The Significance of the General Equilibrium Effect on Studying Rebound Effect and the Efficacy of CAFE Standards A PILOT STUDY NADHMI ALKHAMIS 9 APRIL 2015 Abstract In the domain where imposition of fuel tax is socially implausible to correct misallocation of fuel consumption, imposing corporate average fuel economy standards result from being more reasonable alternative to account for energy efficiency gap. This paper endeavors to evaluate the impacts of corporate average fuel economy standards (CAFE) on reducing fuel consumption and the greenhouse gas emissions in the presence rebound framework. This paper focuses on exploring the rebound effect and energy efficiency gap within general equilibrium framework, a comparison between CAFE standards and fuel tax as policy instruments, and assesses on the efficacy of CAFE standards policy. This paper develops a methodology to explore the expenditure substitution, and auto sector stock effect to better understand their relative stringency. Policy simulations in this study indicate that the efficacy of the CAFE standards policy relies on the interplay between the socioeconomic factors and the combination of standard settings and the penalty per unit km/liter violations. 1|P a g e 1 INTRODUCTION The Saudi government is adapting policy Intervention measures to unlock the energy efficiency measures in the economy. Such objectives are to inhibit the potentially adverse increase in domestic fuel consumption in Saudi Arabia. Promoting efficiency measures are attributed to establish significant scheme for reducing the consumption of fossil fuel. While some of these measures are designed to promote fuel efficient vehicles, they can, significantly, help to curb CO2 emissions at the tailpipe. The main objective of this paper is to aid decision makers in Saudi Arabia via economic perspectives to understand the implications of deploying Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards (CAFE) in the presence of fuel subsidies as, by now, the policy-makers would confront social opposition to removing them. Also, this paper addresses the significance of the rebound effect as it might intensify in response to a deep reduction fuel cost when substantial subsidy is applied. This paper endeavors to evaluate the impacts of corporate average fuel economy standards (CAFE) on reducing both fuel consumption and the greenhouse gas emissions in the presence rebound effects and energy efficiency gap. At this point, I organize my thesis question around three areas. First, I examine the rebound effect in the general equilibrium framework. Second, I conduct a comparison between CAFE standards and fuel tax as substitutive policy instruments. Finally, I assess on the effectiveness of CAFE standards policy. Assessing both consumer and producer responses is crucial for understanding the impacts of gasoline subsidies/taxes and efficiency regulations such as Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standards in auto transport sector. The paper presents a methodology for studying the effects of automobile fuel efficiency and emission policies on the long-term design decisions of profit-seeking automobile producers and rational consumer choice in a dynamic general equilibrium framework through assessing market behaviors and policy responses. A distinguishing feature of this model is the inclusion a regulatory policy in general equilibrium through utilizing decomposing technique. In Saudi Arabia, the regulations of Saudi CAFE are based on how averaging the fuel economy of whole fleet of an auto company would comply with the proposed legislative standard. For new passenger cars and new light trucks, the Saudi CAFE follows the U.S. Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standard structure with 2012โ 2016 and target to be employed in 2016. Though, the used cars have different set of regulations which are not restricted to vehicle features such as weight or size, sales-weighting [1] [2]. Flexibilities in the legislations, like accumulation of excess credits with respect to targets, trading between cars and trucks, off-cycle credits, airconditioning credits, and phase-in provisions, offer the manufacturers the opportunity to gain roll-over credits which can be carried for five enforcement cycles and backward for enforcement cycles[3]. To ease modeling, this paper will not consider these credits and used cares class. The direct rebound effect occurs when improved efficiency causes cost reductions, the consumer owes savings and spends them by increasing the consumption. It is important to consider this behavior when designing policies, though it should not deter the effort to promote energy efficiency as the increase in consumption should be low! In the case of fuel consumption, it is inverse propionate with the price of fuel [4] [5]. Many policy instruments are available to curb fuel consumption. One of this instruments is taxing the fuel at the pump. Though this policy is very effective like in United Kingdom (UK) and some other European Union (EU) countries, nonetheless it faces public dissatisfaction. As a result of this policy, the EU were able to bring the auto manufacturers voluntarily to agree on the second alternative which is restrictions on the emissions [6] [7]. Also restrictions can be exerted on the vehicles by Fuel Economy base according to its foot print like China, Japan, and South Korea [7]. 2|P a g e The policy, in discussion in this paper, is the imposition of the Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards (CAFE.) The CAFE can be defined as a tax that is enacted on auto manufacturers of new cars that do not meet required average fuel economy levels of their fleet. The main objective of this policy is to discourage the production and purchase of fuel-inefficient autos. In order to avoid such a tax, the average fuel economy of an auto manufacturer fleet should not exceeds the CAFE standards. To achieve this goal, manufacturers targeted a range of technologies to improve engine and transmission efficiency, reduce weight and aerodynamic drag and boost fuel economy in other ways [8]. However, tax credits are given, too, like: off-cycle credits, airconditioning credits, and phase-in credits [2]. Other alternative that compliments fuel economy will be financial incentives, research and development programs, and traffic control measures. In Saudi Arabia, it will be effective as of January 1, 2016, and will be fully phased in by December 31, 2020. The target is to move average fuel economy from 12 km/l to 17 km/l for passenger vehicles and to 13.2 for light trucks by the end of 2020 [1]. The research methodology used in this paper is based on the utilizing the economic theory to establish causeeffect nature of relationship between economic variables to quantify the impact and assess on the effectiveness of the proposed policy. The approach that I am using assumes: maximizing behavior, efficient markets, and forward-looking behavior. The consumer preferences are treated to capture energy efficiency gap. To capture the rebound effect, I present a 2X2 growth model to assess the general equilibrium framework. I use a decomposition technique, between growth model and auto sector to be able to separate the internal parameters and calibration of both models to ease analysis and interpretation. Examples of the main trends in the literature that tackle the fuel economy in the transportation sector are as follows. The first trend tackles the assumption about the heterogeneity of the household like the Liu paper [9]. The second wave in the literature, which most of the literature lie, is using the panel data to analyze the impact of standards and fuel prices on new-car fuel economy with the aid of cross-section time series analysis like the Cleridesa paper [10]. The third wave is utilizing the economic theory in structural form to cause-effect nature of relationship between economic variables like Wei paper [11]. This paper adapt the third trend of research. The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 establishes the mathematical foundation of the decomposed model focusing on the auto sector. Section 3 presents the simulation results and some discussions. In section 4, I present my conclusion and my inputs for the second paper. 2 A MATHEMATICAL MODEL 2.1 OVERVIEW OF THE MODEL In this section, I present a framework for a stylized intertemporal forward-looking two-sector (auto sector and others), two-factor growth model (capital and labor) that is integrated with partial equilibrium auto sector. Sectors in the growth model encounter differential factor proportions and unevenness on the contribution to the economy in addition to relatively large gap in scale between sectors (others >> auto sector). 2.2 GROWTH MODEL The economy is initially endowed with an exogenous supply of labor (Lt) units per time which grows at rate ๐๐ฟ from initial labor L0 at ๐ฟ๐ก = ๐ฟ0 ๐ ๐๐ฟ ๐ก . The representative agent obtains utility (U) from consumption. An additively, separable utility in consumption is assumed and households are treated as an infinitely lived-agent with perfect foresight behavior. I assume a constant inter-temporal elasticity of substitution 1/ฮธ and constant rate of time preference ฯ. The representative agent consumes ๐ถ๐ก with an instantaneous utility 3|P a g e function ๐ข(๐ถ๐ก ) and savings are determined simultaneously. Then, an agentโs lifetime utility (๐) maximizes the discounted sum of utilities as follows: ๏ฃฑโ ๏ฃผ U = max ๏ฃฒ โซ u ( Ct ) e โ ( ฯ โ g L )t dt ๏ฃฝ Ct , Kt ๏ฃณ0 ๏ฃพ ๏ฃฑ Ct1โฮธ โ 1 if ๏ฃด u ( Ct ) = ๏ฃฒ 1 โ ฮธ ๏ฃด ln C if t ๏ฃณ (1) ฮธ โ 1, ฮธ โฅ 0 ฮธ =1 The utility is maximized in two steps [12]. In the first step, the household optimize a composite consumption level, then she/he chooses X, and Y that maximize the discounted present value of utility. To rule out Ponzi schemes, assume instantaneous logarithmic utility function, the following transversality condition holds lim K t e โ[ ฯ โ g L ]t = 0 (2) t โโ Which means that we should have ๐ > ๐๐ฟ . The two sectors will be referred to as others-sector, X, and auto-sector, Y with two primary factors of production, labor (L) and capital (K). The goods are produced according to a constant returns to scale technology. Assume free factor mobility, factor price equalization is imposed which implies that factor prices are only determined by prices [13]. Then, the price and quantity changes are contingent on the differential factor intensity. In order to account for infinitely elasticity of capital, multisector framework is used [14]. The economy is initially endowed with initial capital K0. Output is be decomposed of two goods X and Y where ๐ผ 1โ๐ผ๐ฅ both sectors use labor, ๐ฟ๐ฅ,๐ก , ๐ฟ๐ฆ,๐ก and capital, ๐พ๐ฅ,๐ก , ๐พ๐ฆ,๐ก with Cob-Douglas technologies as ๐๐ก = ๐ฟ๐ฅ,๐ก๐ฅ ๐พ๐ฅ,๐ก ๐๐ก = ๐ผ๐ฆ 1โ๐ผ๐ฆ ๐ฟ๐ฆ,๐ก ๐พ๐ฆ,๐ก and respectively. Both goods are produced by combinations of two factors of production, labor and capital, but the assumption of joint products is not exercised. Compared with consumer problem, the producer optimization problem is intra-temporal [12] where each sector minimize cost and then select the output to disburse all revenue. No Mobility barriers of both capital and labor between sectors. The economy can be represented with one final good with CES technology with an elasticity of substitution ๐ โ (0,1) facilitate factor shifts between sectors [15] as follows: 1 ๏ฃฎ๏ฃฐฯ X tµ + (1 โ ฯ ) Yt µ ๏ฃน๏ฃป µ = GDP t (3) The consumer derive utility from the consumption of both goods, i.e. ฯ โ (0,1). Goods may be either consumed, C, or added to the capital stock. The representative agent maximizes utility over an infinite horizon by allocating income to consume good X and Y, and saves by accumulating additional assets and receives interest income ๐ ๐๐ก per unit of asset. The law of motion of the physical capital stock is thus given by Ct + I t โค F ( K t , Lt ) = GDPt (4) The evolution of the stock of physical capital is thus given by K๏ฆ = It โ ฮด Kt t (5) where ฮด โ (0,1) is the rate of depreciation of physical capital, where both sectors depreciates at the same rate. The aggregate resource constraints are 4|P a g e Lx ,t + Ly ,t โค L0,t e g L t (6) K x,t + K y ,t โค Kt (7) 2.3 THE AUTO SECTOR The consumer encounters two rational decisions: buying a new car and how much to drive every type. Two types of autos exist in this economy: type A (the fuel economy exceeds CAFE) and B (the fuel economy below CAFE). With one producer capable of restricting quantities and set prices together with one consumer adept to peruse his/her preferences to act simultaneously to form an equilibrium in the presence of penalty associated with CAFE Standard. To ease modeling, this paper will consider the energy efficiency gap indirectly through consumer trade-off between car type A and B in the sense of cost effectiveness of fuel-efficient technologies, but not through household buying decisions are considered to be consistent with the costs they face. Also, this paper will not attempt to internalize externalities from energy consumption and CO2 emissions. 2.3.1 STOCK AND FLOW OF AUTO SECTOR The main objective of the CAFE standard policy is to augment the car stock in favor of fuel efficient cars to improve the average fuel economy. Improving the average fuel economy is stock and flow process that replaces the existing inefficient fuel economy cars with more efficient ones. Then, the success of the policy, which is a measure of duration of reaching the stabilization and at what average fuel economy, depends on the initial average fuel economy of stock and the magnitude of replacement rate. The duration at which the average fuel economy stabilizes depends also on the depreciation of the existing stock (ฮด), too. Assume the initial stock is S0 which consists of car stock of type A and type B, Sa0 and Sb0 respectively. The total stock (St) at any time t is = S t S a ,t + S b ,t (0.8) Where Sa,t and Sb,t are the stock of cars type A and B respectably. The flow variables are the new carsโ sales qa,t and qb,t. Then, the velocity equations are: (1 โ ฮด ) Si ,t โ1 + qi ,t , S i ,t = In this economy, the objective of the CAFE policy is to maximize i= a, b ๐๐,๐ก ๐๐,๐ก (0.9) at shorter time possible. Considering the driving habits of the consumer, the objective can be reinstated as to maximize the driving distance of car type A relative to type B. 5|P a g e t=0 Consumer Automobile Buying Choice Consumer Automobile Buying Choice t=1 t=T Consumer Automobile Buying Choice Stock New Automobiles Exceed New Automobiles Below theNew CAFEAutomobiles Standards Exceed the New CAFEAutomobiles Standards Below Group Group the CAFE Standards the CAFE Standards Group Group New Automobiles Exceed New Automobiles Below the CAFE Standards Group the CAFE Standards Group Old Automobiles Exceed Old Automobiles Below the Old CAFE Standards Exceed the CAFE Standards Below Automobiles Old Automobiles Group Group the CAFE Standards the CAFE Standards Group OldGroup Automobiles Exceed Old Automobiles Below the CAFE Standards Group the CAFE Standards Group Scrape Scrapped Automobiles Scrapped Automobiles Exceed the CAFE Below the CAFE Scrapped Automobiles Scrapped Automobiles Standards Standards Exceed the CAFE Below the CAFE Group Group Standards Standards Scrapped Automobiles Scrapped Automobiles Group Group Exceed the CAFE Below the CAFE Standards Group Standards Group FIGURE 1: THE STOCK-FLOW REPRESENTATION OF AUTO SECTOR 2.3.2 CONSUMER PROBLEM It is frequently proclaimed that consumers buying new autos undervalue fuel cost. In this model, I ignore fuel price reflection in the buying of new cars. The justification for this assumption will be that fuel economy regulations will improve economic allocation in the presence of market barriers. The consumer maximizes the utility from buying according to the consumerโs trade-off the two types qa,t and qb,t with prices pa,t and pb,t according to (capturing the efficiency gap): 1 V = max (ฯ qaฯ,dt ( Pt ) + (1 โ ฯ ) qb,ฯdt ( Pt ) ) ฯ (10) d qa ,t , qb ,t The sales of new cars are constrained by Wt which is determined by the growth model. โ iโ{a ,b} qi ,t ( Pt ) pi ,t โค Wt (11) To further capture the energy efficiency gap, the consumer obtain another utility (D) from driving type A and 1 Type B, where ๐ผ < such that the consumer obtain more utility from driving type B as: 2 D = arg max d aฮฑ,t db1โ,tฮฑ (12) {da ,t , db ,t } The consumer would drive a total of Dt which is the summation of da,t and db,t or driving of car type A and B respectively. Later, Dt will be limited to a lower limit depending on economic activities. d a ,t + d b,t = Dt (13) 6|P a g e Type A is characterized by fuel economy consumption ๐๐๐๐ . ๐๐๐๐ resamples the amount of distance units that can be traveled per one unit of fuel. Similarly, ๐๐๐๐ represents the fuel economy of type B. Then, the constraint on fuel consumption can be written as: d a ,t kpla + d b,t kplb โค Wf t (14) Where ๐๐๐ก is the limit on the fuel consumption budget. Later, ๐๐๐ก will be determined in the growth model. Equation (15) limits the driving by available stock. d a ,t โค dla S a ,t (15) db ,t โค dlb Sb ,t Where ๐๐๐ , ๐๐๐ are the driving limit per unit of type A and type B respectfully. 2.3.3 PRODUCER PROBLEM The two types of cars are produced by one producer at prices ๐๐,๐ก , ๐๐,๐ก and quantities ๐๐,๐ก (๐ท), ๐๐,๐ก (๐ท) according to the profit maximization problem [16] to capture fleet mix implications: max ๏ฃฎ ๏ฃฎ โ (p { pi ,t ,iโ{a ,b}} ๏ฃฐ ๏ฃฏ ๏ฃฐ iโ{a ,b} i ,t โ ci ) qi ,t ( P ) ๏ฃน โ Pent ๏ฃน (16) ๏ฃซ pa , t ๏ฃถ ๏ฃท ๏ฃญ pb ,t ๏ฃธ (17) ๏ฃป๏ฃบ ๏ฃป Where the Pt is price vector of new cars Pt = ๏ฃฌ The Pent is the penalty that the manufacturer pay if the average fuel economy is above the standard ๏ฃฑ๏ฃดl โ ( At โ CAFEt ) โ qi ,t ( Pt ) if iโ{a , b} At > CAFEt ๏ฃด๏ฃณ At โค CAFEt Pent = ๏ฃฒ 0 if (18) Where ๐ is penalty per CAFE standard unit and A the actual average fuel economy of new carsโ sale At = โ iโ{a , b} โ iโ{a , b} qi ,t ( Pt ) (19) qi ,t ( Pt ) kpli Income effect will be captured from the economy-wide model. 2.4 THE DECOMPOSITION MODEL In order to integrate both models, some equations should be modified in market economy formulation. Figure 2 shows the decomposition routine. The representative agent drives above what the economy would require. The first equation is the labor market resource constraint to be K y ,t โ K y ,t โ1 = ฮพ ( qa ,t + qb,t ) โ ฮด K y ,t โ1 (20) Then, the income balance block will be 7|P a g e โ RA= d i ,t โ โ Pl L + Rk k + โ โ t t 0 0 =t 0 =t 0 iโ{a , b} pft โ (21) kpli,t Now, I impose a lower limit on driving where economy should peruse a minimum of Yt activity Dt โฅ Yt (22) Assume that the price of fuel follows the trend of composite good as: Pf ,t = Pt (23) Wft =Py ,t โ ( d a ,t + db ,t ) (24) Setting fuel budget constraint is Then d ๏ฃถ ๏ฃซ d a ,t + b ,t ๏ฃท โค Wft ๏ฃญ kpla,t kplb,t ๏ฃธ ฮท โ Pf ,t โ ๏ฃฌ (25) Where: µ is a scale factor to growth model units. RA is the net present value of the income of the household Plt is the price of labor Rk0 is the rent of Capital pft is the price of the fuel ฮพ is a capital scale factor Contrary to stylized models, applied models account for finite time horizon. In the assumption of a finite horizon, the household has no motivation invest beyond the imposed final period [17]. Then, certain adjustment is needed to account for such caveat. Since the utility is assumed to be additive separable, then we can divide the time horizon into two problems separated at time T. A terminal condition is picked such that the consumption in period T+1, CT+1, is close to the infinite-horizon optimal value [17]. For complementary problems, we can restrict the growth rate of investment in the terminal period to the growth of consumption. I frame this restriction as: IT +1 CT +1 = IT CT (26) Decomposition method permits feedback effects between different markets. Growth model can account for factor price distortions, different markets interactions and income effects [18] [19]. Consequently, the resulting model can endogenize driving decision with growth model features. 8|P a g e Start Growth Model Calibration Capital Stock Driving Distance Fuel price Fuel Quantity Penalty Calibration Auto Sector No Converge Yes End FIGURE 2: DECOMPOSITION REPRENSTTION OF THE PILOT MODEL 2.5 THE DEFINITION OF BINDING CAFE STANDARDS It customary to say that in order for CAFE standards to be binding, then the proposed average fuel standard should higher than the current new carsโ sales fuel average (Actualt) or CAFEt > Actualt (27) Where, ๐๐๐๐ < ๐ถ๐ด๐น๐ธ < ๐๐๐๐ . The effectiveness of the policy will be a measure of existence of the policy gap and how fast ๐ด๐๐ก๐ข๐๐๐ก coverage to CAFE. This can be attributed to how the policy can deter both producers and consumers from trading inefficient vehicles or type B. The signals should be sent through prices and availability of new cars through the imposition of penalty. Furthermore, the penalty should be high enough for producers to restrict produced quantities of type B cars. Figure 3 depicts theses classifications. In the left graph, the setting of penalty does not deter the market participants from trading type B and producers tend to pay penalties. The result is a policy gap. While in the right graph, the imposed penalty causes market participants to trade type A despite the higher price of this type. No policy gap exists. 9|P a g e Fuel Economy, km/liter Fuel Economy, km/liter kpla kpla Resulted Fuel Average Res Res Actual kplb CAFE Resulted Fuel Average CAFE Improvement Due to Policy Policy GAP Actual Fuel Average Actual kplb Actual Fuel Average Time Time FIGURE 3: BINDING CAFE STANDARDS, (LEFT) TIGHT CAFE STANDARDS, (RIGHT) VERY TIGHT CAFE STANDARDS 2.6 COMPARATIVE STATICS 2.6.1 THE IMPACT OF PENALTY TIGHTNESS ON NEW CARSโ SALE Definition 1: The policy is effective when โqa ,t โCAFE > 0, โqb ,t โCAFE <0 (28) and โqa ,t โl > 0, โqb ,t โl <0 (29) Definition 2: The policy is very effective when lim ( Actualt โ CAFEt ) = 0 (30) t โโ 2.6.2 THE IMPACT OF BUDGET CONSTRAINT ON NEW CARSโ SALE Proposition 1: Quantities of two types are positively affected and the rate of change is equal. โqa ,t โWt > 0, โqb ,t โWt > 0, โqa ,t โqb ,t = โWt โWt (31) This is attributed to the assumption of constant return to scale of buying utility function. Proof is provided in appendix A. 2.6.3 THE IMPACT OF FUEL PRICES ON DRIVING DECISION Proposition 2: The effect of an increase on the fuel price is positive on the driving of the type A and no change on the driving of type B. โd a ,t โdb ,t 0, = <0 โPft โPf t (32) 10 | P a g e Proposition 3: The effect of an increase on the fuel budget is negative on the driving of the type A and positive on the driving of type B. โd a ,t โWft < 0, โdb ,t >0 โWft (33) Proof is provided in appendix A. 2.6.4 THE REBOUND EFFECT Proposition 4: The effect of an increase in the binding CAFE standard is positive on the driving of the type A and negative on the driving of type B. โd a ,t โCAFE > 0, โdb ,t โCAFE <0 (34) Proof is provided in appendix A. Proposition 5: The effect of an imposition in the binding penalty which is complemented with CAFE standard is positive on the driving of the type A and negative on the driving of type B. โd a ,t โl > 0, โdb ,t โl <0 (35) Proof is provided in appendix A. 3 SIMULATION RESULTS The purpose of this section is to simulate the above model using GAMS code to draw intuition about the results in the previous section. 3.1 GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM EFFECT One of benefits of the decomposition model is that we can simulate expenditure substitution. In this exercise, I apply a binding CAFE standard on year 2015 onwards for policy cycle of five years in ascending manner without decomposition (left) and with decomposition (right.) To simulate the rebound effect, I left the constraint on driving non-binding on the decomposed model to allow the constraint on fuel budget to bind through expenditure substitution and account for more realistic rebound effect. In the left graph of figure 4, the standalone auto sector does not account for saving budget from utilizing efficient cars resulted from imposing binding CAFE standards. The results shows an increase in the driving by about 27% and fuel saving to stabilize around 15%. In the right graph of figure 4, the driving increased only by 2.5% and fuel saving to stabilize around 25% contrast with the left graph. The substitution is minute and can be in an increase on the capital of sector X and Y. In Y sector, this is reflected on a small increase in the budget for buying new cars. 11 | P a g e 30.00 30.0 25.00 Rebound Effect 25.0 20.00 Fuel Saving 20.0 15.00 15.0 10.00 10.0 5.00 5.0 Rebound Effect Fuel Saving 0.0 0.00 2002 2012 2022 2002 2032 2012 2022 2032 FIGURE 4: REBOUND EFFECT AND FUEL SAVING (LEFT) WITHOUT GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM, (RIGHT) WITH GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM 3.2 THE EFFECT OF A 25% TAX ON FUEL PRICE The effect of imposition of a 25% tax increase on fuel prices is immediate. This effect can be seen only on the driving behavior of the consumer and not on the decision of buying. In figure 5, it is noticeable that the drop on type B cars and the increase in driving on type A. This results are attributed to the assumption on the model that the fuel price is not a factor of the buying decision. The subsequent fuel saving is about 18% with less driving of about 17%. Type A Driving Type B Driving Total Driving Type A Driving BAU Type B Driving BAU Type A New Sales Type B New Sales Type A New Sales BAU Type B New Sales BAU 2002 2012 2022 2032 2042 2002 30.0 Type A Stock Type B Stock Total Stock Type A Stock BAU Type B Stock BAU 20.0 2012 2022 2032 2042 Rebound Effect Fuel Saving 10.0 0.0 2002 -10.0 2012 2022 2032 2042 -20.0 2002 2012 2022 2032 2042 100 Type A Price BAU Driving Above Needed Driving Above Needed Type B Price Type A Price BAU Type B Price BAU 50 0 2002 2012 2022 2032 2042 2002 2012 2022 2032 2042 FIGURE 5: THE EFFECT OF 25% TAX ON FUEL, (TOP LEFT) NEW CARS' SALES, (TOP RIGHT) DRIVING DISTANCES, (MIDDLE LEFT) CARS' STOCKS, (MIDDLE RIGHT) PERCENTAGE CHANGE IN DRIVING AND FUEL SAVING, (BOTTOM LEFT) DRIVING ABOVE WHAT SECTOR X REQUIRE, (BOTTOME LEFT) PRICES OF CARS 12 | P a g e 3.3 ASSESSING THE EFFICACY OF THE POLICY In order to the CAFE standards policy to be a proxy for fuel saving and emissions reduction, it must be binding and effective. In this section, I attempt to highlight the efficacy of the proposed policy. I assume that the policy is binding and I change the value of penalty to study the effectiveness of the policy. In figure 6, the penalty of CAFE standard is set to be relatively low. The producer is willing to pay for the full amount of the penalty without restricting quantities of type B. The resultant of this policy is no fuel saving. Type A New Sales Type A Driving Type B Driving Total Driving Type A Driving BAU Type B Driving BAU Total Driving BAU Type B New Sales Type A New Sales BAU 2002 2012 2022 2032 2042 2002 2012 2022 2032 2042 Type A Stock Type B Stock Total Stock Type A Stock BAU Type B Stock BAU Total Stock BAU CAFE Standard Average Stock Average By Driving By New Cars' Sale Penalty 2002 2012 2022 2032 2042 2002 2012 2022 2032 2042 FIGURE 6: THE IMPACT OF TIGH CAFE POLICY (TOP LEFT) NEW CARS' SALES, (TOP RIGHT) DRIVING DISTANCES, (BOTTOM LEFT) CARS' STOCKS, (BOTTOM RIGHT) AVERAGE FUEL ECONOMY In figure 7, the penalty of CAFE standard is set to be relatively high. The producer is not willing to pay any amount of penalty and he/she is willing to restrict the quantity of type B. The resultant of this policy fuel saving stabilized at about 35%. The price of type A increases to exceed the price of type B. Also, the quantity of new carsโ sales of type A surpasses type B where the producer restrict the quantity. Consequently, the stock of type A increases with rapid growth and exceeds the stock of type B at year 2045. Moreover, the driving associated with type B surges and bypass type B at year 2042. The average fuel economy of new cars traces exactly the CAFE standards after the imposition of the policy. Because of the stock effect, the average fuel economy of driving and the average fuel economy stock lag the CAFE standards and catch up later, where the average fuel economy of driving is slightly larger than the average fuel economy of stock. The constraints that bind is the driving and rebound effect stabilizes at around 2.5%. 13 | P a g e Type A Driving Type B Driving Total Driving Type A Driving BAU Type B Driving BAU Total Driving BAU Type A New Sales Type B New Sales Type A New Sales BAU Type B New Sales BAU 2002 2012 2022 2032 2042 2002 2012 2022 2032 2042 35.0 Type A Stock Type B Stock Total Stock Type A Stock BAU Type B Stock BAU Total Stock BAU 30.0 Rebound Effect Fuel Saving 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 2002 2012 2022 2032 2042 0.0 2002 2012 2022 2032 2042 CAFE Standard Average Stock Average By Driving By New Cars' Sale 2002 2012 2022 2032 2042 FIGURE 7: THE IMPACT OF VERY TIGHT POLICY (TOP LEFT) NEW CARS' SALES, (TOP RIGHT) DRIVING DISTANCES, (MIDDLE LEFT) CARS' STOCKS, (MIDDLE RIGHT) PERCENTAGE REBOUND EFFECT AND FUEL SAVING, (BOTTOM) AVERAGE FUEL ECONOMY 4 CONCLUSION In this paper, I have instigated three main questions. First, how can the rebound effect be studied more accurately? I found that the expenditure substitution which lessens rebound effect can be studied in general equilibrium framework. In this model, the expenditure substitution appears in the form of factor substitution, mainly capital, between sector X and Y. In more realistic models with joint production between sectors, intersectorial allocation will be vibrant. Moreover, the rebound effect relays on the difference between actual fuel economy and the proposed CAFE in addition to how type A is more efficient compared to actual fuel economy. Higher difference between actual fuel economy and the proposed CAFE heightens the rebound effect. Higher 14 | P a g e fuel economy rating of type A heightens the rebound effect. Generally, the rebound effect is found to be small and in this pilot study. Second, while the restrictions on fuel economy or emissions of every individual type of autos results in about the same outcomes as CAFE [7], the imposition of fuel tax differs in both the efficacy and economic predictability of the policy. As the tax on fuel might target the reduction of fuel consumption as the other methods do, the tax instrument controls for this cause by reduction of driving distances while other methods through augmentation of stock. Also, while other methods needs adjustment time for the policy to be effective as the imposition of a tax does not suffer from stock effect. In addition, the administrative cost is lower when tax is imposed. On the other hand, the imposition of tax can be described as less socially plausible. In addition, higher fuel taxes increase the rate of the scrappage of older, less-fuel-efficient used vehicles. Finally, the stringency of the CAFE standards policy relay on the interplay between the socioeconomic factors and the combination of standard settings and the penalty per unit km/liter violation. In addition, the CAFE policy encounters stock effect and depends on initial stock and depreciation rates of every type. Moreover, the effeteness of the policy is so dependent on the elasticity of income of both buying decision and fuel demand. In this model, I try to capture this through budget constraints on both buying new cars budget and fuel consumption budget of income balance block, but a more realistic modeling will be to introduce the budgets in the zero profit and market clearance blocks. To sum up, better policy design will be to assess both the consumer and producer behaviors to come up with optimal CAFE settings and penalty impositions. It appears sensible to articulate that tightening CAFE is a welfare improving. One question remains to answer will be how to define the future technological level of auto energy efficiency. The novelties of this model are: the introduction of the idea of stock and flow in auto sector to study the efficacy of the policy and to account for the dynamic effects of CAFE, the attempt to capture energy efficiency gap through tradeoff in buying new cars and driving, and establishing a decomposition between the auto sector and 2X2 Growth model to explore expenditure substitution and rebound effect. Besides the high aggregation and the control of other extraneous factors, one of the drawbacks of this model is the assumption of one-producer and one-consumer in the presence of a penalty on trading of one of the two goods which might result on unrealistic prices changes. The intention of this paper is to complement subsequent paper. The second paper objective will be to obtain more realistic insight about the effectiveness of the proposed CAFE Standards through implementing a multiproducer version with more representative measures of the Saudi Economy and then to estimate the fuel saving and GHG emissions reductions and put forward policy recommendations. 15 | P a g e 5 REFERENCES [1] SASO, "SAUDI ARABIA FUEL ECONOMY STANDARD FOR INCOMING LIGHT DUTY VEHICLES," Riyadh, 2014. [2] ICCT, "PROPOSED SAUDI ARABIA CORPORATE AVERAGE FUEL ECONOMY STANDARD FOR NEW LIGHTDUTY VEHICLES (2016โ2020)," ICCT, 2014. [3] H. Allcott, "CONSUMER CHOICE AND THE WELFARE IMPACTS OF CAFE STANDARDS," New York, 2010. [4] J. Linn, "The Rebound Effect for Passenger Vehicles," RFF, Washington, 2013. [5] N. R. Council, "Effectiness and Impact of Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standards," NATIONAL ACADEMY PRESS, Washington, D.C. , 2002. [6] K. K. a. L. Ryan, "TRANSPORT ENERGY EFFICIENCY," International Energy Agency, Paris, 2010. 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