Elimbah News & Views Monday 9 March 2015 Volume 1, Issue 6 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Congratulations to the following students for securing leadership positions at Elimbah State School for 2015. ELIMBAH STATE SCHOOL House Captains for Brolga – Deacon L and Jana N Ph: 5432 1333 House Captains for Bandy Bandy - Imogen H and Daniel B email: the.principal@elimbahss.eq.edu.au House Captains for Banksia - Jay C and Emiell C-W Band Captain – Joseph Z INSIDE THIS ISSUE Student Council - Tiarhn L, Skye P, Hayley G, Mason C, Angie F & Deputy’s Desk Kaleb R Chappy Corner Student Leaders - Paris B, Kye C, Alyssa F, Mitchell H, Dee-Arna J, Superbus Winners Chloe M, Mikaylah M, Brock M, Damelzah R, Alesandro S, Taylah S, Student Achievements Ruby T & Faith W. P&C News All school leaders, house captains, band captain and student council representatives will receive their badges on parade this Friday 20 March 2015 and afterwards are invited to have a celebration morning tea with the school leadership team. A gentle reminder that we have school photos on Wednesday 18 March and would appreciate our students looking their best for the occasion. The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence is scheduled for Friday 20 March 2015. All students and staff are encouraged to support this very important day by wearing an orange shirt or accessory. This day is an opportunity for students, teachers, parents and the whole community to take a stand together against bullying and violence. This annual day provides a focus for schools who want to say Bullying! No way! and to strengthen their everyday messages that bullying and violence at school are not okay at any time. Please take the time to access www.bullyingnoway.gov.au for some great parent resources on this topic. See the next page for more bullying and violence information for parents. Have a great week Tracey Sharpe Community Notices Classifieds DATES TO REMEMBER Wed 18 March School Photos Sibling Photos—8-9am P&C AGM - 6.30pm Thur 19 March Men & Boys BBQ - 4.45pm Fri 20 March Wear an Orange Shirt for Bullying and Violence Tues 26 March Cross Country Yr 4-6 Elimbah Sports Ground 9am—11am Yr 1-3 School Oval - 2—3 pm Mon 30 March Boys in Education Day Ewen Maddock Dam Starring On Parade 3J What can parents do if bullying happens? What can parents do if their child tells them they are being bullied? There are five key steps for parents if their child tells them they have been bullied: 1. Listen carefully to what your child wants to say 2. Reassure your child and ask open and empathetic questions to find out more details 3. Ask your child what they want to do and what they want you to do 4. Discuss with your child some sensible strategies to handle the bullying – starting a fight is not sensible 5. Contact the school What strategies can parents suggest to their child who is being physically bullied? The Bullying. No Way! website provides information about various strategies. These can be tried to avoid physical bullying situations: 1. Avoid areas which allow the bullying students to avoid detection by teachers 2. Stay with other students 3. Talk to a trusted adult at school or home What strategies can parents suggest to their child who is being verbally or socially bullied? The Bullying. No Way! website provides information about various strategies. These can be tried if the child feels safe: 1. Walk away 2. Try to act unaffected or unimpressed 3. Try to deflect the bullying behaviour (e.g. pretending to agree in an offhand way ‘okay, yeah, maybe’) 4. Say 'No!' or ‘Stop it!’ firmly 5. Talk to a trusted adult at the school or at home What should parents avoid telling their children to do? Strategies not recommended for dealing with bullying include: Fighting back Bullying the person who has bullied them Remaining silent about the problem What can parents do if they are told or suspect that their child is bullying others? The Bullying. No Way! website provides information about things to do. If a parent suspects their child has been bullying others, they can talk to their child about: Why they have been behaving this way Taking responsibility for their behaviour How to sort out differences and resolve conflicts How to treat others with respect The effect of bullying behaviour on others The need to repair harm they have caused to others The need to restore relationships. Parents may also like to talk to their child’s school to come up with a plan to help their child learn more appropriate ways to behave. FROM THE DEPUTY’S DESK with Chris Godfrey Hello everyone – Attention all blokes, fellas and gents! This Thursday is Elimbah’s inaugural Men and Boys BBQ! The event is for Year 3-6 boys and their dads, uncles, grandads or other significant men in their lives…… The occasion is informal and relaxed – and just an opportunity for the men and boys to spend time together and have some fun too! Each Y3, 4, 5 and 6 boy will be receiving a flyer this week with the information and a form below indicating whether they will be able to attend. Unfortunately boys will not be able to attend without an adult, so please try and come along for a sausage and a play…………. Paper plane competition! Games! Sausages! I visited 1H last week to see how the buddy-reading routine is going with the year 6 class- 6M. Each week 6M children pair-up with a year 1 buddy and read and share books together. There are many positive outcomes happening through this simple activity: The year 1s get to see real role models enjoying reading The year 6s develop important mentoring skills and empathy for their younger school mates Both sets of children see reading as an enjoyable and worthwhile activity Any initiative that increases reading mileage for any age child is always beneficial Thanks to everyone who participated in the Walk to School event on Friday – it was great to see so many children walking, riding, scootering and car-pooling! Have a lovely week Chris Student Achievements Student of the Week Awards for Friday 6 March went to: Lachlan - 1H, Elizabeth - 1L, Warrick - 1R, Charli - 2M, Jake - 2H, Zara - 2C, Stevens - 2O, Skye - 3J, Jacinda - 3P, Noah - 3D, Harry - 4M, Mischa - 4/5B, William - 4/5L, Jackson - 4/5S, Jackson - 5G, Larissa - 6S, Samantha - 6M, Taylah - 6H Our lucky Superbus winners for last week were Elizabeth - 1L, Chloe Belle - 1L, Jay - 3P, Aaron - 3J, Amelia - 3J. They each receive a $2 tuckshop voucher courtesy of the P&C. Madison PL Congratulations Prep Superbus Winners who each receive an ice block Keely PG Jack PJG School Photos THIS WEDNESDAY 18 March School Photos will be held this Wednesday. Photo envelopes must be returned before or on the day. Sibling photos will be taken in the STIC from 8am - 9am. Please ensure your children arrive on time on photo day in the correct school uniform. (School Polo or check uniform is o.k) Additional envelopes are available for parents requiring an extra set. Envelopes are also available for parents wishing to get a sibling photo taken. Sports news with Rachael Muller ELIMBAH STATE SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY Our school cross country carnival will be held on Thursday 26th March, 2015. Yrs 4,5 & 6 will be running the course over at the Elimbah Sports Ground from 9am to 11am. Yrs 1, 2 & 3 will be running the course at the school oval from 2pm to 3pm. Letters will be sent home later on in the week with lots more detail on this annual school event. Parents are more than welcome to come and watch and cheer on their children! Glasshouse District School Sport The Glasshouse District Netball trials will be held this Friday at 3:30pm at Tibro's netball Club at Glasshouse Mtns. Girls turning 10, 11 & 12 are invited to trial. Please collect the information forms from the office if you are interested. Inter school Softball Our teams competed in week two of the competition last Friday. The girls were narrowly defeated in both their games, as were the B boys. The A boys team continued on their winning streak beating Maleny and having a tie with St Michael's. Well done to all three teams. Next inter school softball games are on Friday 27th March, with the first game being the last round robin game of the comp, and then the finals. CHAPPY CORNER I know it is not Father's Day, but when I read this poem I liked it so much that I just had to share it with you all. Thank you Dads for being such an important part of your child's life. Have a fantastic week! With you on the journey… Chappy Dorothea Elimbah State School 100 Year Celebrations Our school turns 100 on 17 October 2015 Look our for updates in the upcoming newsletters, regarding our 100 year celebrations. If you would like to get involved or join one of the planning committees contact Kerrie Howden at the school office. Lines from the library with Donna Pickering Parent-Teacher Interviews – Online booking system (PTO) Have you booked your interview time yet? Parent-Teacher interviews provide a wonderful opportunity for parents to touch base with their child's teachers. They are really important and shouldn't be missed. Parent-Teacher interviews will be held for Prep to Year 6 students from Monday 23 March to Thursday 26 March. Interviews are of 15 minutes duration. Parents can book an interview time for their child using our online booking system Parent Teacher On-Line (PTO) which will remain open until 3:30pm on Friday, 20 March. Parents are able to access PTO by clicking the PTO icon on the school’s website. The icon is located on the school’s homepage. If you experience any problems, please contact the school office on 54321333 for assistance. BOOK FAIR Book Fair got off to a wonderful start last week and will continue right up until Thursday this week. On offer is a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books suitable for every reading level. Your support of our Book fair also puts new books in our school library! Each child that purchases a book from our fair goes into the draw to win one of four $15 book vouchers. Our first 2 winners are: Lucas from 1L and Jasmine from 4M. Congratulations! We will draw another 2 lucky winners out on Thursday morning. We look forward to seeing you and your family at our Book Fair this week! Date Monday 16 March Tuesday 17 March Wednesday 18 March Thursday 19 March Morning 8:15-8:50am 8:15-8:50am 8:15-8:50am 8:15-8:50am Afternoon 3:00-3:30 3:00-3:30 3:00-3:30 3:00-3:30 Super Bear This week Super Bear is heading off to 3P! He is sure to have a week packed full of learning! Thank you to the children of 3P who are always on their best behaviour when they visit the library. NAP-SL NATIONAL ASSESSMENT PROGRAM SCIENCE LITERACY (NAP-SL) During 2015, a sample of Year 6 students across Australia will take part in the National Assessment Program Science Literacy (NAPSL). At Elimbah State School, 26 students have been selected to participate in NAP-SL. The test measures student performance in Science literacy at a Year 6 level. The selected students will participate in NAP-SL on Wednesday 25th March. For more information you can visit: www.nap.edu.au Focus on Learning 6S 6S students have been working towards achieving their Year 6 Maths goal of identifying and ordering fractions and decimal fractions and their English goal of planning and constructing a short story. The students have been successfully participating in whole class, group and independent activities that include adding and subtracting fractions, converting mixed and improper fractions and ordering fractions on a number line. In Week 7 6S produced outstanding results in the terms post –test which focussed on fractions. Well done in Maths 6S! In English we have been reading a range of short stories and have had lots of opportunities to write our own short stories. We are focussing on the 7 steps to writing success and hope to apply these strategies to our assessment item later this term. We are all getting very good at Sizzling Starts! In Technology we are working with Lego Robotics. We have been having a lot of fun learning how to design and create different parts for the robot to complete different missions. In groups we have also be programming a series of commands for the robot to follow to complete missions. Our goal is to all be confident in both the building and programming of the robot. From Mrs Searle In 3P this term, we have been working hard on developing our understanding of number and number concepts. In particular we have been focusing on arrays and partitioning. The children have been steadily heading towards mastery of these two concepts. Arrays are visual representations of objects, pictures, or numbers in columns and rows. Arrays are helping us to understand the concept of multiplication. This array has 4 rows and 3 columns. It can also be described as a 4 by 3 array. Instead of counting in ones, we have learnt we can count in 3’s four times (or count in 4’s three times). Either way we know there are 12 stars. Being able to partition numbers in different ways is helping us work out large sums in our head. By breaking numbers down into ones, tens and hundreds, it helps us to calculate mentally. An area that the children have really made significant gains in, as a group, is telling the time on analogue and digital clocks. In our writing this term, we are focusing on using correct punctuation along with Sizzling Starts. A Sizzling Start means you begin your story with some action. Like something you would see in the movies. And we all dream of being in the movies! Paul Paroz and 3P P & C NEWS P&C Monthly Meeting 18 March 2015 at 6.30pm - AGM New Faces & Ideas always Welcome! UNIFORM SHOP Hi Everyone! The P & C Meeting will be held at the earlier time of Open every Monday 6.30 this Wednesday. There will be a set agenda so 8.30am – 9.30am any reports or agenda items need to be submitted to Uniform Shop- essuniformshop@gmail.com our Secretary Amanda Fletcher before 5pm Tuesday 17 March. No further business will be accepted from Order forms are available from the Tuckerbox, the floor on the night. All are welcome. Admin or online for between shop filling. Smart Card, Cash, Cheque or Credit Card can be utilised P & C ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 7PM 18 on the order form, please note on the form if you do MARCH 2015 not wish to leave card details and I will call you and Straight after our usual monthly meeting, ALL do it over the phone or let you know when I will be in for you to come in and meet me. positions will be declared vacant and the elections will take place. We will look at our financial situation Paid orders can be left at Admin for collection or as of the end of December 2014 and decide on our delivered to your nominated student's teacher. cash donation to the school in General Business. If you think you may want to take on a position this year Uniform Shop Convenor- Sharon Webb, 0410 468 007 (Txt is fine), essuniformshop@gmail.com and would like to find out more, please do not hesitate to contact me. New faces are more than welcome! Congratulations to our 10c race winners! A huge effort by everyone at the school! Thank you for supporting our fundraisers, all profits are returned to the school to benefit your child/ren!! Thank you to Mrs McAllister and the Bike On team for a great Ride2School morning on Friday! We appreciate your hard work and dedication!! Don’t forget, school photos are this Wednesday. Make sure you bring your biggest smile!! The Centenary Committee will be meeting this Wednesday at 5.30pm. Pop along if you want to find out what's happening!! Please forward your feed back to us, we can’t fix it if we don’t know it needs attentionpandc@elimbahss.eq.edu.au Have a great week! Taroola President Garden Angels Work and other commitments are increasingly encroaching on everyone’s time. This goes for the Garden Angels too. We all know that many hands make light work, therefore if you have a small amount of time to assist with maintaining the school gardens it would be greatly appreciated. It can be any time of the day, any day of the week. Even if it’s just pulling a weed out as you walk past, picking up a piece of litter or replanting a trampled plant. Every little bit helps. If you’d like to help out more let me know. With all this lovely rain, the weeds need a little extra attention so please feel free to help us out! Carolyn Hurley Garden Angels Co-ordinator 0418 199 327 Student Banking THE TUCKER BOX CHAT We have a new menu item we are introducing this week and we have Free Taste Testing for the kids. It is low-fat creamy sorbets in natural fruit shells the Mango & Apple ones you can eat the shells. We will have 5 flavours to try and we will be selling the Red Apple Sorbet & Mango Orange Sorbet for $2.50. Taste Test is on Tuesday 17/3/15 at 11.15am down at the Tucker Box VALUED VOLUNTEERS MON- KERRY.D TUES- processing SUE & BO BO WED- BO BO processing KERRY.D THURS- LORRAINE processing SHERRYL & KERRI FRI- SHARON & TAROOLA processing SHARON & KERR.D Please remember that we only keep a small float in our till draw, we are unable to break a $50 early in the morning. With Health & Happiness Michelle Lederhose esstuckerbox@gmail.com Save and win a trip to Disneyland! This year, School Banking is taking you on a mission to Planet Savings. There are eight new awesome rewards to choose from, plus we’re introducing a new Grand Prize competition where you could win a family trip to Disneyland. How to enter All you need to do is simply make 25 or more School Banking deposits during 2015 and you’ll automatically go into the Grand Prize competition. Find out more at commbank.com.au/ schoolbanking The Grand Prize A family trip for up to two adults and two kids to California’s Disneyland, including: • Return flights to LA and airport transfers • 5 nights at a Disneyland hotel • 3 day pass to Disneyland • Enjoy Space Mountain, roller-coasters and hundreds of rides Meet Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters • THE BREKKIE CLUB CHAT Thank You to Darryl Nuttall and his team at Charmlaw ( Pauls Milk ) who kindly donate our 6 litres of milk each week. ON MENU THIS WEEK SCROLLS – bacon & cheese and vegemite & cheese Milo & Juice TOAST- vegemite, jam & honey FRUIT- oranges, pineapple, watermelon & grapes VALUED VOLUNTEERS FIONA, TAROOLA, DALLAS & CRISTELLE The Brekkie Club Team AUD$2,000 spending money LOST PROPERTY Lost Property is stored near the Uniform Shop in baskets. It is sorted once a week and named items are returned to your child's classroom. Please ensure ALL your items are named, and if you have lost something, please come down and have a look! Thanks Susan COMMUNITY NOTICES Want a head start on your nursing or paramedics career? Or just want to attend some of the largest events in the area while making new friends along the way? St John Ambulance (Qld) Caboolture Combined Division is currently looking for new members aged 8-17 years. No joining or membership fees – just a zest for life and passion for helping others. All uniforms are supplied free of charge. Training occurs every Wednesday night in Morayfield. For details, email Caboolture@stjohnqld.com.au Have you got an interest in property? If so, call today for honest & reliable Real Estate advice. Alex Dunn – A past Elimbah State School student & a name you can trust. 0413112720 Alex@4510.com.au #DunnDeal Richardson & Wrench Real Estate Caboolture Tuesdays 9am-11am at Soldiers Memorial Hall Come and join us for a fun morning of craft and play! 0-5yrs welcome - $3 per family Please bring a piece of fruit to share. Contact Tamara 0408 787 355 Or Kirsten 0401 353 986 Professional Ironing by PJ 6 years experience $15 per hour (Minimum 1 hour) $2 each way pick up and delivery Fast return (Usually same day) Casual customers welcome Tuesday / Wednesday positions available Please call or text PJ on 0405 462 894 CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS SL Electrical Complete Pest Control Industrial, Commercial & Domestic—Locally owned and operated business providing prompt and professional electrical services. All common household pests controlled. House Inspections-Termite SpecialistsFree quotes for Termite Barriers. Fully insured Qld Health License No 014466 - BSA727 252. For prompt and reliable service phone Bill or Michelle 54328014www.cpestcontrol.com.au Operating 7 Days Ph: 0419 660 574 or 54 324516 Email: sl_electrical@yahoo.com.au Ride-on Mower & Motor Bike Repairs All makes & models by Qualified Tradesman with 15 years experience. Also selling & buying second hand Ride-Ons. Call Lee on 0432 187 644/0412 084 482 Hairdressing Services Ph: 0411863136 0418750760 Available—my home or mobile service available. Very reasonable rates. 299 Morayfield Rd, Building C, Morayfield Ph Jenny on 0422 317 140 BEAUTY TREATMENTS Elimbah Bowen Therapy Do you have Headaches/migraines Sporting injuries/tennis elbow Back pain/ sciatica Stress/tension & much more…. If so maybe Bowen is the way to go. Gentle and effective 5432 8828 / 0419 876 064 Health rebates may apply Kylie’s Home Beauty Salon, affordable beauty treatments, without the salon prices. Mention this ad to receive $5 off a treatment of your choice, only with your first visit. Passionate and Qualified beauty therapist. Over 10 years experience. 42 Alzino Court Elimbah Phone Kylie on 0422603825 Classes offered at the academy* Ballet Jazz Hip Hop Tap Show Jazz Baby Dancers Contemporary Performance Team Development Class Adult Dance Fitness Stretch & Acrobatics Please call the number above for enrolments or enquiries or email: rmccasker@hotmail.com www.foreverdanceacademy.com.au *Age restrictions apply. Elimbah Co-Op Drop in your old batteries for recycling and you could win a Byron Bay getaway. Come and see the team at the Coop for hardware, pet food and solutions to many challenges around the home & garden. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC—Find us at the end of English Street—near the railway car park. Phone: 07 5496 7637 Mon—Fri 8am—5pm, Sat 8am—11.45am Advertising in this newsletter does not necessarily represent promotion or endorsement by Elimbah State School, its staff or Education Queensland CLASSIFIEDS DJ FOR HIRE: Our very own resident of our school discos, Colin Ph: 0409 311 885 for quote. Tim James Mechanical Repairs Mobile Car Servicing You Can Trust in the Moreton Bay Region, Sunshine Coast and Brisbane's Northside. For all your Logbook Servicing, Fixed Price Servicing, Tune-Ups, Brakes, Clutch, Radiators, Suspension and other Mechanical Repairs Call Tim on 0407 914 065. Swimming Classes Elimbah Little Aquatics Ages 6 mths – 5 yrs (Pre-Prep) Local family owned outdoor, heated swimming pool Qualified Swim Teacher accredited through ASCTA & Swim Australia $10.00 per 20 min lesson For bookings & enquiries please contact: Kylie on 0402 043 858 Boxing and Bootcamp Pink Fit outdoor Training, ladies only bootcamps, metafit (Hiit) and Personal Training. Bootcamp and metafit times are Monday and Thursday 9.15am and 6pm, Wednesday 6am and Saturday 6.30am. Supportive and encouraging and fun, get results, all fitness levels are welcome. If you are wanting to improve you health and fitness, Come and join the team! For more info, Please contact Kylie 0423924448 Fit Strong Healthy Happy MELVILLE PAINTING If you're looking at improving the look of your home or boost the resale value , then painting is an easy and affordable way. We offer a variety of different services which include: Interior & exterior painting, timber stain, special effects/textured walls, roof restoration (recoating& painting), 2 PAC floors and flake floors & kitchen restorations. We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service in the industry - Call for your FREE quote TODAY! Phone Steve on 0433418349 www.melvillepainting.com.au Advertising in this newsletter does not necessarily represent promotion or endorsement by Elimbah State School, its staff or Education Queensland
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