SOUTHEAST DELCO SCHOOL DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 1560 DELMAR DRIVE • FOLCROFT, PA 19032 • 610-522-4300 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR GROUNDS AND LANDSCAPING SERVICES BY SOUTHEAST DELCO SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPOSALS TO BE SUBMITTED TO SOUTHEAST DELCO SCHOOL DISTRICT ATTENTION: VANESSA SCOTT BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR 1560 DELMAR DRIVE FOLCROFT, PA 19032 DUE: 2:00 P.M., Tuesday, March 24, April 14, 2015 Complete below if purchase order should be sent to a different address: FIRM NAME FIRM NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER FAX NUMBER CONTACT PERSON CONTACT PERSON EMAIL __________________________________ EMAIL _________________________________ 1 GENERAL NOTICE TO ALL RESPONDENTS: Under Pennsylvania law, the chosen respondent will be required to obtain three (3) satisfactory employee clearances for each respondent-employee assigned to work on or in any Southeast Delco School District property or facility. The cost of obtaining such employee clearances shall be the sole responsibility of the chosen respondent. The three employee clearances include: FBI Background Check Child/Student Abuse Reporting/Clearance Pennsylvania Criminal History Background Check Also required is a signed Arrest/Conviction Report and certification Form (under act 24 of 2011). Please see the General Instructions and Conditions section below (Section II) for more details. NO RESPONDENT-EMPLOYEES WILL BE PERMITTED ONTO A DISTRICT PROPERTY, OR INTO A DISTRICT FACILITY, WITHOUT FIRST PROVIDING SATISFACTORY WRITTEN EVIDENCE OF ALL THREE (3) OF THE CLEARANCES LISTED ABOVE, AS DETERMINED BY THE SOUTHEAST DELCO SCHOOL DISTRICT IN ITS SOLE DISCRETION. 2 SECTION I NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL To Prospective Respondent: The Southeast Delco School District (hereinafter, the “District”) seeks proposals from firms that provide a single comprehensive, high-quality, cost-effective, and responsible source for the entirety of the District’s needs for the Grounds and Landscaping Service described in Section IV (hereinafter, the “Services”). The District expects that the appropriate programs can only be determined by a thorough study of existing conditions by the successful proposer, followed by discussions and decisions by the District as to its standards and priorities. During the mandatory site visits, questions will be collected and consolidated and e-mails containing appropriate answers to such questions will be sent to all respondents. This Request for Proposal (“RFP”) does not necessarily contain all of the terms of the contract to be awarded. At the conclusion of the proposal evaluation process, the District shall identify the respondent appearing to best suit the District’s needs and expectations, for formal contract negotiations, which may include adjustments to the illustrative “Scope of Work.” The District reserves the right to pursue negotiations with any respondent deemed qualified by the District. In no event does this RFP commit the District to award any contract to any respondent. As this RFP is not a competitive bid, the use of the terms “bid” and “responding” herein shall not operate to require the District to award a contract to the lowest responsible and responsive respondent. To the contrary, the District retains the right to negotiate the price and other terms of the contract with the respondent identified and chosen by the District. The District will review all proposals to determine responsiveness; any proposal that does not address all requested requirements or is incomplete can be rejected. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS: Sealed proposals will be received in the office of the District’s Business Administrator, Attention: Ms. Vanessa Scott, at the District’s Administration Building, which has an address of 1560 Delmar Drive, Folcroft, PA 19032. Proposals should be submitted in sealed envelopes plainly identifying the proposal (Proposal Title), and will be received up to 2:00 P.M., prevailing time, Tuesday, March 24, April 14, 2015. The reading of these proposals will not be open to the public; however proposals may become public documents to the extent required by law. All proposals (one (1) original plus four (4) copies) should be submitted in the format described in this RFP. The District shall take a maximum of one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of opening of the sealed proposals to identify the “winning” respondent, and no proposals may be withdrawn prior to the District’s decision. All proposals will be offers to supply the services set forth in the specifications attached to, and made a part of, this RFP. 3 RESPONDENT’S CONFERENCE (PRE-RESPONSE MEETING): There will be a mandatory Pre-Response meeting held at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, March 9, 2015, at the District’s Administration Building, 1560 Delmar Drive, Folcroft, Pennsylvania, 19032. The District has determined that for purposes of this RFP, it is vital that each respondent take the opportunity to personally review the facilities and grounds of the District. The District will provide respondents two opportunities to review, measure, and otherwise evaluate the existing conditions of the District’s facilities and grounds on the following schedule: Mandatory Pre-Bid Visit Day: Monday, March 9, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Respondents must assemble at the District’s Administration Building at 10:00 A.M. for a brief orientation meeting and to sign-in. All District facilities must be vacated by 2:00 P.M. that same day. Respondents may submit questions raised by the site visits in writing to the District’s Business Administrator so that the District may address them in addenda to the RFP. No other form of answer to a question will be deemed included in the information forming the RFP. Each respondent must provide fully trained employees for all Services that are quoted in its proposal. CONTRACT PERIOD: The initial term of the contract for the proposal will be for the period beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2019, but the term of such contract shall automatically continue for four year periods until canceled by either party upon not less than ninety (90) days prior written notice to the non-cancelling party. Please include pricing for the initial four (4) year term in your proposal. CONTRACT: Submission of a proposal pursuant to this RFP constitutes an offer by the respondent to enter into a contract for the supply of the Services described herein and in accordance with the specifications attached hereto. SIGNATURE: All proposals submitted pursuant to this RFP must be signed by the respondent, if an individual, or by a duly authorized agent or officer of the person, firm or corporation making the proposal. AWARD: The District reserves the right to reject any and all proposals submitted pursuant to this RFP or select a single item from any proposal. The District further reserves its right to waive errors, irregularities or technical defects in any proposal or proposal forms submitted and to award the contract in accordance with the best interests of the District. The District may also require submission of proof of responsibility. SPECIFICATIONS: Detailed specifications are attached to this RFP. In case of any variance between the terms of this RFP and the specifications attached hereto, the specifications shall control. DISCREPANCIES: Notification of discrepancies, omissions or questions pertaining to any part of this RFP or the specifications shall be directed to the District’s Business 4 Administrator, Ms. Vanessa Scott. If any discrepancy or omission should affect the cost set forth in a respondent’s proposal, and the notification of such discrepancy or omission is received prior to the submission deadline, then an addendum will be prepared by the District and sent to each respondent affected. PROPOSAL PAGE: The proposal page must be signed and notarized. A respondent’s Federal Tax Identification number (or Employer Identification Number – EIN) or Social Security number must be included with its proposal on the blank provided at the bottom of the proposal page. CLARIFICATION OF PROPOSAL: Any respondent in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of this RFP, the specifications or other proposed contract documents may submit a written request for an interpretation to the District’s Business Administrator before 2:00 P.M. on Monday, March 16, March 30, 2015 to provide the District with sufficient time to reply to all respondents via an addendum. The District will not be responsible for any other explanations or interpretations of the RFP, specifications or other proposed contract documents. Under no circumstances will a request for clarification alter the proposal submission deadline. Deviations and exceptions from the terms, conditions, or specifications shall be described fully, on the respondent’s letterhead, signed and attached to the proposal. In the absence of such statement, the proposal shall be accepted as in strict compliance with all terms, conditions, and specifications and the respondent shall be held liable. PROPOSAL FORMAT: Submit five (5) sets (one original and four (4) copies) of a securely bound proposal containing the following: 1. General Requirements. Although proposals may be printed double-sided to conserve paper, a “page” is considered a single side of paper. The font-size used for the proposal shall not be smaller than 10-point. A “Cost” section shall be provided separately, but respondent’s should feel free to address matters that may affect cost arrangements in any section in which it is relevant to properly understand the proposal. Include pricing for the initial four (4) year term in your proposal. 2. Transmittal Letter. A cover transmittal letter, signed by a responsible officer of the respondent-entity who will be the respondent-entity’s point of contact for purposes of this RFP. Include an e-mail address and cell phone number for this contact person. 3. General Overview of the Respondent. Provide basic information about your company as a business entity including relevant licenses and credentials, history, size, markets served, representative institutional clients, and references. This overview must include the number of your employees who have current security clearances for Act 34 Criminal History, Act 151 Child Abuse, and FBI background checks. 4. Employment Matters. Identify the key regional management personnel who will be responsible for the respondent-entity’s performance of the contract, in the event an award is made. Identify the qualifications your company requires for on-site managers and employees. 5 Identify your company’s procedures for immigration compliance and criminal history screening. Identify your company’s training programs for line and managerial employees. Include in this section of your proposal any additional information you wish to convey about your company’s human resources practices or in-house programs that may enhance the overall performance of the District’s program under the contract. 5. Qualifications/Program/Expertise. Explain how your firm proposes to take over and carry out the delivery and performance of the Services. Your response should be calibrated to your understanding of the District’s facilities, needs, and your company’s expertise and qualifications. 6. Compensation and Costs. For the sake of rough comparison, the following is requested: Using the specifications attached to this RFP, state an annual comprehensive fee, inclusive of all labor, employee benefit costs, services, insurance, all other overhead and expenses of performance, and profit, of performing the Services during the Contract Period. This should be done for each location listed in this RFP and your proposal. You may propose multiple compensation arrangements in the alternative. You may explain any underlying assumptions, alternatives, and anything else important to understanding your estimates or the methodology used to create them. Where available, please provide examples of other clients with whom the proposed arrangements have been made, so that the District can survey the marketplace for the best practices and average costs of the programs requested. 7. Supplies and Equipment. The District will provide supplies and equipment and will be responsible for maintenance and service of equipment. The District will require periodic inventory of supplies and equipment that include condition of equipment, to be performed by the Contractor 8. Organizational Chart. All respondents must prepare an organizational chart identifying the number of personal work hours of each position in the proposal for the District’s review. IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL RESPONDENTS: THE FOLLOWING PAGES MUST BE RETURNED WITH YOUR PROPOSAL: Cover Sheet, Non-Collusion Affidavit, Reference Forms, all pricing pages and Proposal Pages. EVALUATION AND SELECTION PROCESS: The District intends to review the proposals submitted and create a “short list” for more intensive review and interviews, with the announcement of the “short list” expected to occur by Wednesday, April 29, 2015. The District may check references, conduct site visits, and pursue any other information useful to the evaluation and selection of an appropriate respondent to be offered the first opportunity to negotiate an acceptable agreement. The award decision will be based on, but not limited to, the following criteria: 6 Expertise and Qualifications of the Respondent Satisfaction of Respondent’s Current / Former Clients Quality and Professionalism of Program of Services Offered Compensation and Cost Proposal Other Potential Reductions in District Costs (e.g., utilities, insurance, capital needs) Qualifications and Quantity of Employees Financial Stability Detailed Records and Reports Clear and Itemized Invoicing, Understanding of Services to be Performed Clarity of Proposal Current Licenses and Certifications Dunn & Bradstreet Evaluation References Other reasonable criteria in the District’s sole discretion THE SOUTHEAST DELCO SCHOOL DISTRICT Ms. Vanessa Scott Business Administrator 7 SECTION II GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS AND CONDITIONS 1. ACCEPTANCE AND/OR REJECTION: Only those proposals received by the District prior to the date and time stated in the RFP shall be considered by the District. 2. AWARDING OF CONTRACTS: The District is free to accept the proposal that best serves the District’s interests and not necessarily the lowest proposal. The District reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, or any part of a proposal, or to waive technical defects or irregularities, and increase or decrease quantities, if, in its judgment, the best interests of the District will thus be served. Each respondent agrees, if its proposal is accepted by the District, that it will execute a contract (hereinafter, the “Contract”) with the District in the form to be negotiated with the District, generally containing the terms set forth below in this RFP. The District shall be the sole judge in making a determination as to the evaluation and determination of the proposal that is in the best interests of the District (in accordance with the criteria set forth in Section I of this RFP). The District reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or parts thereof for any reason, to negotiate changes to proposal terms, to waive minor inconsistencies with the RFP, and to negotiate a contract with the successful Vendor. 3. PARTIES TO THE CONTRACT: The Contract shall be between the District and the successful respondent (hereafter referred to as the “Contractor”) for the provision of the Services according to the following terms. The District’s Business Administrator, or his/her designee, shall be the representative of the District responsible for the administration of the Contract. 4. DESCRIPTION, LOCATION AND PRICING OF SERVICES: Contractor will assign its employees to the District to provide Services at the location(s) and for the pricing set forth in the specifications. The District will be permitted to use the Contract in connection with its business operations, responses to Right to Know requests and other uses as required by law. The pricing structure will be based on the hourly rates paid by Contractor to its employees adjusted for Contractor overhead as agreed to between Contractor and the District. 5. CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES: a. Generally. i. Pursuant to Section 8 below, Contractor, as an independent contractor, will agree to hire and assign those employees referred to Contractor by the District to provide the Services. Contractor will further conduct any additional screening requested by the District and mutually agreed upon by Contractor and the District and as required by law. Contractor will agree not to furnish the District with any personnel whom the District would deem ineligible if the District were directly employing such personnel in the same type of position. All of the Services required under the Contract shall be performed by Contractor employees. Primary responsibility for performing the Services required under the Contract will be delegated by Contractor. Employees of Contractor will not 8 be employees of the District. Employees of Contractor must be W-2 employees not 1099 employees. ii. Contractor, at no additional cost to the District, will designate and provide individuals in Contractor’s employ to be responsive to concerns raised by District supervisor(s) with respect to the Services provided under the Contract. The Contractor’s lead person will report to the district’s designed supervisor(s). iii. As the employer, Contractor will make the employees assigned to the District available to be trained by District personnel which training shall include, but not be limited to, the District’s policies and procedures, emergency procedures, dress code, hours, duty requirements, and other expectations of employees as set forth by the District and as required by law. Contractor will agree to utilize its best efforts to assign, to the extent possible, its employees based upon area of expertise and the District’s preference. iv. Contractor will agree to: (i) maintain all necessary personnel and payroll records for its employees; (ii) calculate their wages and withhold taxes and other government mandated charges, if any; (iii) remit such taxes and charges to the appropriate government entity; (iv) pay net wages and fringe benefits, if any, (i.e., vacation and holiday pay plus other(s) specified in the specifications) directly to its employees; (v) provide for liability and property insurance as required by the Contract, and (vi) provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage in amounts as required by law. v. At the District’s request, Contractor will agree to remove any of its employees assigned to the District; provided, that the Contract will in no way affect the right of Contractor, in its sole discretion as employer, to hire, assign, reassign, discipline and/or terminate its own employees. b. Supplies and Equipment. The District will agree to make available, without any cost or charge to Contractor, the necessary equipment so that Contractor may perform the Services under the Contract. The District will agree to maintain, repair, replace and replenish any equipment as necessary throughout the term of the Contract, as necessary, to enable Contractor to continue rendering the Services. The District will require periodic inventory of supplies and equipment that include condition of equipment, to be performed by the Contractor. c. Compliance. Contractor will agree to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and orders, including, but not limited to, laws and regulations related to occupational safety and health, equal opportunity employment laws and regulations, the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Immigration Reform Control Act, and criminal history record check laws. d. Clearances. Contractor will agree to be responsible, at its sole cost, for obtaining background checks that comply with the provisions of Section 1-111 of the Public School Code of 1949, as amended (the “Code”) of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (the “Commonwealth”), and child abuse clearance statements that comply with the provisions of Act 9 151 of 1994 (23 Pa. C.S. §6354 et seq.), amending the Child Protective Services Law, for all Contractor employees who will perform Services under the Contract. Contractor will agree to maintain copies of such clearance documents and provide a copy of such clearance documents to the District. Any Contractor employee with a documented criminal background or child abuse history shall be deemed objectionable by the District, in its sole discretion, and will be prohibited from working on the District’s property or in any District facility. The above-described clearance requirements are more stringent than the statutory requirements imposed by law for the submission of criminal background checks and child abuse clearances. The procedures for obtaining such reports can be obtained by contacting the Pennsylvania Department of Education, 333 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 17126-0333, and on its publicly available website. All required clearance documents must be dated no less than one (1) year prior to their delivery to the District. All required clearance documents must be sent to the District’s Business Administrator. Satisfactory clearance documents will be required for any Contractor employee who may perform Services for the District under the Contract and satisfactory clearance documents must be provided before Contractor employees are permitted on any District property or in any District facility. The District’s Business Administrator shall determine if the required clearance documents are acceptable prior to any Contractor employee being allowed on any District property or in any District facility. Criminal History Background Check Child/Student Abuse Reporting/Clearance Form FBI Federal Criminal History Record Check e. Arrests and Criminal Charges. Contactor agrees to have each employee sign Form PDE-6004. Contractor will agree to immediately notify the District’s Superintendent any time that one of its employees or agents who are or will be performing Services under the Contract on behalf of the District are either arrested or charged with a criminal offense. Arrest/Conviction Report and Certification Form (Form PDE-6004) f. Employees on Assignment. All employees assigned to the District under the Contract shall be and remain employees of Contractor. Contractor’s employees shall not be eligible for tenure with the District or be entitled to participate in any of the District’s employee benefit plans, including but not limited to pension, 401(k), 403(b), profit sharing, retirement, deferred compensation, welfare, insurance, disability, bonus, vacation pay, severance pay and other similar plans, programs and agreements, whether reduced to writing or not. g. Excluded Work. The District reserves the right to contract out to third parties work of the nature being performed under this Contract 6. PAYMENT FOR SERVICES: In consideration of Contractor’s performance of the Services, the District will agree to pay Contractor in accordance with the pricing set forth in the Contract. Contractor will invoice the District at the end of each month for direct costs incurred by the District under the Contract at the address set forth above or at any other address that the District designates. The District shall make payment to Contractor within thirty (30) days of the date of the Contractor invoice. In the event of termination of the Contract, the District will pay 10 Contractor promptly for Services performed up to the time of termination. The Contractor must use the District’s time clock each day. The time clock system is an electronic system and requires the scanning of a fingerprint to clock in and out of work. The contactor must have all the clearances submitted and approved to use the District’s time clock system. Contractor time cards will be conclusive as to the number of compensable hours worked by each Contractor employee assigned to the District. The District is exempt from federal excise tax and from Pennsylvania taxes and will furnish exemption certificates where appropriate. All Contractor invoices must be submitted in duplicate to: Southeast Delco School District Attention: Business Department 1560 Delmar Drive Folcroft, PA 19032 7. TERM; TERMINATION: In the event of termination, the Contract will continue to govern the parties’ rights and obligations with respect to Services performed prior to termination. Upon termination of the Contract, Contractor will be entitled to be compensated for Services rendered to the District up until the date of termination with said compensation to be pro-rated for partial months of service. Contractor and the District will agree to deliver to the other any and all records, data, notes, reports, information, lists, correspondence, emails, materials or other documents, reproductions or copies (including but not limited to computer discs or drives) of any aforementioned items either developed pursuant to the Contract or otherwise necessary to facilitate the performance of the Services. Both parties to the Contract will agree to deliver to the other all property in its possession that belongs to the other in good repair and condition. 8. HIRING OF EMPLOYEES: Upon the request of the District, Contractor will agree to hire any or all qualified current employees utilized by the District and designated by the District to be hired. Employees rated by the District as unsatisfactory prior to implementation of the Contract are deemed unqualified. The District will provide a list of its current grounds employees to Contractor. 9. DOCUMENTATION OF TIME WORKED: The District will agree to review, approve and sign, by signature or electronic means, documentation of time worked by Contractor employees. The District will also agree to designate one or more representatives to approve the record on its behalf. 10. DAILY UNIT AND OVERTIME PAY/BILLINGS: Contractor will agree to pay its employees and bill the District on an hourly unit basis. If an employee works more than forty (40) hours in a single workweek, Contractor will pay the employee additional compensation for the time worked in excess of forty (40) hours. If a specific employee works overtime as specifically requested by the District and as evidenced by required time cards, Contractor will bill the District for such overtime at one-and-one-half (1.5) times the District’s hourly bill rate less the Contractor overhead rate on the overtime portion. 11 11. CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE: Any Contractor awarded a contract which calls for the installation of equipment or for the performance of any Services on District property or in a District facility must furnish certificates of insurance for Workers’ Compensation and Public Liability Insurances. The Southeast Delco School District must be included on all insurance policies as an additional insured. A certificate of insurance must be on file in the District’s Purchasing Department before the awarded Contractor may perform any Services. If insurance is due to expire during the course of the Contract a replacement certificate of insurance must be provided by the Contractor before the last day of the then-current policies. 12. INSURANCE: Contractor will agree to provide, at its own expense, and keep in full force and effect during the term of the Contract the following kinds and minimum amounts of insurance: a. Workers’ Compensation. The Contractor, as a condition for the execution of the Contract and during the term thereof, shall accept and comply with the provisions of the Workmen’s Compensation Act of 1915 (Act approved June 2, 1915, P.L. 735), and all amendments thereto, as applicable in all cases of the employment of labor thereunder, or file with the District’s Board of School Directors a certificate of exemption from insurance; and further submit immediately to the Board of School Directors proof of this compliance with the terms of said Workmen’s Compensation act of 1915, as required by Act approved July 18, 1917, P.L. 1083. b. Automobile. Commercial automobile liability insurance with a One Million Dollar ($1,000,000) combined single limit on vehicles owned, leased, or rented by Contractor while performing Services under the Contract. c. General Liability. Commercial general liability insurance, including personal injury, blanket contractual liability and broad form property damage, with a One Million Dollar ($1,000,000) combined single limit per occurrence. d. Bond. Commercial blanket bond insurance with limits of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) in the aggregate per occurrence. e. Umbrella Liability Insurance. Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) combined single limit per occurrence. Contractor will agree to furnish the District with certificates evidencing such insurance coverage, upon request. 13. INDEMNIFICATION BY CONTRACTOR: Contractor will agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the District and its directors, officers, employees and agents from and against all demands, claims, actions, losses, judgments, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) (collectively “Damages”) imposed upon or incurred by the District arising out of any of the following: a. Contractor’s failure to comply with its obligations under any applicable laws, regulations or orders, including, but not limited to, claims arising out of Contractor’s or Contractor employee’s copying, duplication, retention, or disclosure or allege copying, 12 duplication, retention or disclosure of Education Records (as such term is defined in the Family Education Right to Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, and its regulations) or information contained in Education Records; b. Breach of any obligation of Contractor contained in the Contract; or c. Any direct claim for workers’ compensation benefits for job-related bodily injury or death asserted against the District by any Contractor employees or, in the event of death, by their personal representatives. 14. CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-DISCLOSURE: a. Generally. Contractor and the District will acknowledge that during the course of the Contract, they may develop or learn information which is confidential and protected under federal, state or local law and regulation. In recognition of the foregoing, but subject to disclosure under applicable law (including, without limitation, the Pennsylvania Right To Know Law), Contractor and the District will agree that during the term of the Contract, they will use every reasonable effort to protect and maintain confidential information. They will further agree that they will not, after the termination of the Contract, directly or indirectly, use any of the confidential information which was obtained or learned during or as a result of the Contract in a manner that is contrary to its purpose or in violation of applicable law. They will agree to use reasonable care to determine that all information and data provided by one party to the other is accurate, timely and complete. b. Education Records. In the performance of the Services, Contractor employees may have access to certain District records, including, but not limited to, student Education Records (as such term is defined in the Family Educational Right to Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, and its regulations). Contractor will acknowledge that in the performance of its responsibilities under the Contract and in particular, when Contractor employees have access to Education Records, Contractor will be acting as an agent of the District. Contractor will agree to train its personnel and employees assigned to the District under the Contract not to copy, duplicate, retain or disclose any Education Records or any information contained therein to anyone in any format, other than to a District Administrator for purposes related to the Contractor or employee’s responsibilities. Contractor will further agree to require that its personnel and employees assigned to the District not use or disclose any information learned during the performance of the Services that the District might reasonably consider confidential for any other purpose than performance of the Services under the Contract. 15. NOTIFICATION OF CLAIMS: The District and Contractor will agree to: (i) notify each other in writing of any asserted claim within ten (10) days of either discovery of the occurrence upon which the claim may be based or learning of the claim, whichever occurs first; and (ii) permit Contractor or the District, as the case may be, to defend the claim at the option of the party against whom the claim is asserted, with counsel acceptable to such party, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. Neither party will pay or agree to pay any asserted claim under the Contract without prior written approval from the party against whom the claim is asserted, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld. 13 16. PERMITS AND LICENSES: Each party agrees to maintain in effect during the term of the Contract any and all Federal, state and/or local licenses and permits which may be required with respect to the respective business in which each party is engaged. 17. NOTICES: Any notices, consents or other communications required or permitted under the Contract shall be in writing (including telecommunications) and delivered personally or sent by telex, telecopy or other wire transmission (with request for assurance in a manner typical with respect to communication of that type), overnight air courier (postage prepaid), registered or certified mail (postage prepaid with return receipt requested), addressed as shown on the first page of the Contract. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, notices, consents or other communications will be deemed received: (i) on the date delivered, if delivered personally or by wire transmission; (ii) on the next business day after mailing or deposit with an overnight air courier; or (iii) three (3) business days after being sent, if sent by registered or certified mail. Either party may from time to time, by notice in writing served upon the other in accordance with the terms of this paragraph, designate a different mailing address, or different or additional person(s) to which or to whom all such notices or demands are thereafter to be addressed. 18. SECTION HEADINGS: The section headings of the Contract shall be for the convenience of the parties only and shall not alter, modify, amend, limit, restrict, or affect the meaning or interpretation of the contractual obligations of the parties to the Contract. 19. SEVERABILITY; WAIVER: The provisions of the Contract shall be deemed severable, and the invalidity or unenforceability of any one or more of the provisions thereof shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the other provisions thereof. Neither the failure nor delay on the part of either party to exercise any right, remedy, power or privilege under the Contract or law shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, remedy, power or privilege preclude any other or further exercise of the same or of any other right, remedy, power, or privilege, nor shall the waiver of a breach of any provision of the Contract operate or be construed as a waiver of any past or subsequent breach by either party. 20. ASSIGNMENT: Neither Contractor nor the District shall be permitted to assign, convey or transfer its interest in the Contract or any moneys due or to become due under the Contract without the prior written consent of the other party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Contract will be binding upon the parties thereto and their respective successors and assigns, as permitted by law. 21. SUBCONTRACTING: No subcontracting or use of secondary vendors shall be permitted by Contractor for the furnishing of any or all of the Services to be provided in accordance with the Contract without the District’s prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. If subcontractors are approved by the District, each subcontractor employee performing Services on District property or in a District facility must have the required satisfactory clearances as required by the Contract and this RFP. 22. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: In its performance of the Services under the Contract, Contractor will agree that it will at all times act in its own capacity and right as an independent contractor, and nothing contained in the Contract will be construed to make 14 Contractor a servant, partner, employee or joint venturer with the District. Contractor will have control over the work it is to perform, and shall solely be responsible to pay its own employment taxes, salaries, social security payments, and any and all other payments incurred by Contractor in the performance of the Services, as well as to perform all necessary legal requirements pertaining to employment. 23. AUTHORITY TO CONTRACT: Contractor shall represent and warrant that it has the right, power, and any requisite authorization to enter into the Contract. Contractor will further represent that it has satisfied any applicable procedural requirements necessary for it to be authorized to enter into the Contract. Contractor’s authorized representative, who will sign the Contract on behalf of Contractor, will represent that he or she has proper authority to execute the Contract for Contractor. 24. LEGAL REVIEW: Contractor and the District shall each represent that they have read the Contract in its entirety, had the opportunity to consult with legal counsel and exercised their own discretion in having their respective legal counsel review the Contract. The parties shall represent that they will agree to the terms of the Contract without relying on representations of the other party or the other party’s officers, directors, employees, or legal counsel which are not expressly stated in the Contract. The parties shall further represent that the Contract’s terms are clear and unambiguous. To the extent that in the future any term of the Contract is deemed ambiguous, the parties shall expressly agree that neither party shall be deemed the drafter of the Contract such that the ambiguity would be interpreted in favor of the other party. The Contract shall be deemed to have been negotiated at arm’s length by Contractor and the District and, therefore, no presumption or construction shall be made against the party drafting same or any signatory to the Contract. 25. GOVERNING LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION: The Contract and all questions relating to its validity, interpretation, performance and enforcement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The parties shall agree that the Court of Common Pleas of Delaware County shall have proper and exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any proceedings arising from the Contract. 26. COUNTERPARTS: The Contract may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, all of which shall together constitute one and the same instrument. The Contract shall become binding when one or more counterparts thereof, individually or taken together, shall bear the signatures of all of the parties reflected thereon as signatories. 27. ENTIRETY: The Contract and any exhibits thereto shall be the entire understanding and agreement between Contractor and the District with respect to the subject matter covered therein, and all prior or contemporaneous written or oral agreements, understandings, covenants, promises, warranties and representations, oral or written, express or implied, not incorporated into the Contract shall be superseded. No addenda, amendments or variations of the terms and conditions of the Contract or any exhibits thereto shall be valid unless the same is in writing and signed by the parties to the Contract. 15 28. SURVIVAL: Any provision of the Contract which by its terms will or may have application after the termination of the Contract shall be deemed to the extent of such application to survive termination of the Contract. 29. PERFORMANCE BOND: After the award of this proposal, Contractor shall execute a performance bond in the amount of 100% of the contract price (one year of Services). Contractor shall have ten (10) days after the award of the Contract to supply the performance bond to the District. The performance bond shall ensure the faithful performance by the awarded Contractor of all covenants and agreements on the part of the Contractor contained in the Contract. Contractor shall pay for the premiums on all bonds in connection with the Contract. The bonding surety company must have a minimum of an A- rating. 30. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT REQUIREMENTS: The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA), along with any and all amendments thereto. 31. COMPETENT WORKMEN: No workmen shall be regarded as competent first class except those who are duly skilled in their respective branches of labor, and who shall be paid not less than such rates of wages and for such hours’ work as shall be established and current rates of wages paid for such hours by employers doing of similar work in the District where work is being done. For additional information, see Section 752 of the Public School Code of 1949. 32. DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED: Contractor will agree that: a. in the hiring of employees for the performance of Services under the Contract, or any sub-contract, no such contractor or subcontractor, shall, by reason of gender, sexual orientation, race, color, age, religion, national origin, or disability discriminate against any citizen of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates; b. neither Contractor nor any of its sub-contractors, nor any person on Contractor’s behalf, shall in any manner discriminate against or intimidate any employee hired for the performance of Services under the Contract by reason of gender, sexual orientation, race, color, age, religion, national origin, or disability; c. the Contract may be canceled or terminated by the District, and all money due or to become due hereunder may be forfeited, for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms or conditions of this portion of the Contract; d. the provisions of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, Act 222 of October 27, 1955 (P.L. 744) (43 P.S. Section 951, et seq.) of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania prohibit discrimination because of race, color, religious creed, ancestry, age, sex, national origin, handicap or disability, by employers, employment agencies, labor organizations, contractors and others. Contractor shall agree to comply with the provisions of this Act, as amended, that is made part of this RFP. For additional information, see the language of the Commonwealth’s non-discrimination clause at 16 PA. Code 349.101. 16 33. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS: Contractor shall at all times comply with and observe all federal and state laws, local laws, ordinances, and regulations which are in effect during the term of the Contract and which in any manner affect its performance of the Services or its conduct, including, but not limited to, all immigration and custom regulations. Disputes should be addressed to the District’s Business Administrator. 34. CONSTRUCTION: Construction and renovation projects may occur during the Contract period. The District reserves the right to adjust the Contract amount based on the change in square footage vs. original Contract price for each individual District building. This includes, but is not limited to, the possible relocation or addition of modular classrooms throughout the District. Summer cleaning schedules may be affected by construction or renovation projects involved in the renovation. It will be the Contractor’s responsibility to coordinate its work with all other construction/renovation contractors. 35. WARRANTY OF SERVICE: Contractor must warrant that it will provide appropriately trained employees to perform the Services and that the Services will be provided regardless of conditions that may negatively impact on the ability of the Contractor to deliver other services. 36. LICENSING: As required by the District, the Contractor shall be financially responsible for obtaining all required permits, licenses, fees, and bonding to comply with pertinent resolutions and policies, District regulations, and municipal, state and federal laws, and shall assume liability for all applicable taxes including, but not limited to, sales and property. 37. CONTRACT CANCELLATION: The District may cancel the Contract for breach, as determined by the District, which shall consider such items as, but not be limited to: (i) insufficient insurance coverage; (ii) failure to provide required period statements; (iii) bankruptcy of Contractor; (iv) failure to enforce required standards of service, or quality of service is unsatisfactory to the District. This may include any cessation or diminution of service including, but not limited to, failure to maintain adequate personnel, whether arising from labor disputes, or otherwise any substantial change in ownership or proprietorship of the Contractor which in the opinion of the District is not in its best interest or failure to comply with the terms of the Contract. The District shall provide five (5) calendar days written notice of Contract breach and unless within five (5) calendar days such breach has ceased or arrangements have been made to correct such breach, the District may cancel the Contract by giving ten (10) calendar days notice, in writing, by registered or certified mail of its intention to cancel the Contract. Should the District breach any terms or provisions of the Contract, the Contractor shall serve written notice on the District setting forth the alleged breach and demanding compliance with the Contract. Unless within ten (10) calendar days after receiving such notice, the allegation shall be contested or such breach shall ceased or arrangements have been made to correct such breach. Contractor and the District may cancel the Contract by mutual agreement, at any time. 38. EXCUSED PERFORMANCE: If, because of riots, war, public emergency or calamity, fire, flood, earthquake, act of God, government restriction, labor disturbance or strike, business operations at the District are interrupted or stopped, performance of the Contract, with the 17 exception of moneys already due and owing, shall be suspended and excused to the extent commensurate with such interfering occurrence. 39. AUDITS: The District shall be entitled to audit the books and records of the Contractor or any consultant or subcontractor to the extent that such books and records relate to the performance of the Services. Such books and records shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment under the Contract. Contractor must keep up-to-date records available at all times. 40. HOLD HARMLESS: In addition to the indemnification provided by insurance required herein, Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the District, its directors, members, agents, servants and employees from and against any and all claims, suits, judgments and demands regarding Contractor’s services whatsoever. This includes, but not by way of limitation, all costs, litigation expenses, counsel fees and liabilities with respect to injury to, or death of any person or persons whatsoever or damage to property of any kind by whomsoever owned, arising out of or claimed to have been caused in whole or in part by any act or omission on the part of the Contractor or any of its subcontractors, suppliers or employees or any other person directly or indirectly employed by Contractor while engaged in the performance of any work, service or activity associated with this Agreement. Contractor further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the District, its Board of School Directors, members and agents, servants and/or employees, from and against any such claim or damage allegedly caused in whole or in part, whether or not it be the fact, by reason of negligent instructions or directions given or reportedly given to any person by any District representative with respect to the performance of the services under this Agreement. 18 SECTION III NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT State of : : s.s. : County of I state that I am ______________________________ of __________________________ [Title] [Name of Firm] and that I am authorized to make this affidavit on behalf of my firm, and its owners, directors, and officers. I am the person responsible in my firm for the price(s) and the amount of this proposal. I state that: 1. The price(s) and amount of this proposal have been arrived at independently and without consultation, communications or agreement with any other contractor, bidder or potential buyer. 2. Neither the price(s) nor the amount of this proposal, and neither the approximate price(s) nor approximate amount of this proposal, have been disclosed to any other firm or person who is a bidder or potential bidder, and they will not be disclosed before proposal opening. 3. No attempt has been made or will be made to induce any firm or person to refrain from responding to this Contract, or to submit a proposal higher than this proposal, or to submit any intentionally high or noncompetitive proposal or other form of complementary proposal. 4. The proposal of my firm is made in good faith and not pursuant to any agreement or discussion with, or inducement from, any firm or person to submit a complementary or other noncompetitive proposal. 5. ___________________________________, its affiliates, [Name of Firm] subsidiaries, officers, directors and employees are not currently under investigation by any governmental agency and have not in the last four years been convicted or found liable for any act prohibited by State or Federal law in any jurisdiction, involving conspiracy or collusion with respect to responding to any public contract, except as follows: 19 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT (Continued) I state that ______________________________ understands and acknowledges that the [Name of Firm] above representations are material and important, and will be relied on by Southeast Delco School District in awarding the Contract(s) for which this proposal is submitted. I understand and my firm understands that any misstatement in this affidavit is and shall be treated as fraudulent concealment from Southeast Delco School District of the true facts relating to the submission of proposal for this Contract. ____________________________________ Authorized Signature ____________________________________ Printed Name ____________________________________ Title SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS _____ DAY OF ____________________, 20___ _______________________________ Notary Public _______________________________ My Commission Expires 20 INSTRUCTIONS FOR NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT 1. This Non-Collusion Affidavit is material to any contract awarded pursuant to this proposal. According to the Pennsylvania Antibid-Rigging Act, 73 P.S. §§ 1611 et seq., governmental agencies may require Non-Collusion Affidavits to be submitted together with proposals. 2. This Non-Collusion Affidavit must be executed by the member, officer or employee of the respondent who makes the final decision on prices and the amount quoted in the proposal. 3. Proposal rigging and other efforts to restrain competition and the making of false sworn statements in connection with the submission of proposals are unlawful and may be subject to criminal prosecution. The person who signs the Non-Collusion Affidavit should examine it carefully before signing and assure himself or herself that each statement is true and accurate, making diligent inquiry, as necessary, of all other persons employed by or associated with the respondent with responsibilities for the preparation, approval or submission of the proposal. 4. In the case of a proposal submitted by a joint venture, each party to the venture must be identified in the proposal documents, and a Non-Collusion Affidavit must be submitted separately on behalf of each party. 5. The term “complementary proposal” as used in the Non-Collusion Affidavit has the meaning commonly associated with that term in the responding process, and includes the knowing submission of proposals higher than the proposal of another firm, any intentionally high or noncompetitive proposal, and any other form of proposal submitted for the purpose of giving a false appearance of competition. 6. Failure to file a Non-Collusion Affidavit in compliance with these instructions will result in disqualification of the respondent’s proposal. 21 SECTION IV SPECIFICATIONS FOR GROUNDS AND LANDSCAPING SERVICES FOR THE SOUTHEAST DELCO SCHOOL DISTRICT It is the intent of the Southeast Delco School District to receive proposals on GROUNDS AND LANDSCAPING SERVICES throughout the entire School District. PROPOSAL is a four (4) year bid starting July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2019. 22 SCOPE OF WORK A. This contract is for as needed grounds and landscaping services, as indicated on attached drawings (Section X). B. The duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to the ongoing daily care and maintenance of the following. 1. Provide for all snow and ice removal of all walkways in and around all school buildings, including the Administration building and any offsite office or classroom space. Entranceways and sidewalks must be clear of snow prior to dismissal and prior to opening of school. 2. Provide for all snow and ice removal of parking lots and playgrounds. 3. Manicure flower beds, edge beds, mulch, removal of dead or diseased bushes and trees, control of weeds, trimming of bushes and trees. 4. Removal of all down branches, trees and leaves. 5. Complete all fall and spring clean-up on an annual basis. 6. Cutting and mowing of athletic fields, setting up the fields, and upkeep of the fields. 7. Cutting and mowing of all lawns. 8. Picking up and removing litter. 9. Lining of athletic fields for each and every athletic contest. 10. Unloading and distribution of school supplies, school furniture and equipment. 11. Monthly safety inspection and related maintenance of the District’s playgrounds. C. Contractor must provide a Certified Playground Inspector. This certification must be current and should be from a nationally recognized agency, preferably the National Playground Safety Institute, a division of National Recreation and Parks. A copy of the certification must be included in the proposal. D. Contractor shall develop a grass cutting schedule for review and approval by the Director of Facilities. The cutting schedule shall be developed so that areas within twenty (20) feet of classroom windows are completed before or after the school day ends. The Contractor will also have to make provisions for relocating cutting operations when students are in the area where the operations are occurring. E. It is anticipated that the grass cutting operations will commence on or around th March 15 and conclude on or around November 30th each year. The exact start and stop dates will be determined when the cutting schedule is developed and approved by the Director of Facilities. F. In order to ensure twenty-eight (28) grass cuttings between March and November, a fortnightly (every other week) cutting schedule may be adopted in July and August. The 23 fortnightly (every other week) schedule will be determined when the cutting schedule is developed and approved by the Director of Facilities. G. Contractor’s owner or supervisor must report to the district’s Director of Building and Grounds before and after each grass cutting occurrence for special instructions. H. The Contractor’s owner or supervisor will be responsible to the district’s Director of Buildings and Grounds or Superintendent of Schools. 1.02 CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE A. Contractor shall provide with its submission of bid sheet a certificate to certify that it personally operates an established commercial landscape services business successfully operating during the immediately previous five (5) years. B. Contractor must provide with its submission of bid sheet a certificate to demonstrate that it has provided lawn care services for other businesses with similar grass acreage as detailed in these specifications. C. Contractor shall provide with its submission of bid sheet that it has in its direct employment a minimum of three (3) to four (4) full time employees. Employees of Contractor must be W-2 employees not 1099 employees. D. Upon the request of the District, Contractor will agree to hire any or all qualified current employees utilized by the District and designated by the District to be hired. Employees rated by the District as unsatisfactory prior to implementation of the Contract are deemed unqualified. The District will provide a list of its current non-instructional staff employees to Contractor. 1.03 1.04 CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATION FORM A. Contractor shall provide a minimum of five (5) professional work references. B. See attached reference form in Section IX. SUBCONTRACTING A. Contractor will not be permitted to subcontract any portion of this work without the prior written approval of the District. 1.05 SITE PLANS A. On the attached map, all highlighted areas, and other notes on the enclosed site plans indicate the scope of grass cutting and string trimming. Please be advised these instructions are diagrammatic in nature and the Contractor is to visit each site in order to determine the full extent of work required for each District property. The Contractor will be 24 responsible for the string trimming of playgrounds, hard surfaces, including blacktops, and sidewalk cracks of all District buildings. In addition, the Contractor is expected to string trim approximately, under and around, the portable bleachers in the District, around all structures, sign posts, scoreboards, sports apparatus, and manhole covers. B. Sidewalk and curb edging shall include all walkways and curbs on the District’s property and may extend beyond the dashed lines shown on the site plans. This shall be communicated directly between the Director of Facilities and the Contractor, performed on an as-needed basis. C. The Contractor will be responsible for the removal of snow and ice from all walkways in and around all school buildings, including the Administration building and any offsite office space and classrooms. Entranceways and sidewalks must be clear of snow prior to dismissal and prior to opening of school. D. The Contract will be responsible for the removal of snow and ice removal of parking lots and playgrounds. 1.06 CONTRACTOR AVAILABILITY A. The District requires the Contractor to have the ability to use a large enough crew in order to finish certain jobs quickly so the teaching environment and student safety is not effected. B. Scheduling of routine work will be at the convenience of the District and as not to interfere with the operation of the District. C. Contractor shall provide a means for arranging emergency “off-hour” availability. D. Contractor must be available seven (7) days a week and respond to service calls within twenty-four (24) hours from receiving telephone messages. E. Contractor shall provide assurances that a workman will be dispatched upon a serious emergency within no less than two (2) hours. F. Contractor shall provide assurances that a workman will be dispatched to correct work not performed up to specifications no less than twenty-four (24) hours after contact; at no cost to the District. G. Contractor and its employees are required to “sign in” and “sign out” at the Facilities Department when performing work for the District. H. All work shall be performed in a workmanlike manner in accordance with the best practices in the industry. I. All debris and excess materials shall be removed. 25 J. Upon the request of the District, Contractor will agree to hire any or all qualified current employees utilized by the District and designated by the District to be hired. Employees rated by the District as unsatisfactory prior to implementation of the Contract are deemed unqualified. The District will provide a list of its current grounds staff employees to Contractor. 1.07 EXECUTION OF WORK A. Perform grass cutting, rotary trimming and removal of all debris on turf area before each cutting. B. Grass shall be cut to between 2 1/2” and 3” in height. C. Perform sidewalk, curb edging, fence-line string trimming and debris removal. Include playground borders in string trimming operations, around structures, sign posts, scoreboards, sport apparatus, and manhole covers. D. Neither grass clippings nor trash shall be blown onto landscape beds, adjoining properties or public streets. E. When requested, Contractor shall provide additional brush cutting as requested by the Director of Facilities. F. Perform snow and ice removal of all walkways in and around all buildings, any offsite office space and classrooms. G. Provide for all snow and ice removal of parking lots and playgrounds. H. Manicure flower beds, edge beds, mulch, removal of dead or diseased bushes and trees, control of weeds, trimming of bushes and trees. I. Removal of all down branches, trees and leaves. J. Complete all fall and spring clean-up on an annual basis. K. Lining of athletic fields for all athletic contests. L. Unloading and distribution of school supplies, school furniture and equipment. M. Monthly safety inspection and related maintenance of the District’s playgrounds. 26 1.08 PRESERVATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICT RIGHTS A. The intent of this bid is to cover normal grass cutting and snow and ice removal services during the course of the school year. The District reserves the right to obtain additional landscape services bids for any major projects that may occur during the course of the contract. B. FOUR YEAR PROPOSAL The four year proposal will commence on July 1, 2015 and end on June 30, 2019. 1.09 BASIS FOR AWARDING PROPOSAL A. This proposal is for grounds and landscaping services, including: 1. Snow and ice removal of all walkways in and around all buildings, any offsite office space and classrooms. Provide for all snow and ice removal of parking lots and playgrounds. 2. Manicure flower beds, edge beds, mulch, removal of dead or diseased bushes and trees, control of weeds, trimming of bushes and trees. 3. Removal of all down branches, trees and leaves. 4. Complete all fall and spring clean-up on an annual basis. 5. Cutting and mowing of athletic fields, setting up the fields, and upkeep of the fields. 6. Cutting and mowing of all lawns. 7. Picking up and removing litter. 8. Unloading and distribution of school supplies, school furniture and equipment. 9. Lining of athletic fields for all athletic contests. 10. Monthly safety inspection and related maintenance of the District’s playgrounds. B. The quantities listed on the Proposal sheets are estimates to be used only for the basis of awarding the contract. 27 C. The award will be recommended to the lowest responsible bidder with the lowest section grand total. D. The District reserves the right to select or not to select any and all proposals, whichever the district determines to be in its best interest. 1.10 BID BOND A. The bid bond or certified check must be in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the Base Bid Proposal I, Grand Total. 1.11 SUBMISSION OF INVOICES A. Invoices for different purchase orders should be separated. All invoices must be itemized indicating what District property the services were provided for and what services were provided. The unit pricing from this bid must be itemized on each invoice. B. Benefits, insurance, small tool rental and trucking shall be included in the hourly rate at the time of bidding. 1.12 The District: Operates six (6) schools with approximately 4,200 students and 625 employees, one (1) administration building and one (1) bus depot. This proposal also includes GROUNDS AND LANDSCAPING services for the district administration building, schools, and exterior grounds at all properties. The locations where services to be provided are: Academy Park High School 300 Calcon Hook Rd Sharon Hill, PA 19079-1531 610-522-4330 Darby Township School 801 Ashland Avenue Glenolden, PA 19036-1625 610-522-4375 Delcroft School 799 School Lane Folcroft, PA 19032-3498 610-522-4360 Education Service Center 1560 Delmar Drive Folcroft, PA 19032 Harris School 501 Sharon Avenue Collingdale, PA 19023-3498 610-522-4370 Sharon Hill School 701 Coates Street Sharon Hill, PA 19079-1498 610-522-4355 Kindergarten Center 1 School Lane Glenolden, PA 19036 610-522-4365 Bus Depot 1442 Chester Pike, Rear Sharon Hill, PA 19079 28 BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE AND ACREAGE: The acres listed below are estimates only. All responders are responsible for obtaining their own measurements for the basis of responding. Academy Park High School Gross square footage: Acres: Construction dates: Last major renovation date: 188,818 square feet 11.62 1982 2013 Darby Township School Gross square footage: Acres: Construction dates: Last major renovation date: 91,813 square feet See the Kindergarten Center – same property 1960 2007 Delcroft School Gross square footage: Acres: Construction dates: Last major renovation date: 73,819 square feet 6.4 1960 2003 Harris School Gross square footage: Acres: Construction dates: Last major renovation date: 89,233 square feet 6.226 1957 2005 Sharon Hill School Gross square footage: Acres: Construction dates: Last major renovation date: 63,080 square feet 5 1950 2002 Kindergarten Center Gross square footage: Acres: Construction dates: Last major renovation date: 33,500 square feet 14.88 1953 2007 Administration Building (ESC) Gross square footage: 6,670 square feet Acres: 1.13 Construction dates: 1973 Last major renovation date: none 29 Bus Depot Gross square footage: Acres: Construction dates: Last major renovation date: 3,500 square feet .5 N/A 2012 JOB DESCRIPTIONS: 30 SOUTHEAST DELCO SCHOOL DISTRICT TITLE: Groundskeeper - Lead DATE: January 3, 2012 REPORTS TO: Director of Buildings and Grounds REVISED: FLSA STATUS: Non-Exempt PAY GRADE: Lead Grounds LOCATION: District Wide JOB SUMMARY: Maintain sports fields and grooming of areas surrounding the district buildings. PRIMARY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Conduct the design layout and paint the sports fields by interpreting blueprints. 2. Conduct regular inspections of grounds, playground equipment, sidewalks, parking lots, trees and fences. Record and report any discrepancies. 3. Repair and maintain equipment used in grounds maintenance. 4. Operate tractors, mowers, and trimming equipment, as required. 5. Make repairs to any grounds-related problems including but not limited to drainage, dying grass, crevices or holes in the lawn, and/or sports fields and maintain fields in a neat and orderly condition. 6. Perform school-wide deliveries operating district vehicles. 7. Move materials and equipment for teachers, when needed. 8. Oversee performance and work practices of grounds staff. 9. Perform snow removal duties, as needed. 10. Perform other duties as assigned by the Director of Buildings and Grounds. QUALIFICATIONS: High school diploma or equivalent is necessary Two (2) years experience in lawn care Knowledge of small engine repair and maintenance Knowledge of pesticide application Excellent organizational skills and abilities. Submission of pre-employment medical examination (Section 148 of the Pennsylvania School Code) Submission of a report of criminal history record from the Pennsylvania State Police (Section 111 of the Pennsylvania School Code) Submission of a clearance report from the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare in accordance with Act 151 of 1994 Submission of Federal Criminal History Record in accordance with Act 114 of 2006 31 Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Board may find appropriate and acceptable PHYSICAL DEMANDS: Able to raise or lower objects from one level to another. Able to push or pull objects as needed. Able to carry objects (up to 75 lbs.) in arms or by other appropriate means. Able to use hands and arms to reach and pick up objects. Able to see clearly with or without corrective lenses. Able to perceive speech or nature of sounds in the air in person and on the telephone. Able to move around work area. Able to coordinate eyes, hands and fingers rapidly. Able to work with others in a courteous and cooperative manner. Able to walk moderate distances inside and outside of facilities and able to climb steps. Able to travel inside or outside the District as necessary for work related tasks. Able to withstand changes in environmental conditions inside and outside of the work facility, and adapt to these changes. SENSORY ABILITIES: Visual acuity Auditory acuity WORK ENVIRONMENT: Subject to inside and outside environmental conditions Must be able to work in extreme cold (32 degrees or less) and extreme heat (90 degrees or more) Subject to physical hazards, including conditions that may affect the respiratory system and/or skin. TEMPERAMENT: Must be able to work in an environment with frequent interruptions Able to receive oral communication and convey details or important instructions to other workers accurately, loudly, or quickly COGNITIVE ABILITY: Ability to communicate effectively Ability to organize tasks Ability to handle multiple tasks Ability to exercise good judgment SPECIFIC SKILLS: Ability to operate various maintenance equipment and vehicles (Approximate employees – 0 directly/3 indirectly) LICENSE: Must possess valid driver’s license (Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable a qualified individual with a disability or disabilities to perform the primary duties and responsibilities of the job.) 32 SOUTHEAST DELCO SCHOOL DISTRICT TITLE: Groundskeeper DATE: January 3, 2012 REPORTS TO: Director of Buildings and Grounds REVISED: FLSA STATUS: Non-Exempt PAY GRADE: Grounds/Van Driver LOCATION: District Wide JOB SUMMARY: Maintain the appearance of the school campus including athletic fields and ensure a safe environment for students, staff, and teachers. PRIMARY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Maintain school grounds, report unsafe conditions or problems by continually checking grounds, playground equipment, sidewalks, parking lots, trees, fences and report any discrepancies to the Director of Buildings & Grounds. 2. Prepare seeding by cultivating soil and adding fertilizer of chemicals as needed. 3. Prune trees and hedges to promote growth and improve appearance. 4. Mow lawns with hand or power equipment in a safe manner to ensure the safety of the students, staff and public and operate the equipment in a manner as to not damage the machine or school property. 5. Inspect flowers, shrubs and trees for evidence of insects, fungi and other pests and inform Director of Buildings and Grounds any problems, and collect and dispose of leaves and refuse. 6. Adjust and repair grounds equipment, and report unsafe or un-repairable equipment to Director of Buildings and Grounds. 7. Remove ice and snow from sidewalks and driveways and spread sand or salt to prevent slipping. 8. Repair athletic equipment, fencing, playground equipment, driveways and other areas on school grounds. 9. Layout and line athletic fields as needed and assist in maintaining safe playing field conditions. 10. Maintain work area and related equipment clean and organized. 11. Perform other duties as assigned by the Director of Buildings and Grounds. QUALIFICATIONS: Three (3) years experience in the grounds and landscape environment High school diploma or equivalent is necessary Knowledge and understanding of various groundskeeper equipment and supplies is necessary Turf management and herbicide/pesticide experience preferred Must possess valid Pennsylvania drivers license 33 Submission of pre-employment medical examination (Section 148 of the Pennsylvania School Code) Submission of a report of criminal history record from the Pennsylvania State Police (Section 111 of the Pennsylvania School Code) Submission of a clearance report from the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare in accordance with Act 151 of 1994 Submission of Federal Criminal History Record in accordance with Act 114 of 2006 Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Board may find appropriate and acceptable PHYSICAL DEMANDS: Ability to reach above and below the waist Ability to use fingers to pick, feel and grasp objects Some bending and twisting of the body required Ability to lift and/or carry supplies weighing 75 lbs. or more Ability to climb, crouch, stoop, kneel, and crawl Ability to mostly sit with some walking, standing or moving throughout the district SENSORY ABILITIES: Visual acuity Auditory acuity WORK ENVIRONMENT: Subject to inside and outside environmental conditions Must be able to work in extreme cold (32 degrees or less) and extreme heat (90 degrees or more) Subject to physical hazards, including conditions that may affect the respiratory system and/or skin. TEMPERAMENT: Must be able to work in an environment with frequent interruptions Able to receive oral communication and convey details or important instructions to other workers accurately, loudly, or quickly COGNITIVE ABILITY: Ability to communicate effectively Ability to organize tasks Ability to handle multiple tasks Ability to exercise good judgment SPECIFIC SKILLS: Ability to operate various maintenance equipment and vehicles Ability to use/operate custodial equipment LICENSE: Must possess valid driver’s license (Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable a qualified individual with a disability or disabilities to perform the primary duties and responsibilities of the job.) 34 HOURLY WAGES AND BENEFITS PROVIDED TO WORKERS IN THE SOUTHEAST DELCO SCHOOL DISTRICT: 1. The successful vendor must pay the worker a competitive hourly wage commensurate with the market rates in the Southeastern PA region. 2. The successful vendor must provide the markup hourly amount (or percentage) to the market hourly wage paid to the worker. 3. The successful vendor must provide the following to each full-time worker as minimum benefit: a. Twelve (12) paid holidays to correspond with District Holidays. b. Availability of a 401(k) or some other comparable retirement vehicle. c. Health (medical and prescription) insurance coverage that complies with the Affordable Healthcare Act (PPACA). NOTE: The Contractor may be required to work on the School District holidays listed below, to insure that all buildings are clean and ready to open the next business day. Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day New Year’s Eve Day Day Following Thanksgiving Christmas Eve Day Christmas Day New Year’s Day Martin Luther King Day 35 President’s Day Good Friday Memorial Day SECTION V SCOPE OF WORK GROUNDS AND LANDSCAPING STAFFING AND SHIFTS: CURRENT DISTRICT TOTALS Four (4) Full Time Maintenance Staff working eight (8) hours per day Work Days: 261 Days per Year Approximate Regular Work Hours Per Year: 8,352 (not including overtime) Three (3) – Groundskeeper One (1) Lead Groundskeeper Note: Successful vendor may change staffing levels based on their business model. 36 SECTION VI PROPOSAL FORM Submitted by: ____________________________________ (Firm Name) Date: _______________________ To: Southeast Delco School District Administration Building Attn: Ms. Vanessa Scott, Business Manager 1560 Delmar Drive Folcroft, PA 19032 In accordance with the foregoing invitation for proposals, and subject to all conditions thereof and to the General Conditions and Instructions contained herein, and to the Specifications, Special Instructions, and Conditions attached, all of which are made a part hereof, the undersigned offers and agrees, should this proposal, or any part thereof, be accepted within the prescribed time to furnish and deliver in such quantities and at such times as may be received and ordered in writing by the Southeast Delco School District, or designated schools or departments, from time to time during the contract period, at the prices bid, free of all tax or other charges, any or all of the articles for which bid is submitted. SEE FOLLOWING PAGES 37 SOUTHEAST DELCO SCHOOL DISTRICT GROUNDS AND LANDSCAPING SERVICES MANDATORY PRE-RESPONSE MEETING: Monday, March 9, 2015 at 10:00 A.M. Southeast Delco School District 1560 Delmar Drive, Suite 1700 Folcroft, PA 19032 SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL DUE: Tuesday, March 24, April 14, 2015 at 2:00 P.M. Proposals must be delivered to: Ms. Vanessa Scott, Business Administrator Southeast Delco School District 1560 Delmar Drive Folcroft, PA 19032 ISSUING OFFICE Any questions pertaining to the Request for Proposal should be directed to: Ms. Vanessa Scott, Business Administrator SOUTHEAST DELCO SCHOOL DISTRICT 610-522-4300 - 38 FORM OF PROPOSAL NAME OF FIRM: _____________________________________________________________ BASE PROPOSAL - FOUR YEAR The following are unit prices to be held valid from July 1, 2015 until June 30, 2019. All prices shall include, labor, equipment, materials, transportation, profit, overhead, and benefits (if applicable). The District: Operates six (6) schools with approximately 4,200 students and 625 employees, one (1) administration building and one (1) bus depot. The locations where services to be provided are: Academy Park High School 300 Calcon Hook Rd Sharon Hill, PA 19079-1531 610-522-4330 Darby Township School 801 Ashland Avenue Glenolden, PA 19036-1625 610-522-4375 Delcroft School 799 School Lane Folcroft, PA 19032-3498 610-522-4360 Education Service Center 1560 Delmar Drive Folcroft, PA 19032 Harris School 501 Sharon Avenue Collingdale, PA 19023-3498 610-522-4370 Sharon Hill School 701 Coates Street Sharon Hill, PA 19079-1498 610-522-4355 Kindergarten Center 1 School Lane Glenolden, PA 19036 610-522-4365 Bus Depot 1442 Chester Pike, Rear Sharon Hill, PA 19079 ACRES PER BUILDING: Academy Park High School - Acres: 11.62 Darby Township School - Acres: See the Kindergarten Center – same property Delcroft School - Acres: 6.4 Harris School - Acres: 6.226 Sharon Hill School - Acres: 5 Kindergarten Center - Acres: 14.88 Administration Building (ESC) - Acres: 1.13 Bus Depot - Acres: .5 (inside fenced area) 39 BASE PROPOSAL - FOUR YEAR (continued) ACADEMY PARK HIGH SCHOOL SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED ESTIMATED OCCURRENCES Grass cutting, string trimming and removal of all debris on grass area before each cutting 28 Sidewalk and curb edging and debris removal 3 Manicure flower beds, edge beds, mulch, removal of dead or diseased bushes and trees, control of weeds, trimming of bushes and trees 2 Removal of all down branches, trees and leaves As needed Complete all fall and spring clean-up 2 Lining of athletic fields As needed Unloading and distribution of school supplies, school furniture and equipment As needed Snow and ice removal of all walkways in and around school As needed Provide for all snow and ice removal of parking lots and playgrounds As needed 40 PRICE PER OCCURRENCE EXTENDED PRICE PROPOSAL BASE TOTAL FOR ACADEMY PARK HIGH SCHOOL: __________________________________ Additional items for Proposal on following page. 41 BASE PROPOSAL - FOUR YEAR (continued) DARBY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED ESTIMATED OCCURRENCES PRICE PER OCCURRENCE Grass cutting, string trimming and removal of all debris on grass area before each cutting 28 Sidewalk and curb edging and debris removal 3 Manicure flower beds, edge beds, mulch, removal of dead or diseased bushes and trees, control of weeds, trimming of bushes and trees 2 Removal of all down branches, trees and leaves As needed Complete all fall and spring clean-up 2 Lining of athletic fields As needed Unloading and distribution of school supplies, school furniture and equipment As needed Monthly safety inspection and related maintenance of the District’s playgrounds 12 Snow and ice removal of all walkways in and around school As needed 42 EXTENDED PRICE Provide for all snow and ice removal of parking lots and playgrounds As needed PROPOSAL BASE TOTAL FOR DARBY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL: __________________________________ Additional items for Proposal on following page. 43 BASE PROPOSAL - FOUR YEAR (continued) DELCROFT SCHOOL SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED ESTIMATED OCCURRENCES Grass cutting, string trimming and removal of all debris on grass area before each cutting 28 Sidewalk and curb edging and debris removal 3 Manicure flower beds, edge beds, mulch, removal of dead or diseased bushes and trees, control of weeds, trimming of bushes and trees 2 Removal of all down branches, trees and leaves As needed Complete all fall and spring clean-up 2 Lining of athletic fields As needed Unloading and distribution of school supplies, school furniture and equipment As needed Monthly safety inspection and related maintenance of the District’s playgrounds 12 Snow and ice removal of all walkways in and around school As needed 44 PRICE PER OCCURRENCE EXTENDED PRICE Provide for all snow and ice removal of parking lots and playgrounds As needed PROPOSAL BASE TOTAL FOR DELCROFT SCHOOL: __________________________________ Additional items for Proposal on following page. 45 BASE PROPOSAL - FOUR YEAR (continued) HARRIS SCHOOL SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED ESTIMATED OCCURRENCES PRICE PER OCCURRENCE Grass cutting, string trimming and removal of all debris on grass area before each cutting 28 Sidewalk and curb edging and debris removal 3 Manicure flower beds, edge beds, mulch, removal of dead or diseased bushes and trees, control of weeds, trimming of bushes and trees 2 Removal of all down branches, trees and leaves As needed Complete all fall and spring clean-up 2 Lining of athletic fields As needed Unloading and distribution of school supplies, school furniture and equipment As needed Monthly safety inspection and related maintenance of the District’s playgrounds Snow and ice removal of all walkways in and around school 12 As needed 46 EXTENDED PRICE Provide for all snow and ice removal of parking lots and playgrounds As needed PROPOSAL BASE TOTAL FOR HARRIS SCHOOL: __________________________________ Additional items for Proposal on following page. 47 BASE PROPOSAL— FOUR YEAR SHARON HILL SCHOOL SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED ESTIMATED OCCURRENCES PRICE PER OCCURRENCE Grass cutting, string trimming and removal of all debris on grass area before each cutting 28 Sidewalk and curb edging and debris removal 3 Manicure flower beds, edge beds, mulch, removal of dead or diseased bushes and trees, control of weeds, trimming of bushes and trees 2 Removal of all down branches, trees and leaves As needed Complete all fall and spring clean-up 2 Lining of athletic fields As needed Unloading and distribution of school supplies, school furniture and equipment As needed Monthly safety inspection and related maintenance of the District’s playgrounds 12 Snow and ice removal of all walkways in and around school As needed 48 EXTENDED PRICE Provide for all snow and ice removal of parking lots and playgrounds As needed PORPOSAL BASE TOTAL FOR SHARON HILL SCHOOL: __________________________________ Additional items for Proposal on following page. 49 BASE PROPOSAL— FOUR YEAR KINDERGARTEN CENTER SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED ESTIMATED OCCURRENCES PRICE PER OCCURRENCE Grass cutting, string trimming and removal of all debris on grass area before each cutting 28 Sidewalk and curb edging and debris removal 3 Manicure flower beds, edge beds, mulch, removal of dead or diseased bushes and trees, control of weeds, trimming of bushes and trees 2 Removal of all down branches, trees and leaves As needed Complete all fall and spring clean-up 2 Lining of athletic fields As needed Unloading and distribution of school supplies, school furniture and equipment As needed Monthly safety inspection and related maintenance of the District’s playgrounds Snow and ice removal of all walkways in and around school 12 Provide for all snow and ice As needed As needed 50 EXTENDED PRICE removal of parking lots and playgrounds PROPOSAL BASE TOTAL FOR KINDERGARTEN CENTER: __________________________________ Additional items for Proposal on following page. 51 BASE PROPOSAL— FOUR YEAR ADMINISTRATION OFFICES SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED ESTIMATED OCCURRENCES PRICE PER OCCURRENCE Grass cutting, string trimming and removal of all debris on grass area before each cutting 28 Sidewalk and curb edging and debris removal 3 Manicure flower beds, edge beds, mulch, removal of dead or diseased bushes and trees, control of weeds, trimming of bushes and trees 2 Removal of all down branches, trees and leaves As needed Complete all fall and spring clean-up 2 Unloading and distribution of school supplies, school furniture and equipment As needed Snow and ice removal of all walkways in and around school As needed Provide for all snow and ice removal of parking lots and playgrounds As needed PROPOSAL BASE TOTAL FOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICES: __________________________________ 52 EXTENDED PRICE Additional items for Proposal on following page. 53 BASE PROPOSAL— FOUR YEAR BUS DEPOT SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED ESTIMATED OCCURRENCES Snow and ice removal of all walkways in and around school As needed Provide for all snow and ice removal of parking lots and playgrounds As needed PRICE PER OCCURRENCE PORPOSAL BID BASE TOTAL FOR BUS DEPOT: __________________________________ Additional items for Proposal on following page. 54 EXTENDED PRICE BASE PROPOSAL— FOUR YEAR The following are unit prices to be held valid from July 1, 2015 until June 30, 2019. All prices shall include, labor, equipment, materials, transportation, profit, overhead, and benefits (if applicable). Contractor Name: ________________________________ PROPOSAL SUMMARY SHEET LOCATION BASE PROPOSALTOTALS Academy Park High School $________________ Darby Township School $________________ Delcroft School $________________ Harris School $________________ Sharon Hill School $________________ Kindergarten Center $________________ Administration Building $________________ Bus Depot $________________ GRAND TOTAL: $________________ 55 SECTION VII PROPOSAL FORM SIGNATURE PAGE The undersigned further agrees that the acceptance, by the Southeast Delco School District , of this bid, or any portion thereof, shall constitute a contract which includes all of the General Conditions and Instructions attached here to and hereby made a part hereof. This contract shall be binding upon the bidder, the heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns of the parties hereto. The parties hereto intend to be legally bound by these presents. FIRM NAME _______________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE ___________________________ DATE ___________ PRINTED NAME ___________________________ TITLE ___________ TELEPHONE NO. ___________________________ AFFIX ) CORPORATE ) SEAL HERE ) SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS _____ DAY OF _______________, 20_____. __________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC PLEASE INDICATE IF: _________________________ FEDERAL TAX I.D. NO. or SOCIAL SECURITY NO. __________ YES BID BOND or CERTIFIED CHECK IS ENCLOSED 56 Individual __________ Partnership __________ Corporation __________ SECTION VIII ORGANIZATION INFORMATION 1. ORGANIZATION A. Organization name: ___________________________ B. How many years has your organization been in business as a Contractor? ________________________ years C. How many years has your organization been in business under its present business name? ________________________ years D. Under what other or former names has your company/organization operated? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ E. Where is your company/organization located? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 2. EXPERIENCE A. List the categories of work that your company/organization normally performs with its own forces. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 57 SECTION IX PROFESSIONAL REFERENCES Organization name: ______________________________ List five (5) references where the Contractor has provided similar services as specified in the specifications. (Duplicate form for each reference.) Project: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Date of Project: ______________________________________________ Address of Project: ___________________________________________ Owner Name: _______________________________________________ Contact Person: ______________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Telephone: __________________________________________________ Fax: ________________________________________________________ E – Mail: ____________________________________________________ Description of services provided: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 58 SECTION X SITE PLANS See attached maps of properties 59
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