PROGRAMA PRESBYMANIA 2015 VIERNES 15 DE MAYO SALA CÁMARA Chairpersons: Jerome Bovet (Switzerland) Vicente Rodríguez (Spain) International Ophthalmologists: Jerome Bovet (Switzerland) Jerome Blondel (Switzerland) Francisco Sánchez (Mexico) Roberto Albertazzi (Argentina) Ramiro Salgado (Portugal) Mark Wevill (UK) Charles Ghenassia (France) Gilles Lesieur (France) Johan De Lange (South Africa) Claes Feinbaum (Sweden) Sudhir Patel (UK) Roberto Pinelli (Switzerland) Frederic Hehn (France) Magda Rau (Germany) Juan C Rocco (Argentina) Spanish Ophthalmologists: Vicente Rodríguez Humberto Carreras Federico Alonso Luis Salvá Margarita Cabanás Salvador García Delpech Luis Cadarso Fernando Soler Ramón Ruiz Mesa Angel López Castro José Luis Güell Joaquín Fernández José F. Alfonso 1 PROGRAMA PRESBYMANIA 2015 SALA CÁMARA 11:00 OFFICIAL OPENING Jerome Bovet, President of Presbymania José Alfonso, President of SECOIR Vicente Rodríguez, Local President of the SECOIR 2015 Organizing Committee 11:00 - 12:00 SESSION I Moderators Jerome Bovet Luis Cadarso Salvador García Delpech Gilles Lesieur 11:00 How work the accomodation? Jerome Bovet 11:10 An update of presbyopic refractive surgery. Claes Feinbaum 11:20 Image-Guided in Ophthalmic Surgery: interest in 2015. Gilles Lesieur 11:30 The final cut: surgical correction of Presbyopia. Salvador García-Delpech 11:40 When and how should be treat Presbyopia. Margarita Cabanás 11:50 Discussion 12:00 - 13:00 SESSION II Moderators Jerome Bovet Luis Cadarso Salvador García Delpech Gilles Lesieur 12:00 A new approach of the Presbyopia management in Cataract Surgery. Jerome Blondel 12:10 Bridging the gap: depth of field with a trifocal IOL at distance and near. Sudhi Patel 12:20 Which Multifocal IOL is the safest? ReSTOR, Mplus, FineVision? Johan De Lange 12:30 AT LISA Tri & LISA Tri Toric. Ramiro Salgado 12:40 Low addition Tecnis Multifocal IOLs. Humberto Carreras 12:50 Discussion 13:00 - 14:00 SESSION III Moderators Claes Feinbaum Magda RAU Jerome Blondel Joaquín Fernández 13:00 New concept in advanced technology lenses. Ramón Ruiz Mesa 13:10 Presbyopia correction with a pseudophakic bioanalogic polyfocal IOL (WIOL-CF). Luis Cadarso 13:20 Monocular Presbyopia surgery with Multifocal IOL. Fernando Soler 13:30 Low addition Bifocal Lenses plus Monovision. Angel López Castro 13:40 Results and experience after the implantation of Lentis M Plus X Toric. Magda Rau 13:50 New method of evaluation of defocus curves with sensitivity contrast in different Multifocal IOLs. Joaquín Fernández 14:00 Discussion 14:15 - 15:00 LUNCH 2 PROGRAMA PRESBYMANIA 2015 15:00 - 16:00 SESSION IV Moderators Ramiro Salgado Roberto Pinelli Francisco Sánchez Vicente Rodríguez 15:00 Pharmacological treatment of Presbyopia: current approach. Vicente Rodríguez 15:10 ArtiLens Presby: the concept. José L. Güell 15:20 The missing link in Presbyopia: the new Implantable Phakic Contact Lens. Luis Salvá 15:30 Presbyopia and Keratoconus. Roberto Albertazzi 15:40 Near vision in patients with Intracorneal segment ring and monofocal IOL. José F. Alfonso 15:50 Discussion 16:00 - 17:00 SESSION V Moderators Ramiro Salgado Roberto Pinelli Francisco Sánchez Vicente Rodríguez 16:00 Why I use PresbyCor. Charles Ghenassia 16:10 Isovision for everyone. Frederic Hehn 16:20 Pinelli PresbyProfile: the last generation of presbylasik: concept and results. Roberto Pinelli 16:30 The new AMO Symfony multifocal lens: A breakthrough for Presbyopia or just another lens? Mark Wevill 16:40 My personal experience with Raindrop: Highlights. Federico Alonso 16:50 Kamra Inlay in presbyopic patients. Francisco Sánchez 17:00 Pharmacological Treatment of Presbyopia: 5 years of follow up. Juan C Rocco 17:10 Discussion 17.20 CLOSING OF PRESBYMANIA Luis Fernández-Vega, President of the Ophthalmology Spanish Society Jerome Bovet, President of Presbymania 17:30 END OF PRESBYMANIA 3
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