (t ) ? ?y?b ( L / 2, t ))] H 2 EC AC cos 2 ? (14) The response of the effective mass of the system can be written as: yd (t ) ? yb ( L / 2, t ) ? ?C cos ? (15) Introducing the eq. (14) to the eq. (15), the following equation is obtained. yd (t ) ? yb ( L / 2, t ) ? ? [ PD ? PS ? md ( ?y?d (t ) ? ?y?b ( L / 2, t ))] H 2 EC AC cos3 ? (16) Rewrite the eq. (16) as following: md ( ?y?d ( t ) ? ?y?b (t )) ? PD ? PS ? 2 EC AC cos 3 ? { yd ( t ) ? y b ( L / 2, t )} ? 0 H Substituting the eq. (11) to the eq. (17) and rearranging the eq. (17), the equation of motion of the effective mass can be obtained as following: 7 (17) md ?y?b ( L / 2, t ) ? ? 2 EC AC cos3 ? 2 EC AC cos 3 ? yb ( L / 2, t ) ? md ?y?d (t ) ? Cd y?d (t ) ? ?? K d ? H H ? ? ?? y d (t ) ? 0 ? (18) 3.2 Equation of motion of the bridge with visco-elastic post and tendon In this part the equations of motion for the bridge with the proposed system, when a moving load exist, is obtained. The effect of the proposed system on bridge can be considered as the combined forces by spring( PS ) and damper( PD ). So the force on bridge F ( x, t ) in the eq. (1) can be written as: F ( x, t )? Pw ? ( x ? vt ) ? ?Cd y?d ( t ) ? K d yd (t )? ?? ( x ? L / 2) (19) where Pw is the force transmitted by vehicle and ? ?? ? stands for Dirac’s delta function. Using the above eq. (19) and mode shape function in eq. (8), the integral part of eq. (9) can be evaluated as: L ? F ( x, t)? 0 n ( x )dx ? Pw sin n? vt n? ? [ Cd y?d ( t ) ? K d yd (t )] ?sin L 2 (20) From the eq. (9) and eq. (20), the following equation of motion for the general coordinate is obtained. q??i (t ) ? 2? i? iq?i (t ) ? ? i2 qi (t ) 2Cd i? 2K d i? 2 Pw i? vt ? sin y?d (t ) ? sin yd (t ) ? sin ? AL 2 ? AL 2 ? AL L (i ? 1,2,? , n) (21) The matrix form of the eq. (18) and eq. (21) becomes MX??? CX? ? KX ? R ? q1 ? ?q ? ?? 2 ?? X ? ??? , R? ?q ? ? n? ?? y d ?? (n? 1)?1 8 ? vt ? ? ? sin L ? ? 2? vt ? ? sin ? ? L ? ? ? ? ? n? vt ? ?sin ? L ? ? ?? 0 ?? ( n ? 1) ?1 (22) (23) ? 1 ? 0 ? M?? 0 ? ? ? ?md sin ? ? 2 ? ?2? 1? 1 ? ? 0 C ? ?? 0 ? ? ? ? ?? 0 ? ? 12 ? ? ? 0 ? K?? ? ? ? 0 ? ? 2 EC AC cos 3 ? ? sin ? ? H 2 0 ? 0 1 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 1 ? md sin md sin 2? 2 0 ? 0 2? 2? 2 0 ? 0 ? 2? n? ? ? ? 0 ? 0 0 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??( n? 1)? ( n? 1) ? ? ? 2 EC AC cos 3 ? 2? sin H 2 ? 2Cd ? sin ? AL 2 ? 2Cd 2? sin ? AL 2 ? ? 2Cd n? sin ? AL 2 Cd ? 2 2 0 n n? 2 0? ? ? ? ?? ? 0? md ? ?( n? 1)? ( n? 1) ? 2 n 2 EC AC cos3 ? n? sin H 2 ? 2 Kd ? sin ? AL 2 ? 2 Kd 2? sin ? AL 2 ? ? 2K d n? sin ? AL 2 2 EC AC cos 3 ? Kd ? H (24) (25) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?( n? 1)? ( n? 1) (26) where M ,C and K are the mass, damping and stiffness matrices of order n+1, respectively, and R the load vector of order n+1, vector X the total system degrees of freedom of order n+1. Eq. (22) can be solved by using the conventional numerical methods. 4. NUMERICAL EXAMPLE To verify the efficiency of the proposed system, the Kum-ho bridge located at Kyung-bu highway in Korea, which is undergoing serious vibrations due to vehicle load is used for numerical example. The viscoelastic post and tendon is installed at midpoint of the bridge. The parameters of the system are determined 9 by minimizing a pre-defined object function considering the deflection and acceleration at the midpoint of the bridge. The displacements and accelerations at the midpoint of the bridges without any vibration control system are compared with those of the bridge with TMD, rigid-post and tendon, and the proposed viscoelastic post and tendon. 4.1 Dimensions of the bridge The Kum-ho bridge is a simple span bridge of pre-stressed concrete beam type. The bridge is simplified as a Bernoulli-Euler beam with equivalent stiffness regardless of its complex cross section shape. Table 1 shows material and section properties of the bridge mentioned. The geometry of the bridge is shown in Fig. 5. 4.2 Vehicles loads The vehicle used in the analysis is truck loads (HS20) according to the provisions of AASHTO. The truck has 3 wheels in the longitudinal direction and 2 wheels in the transverse direction as shown in Fig. 4. The loads on one longitudinal beam determined by considering the lanes on the bridge and the influence line along the transverse direction. The calculated wheel loads are shown in Table 2. The speed of the vehicle is determined by varying the velocity of the vehicle from 60 km/h to 120 km/h and observing the maximum displacements at the midpoint. Fig. 6 shows the midpoint vertical displacements of bridge versus vehicle speeds. As shown in Fig. 6, the response of the bridge under the vehicle moving at a speed of 74 km/h is larger than that of speed of 100 km/h which is limited by Korea traffic administration. The vehicle speed of 74 km/h is considered to be controlled and the parameters of the proposed system are determined using this speed. 10 4.3 Tuning conditions of visco-elastic post and tendon The proposed control system has three parameters to be determined beforehand, that is the damping and spring coefficients of the visco-elastic post and the cross sectional area of the tendon. In this study, the cross sectional area of the tendon is determined by considering commercial tendons used in practice and resulting properties are shown in Table 3. The damping and spring coefficient of the visco-elastic post cannot be determined using the tuning methods for TMD such as Den Hartog’s [18] because the tendon gives additional stiffness to the system in series. The tuning method for TMD by Den Hartog’s is based on minimizing the displacement of the main system, so it is not appropriate to minimize accelerations of the system also. In some cases, reducing accelerations can be a very important factor to design vibration control system of bridges, especially when people on the bridge feel uneasiness due to vibrations. To include effects of both displacements and accelerations, an object function J is introduced as follows. J ?? ? dcon ? max a ? (1 ? ? ) con ? max d uncon? max auncon? max (27) where d uncon? max and a uncon? max are the maximum displacement and acceleration at midpoint when no vibration control devoice is installed respectively, d con? max and a con? max are the maximum displacement and acceleration at midpoint when the vibration control devoice is installed respectively, ? stands for absolute value and ? (0.0~1.0) is a weight parameter can be adjusted according to design purpose. When displacements are to be controlled, the value of ? should be taken as 1.0 and when accelerations are to be controlled, the value of ? should be taken as 0.0. The value of ? between 0.0 and 1.0 means displacements and accelerations are to be controlled with weighting value of ? and 1 ? ? respectively. The minimization of the object function when damping coefficient Cd is varied from 104 ( N ?s / m) to 107 ( N ?s / m) and stiffness coefficient K d is varied from 104 ( N / m) to 107 ( N / m) is shown in Fig. 7 for ? ? 0.5 . The damping coefficients Cd and spring coefficients K d 11 when ? =0.5 are Cd ? 7.6823 ? 10 4 ( N ?s / m ) and K d ? 1.3130 ? 10 6 ( N / m ) . These tuned parameters will be used for numerical simulation. 4.4 Response of the bridges The constant-average-acceleration method, a kind of Newmark ? , is used to guarantee the numerical stability unconditionally. 4.4.1 Displacements of the midpoint of the bridge The vertical displacements at midpoint of the bridge under moving load with speed of 74km/h, when no control system is installed, are shown in Fig. 8-(a). As shown in Fig. 8-(a), the most of the transient response is static deflection by vehicle weight. Fig. 8-(b) presents the displacements when rigid-post with tendon is installed. The transient response is reduced due to increased stiffness by the system but the steady state response is not. Fig. 8-(c) presents the displacements when TMD is installed. The steady-state response is reduced but transient response is not. Fig. 8-(d) presents the displacements when the proposed system is installed. Both transient response and steady state response are reduced. The maximum displacements for each system are summarized in Table 4. The maximum deflection is 0.0955m in uncontrolled case, 0.0936m, 0.0687m and 0.0770m with TMD, rigid-post and proposed control system. Suppressions of the maximum displacement are about 2 %, 28.1% and 19.4 % in each case comparing to uncontrolled (uninstalled) case. These maximum values are occurred at transient responses and when the proposed system is tuned with ? ? 1 , more reduced maximum displacement can be obtained. 4.4.2 Accelerations of the mid-span of the bridge 12 The vertical accelerations at midpoint of the bridge under moving load with speed of 74km/h are shown in Fig. 9-(a). Fig. 9-(b) presents the accelerations when rigid-post with tendon is installed, the rigid-post is not appropriate to reduce accelerations. Fig. 9-(c) presents the accelerations when TMD is installed and Fig. 9-(d) presents the accelerations when the proposed system is installed. The maximum accelerations for each system is installed are summarized in Table 4. The maximum acceleration is 1.7711 m/s2 in uncontrolled case, 1.4996 m/s2, 1.9452 m/s2 and 0.9280 m/s2 with TMD, king-post mechanism and proposed control system. Suppressions of maximum acceleration are 15.3 %, -9.8% and 47.6 % in each case. The proposed control system is more efficient for the reductions of maximum acceleration than the rigid-post with tendon and TMD. 5. Conclusions A passive vibration control system for reducing excessive traffic-induced vibration of bridges is proposed. The proposed system consists of visco-elastic post and tendon. The tendon and elastic part of the system increases the stiffness of the bridge and reduces transient response when vehicles are on the bridge like that of the king post mechanism. The visco-elastic post with the mass of the system absorbs vibration energy and reduces steady-state response after vehicles cross the bridge like that of TMD. From the numerical simulation conducted on the existing bridge undergoing vibration problems, it is shown that the proposed control system reduces both transient and steady-state responses efficiently. Therefore, the proposed system has merits of both king-post and TMD and can be used reduce deflection and acceleration of the bridge due to moving loads simultaneously. 13 Acknowledgement This research was supported by the National Research Laboratory (NRL) program (Grant No.: 2000N-NL-01-C-251) from the Ministry of Science and Technology in Korea. The financial support is gratefully acknowledged. References [1] K. S. Park, H. J. Jung and I. W. Lee. A Comparative Study on Aseismic Performances of Base Isolation Systems for Multi-span Continuous Bridge. Engineering Structures 2002; 24:1001-1013. [2] K. Kawashima and S. Unjoh. 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The comparison of acceleration at midpoint: (a) uncontrolled; (b) king-post; (c) TMD; (d) proposed 16 List of Tables Table 1. Material and section properties of the bridge Table 2. Moving load Table 3. Material and section properties of the tendon Table 4. Summary of numerical analysis results 17 F v m/sec L Fig.1 Idealized Bernoulli-Euller beam 18 vt x yb(x,t) K E C , AC Cd d H ? LC z(t) md y d(t) ? z(t) ? yb(L/ 2 ,t) L Fig.2 Bridge with visco-elastic post and tendon 19 y b ( L / 2, t ) T,? C PD ? PS ? m d [ ?y?d ( t ) ? ?y?b ( L / 2, t )] Fig. 3 Free body diagram of the proposed control system 20 19'? 4" 14'? 0" W ? 156080 N 0.4W 0.4W 0.1W 6' Fig. 4 Vehicle loads: HS20 21 42 m 914 mm 2150 mm 600 mm Fig. 5 Geometry of the bridge 22 d i s p l a c e me n t ( m ) 0.096 0.095 0.094 0.093 0.092 60 80 100 120 velocity(m/s) Fig. 6 Maximum displacement at midpoint of the bridge (m) 23 J min ? 0.665 n x : step number for Cd n y : step number for Kd Fig. 7 Object function J ( ? ? 0.5 ) 24 d i s p l a c e me n t ( m ) 0.04 0 -0.04 Static + dynamic Static -0.08 -0.12 0 2 4 6 8 10 time(sec) d i s p l ac emen t ( m) (a) 0.04 0 -0.04 Uncontroll ed King-Post -0.08 -0.12 0 2 4 6 8 10 time(sec) (b) displ acement ( m) 0.04 0 -0.04 Uncontrolled TMD -0.08 -0.12 0 2 4 6 8 10 time(sec) (c) di spl ac ement ( m ) 0.04 0 -0.04 Uncontrolled Proposed -0.08 -0.12 0 2 4 6 8 10 time(sec) (d) Fig. 8 The comparison of displacement at midpoint: (a) uncontrolled; (b) king-post; (c) TMD ;(d) proposed 25 accel erat i on ( m/ s 2) 2 1 0 -1 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 time(sec) acce l er at i on( m/ s 2) (a) 2 1 0 -1 Unc ontrol led Ki ng -Post -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 time(sec) ac ce l er at i on( m/ s 2) (b) 2 1 0 -1 Uncontrolled TMD -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 time(sec) a c ce l er a t i on ( m/ s 2 ) (c) 2 1 0 -1 Uncontrolled Proposed -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 time(sec) (d) Fig. 9 The comparison of acceleration at midpoint: (a) uncontrolled; (b) king-post; (c) TMD; (d) proposed 26 Table 1. Material and section properties of the bridge Elastic modulus Mass density Damping ratio Section area Section inertia (N/m2) (kg/m3) (%) (m2) (m4) 2.94? 1010 2,096 0.6 0.3162 0.1551 27 Table 2. Moving load Front wheel Middle and rear wheel (N) (N) 31216 124863 28 Table 3. Material and section properties of the tendon Elastic modulus Mass density Section area (N/m2) (kg/m3) (m2) 2.1? 1011 7500 0.0028 29 Table 4. Summary of numerical analysis results Uncontrolled Max. displacements TMD King-post Proposed 0.0936 0.0687 0.0770 (2.0%) (28.1%) (19.4%) 0.0301 0.0221 0.0250 (0.7%) (27.1%) (17.5%) 1.4996 1.9452 0.9280 (15.3%) (-9.8%) (47.6%) 0.3561 0.9129 0.2865 (56.2%) (-12.3%) (64.8%) 0.0955 (m) RMS displacements 0.0303 (m) Max. accelerations (m/sec2) 1.7711 RMS accelerations (m/sec2) 0.8128 ( ) : reduction ratio 30
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